Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


A passionate perseverance…

You become what you consistently  think about.
Would you agree?

From since I can remember I have been fascinated by movement and dance. With its power and applications in grace and dignity.

I had no plans to become a  dance educator but decades into dance and training  here I am still thinking  and writing  and dancing whenever I can.

Yes, you may have many other professional careers and  experiences in varied fields but the things you are deeply passionate about, you become and becomes you.

Be it any form of art of science  or anything in between yet unnamed…
You draw energy  and purpose  from it…
You feed from the very energy  in reference and reflection.
You transform yourself and your environment with the very same energy within in enthusiasm as you come from heartfelt abundance.


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Our Gardens Gift

Taro Or Arbi in Hindi

Every morning I try and spend some time in my terrace garden by myself, and I am often delighted by a gift or two from nature’s amazing abundance.

This morning I came across a refreshing sight of this plant growing right below our beautiful mango tree. I was compelled to use Google lens for more on this plant and found out it is Taro or what is commonly called Arbi in Hindi.

Here is a little bit more I read about this beautiful plant reaching out with a generous spread of leaves.

Taro is a starchy root vegetable that has a sweet, nutty flavor—a flavor and texture that seems a combination of chestnuts and potatoes. Taro can be steamed, boiled, fried, stir-fried, baked, and braised. It is often added to soups and stews where it absorbs fatty juices and serves as a nutty thickener.

It’s hard to describe taro flavor using other flavors. It is known to have a sweet taste with a hint of vanilla. People usually consume its edible corm and leaves. The corms, which have a light purple color due to phenolic pigments,are roasted, baked or boiled. The natural sugars give a sweet, nutty flavor. The starch is easily digestible, and since the grains are fine and small it is often used for baby food.

Young taro leaves and stems can be eaten after boiling twice to remove the acrid flavor. The leaves are a good source of vitamins A and C and contain more protein than the corms.

In its raw form, the plant is toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate, and the presence of needle-shaped raphides in the plant cells. However, the toxin can be minimized and the tuber rendered palatable by cooking, or by steeping in cold water overnight (Source Wiki)

Interesting information on Taro.

Do you know more about Taro, do you have a taro plant in your garden? Would love to hear more.



Acknowledge as is!

Today morning I happened to read my mother’s musings… which was written back in time on life. I share it here for I think it comes across as a relevant reminder for a pause in reflection.

No one is without faults.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
Perfection in our speech, appearance, behaviour & habits are all our wants. But is it possible? Being wrong, doing wrong things, saying inappropriate words,-intentionally or not -is all in our nature. Do we realise, we too can be wrong sometimes , before pointing others.
Forgiving, if not forgetting is also in
in our nature. But how many of us are ready to do that. It is because of our ego and pride, putting ourselves first, comes before everything.
There is a proverb in Tamil. ” Even elephants can slip. ” How much ever perfect, one tends to be, mistakes happen many ways knowingly or unknowingly. If we keep this in mind , forgiving others, accepting people with their faults becomes easier.
Each is born & brought up differently. Values & principles change as per their culture , beliefs, situations and circumstances. Being stubborn & sticking to our thoughts , narrows our outlook of the world.
When we widen our spectrum, understanding & accepting others as they are, becomes much easier.
When we shift our perspective a little & start looking from other’s eyes, our shortcomings will become visible. Let’s be true n honest in our judgements.
We all need to co exist . Criticism, unless asked, distances us. Instead of accusations , appreciation & acknowledgement will bring us closer to each other. After all peace is what all of us want.
Above all we all are born with different nature by birth which is hard to change. We cannot change the stripes of a zebra. Acceptance & adjustment to a certain level is the road to peaceful co- existence.
So to have good relationships
If not forgive
If not adjust.
We need not be divine. But need not be fault finders too. As fellow human beings , with erring in our nature, let’s all strive to live peacefully & happily acknowledge each other as they are.



On Love & Inclusion

A poignant tale of a little child sensing the favoritism by her own father was shared by my friend Ali Anani in his post….

Here are my reflections on this post… which I had initially shared with him privately but then realized that perhaps it needs to be read and understood in the larger context of the trials and tribulations in life and living..

Truth has a way of baring open the wounds of the heart and mind on its path of healing the hurt.
For truth is on its own path of self correction in this world.
For unfairness and
Injustice has to somedayfind justice
Exclusion to inclusion
Doubts to clarity.

When truth speaks
In one way or another
It is important to listen
In empathy without judgements

Truth speaks as it is
In all of innocence
Or in wisdom of awareness.

And yet…
Innocence can be daunting  to handle . But addressing the truth one way or the other
Leads to discoveries of how little we know or of what is sensed & perceived.

