Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


The Gift of Life

When I was a little girl I often have witnessed my dear father see and give great value and acknowledge every little good that is or happens, however small they may seem to others . It could be a with a gentle word , a kind word of appreciation or a little compliment.

He taught me one of most important lesson for a lifetime ….to notice, respect and reflect on the good in and around us … and to live positively and think of life always as Plus++++es.

Life is a beautiful gift as it is and it is in us to see it so.”

For Gifts are best appreciated in deep gratitude.
Bidding adieu to 2018
In Gratitude for the year that was
And in Hope for the year 2019
And many more that will be…
Let the light of joy in our hearts carry us through
Towards Happier Healthier and Healing times
For the world in and around us !

Wishing you all a wonderful New year 2019 ❤👌❤

Savvy Raj


Project 101

Today marks a personal milestone in blogging as I publish my 101st post. I have completed my continuous 100 days of writing on WordPress.

On a lark after a challenge to post a few of my favourite songs for three consecutive days came my way from a fellow blogger and friend Dr Sridhar. I decided to take it up and posted my favourite songs for three days. Then I started thinking if I could manage to post for a week and continued to write . The seven days went smooth and easy and then I upped my goal a little further to see if I could write a post everyday for a month.

I had a few ground rules established in my head . First that this was no competition to complete in pressure but simply an effort to see if I would find an inspiration to write on anything that caught my fancy each day . Second would I have the perseverance to continue and be able to dedicate time towards the effort .
Thirdly I wanted to see if I could keep my readers and audiences interested if I happen to post everyday.
And most of all I wanted to test whether my creative instincts are effected in anyway by habit…
A months regular posting on WordPress got me supercharged to aspire some more. Wp would egg me on with reminders of completing a 30th day streak of posting on WordPress.
It was no surprise that once I reached 30 I wanted to try and reach the 50th day.
Seemed then that I could do it if I was smart enough to manage my writing time around the early hours of the day. And that’s what I did.
No one in my family or friends knew much about this plan, but I was pretty clear how to go about it by then and dedicated a bit of time to writing every morning no matter what.

A few learnings.

Have a goal that seems workable, it is easier to focus.

Persevere… and believe you can work towards it.

Push your goal a step ahead as you reach a level.

Manage your time better, to make it happen

Value your goal and be dedicated.

Your creative sense will begin to work for you all the more…

Believe in your self and be passionate

Trust that you will find the way!

And most of all enjoy the journey as much as the destination.😊

Although I have written on WordPress for a few years now and I would have written and posted perhaps continously as well earlier without my own realisation. This was a task that had a goal and hence it is different to me.

The last few months have been personally challenging in terms of health where I was even admitted to the hospital and I am continuing to battle a condition that might require surgery soon. So basically being unwell literally I use the relatively painfree bits of time in the day, I have in my hands for creative enrichment …be it writing or painting and more.

Blogging through I reached my 50th day of posting. And I knew I couldn’t stop it in my heart . The magic figure of 100 floated in my mind and I was sold to the idea of making it happen.

Today it is the 101st day streak of publishing a post everyday and I truly wonder how I managed it all along with my present condition.

My biggest take back has been the loving support and generous comments from my readers which kept me going .
But other than that was a learning and affirmation that if we really make up our mind , we can beat the odds and find a way to acheive our goal .

Besides that I realised how my reading others blogs and writing every day would bring up some topic to contemplate creatively for the next day. The best part was I never had to try too hard … every post I wrote and shared I enjoyed with all my heart.

Writing gives me a sense of completion.
A feeling of contentment of a job well done. And if its well received it truly makes my day… and my fellow writers this I am pretty sure you would agree as well.

Thank you my dear readers and friends for staying with me right through. It has been an absolute pleasure to share and learn along the way… on what I can gratefully now call Project 101.
Wishing an awesome year 2019 for us all !
God bless all!

Touching Peace in the Middle path.



Her likes were not blatant and loud —

Not the one to shout out.

Her kind of songs were of melody and rhythm,

In sync with her heartbeat.

Her type of books were all of an understanding,

The soothing and sagacious kind,

Of healing and harmony.

Her friends were far and few.

Not much would escape her lips;

Her speech was guarded.

None had really stepped into her inner world.

In fact, her family too knew little about her.

Her words were simple, not stormy.

In fact, she chose the middle path in life —

A road safe and steady.

Not for her the bane of fame and fortune;

Not for her the choppy waters of high tides.

She preferred smooth sailing in serenity.

She was a lover of grace in simple things.

She never was the seeking kind.

