Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Today I share my artwork

All is in the strength of the interconnections.



Take nothing for granted

Take nothing for granted

There is always a reason

For things to be, where they are

As they are, however they are…

Let your heart be ever grateful

For things that you have in this now.

And for that which passed you by…

All is well …in this now.

Stay thankful

And take nothing for granted!



What is the Spirit of Christmas

Spirit of Christmas is the glow of warmth enveloping us all.
No matter how the year has been
No matter how life challenges us all
The spirit of Christmas has power
To change the perspective
Of what truly matters for one & all.

There is joy of seeing in hope
There is abundance in goodwill
There is cheer of smiles and laughter
There is most of all a thanksgiving.

With an attitude of gratitude
For all that is in this now.
Spirit of Christmas is alive & kicking
In the heart of the humankind
Kindling kindness & spreading smiles.

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Verses in flow Day 6

I have started an experimental journey and would like to invite you to be a part of it. Everyday through this week I have been writing and sharing a few verses in flow that you can choose to continue as well.

Would love to explore the connection in what evolves through the week and see the interweaves in the interconnects.

Verses in Flow
DAY 1 Truth

DAY 2 : Roots Day3 : Reason

Day 4 : Live

Day 5 : Life

Day 6 : Connect

Yes you have come far
You may have a new reality.
You may sense some disconnect.
In parts of your journey.

Yet care to remember
There is a night before the dawn.
Your present always has a past
Like with everybody else, all connects.



The Art & The Artist

The above clip is my dedication to my dear mother. They are a compilation from her own set of artworks dated around 55 years back in time or more.

The reason I share this is to encourage people to see possibilities in creativity and how it can soulfully connect us all, through creative enrichments.

To give you the background…my mother had and still has a fine sense of design and her drawings always had an artistic flow. But unfortunately the daily grind of life and living took its toll and art and creativity was pushed into the background perhaps not realizing the innate talents. But the truth is, a lot happens in appreciation than in indifference.

So her skills were lying untapped and unrecognized. In time as I grew up and while on a visit to my maternal grandparents home in the village, I chanced upon her collection of drawings and paintings stacked in the attic gathering dust in complete ignorance.


The moment I saw them I knew they have to be brought out to see the light of the day… although sadly it was personally disheartening, to see many of the beautiful pieces made on paper, crackling and crumbling in time.


I brought them back with me to the city and took pictures of what was left of it and tried to salvage it piecing them together.

IMG_4189 - Copy

By then I was encouraged by friends and relatives who saw and deeply appreciated them too.

I hit upon the idea of creating a video clip using technology to enhance her original design sense. Yes, they are not as good as her original artworks, for technology is way too perfect to bring out the joy of uniqueness in the human hand.

Yet it is my humble attempt to value the time spent in creating by her own hand with the limitations of the resources available to her in those times.

There are far too many paintings, so I pieced them like a kaleidoscope of sorts to get a sense of her artistic endeavours.

Many times we fail to see the hidden talents in our loved ones. We relate with them for years and hardly know the depth of who they truly are.

Art has a way of bringing out the brilliance of the light within us by bridging gaps in our understandings but also opening new perspectives of thinking.

Today is the day I was born, and one of the ways I choose to celebrate it, is by dedicating this post to my dear mother Anjana.

Thank you, mom, for the beauty you create, being who you are! God bless.



Make Peace Not War

Every weapon made, adds to the fear
And false satisfaction of keeping you safe.
You can never be safe, when at war
Every armor is simply a pointer
Of the state of things.
Of the need of peace than war.

Every need to create ammunition
Shows the truth of retaliations.
Revenge in fear or dare is never the answer.
Resolution is where peace makes its way.

If we must be led, let us be lead
In strength of patience.
To explore possibilities
Let us choose to disarm.
Let us disengage and make amends.
Let us choose peace than war.
Let us find the middle path
In reconciliation.
Let us recognize the wrongs done.
Let us learn to undo the mistakes.
And move in harmony and oneness.
That is when we can together
Heal the world in peace
And make it worth living.



Live and let live.

To Those Who Bring Small Children to Church:

There you are at church. Your baby or toddler is restless. Perhaps even a little boisterous. You try to silence them, and nothing. You try to pacify them with food or toys, and nothing. Eventually, you resort to the last thing you wanted to do: you pick them up, and before a watching audience, you make the march out of the church. All the while you’re a little embarrassed, maybe a little frustrated too. You might even think to yourself, “There’s no point in coming to church. I get nothing out of it because I have to constantly care for my kid.”

I want you – mothers and/or fathers – to know just how encouraging you are to so many. The elderly woman who often feels alone beams with a smile at the sight of you wrestling with your little one. She’s been there before. She knows how hard it can be, but she smiles because to hear that brings back precious memories. Seeing young parents and their small children brighten her day; she may have just received bad news about her health but seeing the vitality of young ones removes – if but for a moment – her fears. The older man who always seems to be grouchy notices you too. He’s always talking about how children in this day have no respect or sense of goodness. But he sees you – a young family – in church every week. Like clockwork, he can depend on the sight of you and your young family. You give him hope that maybe the Church isn’t doomed after all, because there are still young parents who love God enough to bring their restless children to church.

Bring your children to church! If we don’t hear crying, the church is dying. As hard as it might be for you as a parent who’s half-asleep, keep on doing what you’re doing. You are an encouragement, and you’re starting off your children’s lives as you should. – Author unknown

Came across this beautifully expressed piece recently. Was moved to share it here. Have encountered this kind of approach to parenting in many cultures across the world. Not only in churches but where people are silencing self expression in their growing years.

