Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


The Condor

The Condor  is one of the largest  flying bird in the world.
Magnificient birds with wings spreading to almost three feet.

They are a symbol of strength and freedom.
They have a distinct white  circle of tuft of feathers on the neck as well on their wings.
The Andean condors are monogamous  birds
They live with a single partner all their life.
They are known to care for their offspring together,  for almost an year.

There are many legends  by Incas associated  with these amazing birds.
Of how much they are tuned in to  the circle of life.
Talks about the magnanimity & loyalty as a bird.
They are common to South American  Andes region.


Soulful Expressions

Expression is our birthright It makes us who we are…

In being able to move without fear or favour,

The life manifesting through us,

Art speaks from the heart of our soul.

Bringing forth our soulful expressions.



All is a matter of energy

All is a matter of energy

Within you and me

Our thoughts, emotions and behaviors

Are but a dance of energy.

Interconnected and interdependent

Keep your thoughts positive

Your every positive thought matters. 👌



On Education

In continuation to my earlier post on Holistic education. I came across this poignant post and I heartfully share this wonderful initiative and reflections.


Every Friday afternoon Chase’s teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children with whom they’d like to sit the following week. The children know that these requests may or may not be honored. She also asks the students to nominate one student whom they believe has been an exceptional classroom citizen that week. All ballots are privately submitted to her.

And every single Friday afternoon, after the students go home, Chase’s teacher takes out those slips of paper, places them in front of her and studies them. She looks for patterns.

Who is not getting requested by anyone else?
Who doesn’t even know who to request?
Who never gets noticed enough to be nominated?
Who had a million friends last week and none this week?

You see, Chase’s teacher is not looking for a new seating chart or “exceptional citizens.” Chase’s teacher is looking for lonely children. She’s looking for children who are struggling to connect with other children. She’s identifying the little ones who are falling through the cracks of the class’s social life. She is discovering whose gifts are going unnoticed by their peers. And she’s pinning down- right away- who’s being bullied and who is doing the bullying.

As a teacher, parent, and lover of all children – I think that this is the most brilliant Love Ninja strategy I have ever encountered. It’s like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see beneath the surface of things and into the hearts of students. It is like mining for gold – the gold being those little ones who need a little help – who need adults to step in and TEACH them how to make friends, how to ask others to play, how to join a group, or how to share their gifts with others. And it’s a bully deterrent because every teacher knows that bullying usually happens outside of her eyeshot – and that often kids being bullied are too intimidated to share. But as she said – the truth comes out on those safe, private, little sheets of paper.

As Chase’s teacher explained this simple, ingenious idea – I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “How long have you been using this system?” I said.
Ever since Columbine, she said. Every single Friday afternoon since Columbine.

Good Lord.

This brilliant woman watched Columbine knowing that ALL VIOLENCE BEGINS WITH DISCONNECTION. All outward violence begins as inner loneliness. She watched that tragedy KNOWING that children who aren’t being noticed will eventually resort to being noticed by any means necessary.

And so she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and with the world within her reach. What Chase’s teacher is doing when she sits in her empty classroom studying those lists written with shaky 11 year old hands – is SAVING LIVES. I am convinced of it. She is saving lives.

And what this mathematician has learned while using this system is something she really already knew: that everything – even love, even belonging – has a pattern to it. And she finds those patterns through those lists – she breaks the codes of disconnection. And then she gets lonely kids the help they need. It’s math to her. It’s MATH.

All is love- even math. Amazing.

Chase’s teacher retires this year – after decades of saving lives. What a way to spend a life: looking for patterns of love and loneliness. Stepping in, every single day- and altering the trajectory of our world.

TEACH ON, WARRIORS. You are the first responders, the front line, the disconnection detectives, and the best and ONLY hope we’ve got for a better world. What you do in those classrooms when no one is watching- it’s our best hope.