Neither love nor laurels, pleasures nor pain,

She lived a life of content. 

She never craved too much.

She knew the price of desire only too well.

Awakening the self, the way bearer in the wisdom of living.

Want of wealth never brings balance of needs.

Hoard nothing and healing begins. 

Living intentionally is not about living selfishly.

She was privy to the clasping clutch that ambition brought.

She witnessed the sacrifice of lives barely lived.

She grew in the unfolding drama that power portrayed.

She was torched by emotional upheavals, but she rose in fortitude.

She amassed the wisdom in the power of silence.

As she knew and sensed the peace in the middle path.

Who is she?

What makes her who she is?

What guides and motivates her?

What brings her peace and contentment?

What makes her grateful?

To every evolving question, there is always a reason to be.

And to each their own path to be!



Celebrate Life… Live than just exist.

This note above has a true story that happened with me…. I have published it in my earlier article called the Magic of Movements.
This is one of those moments when writing and sharing stories from our lives bring us a deep sense of connection… with our readers and ourselves in gratitude for the learnings. And there is that sense of magic through words.
This is an old story but to me, but sharing it evokes the same poignant feeling of fond memories of the people that are attached to it

Here is the story if you would like to read.

The Magic of Movements

‘Life is a dance’….A painting by Savvy Raj

As a Dance Educator and a Creative MovementTrainer using Ballroom and Latin dances to improve health and well-being through various Dance for Wellness programs, it has been an enriching experience watching the learners revel in the simple joys of movement.

I have witnessed complete shifts in self esteem, confidence and agility among learners of all ages.But to cite a very recent instance …there is a small group of senior learners at one of my workshops who are gradually changing their mental makeup to being extremely enthusiastic about life and learning to dance. I still remember that Sunday morning about four years ago when I was almost through with teaching a Waltz class and I saw this slender, elderly elegant woman walking in and standing quietly, keenly watching the students who were practicing their steps from the sidelines. She was waiting to speak to me ….In that first moment of contact instinctively I knew there was an instant connection.. I gave her a listening ear and noticed she spoke softly and clearly . She said she was heading a group of Senior citizens she would like me to come over and meet the group and also teach them to dance . Her request seemed just right up my alley as I had been intending to conduct some workshops for seniors myself but hadn’t had the opportunity yet . This seemed as if my intentions were slowly finding a way to fulfillment . We fixed up that I would come over and meet them the following Monday at the local church where they all meet up for their weekly meeting . This I came to know later,was the only activity they had together every week .

Soon enough in a week or so I got a call from the lady who initiated it all saying that they need some time for permissions to use the same space of the church for the dance lessons . And that was that … nothing happened . Meanwhile I continued with my Dance workshops , and facilitated training’s of corporate clients . I would remember that meeting once in a while but left it to time to decide the outcome of that meeting.

A few years passed and I was returning back after finishing a children’s workshop in Chennai when I received her call again . Her clear and determined voice was cheerful and hopeful . She said she had two things to say , the seniors have agreed to join in and the church had given them the space to go ahead with the classes . Fantastic …. I knew in my heart it was no coincidence that it happened at all . After all the connects that we established that day were just moving to affirming itself !Well I got Godspeed on my side this time around … things moved on smoothly and we were well into rolling out the first class of Swing Dancing and more .

When I had first met up with them, I remember them huddled in chairs, quite apprehensive and some of them unsure about their ability to learn dancing . But today they have a spring in their step , glint in their eyes and a smile on their lips as they Swing and Cha Cha to their hearts content . And guess what… they love to dance the Merengue and Bachata too and are waiting to learn some more.So happy to have had the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

The first time I met them they were a group with lots of concerns. They heard me patiently and asked a lot of questions , ranging from whether they would be able to learn at all as most of them were well over sixties and seventies or so .They also mentioned that though they have danced earlier in their lives, they don’t remember much. Some said they know all there is to know, a few others brought out their health issues which were bothering them so much that they cant possibly exercise let alone dance, some questioned what is the point of learning to dance …

Well to be frank I had an interesting and enjoyable time clearing their doubts and addressing their concerns . I knew most of their concerns were common to most people at their age in India.I spoke to them addressing each of their concerns and finally mentioning instances of my own intention of wanting to work with a group of Seniors.

The initially reluctant let their defenses down and an interactive session followed, where I got some understanding of them and they of me . It was one of those fulfilling days a wonderful memory now which I hold close to my heart .Though at the end all they said was that they will get back to me in some time…. somehow as I drove back home that evening I knew in my heart we were all certainly going to meet again in time .

