Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Balmy weather

It’s balmy weather
It’s early morning
The sun is moving
In and out of the trees
Traveling with me
As I am walking…
The chirping birds
Awakening the world
With hope fulness
The wind is resting
Perhaps still to awaken
The clouds are clearing
Heralding the light
In the mighty tree
A few yards from me
I see a beautiful vision… Cont’d

What is it that I see?

Would you like to continue from here…?

©Savvy Raj


On Actions & Awareness

‘The silence between our actions or movements becomes the bridge to our conscious experiences. The greater our awareness, the greater the creative potency of the action itself.



Finding You

When you lose your sense of Self

You find yourself

©Savvy Raj

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On breath

Our breath…

An ignition to life and living
this world
No matter what form or species
And its the breath that is left
Behind that signifies the exit.

How important is this breath.
That we all take for granted
Gratitude and thankfulness
To this driving force of life
To nature for the air we breathe.

How important is this breath
For in the way of the breath
Lies the way of our health.
For in the depth of breathing
We can integrate our body, mind & spirit
We can sense the synergy of being
We can awaken our true potential.
We can become aware of the infinite potential.
For the truths of life, is in the inhale and exhale.



Memorable moments

There are always special moments in every one’s life
Making life meaningful and memorable
Often it’s pure serendipity…
When your memory jogs you to remember such a moment.

What makes the memory strong?
What you are associating it with,
That is what makes the memory stronger.

Next time pay attention to whatever you want to remember.
What emotions and feelings can you associate with it?
As your visualisation gets stronger
Your memory gets better and will  fade lesser in time.

Now remember to visualise with vibrance.
Choose as you please,
Scents & fragrances of places
Nature & friendships
Colours of Emotions
In all its vividity &feelings.

Soon you will build on all the happy times.
Keep adding your treasure chest of memorable moments.

Someday you will be thankful for it.

©Savvy Raj


What is Spiritual Growth to me?

Someone asked me what spiritual growth means to me …

Here is what I spoke about in a nutshell

Harmony in mind body & spirit Integration in Self awareness
Developing greater understanding & Empathy
Humility & Kindness
Humanity & Compassion.

Living in the lightness of being
Acknowledging Grace in Gratitude
Sensing true freedom to be…for the self and others.
To flow with life in serenity. Sensing the joy in the ordinary.

It’s about acknowledging & sensing the space in around me

It’s about giving in the receiving and receiving in the giving

Witnessing the evolving patterns and freeing the self from limitations of the mind.

Evolving in the learnings, valuing the connection built in time.
A mindful & heartful practice in conscious awareness.
Letting go of unnecessary things
Understanding the value
Of the gift of life
Making life meaningful.
Living life lovingly!

And in knowing it’s so much more….

Please feel free to add what spiritual growth means to you?

©Savvy Raj


What is travel to you?

To travel
Can be about discovery
Of the old in the new places
Leading you to pathways
That takes you back to your self

To  travel
Can be a sensing of serendipity.
A feeling of  dejavue
A memorable journey
Unexpectedly unto yourself.

To travel
Can be to witness
The stark reality of life
Perhaps a jolt of reality
Of places and people
As they are in comparison to what was once imagination.

To travel
Can be to learn and unlearn
To connect us to this now
With the truths of things
In places we visit
Know and unknown.

Keep traveling  far and near to find yourself a little more every time.

©Savvy Raj

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Space of Calm

Create a space of calm
Inviting you to a journey
Alluding you in subtlety
Through natural authenticity
Keeping it simple & minimal
With intriguing unintentionality
Allowing a space for austerity
Sparking divine connectivity
Evoking movements in the stillness.
Invoking stillness in the movements.

©Savvy Raj


On Spirituality

You can’t talk Spirituality
You got to live it.
Often when life takes you far
Far away from it…

You got to know
The divine that you seek
Is with you in every moment
Your actions thoughts and words
Decides the distance between
You and your spiritual self.

©Savvy Raj



Trust, that you are Chosen

To take a step towards change

To be the peaceful warrior

Who can brave new frontiers

With acts of kindness

And words of positivity

In goodwill do deeds for humanity

Bringing forth the best you can

And you truly can

Then every day feels meaningful

And with every now purposeful

You begin to understand

Who you truly are.




Digital Artwork Savvy Raj

As light dawns
It dispels darkness
Spreads hope & cheer
Bringing joy & happiness
To all touched by this light.

As the waves of light
Transmit itself in the world
Hearts heal and life regenerates
For light is meant to be light
Care to sense the light in you.



On Spirituality

Whenever spirituality is discussed… there is always a question as to what is spirituality? And what is its significance in our lives?

Spirituality is a sensing of connection. The first step towards spirituality is about understanding the self as we are and then it’s an understanding of something greater than the self.

Simply put the spiritual significance of our lives is in the way we choose to live our lives.

To me spirituality is a sense of being & becoming a better person than yesterday, in selfawareness,in empathic connection, in being compassionate and kinder human being.

There are many pathways to explore spirituality and it’s unique to each of us.

It’s a pathway to finding the truth of your being and living life lovingly!

From yoga and movement arts to prayer and divination, the way we approach spiritual practices is varied and as unique as us.

What is spirituality to you?

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

What are your kind of spiritual practices?




On Meditation

Meditation is simply

A dedication of time

For your own self care.

It’s a way to tune inwards

In witness mode.

In the stillness as the mind quietens

Begins the path of your own

In self – expansion beyond self- limitations

Meditation is a choice you make

Unfolding the limitless potential you hold within.



In the depth of silence

In the depth of silence
Is the dance of stillness
Unfolding untold stories
Echoing in pathways as destiny
Are dreams of the masterplanner

Embracing the solitude
Gracing the silence
There is a hush
Without a whisper
A painting evolves
Sparking the soul

As the brush gently glides
Texturing  a tapestry of weaves
Of infinite intentions
Forging the known and unknown

Finding the souls sanctuary
Setting the cadence
Through the choice of the soul
Aligning the narrative
In the quietude of the inner balance
Destinies entwine.


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Zen of Oneness

In the unison
Of the mind& body
Is the integrity
Of the Spirit & Soul

Oneness eases itself
In alignment
In the divinity
Is the state of zen