Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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An intelligence called Empathy

Empathy is a social intelligence  worth having and honing
Empathy meets you where you are as you are
Without judgements and competition
Empathy is a resiunding resonance
Empathic communication  leaves you touched and heard.
Empathy allows you to show acceptance and sense connection.

Empathy walks through and paves its way into the heart
Empathy is about sensing anothers heart and its ways
Empathy motivates the spirit and nurtures the being.
Empathy is a social intelligence
A much needed life skill
Empathy speaks more powerfully than words as its from all of you
Empathy connects through  in an instant.
For Empathy is the way of the heart and heart knows the way.



On Happiness

You have it in you

To choose happiness

As the path is open

For you to sense it.

The key to happiness

Stays with you always

To use it as you wish

All is in the choice you take.



Path of Equanimity

Peace begins in our hearts

In our actions in awareness

Peace spreads its wings

Unfolding its magic

Interspersing the seeds of peace

In the hearts of humans

When we embrace ourselves

With all our conflicts and chaos

With our inexplicable challenges

We embrace the peace

Already deeply embedded within

In between and betwixt

The rest and movement

Peace regenerates itself

In the middle path

Peace finds its balance.

In the path of Equanimity



Simplify Life

Simple can be profoundly impactful

For in the very complexity of the matter

Resides clarity of the simplicity.

Simplifying the truth of purpose

In easily understandable ways.

Simplify thoughts, simplify life.:))



On Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is the energy in the living

A beautiful state of flow in the being

Enthusiasm is often the reason for excellence

The challenge is in sustaining itself

From losing steam midway…

Perhaps due to lack of appreciation

Or motivation to be enthused

Making way for mediocrity

At work or at play.

Question is then how to be enthused

Into doing the same tasks differently

And break free from rut of routine

Very simple…

Stay hopeful, see life as a potential

Create the possibilities

It’s all in the way of envisioning

How you want to build your truths.

It’s all up to you!



Heartprints Matter

True meaning of St Valentine Day!

Celebrate life and living

Leave heart prints

Wherever you go

Today and every day!

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Crossing the Culture Threshold!

There is great power in words…
To  charm another,influence or drive a point home.

Engagement online can turn better on bitter in a split second.

It is all in the choice of words used to convey a message.
For there is much influence the words….such is the power of words.

Sometimes knowingly or otherwise  the way we express  or communicate   to another  by the words we may use may bring a chasm than  create a bridge.

Sometimes when we see another life, as beautiful and cant curb the need to express it away, we often get caught up in our own words and unknowingly end up …

Crossing the Culture Threshold!

What to one might be just a poetic expression

To another might be a glitch of discretion.

Express if one must

Feel free to feel the way you feel is the way to feel

But only as long as anothers peace you don’t unknowingly steal.

For at times in the surging words of emotion…

Arises unnecessary stress and discomfort.

Better to know the pause in the space between our steps

And value your edges in every move.

For in every positive step in discretion

There is simply the strength of trust without mention.

When I penned these lines they were specifically for driving the message home gently that no one can tread on another’s emotional space without permission especially online using the power and persuasion of words…

True respect for another being can simply be about letting others be.



On Assurance

Says it all…
Love the strength of assurance in these words 👌

Trust in Hope
Faith in belief
All are strengths
Of Assurance
Know all is well in time!



Life & Living

All one needs to do

Is experience the journey

Cos the destination

Takes care of itself!



Nature is a great teacher

There is much to learn and emulate

There is much to explore & understand.

Witness and expand your horizons

Evolving for the better along the way.

Let nature lead the way.



We can…

There is always something we can learn to do…

We can learn to be more understanding and empathetic.

We can learn to be caring and not controlling.

We can learn to love than be lackadaisical of another’s needs.

We can learn to be trustful.

We can learn to believe in evolving together.

We can learn to see the wisdom in the challenges.

We can learn to trade our fears for faith.

We can learn to stop those bullying another into submission.

We can learn to live and let live.

No one owns us and we certainly do not own another.



Truths of life

As Above So Below

As Within So without

As the Universe So the Soul…

Artwork by Savvy Raj

Truths of life.

Life manifests itself the way you see it.

Your words thoughts and attitudes

Are powerful beyond your understanding.

As you intend, you co-create the path

The truth of life is within around and beyond you .

Your choice in free will matters

Your integrity of spirit and soul evolves along the way.

Action creates reaction which needs to turn to response in awareness.

Hurry or worry is simply a state of the mind and emotions which needs understanding to let go.

All is a work in progress

A continuation in the evolution.



A share of Kindness

My Dedication in Celebration of the World Kindness Day yesterday.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. – LAO-TZU

Such profound words of wisdom from the great master Lao Tzu!

Always believe that when you share kindness with another, more kindness springs up, whether it’s in your thoughts, in your deeds, or in stillness too. Whenever you give with a compassionate heart and the receiver accepts with gratitude and appreciation, you have both made a foray, knowingly or unknowingly, into the dimension of empathic living.

There is a great abundance of learning to share.

Learning is never limited, it is endless and ever regenerating in itself. What I perceive to understand and to confidently and gratefully share with the world in my unique way, will in itself become known in the hearts of the ones I shared it with. This is the power of positive change. They will eventually distribute their own interpretation of that knowledge in their own creative way with another, and so on.

Then the incredible happens! With every distribution, there will be depth and dimensions a new, which in turn will pave the path for greater clarity and wisdom. However, the choice of walking the path is one’s own!

When one person shares from the heart, the result is always a regeneration of trust, confidence, and love in abundance.

With increasing love, there is a decrease of needs, and with that, there is greater contentment and fulfillment.

A few things to keep in mind are:

  • Share without motive.
  • Share without ego.
  • Share with gratitude.

The ones who bestow with acceptance writ in their hearts are the ones who know the value of letting go to reap its rewards.

Rewards that cannot be measured by time or days, as they abound in the infinite wisdom; a circle of conscious connections.

– Savvy


A little more…

A want of more
Than what one has
A little more of everything
And then some more

The stakes keep rising
For fame, name and wealth
For success must be achieved
No matter the consequence.

Such is the nature of life
Of curiosity wonder and awe.
Without wisdom of moderation
Wants continue to grow.

Greed and avarice
Raises its hood
Life turns material
And ripples of chaos reigns.

When ripples turn still
There is union in the being
From desire to contentment
Fulfillment in the realisation.

When wanting evolves to knowing
In understanding, all is within
Both the wants and the knowing.
Seeking sublimes in silent awareness.


When I shared my verses on Life and living …

There was a message from one of the readers that made me reflect and write on the very nature of ripples in life and living. From the chaos of change to the stillness of sublimity.


Sunflower trait.

It is Monday morning and a start to a new week! Here is a beautiful story share.

Sunflowers 🌻 turn according to the position of the sun, in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?🤔

This is an interesting question, isn’t it?

Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind?

Well, that’s incorrect!

This is what happens?

They turn towards each other to share their energy.🌻🌻

Nature’s perfection is amazing; now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. We all want this light and seek it in different ways: in our family, friends, religion, work and so on. But there are always going to be cloudy days, gloomy days, because there is no escaping them!

When this happens, most people become overwhelmed, low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, some-times, become depressed.How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers 🌻 supporting and em-powering each other. Nature has so much to teach us.

Wishing everyone a “Sun flower”🌻 trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.

Reading this story drew me to another fascinating aspect so visible in the sunflowers. The mathematical order of their spirals, that continue to mystify us in all their glory.

Here is an interesting explanation for such a phenomenon.

Truly are many aspects to the ordinary… and yet simplicities of harmony in the very complexities and chaos of life and living.