Today as I write this its been six months and more.Dancing together they say they have realized the values of the human connection and the strength of community . They mention to me how they eagerly wait for their dance workshops .They speak of how dance steps into their lives , in moments of loneliness and makes them positive and alive again. They know dancing now is so much more about valuing that equal partnership between the leader and the follower and that the bonds of the dance floor leaves lasting and empowering impressions in their hearts and lives .

This experience as well as many similar incidents has left me even more confident about my beliefs …C ultivate Patience. Dream selflessly. Positive things are waiting to unfold if only we continue to dream our unique dream and believe in it ! All you need is the strength of intention and the dreams realizes itself , just trust in the process! Do what you do with all your heart ! Like minded people will arrive somehow and help you actualize it !

In this endeavor I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of appreciation to some of my dear students who assisted me at the workshops who took time out to be with me at these sessions and I know they shared with me equally the joys of making a positive difference in people’s lives.



Karmic connects

Someone asked me about karma and destiny today

Does karma affect destiny?
And whether we can change our destiny?

What are your thoughts I would love to hear… also as the meaning, the interconnects and interpretation of karma and destiny can be manifold. To each their own.

Our paths are preordained
But we create our karma in every moment.

I simply believe that there is always more than we know and can even begin to fathom
And yet things occur for our own evolution.

While the laws of nature
Take its course
The karmic cycles and destiny
Are juxtaposed in their own way.

The question a life may ask
In deepest turmoils
Is how are we to overcome karma
Or can destiny be changed at all.

Then intelligent life may ascertain
In search and knowing
Of the power of will and choice
To overcome the thorns of agony

It may project positivity
It may sense equanimity
It may become non judgemental
It may learn to value moments.

Yet can it change what is to be endured?
Can it prevent pain altogether?
Karma is linked into past present and future…
Through cause and effects, action and reaction.

And well, destiny is the way it was meant to be
You may transform your karmic status in every response.
And Destiny is not necessarily changed
Yet it can be transcended.

Simple ways to transform karma
To bring about a space between the steps
To respond than react.
Simple ways to transcend destiny
To choose goodwill in and around you.
To ask but less for the self and more for the good of others around you.
To practice thinking beyond ones limited self.
To remember to let go, to give more than you receive.

For only if what we are ready to give can transcend limitations, can we see abundance within and around us.
Such is the way of life and living.



Every step is yours to take

Our uniqueness…

Is the divergerence in thoughts and paths that makes us who we are.

Our personality is shaped in nature and in the nurture.

To each is their own path to survival!

Life happens in the choosing to say yes or no when required, to respond or react to the situation while accepting the challenges of life and daring to explore as well as in allowing the self to be all that it can be.

Every step is yours to take…

Make every step you take, interesting along the way!



Be this alive!

A great piece of choreography and cinematography from the movie Shall we Dance.

Watch the sensous swivels and the tantalising twirls of tango and be mesmerized by the lead pair of Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.

I love the line she says to him…

‘Be this alive!’…




Nuggets in a Nutshell

Any body who is too stressed or confused should read this again and again..

Nuggets of wisdom in a Nutshell.

Inspired from the Mahabharata…Here is a interesting take on the conversations between Krishna & Today’s Arjun. Read it loud to family.

Truly an inspiring read.

1. Arjun :- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.
Krishna:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.

2. Arjun :- Why has life become complicated now?
Krishna :- Stop analyzing life… It makes it complicated. Just live it.

3. Arjun :- Why are we then constantly unhappy?
Krishna :- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.

4. Arjun :- Why do good people always suffer?
Krishna :- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

5. Arjun :- You mean to say such experience is useful?
Krishna :- Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. It gives the test first and the lessons later.

6. Arjun :- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…
Krishna:-If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.

7. Arjun :- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?
Krishna:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

8. Arjun :- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
Krishna :- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

9. Arjun :- What surprises you about people?
Krishna :-When they suffer they ask, “why me?” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me?

10. Arjun :- How can I get the best out of life?
Krishna:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

11. Arjun :- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
Krishna:- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Stay blessed and
Stay Happy Always…..!!!



A fun share!

Bringing out the nuances and idiosyncrasies of the English language.

Do care to read up!

One word in the English language that could be a noun, verb, adj, adv, prep is *UP*.Read until the end… you’ll laugh.

This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is *’UP’*. It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v].
It’s easy to understand *UP*, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake *UP*?

