Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Actions & Awareness

‘The silence between our actions or movements becomes the bridge to our conscious experiences. The greater our awareness, the greater the creative potency of the action itself.


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Putting things in Perspective

Any time I catch myself complain about life…there is a beautiful line by Abraham Lincoln to put things back in perspective ..

“We can complain that the rose bushes have thorns. Or we can rejoice that thorn bushes have roses.”

Life is in the way you see it!

© Savvy Raj


Power of Sounds

There is something about sound
That the world again is waking up to these days…

Wherever you go
You hear the sounds of music

Healing through harmony
And the magic in the melodies.

Reviving and regenerating us
All is in the energy of the sounds.

Sounds that move us within & beyond
All effects of resonance in our cells

Sensing the sounds in stillness
Sensing in the movements too…

Music heals the spirit & soul.
Such is the power of sound.

© Savvy Raj

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Borders marked on maps

In time get etched onto our minds

But our heart knows not borders

Hope the heart leads

For then, the way appears

To bond without being bound

To fly free like a bird.


©Savvy Raj

Sometimes comments to your posts can be a fodder for thoughts in synthesis…

I thank my good friend Fredrick from for the inspiring comment 🕊️🙏🕊️ on my yesterdays blog In flights of fancy /

A part of this poem began as a reply comment that turned into a post.


In flights of fancy…

A flying bird’s perspectives are different from the ones on land.

Here is one such inspiration from up above…

You see states and nation across

I see endless land from up above

You see borders with rivalry

I see nature in different forms

From up close and afar.

I see humans with humanity

And at times without it too…

All of my life I have travelled

Across many a continents

In flights of freedom

High up in the air

With the wind in my wings

The sun moon & stars

And the sky for company

Flying high and low

A wanderer I am

And whenever I am tired

I choose to land

When and where I please.

There is no stopping me…🕊️

©Savvy Raj


Keep refilling

You can never give from an
empty cup.
So keep refreshing
knowledge and understanding
Make sure to breathe easy so
that you are not getting
engulfed in trying to find
solutions for another.
Exercise equanimity and trust
yourself to deliver.
Most importantly take care of
Enjoy the work you do!
And give your very best.
It will certainly bring results.

How to keep refilling your cup…to stay updated.

Many ways.

. Be open to possibilities and perspectives

. Stay humble and sense your foot on the ground… Remember anyone can be a teacher.

. Choose to balance work and play. Respect your time and use it wisely.

. Stay curious. Keep your inner child alive

. Pause to rest and recover when you feel overwhelmed.

. Choose health and happiness.

Keep your self nourished.Self care isn’t selfish.

Do share what ways you keep updating yourself.

© Savvy Raj


A free flow…

An experimental poem

Yesterday evening, I asked my mother sitting besides me and sipping her tea, to share a few random words that came to her mind.

These are what she shared in the same order as she shared.

Time, Eternal, Free, Freedom, Connection, Heart, Destiny, Love, Emerging, Twinkle, Abundance, Garnering, Gather, Depth, Stardust, Voyage Spirit

Here is what I imagined in the dance of these words…

When Love is Destiny

Emerging in eternal time
Destiny twinkles on stardust
Garnering connections of  hearts
Voyaging free in the spirit of freedom.
Gathering abundance in the
depth of love.

©Savvy Raj


Trust your Soul

Learnings in living life

Trust your Soul

When the going gets tough
And life brings you on your knees
When best laid  plans are thwarted
When crisis take you rock bottom
When every door shuts
And you turn towards hope
You begin to understand life
Challenges are your portals
Creating  pathways of Change
Your choices create your gateways
For your own transformations

Soul knows more than you think….
Perhaps your perceptions
need  a new perspective.
Trust your Soul
It  knows more than the body
It is aligning you to your purpose

Watch the window …
And may be you need to pass through…
Llfes uncertainties staring at your face
For they toughen you up.

So see beyond what seems like a setback.
Perhaps the window of opportunity is opening through them.

Trust your Soul, it knows the Way…

©Savvy Raj


Sensing Divinity

My friend Destiny highlighted a comment of mine on her comment on my yesterdays post Sensing

It felt as if we exchanged a moment of poignant connection that jumped time. For in that one moment words touched heartsfields. where feelings are relatable. In empathy or synchrony…

It is certainly not something new, for it is something we all undergo as writers and readers. A connection, through mere words but that which feels you know… the spirit, and soul of the hand that pens the verses or the heart that emotes in the reading.

And these are moments that make

Words come alive & speak

From a place of knowing

Far beyond mere words

Beyond the writer or reader.

As if it’s meant to be

As if it’s meant to connect.

These are moments…

Sparking the dance of divinity

Of the inexplicable serendipity

In Sensing Oneness in humanity.

© Savvy Raj



Where there are no rules that bound
Where the music leads and you follow
Where there is no end and no beginning
All is in the flow as you sense you are the flow.


Trust in you

You come into this world bearing gifts
To live the life you have.

Your soul your spirit, your energy
And You have the power of thoughts

These gifts are yours
Use them well in life

You are blessed with uniqueness
You are ordained to manifest all you deeply intend.

Your soul is fired by your spirit
Your passion is fired by your purpose.

Simply trust your heart
It knows the way!

©Savvy Raj

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Soul knows

Souls know the truth of their being

Embedded in the journey of life

Soul connection has the power

To heal and life regenerates

A body and spirit is given

So the soul can move…

Movements that flow

Towards its purpose of being.


18thFeb Pune



Time evolves one and all,come what may

Yesterday’s mountains have become paths today

Love of life will show the way

As you keep building bridges not walls I say.

Savvy Raj


Make friends with time

Value your life value your time

Remember your uniqueness
Takes its own time to show up.

All happens at the right time
For time knows you..

Make time your friend
Meet it with all of you

Make your life worthwhile
Make friends with time



Skills to Thrive as a Life coach

As a Life Coach one has the opportunity to positively impact and influence another life and its ripples can be felt miles around. It is huge responsibility.

Thriving as a Life Coach

Every life is unique and a life coach needs to keep ideating and integrating approaches and interventions that make way  to transformative changes. It can challenge the very best.

To thrive as a life coach and be effective it is necessary…

Approachability : To be approachable and open to feedback, which helps to foster trust and respect within the clients

Patience : To empathize with others and understand their perspectives before offering solutions

Resilience : To adapt & to bounce back, no matter the challenges.To be able to bend and not break under pressure.

This calls for a great amount of emotional intelligence,  consistency, creative thinking & resilience. A resilience that comes from experience and one that is honed  in flexibility & adaptability.

What matters most is how a life coach can instill confidence and trust in another to make a meaningful difference.

©Savvy Raj