In the story  that my friend shared…here are instances of lack of inclusion in a family

Where in one day there is marked difference in the way the father speaks,
When the child says
Why are you speaking to me…

Interesting to note that you perceived  the young child as witty
Whereas another may perceive  it as defiance,or even an evidence of an awareness of lack of inclusion and discrimination at this household in the young child’s mind.
And that she is voicing  it in all of innocence.

What would be of significance  is how the father addresses  this brewing disconnect.

Lack of love can be a difficult  phase at any age especially  for a child.
Let’s trust the universe to show the way for this child to receive what she is yearning for one way or another.
May every life be able to sense  love and live life lovingly. 



On Kindness

The blessed touch of kindness

In thoughts, words & in deeds

Can transform the moments in every now…

Choose kindness always.

The blessed touch of kindness makes an ordinary day blessedly beautiful 😊



Truth is truth

Words have immense significance.

In the way we think speak, in the tonality, the choice of our words, we are influencing how we come across in every communication.

In saying…

I know everything  -Ego

You don’t really matter so you are not worthy of my time & attention – Indifference/ Disrespect/Seclusion

How can you come in my way?

Stay silent and speak only when I tell you to.- Control

Who are you to advise me? -Pride

How dare you speak this way?
– Arrogance

If we only knew
The preciousness of life
We will begin to realize
How much of life is wasted
In arrogance and egotism.
In anger and doubt
Over things that hardly matter
In the larger plan of life
Can we choose to value
The preciousness of being
Place value for life over things.

This world  is getting indifferent
Discarding truths nonchalantly
For it is difficult  to swallow
But truth is truth
It finds its way ultimately
To make all the difference.




Wisdom in humility

The soul knows the truths…
Yet the spirit is untamed.
To understand the wisdom.
It is important  to create space
To allow learning to take place.

Humility is dormant
When ego is dominant.
Humility is patience in waiting
Invoking wisdom in humility


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On Humility

Humility is a conscious practice in awareness.
Until it becomes  a way of life.
In knowing  that there is always more
Than what the eyes  can see
Or the spirit can do

The soul knows
To reach beyond knowing
It is important  to acknowledge the space
To allow learning to take place
Humility  is dormant
When ego is dominant.
Humility is patience in waiting
A practice of  humility
In thoughts  words  & deeds,
In listening to understand,
In letting go in faith and fortitude,
In making way for gratitude
In being hopeful in trust
In moderation and measure
Can unlock the inner potential
For humility is full of possibilities.



Conscious circles

This post is stemming from reflections to my post by a reader on LinkedIn. I simply choose to delve a bit with the insightful thoughts.

And these verses birthed along the way.

The wall of the mind
Is  in each of us to forge through
In valuing the space between
Two thoughts two steps or two notes.
In choosing harmony of  synchrony 
In conscious awareness
In discerning thoughts
In response than reaction
In connecting the dots
In realizing the grace of unity.

In sensing the strength
Of the circle of conscious connections.  



The Divine Plan

If ever there is a shred of doubt

Of how life will pan out

How things will be

Or what will eventually happen

Just know…

The source coder has the divine  plan all figured out.

In trust & faith, in grace and in goodwill there is synchrony of the synergies.

And therein is the bliss in the bless.


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There comes a time

The river of time is ever flowing

Where are you in this now?

Are you adrift for a reason or flowing along in purpose?

Are you sensing there is more

For you to do before you arrive

Where you want to go…

Are you feeling you are rushed

Carried through without a say

Or are you fighting alone

And wishing for some support and strength

Know wherever you are in this journey

You are meant to be and do

All that you deeply intend

For the river courses through

And finds its way to the sea…

Trust time to deliver all I’m good time

Trust yourself along the way

For you are not only in the flow

You are the flow




Changing Times

Our moments in life

Can be hell or heaven

Joyful or boring

As the way we see it

And in the way we take it.

The meter of time is on

Ticking away in its own way.

For every life.

To make use of time or lose it

It’s choice

To see hope in faith

To be accepting of changes



Hello You

Hello You,

This is just a reminder to yourself

To recognize your uniqueness

To acknowledge your own self

You have a responsibility to yourself

To bring forth your potential

And engage with this now with all of your ability.

Your life is full of possibilities

Awaiting your action

Move with all of your being.

Sense the power of your own spirit & soul

Bring out the vibrance that is actually you.

So much of your uniqueness

Is awaiting expression from you.

That only you can!



Joyful Dance

Experience life as a dance
A joyful one more so
In all ways you can
And if by chance  the music  changes,and you feel overwhelmed,
know time only moves on….
Trust time to deliver
So acknowledge the tunes
And time your steps and tune in.
Enjoy your dance!



Wisdom from Children

Question is then how to be enthused,
Into doing the same tasks differently?
And break free from rut of routine.
Yet make this day great!
Very simple…
Stay hopeful, see life’s potential
Create the possibilities
It’s all in the way of envisioning
How you want to build your life
It’s all up to you!