When the hearts speak

Truth of life emanates

Whatever the heart feels

It expresses itself

For as hearts, move in the flow

The language of the heart is one!



Virtual Illusions

Caught hook line and sinker

Wherever we go

Wherever we are

The web follows us

Connectivity is a boon and bane

For there is always the peril

Of being caught up deeply without knowing.

Minutes melt into hours

Before you free yourself from its clutches.

In its tempting interactions..

Unaware are many, of its effects

On the health of humanity

Radiation, fatigue and syndromes

Affected can’t put down their phones

As people seems helpless without it.

It’s time to draw a line

To regulate time spent on the net.

To be aware of the dangers of high speed wi fi connections.

Distance and shield from harmful (Emr) radiations where ever and whenever possible.

Switch off phones at night.

Switch off phones at night.
You will find yourself regenerating.

And your wellbeing will improve.

Make sure to spend time out in the real world.

Before the web snatches all your time.




Forests on fire…

The raging fire sets all ablaze.
Seething through all of Amazon
Gutting the lush green dense forests
Surging fumes seen from space.

Rainforests of Amazon are burning away
Home to so many indigenous tribes
Precious flora and fauna
Turning to ashes in natures fury.

While the blame game begins
On who started the fire
The glaring truth is evident
For the world  to see…

Rampant deforestation and logging
Burning lands, leaving dark smoky skies.      Days have turned to hazy nights
All caused by callous human hands

Pray for nature from where you are
Help it return to balance.
Rally for climate plans and sustain life
Combat deforestation across the world.

Do your bit today, every bit matters
For the planets lungs are at stake
Care, Educate,Protect Support 
It makes a world of difference!
No it’s not the Red Planet it’s our Earth
It’s not burning  but being burned.

The  largest rainforest “Amazon” is all ablaze! 
The planets lungs are gasping to breathe !

Buy less paper  conserve wood.
Help protect the forests of the world!



Water matters

Water water everywhere
But not a drop to drink!

We are country overflowing with an abundance of rivers and blessed with the monsoon season.
Yet the picture is grim.
Rivers are tilting the balance,  either in floods or in a draught. The changing weather conditions,  the seasonal shifts, have created havoc on our agriculture.

Common man’s need for drinking water is not met. Some states fight for rivers to flow into them with acute water shortages, some states have perennial rivers flowing.
And some have dried river beds without a drop of rain.

Our majestic  country  that stood tall in the wealth of nature from east to west and north to south is sadly shrinking in shame
The culprits are no one but us all.
Land grabbing and construction is happening without care or consideration of the ecosystem. 

Today where rivers were there are buildings
With rampant construction without ethical practices.
We may have turned the face of India in digitization and globalization but our natural resources are being drained.
With rising population, it is creating a giant depletion of resources without developing adequate measures to restore and regenerate the ecosystem.


Here is the truth as we stand today.
India is among the 17 countries facing “extremely high” water stress, according to the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Atlas. The country, ranked 13th on the list, has more than three times the population (1.4 billion) of the other 16 countries combined. And the crisis isn’t limited to the southern states anymore: Northern India also faces severe groundwater depletion. Earlier, a WWF study showed that Chennai and Kolkata were the world’s most water-vulnerable metros due to mismanagement of river systems and shrinking of wetlands. 

What can we as citizens of this glorious generous land do to help?
There are many ways to help conserve water and make a difference.

Here are a few easy checks

Close taps when you are brushing/ shaving.
Fix leaking pipes and taps.
Stop throwing garbage in nature and contaminating water resources.
Check your water usage in bathrooms.
Fix water-saving showers.
Stop wasting water.
Every drop counts!

Being human is about caring for the world. So do remember if we save water today, we are ensuring there is water left for the future.
Let us all make a difference from where ever we are.
Save water.

Savvy Raj




Choose wisely

Choose not to hurry to do something

Because it is the norm.

But choose to do,

When you are truly ready…

Your life is about memories

Money can’t buy you happiness.

