Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Peace Matters More

We all fight…

For what we believe to be right

Yet sometimes we need to see

What is happening in and around us

Are we building or destructing?

Are we going to the point of no return

Engaging without rethinking

The point of it all…

How many battles do you wish you had backed out?

How many do you wish you had withdrawn?

How many arguments do you think you could have avoided?

Have you felt totally drained after a war of words?

How many times have you sensed the pointlessness of such a debate?

Sometimes it’s better to withdraw than fight

When you sense the futility of war

Be selective what you choose to focus on

The choice rests with you

Choose peace over war

For peace matters more.



Choice rests with you

There are certain good things

Which manifests themselves

In this journey of life

But to do so you need to allow

The pathway to unfold the potential

Just care to be open to possibilities

Allow space for new 

Allow hope to find you

Make way for the good energies

Make an intention to believe in yourself

Your life is as good as you allow it to be.

The choice rests with you



Heart of Peace

Cultivating inner peace

Begins with the awareness

Of your own breath

Just for a moment

Take a pause and reflect

On the inhaled breath

You cannot hold it much longer

You have to let it go

Likewise to this

Think of all the conflicts

Of the storms raging within you

Think of burdens weighing you down

How long do you choose to carry them.

You have to let it go, one day or another

Why not now, and live free

Sensing the lightness of being.

You have One life one heart.

Choose to live life with heartfelt peace.


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Boundless bond

On the brink…

The world is going through a severe crisis
Anyone could be the next victim of the virus
It knows not man made differences
Of caste color creed race or religion.

The edge of reason

This is a time of uncertainty
Relationships old and new are on trial being tested in every way.
The need of the hour is to exercise caution, care, and spread hope and positivity
Yet there is still hatred, excess self indulgences all across the world.
There is still emotional mental and physical abuse in relationships…

Caught in the knot…

Caught in the knot is often the feeling for many
Where there is no trustful bond but just a feeling of being bound.

But yet tomorrow is another day…

Boundless bond…

May the love we have surmount the hate
May the good prevail over evil
May the light shine over the darkness of the mind
May we stay healthy and happy in our every now.
May we understand the power of words and spread them with care.

Soulful sensing…

What we have today we must cherish…

For a tomorrow that we build with love

For when we begin to see with our souls…

Our perceptions can alter, re-creating bonds beyond feeling bound.



Train of thoughts

We are filled with countless thoughts

Every waking moment of life

Even more so when we are alone

What we do with those thoughts

Is what matters.

How dense are those thoughts

How much vividity & how much lightness….

This is what decides

The course of life itself.

Its all interconnected

Where the train of thoughts lead us.

Choose to think well.



Wonder of life!

Life is born
Thoughts arise
Creativity spurts
Dreams envisioned
Passions pursued
In hope of dawn.
Yet night falls
Beween the dawns
Some dreams shatter
In the darkness unknown
While some see
The light of day!
And Life is bettered
Such is the circle of life
Flowing in a rhythm
Of its own making!
Every Life chalks it’s path in time
Arrives its meaning for itself
The journey is unparalleled
And uniquely carved.
Such is the very nature of life
And at every moment
One can’t help
But wonder…
Such is the wonder of life!



Beyond the Illusions

What is, may not be
What you see, can be an illusion
The truth may be far from it.
All that you see, is not all.

What is all, is not what you see
Illusions of your mind can play tricks.
Beyond your preconceived beliefs
And judgments of perception.

There is a lot more than what we are
Our vision can play tricks.
So watch what you see, up close
And perhaps, you will see more…



Begin to give

Sharing a thought provoking read I came across today.

*Die empty*

The most beautiful book to read is “Die Empty” by Todd Henry.
The author was inspired and got this idea of writing this book while attending a business meeting.
When the director asked the audience: “Where is the richest land in the world?”
One of the audience answered: “Oil-rich Gulf states.”
Another added: “Diamond mines in Africa.”
Then the director said: “No it is the cemetery. Yes, it is the richest land in the world, because millions of people have departed/died and they carried many valuable ideas that did not come to light nor benefit others. It is all in the cemetery where they are buried.”

Inspired by this answer, Todd Henry wrote his book, “Die empty” where he did his best to motivate people to pour out their ideas and potential energies in their communities and turn them into something useful before it is too late.

The most beautiful of what he said in his book is: “Do not go to your grave and carry inside you the best that you have.
*Always choose to die empty.*

The TRUE meaning of this expression, is to die empty of all the goodness that is within you. Deliver it to the world, before you leave.

If you have an idea perform it.
If you have knowledge give it out.
If you have a goal achieve it.
Love, share and distribute, do not keep it inside.

Let’s begin to give. Remove and spread every atom of goodness inside us.