At a meeting, why does a topic come *UP*? Why do we speak *UP*, and why are the officers *UP* for election (if there is a tie, it is a toss *UP*) and why is it *UP* to the secretary to write *UP* a report? We call *UP* our friends, brighten *UP* a room, polish *UP* the silver, warm *UP* the leftovers and clean *UP* the kitchen. We lock *UP* the house and fix *UP* the old car.

At other times, this little word has real special meaning. People stir *UP* trouble, line *UP* for tickets, work *UP* an appetite, and think *UP* excuses.

To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed *UP* is special.

And this *UP* is confusing: A drain must be opened *UP* because it is blocked *UP*.

We open *UP* a store in the morning but we close it *UP* at night. We seem to be pretty mixed *UP* about *UP*!

To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of *UP*, look *UP* the word *UP* in the dictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes *UP* almost 1/4 of the page and can add *UP* to about thirty definitions.

If you are *UP* to it, you might try building *UP* a list of the many ways *UP* is used. It will take *UP* a lot of your time, but if you don’t give *UP*, you may wind *UP* with ( *UP* to) a hundred or more.

When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding *UP*. When the sun comes out, we say it is clearing *UP*. When it rains, it soaks *UP* the earth. When it does not rain for awhile, things dry *UP*. One could go on and on, but I’ll wrap it *UP*, for now…… my time is *UP*!

So, did this whole thing, crack you *UP*?

Sharing this forward or not… well it’s totally *UP* to you!



You will find your way…

Your abilities have a way of appearing
In bringing forth your inner purpose.
Even if you haven’t utilized them yet,
They will be visible to others at some point or the other.

If you ever feel you don’t have it in you,
For whatever reason, to pursue your gifts and talents,
Keep the faith and use your abilities
To bring out the best in others.
Reach out to help others trust themselves.
Give hope wherever you can.
Immerse yourself in spreading goodwill.
You will find yourself on the path that’s meant for you.

Your unique set of talents are gifts you own.
If you feel you do not know the way
To use them for yourself
Use them to help others in need
And in that you will find your way!



One moment in time…

Would you take a seat and join me

To behold the breathtaking brilliance

Of rejuvenating reflections.

Where the sky and land merge in the mystical lights

Just sit along blessed to be able to commune with nature

As it evokes its mesmerizing charms

Where each moment feels heavenly

As the winter sun blesses you with its enticing warmth.

Watching the pleasing patterns up in the sky!

What a treat to be able to sit by

And breathe in the refreshing view…

Of vast open spaces that seem so serene

Up above and all around as far as the eyes can see…

Letting go of all that’s spurious.

And just be able to sense the joy of this one moment…


The brilliance of this moment is captured so beautifully in this picture (hats off to the unknown photographer) that it seems to be a place to sit a while and reminisce over the simple joys of being… what say?

And speaking of One moment in time…

I cant help but remember the beautiful hit song by the same name. Here are two amazing versions of the song.

One Moment in Time



Its good to never let the things you want, make you forget the things you have …

When you look up at the world with grateful eyes..&.a ‘ thank you ‘ Two words are all the prayer we need to send!


Caring To Listen

The Heart of Nature
Plays tunes for those who listen.
Pull a single chord in nature
You will hear it commune in the synchrony

Being In nature we understand
The value of balance
And we learn to trust in faith
As we inspire wonders of nature.
And a certain reverence for life.

For in respecting life in and around us
We learn to understand ourselves more.

Nature teaches us much,

If we truly care to listen.



Being you as you are!

Being you as you are

A few tips…
In a world that can entangle you with varied opinions and beliefs…know you are a multifaceted unique individual.

Allow yourself to take time and understand your spectrum of being .
Accepting yourself is a great start to being you.

In knowing your self you are able to discern what your choices are and gradually you are able to be comfortable with your own self. Remember everyone of us here have our own journey of life to explore and fathom.

Allow yourself to explore the truths of your own being.
Be authentic enough to avoid being who you are not . It simply cannot last too long. And it is not a path towards your purpose of being.

Being yourequires a whole lot of respect for yourself as you are. In moments of turmoil and confusion, just say to yourself ‘ I am enough for me’
There is great power of truth in these simple words .
Trust that you are enough for you.

Be all that you are!

Because you truly can!



It’s just a matter of time!

Time heals it all they say
And its so very true
So when we are in throes of torment
Trust time to pass to a better moment

When life throws a googly at you
And you are left flummoxed
That you just have no certain way
Trust time to move you on along the way

In trying moments of despair
When you are left fending for yourself
Know the answer is around the bend
Trust time to let itself mend.

For time is the answer
Be patient to let it pass
For no two moments are alike
Such is the eternal mystic of time.