How do you create your own joy?

Love yourself truly in this now.

Live life engagingly & love your life.

Your life, your choices

But if you are lucky

To sense and understand…

This life & everything as it is,

You are truly blessed

To have it so.

So be wise and choose well.



Wonder of wonders!

Streamlined bodies shaped succinctly

Designed to function optimally

To float and swim in the water

Such precise definitions

Of structure and shape.

Each of the maker’s manifestation

So unique and unparalleled.

Wonder what moves the creator

To create such form and function

So remarkably created!

Every life is truly magnificent

Blessed and ordained

With life’s infinite abundance

Such is the Wonder of wonders!




Purple Daze


Surreal vision, silken dreams

Silver sky, hues of blues

Serene spaces beyond places

Known and unknown

Purple daze, violet lake.

Ethereal vision entwined passions!

Enchanting sight, purple light!

The colour purple symbolizes many things like mystery creativity, romance, royalty,  luxury, pride and peace.
It is the colour artists are often fond of.
Spiritually, colour purple and violet assist in the expansion  of awareness and in connection of deeper consciousness.

How many shades of purple have you heard of...
Here are some variations of Colour purple… many of which you can find in the beautiful picture above.

Lavender,  lilac
Periwinkle, purple
Heather, mauve
Orchid, amethyst
Iris, violet
Boysenberry, mulberry
Sangria, magenta
Plum jam, raisin
Grape wine
Eggplant purple.

And if you are the kind drawn to colour purple and violets…
What is your favourite shade?



Holistic Education

Holistic Education

If you really want to educate your child

Practice empathy and encouragement

Show kindness and appreciation

Speak well of others

Listen well.

Have integrity

Be compassionate

Be humble

Be humane

Be genuine

Be honest

Be responsible

Be respectful

Be grateful

Volunteer for a cause

Live lovingly!

Whatever you do, your children learn

For they have their own mind

To think for themselves.

And they have their own path

To be themselves.



On trusting

A person started to walk on a rope tied between two tall towers at several hundred feet above the ground. He is slowly walking balancing a long stick in his hands. He has his son sitting on his shoulders.

Everyone down were watching him in bated breath and were tensed. He slowly reached the second tower. Everyone clapped, whistled and welcomed him. They shook hands and took selfies.

He asked the crowd “do you all think I can walk back on the same rope now from this side to that side?”. The crowd shouted, “Yes, Yes, you can”. Do you trust me he asked? They said yes, yes we are ready to bet on you.

He said okay, can anyone of you sit on my shoulder; I will take you to the other side safely.

Everyone became quiet. There was stunned silence.

Belief is different. Trust is different. For Trust, you need total surrender.

This is what we are lacking towards God in today’s world.

We believe in God. But we don’t trust Him.


On Trusting…

Trust is a matter of letting go

Letting go is a matter of faith

Faith is a matter of feeling

Feeling is a matter of knowing

Knowing is a matter of awareness

Be aware in trustfulness.

And so it goes…



Unshackled Souls

Cage not the heart of those who dream of the yonder
Beyond the clouds over the hills
Their spirit seeks to wander.
Across the horizon, their soul belongs

Seek not to hold them
For they are way ahead of you already
Too swift are their thoughts
Too far away are their hearts
Too distant are you from them already

Not for them, the mundane chores
Not for them, the worldly spoils
Not for them, the earthly desires
Not for them the meaningless wants 

Seek not to find common ground
For they have moved on way back in time
Neither in dreams or in dare
Can there be a parallel
Seek not, as your paths are not meant to cross.
Let them go, as it is meant to be.




Sense the peace within.

Soak in the serenity of silence

You can create your own calm

Stay free from strain and stress

Sense the peace within.

Inspite of the reigning chaos

Whatever happens around you

Hold on to your inner sense of calm

The solution is within you to know

Sense the peace within.