Start the race.
*Die Empty*😊💐

I choose to share this because who knows how it may touch another’s life.

There is much wisdom in choosing to give out as we live life .

As we get, give_

As we gain, give

As we learn, share.


Making the most of it.

An interesting story share that conveys the importance of making the most of lifes difficult situations…. do read.

After 60 years of ideal married life , they had no secrets between each other. The wife’s only request was not to ask anything or open the wooden box she had kept in the attic. The husband respected that.

On her deathbed the wife told the husband ok. I want to tell u everything. Pl. Bring the box on the attic.

When he opened the box, there were 2 woollen dolls, his wife made and 10 lakhs. in cash.
The wife explained,when I came newly married to your house my grandmother gave a wise advice. She told never to argue with you for anything. If I’m angry she told me make a woolen doll which I was good at. I practiced that all these years.

Only 2 dolls. The husband was so happy he made his wife angry with him on only 2 occasions in theses 60 years.
What about the 10 lakhs? he asked.
Oh! That is the money I got by selling the other dolls I made.


Life is as you make it!

This is a beautiful painting by my dear artistic friend Rupa from India.

Am visiting France currently, so I happened to send her a photo in the morning of a beautiful magpie on the street in Rennes. Her brushes waxed eloquent on the canvas and painted the beautiful being in my heart for eternity.

Yesterday as I was speaking to a senior faculty at a university here who also nurses a similar interest in painting and photography I was so happy to share my friend’s work with her… I believe love for art and creativity is such a beautiful way to connect with life.

Thank you, dear friend, for taking the effort… it’s such a lovely first impression.💙🤗💙

One who knows the worth of life cannot afford to waste even a single moment of life.

Every step you take towards a more meaningful life for you, makes life worth living in it.



Life is…

Life is both simple and sufficient
Simplicity is hidden
In the clutter and complexity
Sufficiency is hidden
In the grace of gratitude.

Life is strengthened in stability and flexibility.

Stability is hidden
In the chaos and confusion
Flexibility is hidden
In the flow of the structure.

Life is nourished in empathy and compassion.
Empathy is hidden
In the sensing and understanding
Compassion is hidden
In the actions from the heart.

Life is nurtured in Care

Caring is hidden
In love & in goodwill.

Life is a maze of the mysterious
Life is challenging yet resilient.

Life is full of wisdom in the challenges
But wisdom is hidden
In the very truth of life and living.

Life is a puzzle that awaits solution. The solution is found in simply living it.



All is a matter of energy

All is a matter of energy

Within you and me

Our thoughts, emotions and behaviors

Are but a dance of energy.

Interconnected and interdependent

Keep your thoughts positive

Your every positive thought matters. 👌


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Form and the formless

Is the form you see
Exactly the form I see
Perhaps they differ
In the way we choose to interpret.

Is form the mark of reality
Does being formless makes it unreal
Is form the contention
To know the real and unreal.

Forms are shaped by intentions
In dedication & deliberation.
For forms become fleeting memories
Perishing in the sands of time.

While the formless evolve in the heart
Holding up to unfathomable faith
They may live on in the silent knowing
Of unspoken trust in the being.

Discernment of the forms
In the inner recesses of the heart and the mind
Waltzes the consciousness of the being
In States of knowing ,of the truth of light

A light of wisdom
That takes many forms
Million times over
To show the path of truth.

The path is lit
As the steps are taken
The forms manifest in the interactions
Of vibrations in resonance.

Between these Illuminating illusions
Of the form and formless
What is real and unreal
All are just reflections in the dimensions.

In the beam of even one moment of truth
Is the convergence of envisioning
Forms and formless become one
Conveying the message safely home.



Stillness within

Stillness within
The whirling wisdom
Centers within
The search for being
In a knowing balance
Of within and without.

The gaze is never a stare
The moves are never a dare
In fact the flow is sublime
One leads unto another
Nothing marked nothing missed
Nothing focused nothing lost.

In such a state of flow
Where wholeness of being
Is the strength of a circle
That creates unto itself
There is a knowing
Of a space within

An inward glance
Into the souls calling
Springing forth
The sounds of Silence.




When life pans out
All the colours of the spirit and soul
Just as much as the joy’s in the hues and tints.
There are many shades and tones that challenge…

The path is interspersed with light and dark
Reflections of light
Dance and disappear
Like the passing clouds…

At times an incessant downpour of density
Like unrelenting thunderstorms
Even flashing lights through without respite
Excesses have a way of wearing itself out.

Like the colours of nature
Are known to balance themselves out…
Accept to blend and flow
In the seasons that change

And yet stay clearly distinguished
Maintaining the beauty in their vividity
Know the night moves on to the day
All is in flow in the circle of life.