And there is also the other extreme where whatever the child does is ok! That is the other side of the issue in question.

Yes I agree, we must ensure our children are well behaved in society as they grow.We need to help instill good values.

But there are cultures where if a little child speaks out aloud while traveling in a bus for example the mother goes apologizing for the sounds the little kid is making.

Extreme restraint restrictions, repriminding and silencing are negative reinforcements in suppression of self expression.

Yes there are limits to tolerating childrens tantrums, and bad behavior. Teaching them proper social etiquette is part of good nurturing. But controlling even natural things like laughter and speech can become a little too suffocating. What do you think?

Are you free at all then? Isn’t that a little too restrictive. I wonder?

What is life without a little expression.

Life is meant to live and let life live.

Yes there are stark differences across the world in raising children. To each his own.

Lets hope to share the world with them in positive possibilities lovingly.

Chances are they will hopefully treat you just as well in your old age.

Here are a few of my musings…

Life can never thrive in suppression

Or in denial and disapproval.

Or control and criticism

Choose to appreciate and approve

Let go of the nagging and niggles.

Let go of judgements, fear and worry

Life is in each of us just the same.

Allow life to live.

Engage with it lovingly

Life can be beautiful!

Live and let live.



Colour of emotions.

If emotions were tubes of colours
The way we paint every day
The way we live our lives
The way we think and express
Our own experiences in being.
Will be a riot on the canvas.

Envisioning in the seeing…
Flashes of brilliance in bright yellow
Of optimism and cheer
Sporadically surging joy and ecstasy.

Going green in connectedness
Contented lines flowing in trustful acceptance
Or moves markedly hesitant in fear and apprehension.
Arresting artistry of living life in loving kindness

Explosions of reds marking anger
Or in delusions of grandeur in aggression.
In ingenious masterstrokes in fits of rage
Of imagination running wild.

Colour of Purple in projecting pride.
Of passionate perseverance to detail
Or a certain aloofness in respectful reservation.
A sense of ascension and royalty.

Shades of blue in thoughtful flow and serenity
Or organic spaced out zenful zones
Of mindful movements in the making.

Yes there is an emotion in every colour
As colours are but tools of expression
Of the ever changing moods of man
How colorful is the spirit of our soul.

Every colour plays a significant role
Like in the wheel of colours
So are emotions that appear
In the wheel of life.
Each plays it’s part.
All matters to the whole.



On Love

As love conquers you it blesses you in the knowing.

Make not a mockery of love

Serenade love and allow it to speak truth

Love surfaces from the depth of emotions

To mend you and this world to a better place.

As true love is eternal

Free as bird in flights of oblivion

Travelling in the abandon

Of the wilderness of the spirit

Yet bonded in the boundless infinity

Endless love a gift of grace

Acknowledge this treasure

Blending two souls in one

As a life loved is well lived… such a rare sight!

What a blessing it truly is….A love like that!

In realising the many miracles of life is knowing a love that can move the soul of our being. We can consider ourselves lucky to even have been touched by a love like that!


Happy Valentine’s Day to all my friends and readers!!!


On letting go…

We are often about holding on than letting go . We are able to hoard but find it difficult to let go . We try to control our lives a little too much that we often forget there is a power greater than us that cares for us all.

Letting go in faith and trust is an immensely gratifying experience. If you choose to let go of your unnecessary niggles of doubts and fears you will find the path of calm and peace that sustains you …

So what are the immediate things you can choose to let loose?

Here are a few that come immediately to mind…

Lose your excuses
You will find results

Lose your worry
You will find the will to do

Lose your negative thoughts
You will reflect positivity

Lose your doubts
You will find solutions

Lose your fears
You will find the way

Lose your inadequacies

You will find abundance



Being as you are…

Your life is a gift.

Explore the best in you

Take charge of yourself!

Choose to know your strengths.

Than search for influencers outside

Choose authenticity, to be real

There is much within awaiting you

So much to simply be…

It is actually simpler to be yourself. There is something that each of us can do better than any other. So important then to listen to the inner voice and bravely obey that.



Light of the Soul

A writers soul is found dancing in the letters as he writes.
A painters soul is found between the colours in the canvas
The potters soul is in his fingers shaping the clay passionately.

The singers soul is in the sounds created by the voice.
The dancers soul is flowing through in every movement made.
The Soul is a restless wanderer
It breathes free not in captivity,
But in every movement of creation.
It cannot be fathomed or even sensed
Other than in the light of passion in the being.

For then the soul shines in its own light
For it has found its purpose of being.


Touching Peace in the Middle path.



Her likes were not blatant and loud —

Not the one to shout out.

Her kind of songs were of melody and rhythm,

In sync with her heartbeat.

Her type of books were all of an understanding,

The soothing and sagacious kind,

Of healing and harmony.

Her friends were far and few.

Not much would escape her lips;

Her speech was guarded.

None had really stepped into her inner world.

In fact, her family too knew little about her.

Her words were simple, not stormy.

In fact, she chose the middle path in life —

A road safe and steady.

Not for her the bane of fame and fortune;

Not for her the choppy waters of high tides.

She preferred smooth sailing in serenity.

She was a lover of grace in simple things.

She never was the seeking kind.

Neither love nor laurels, pleasures nor pain,

She lived a life of content. 

She never craved too much.

She knew the price of desire only too well.

Awakening the self, the way bearer in the wisdom of living.

Want of wealth never brings balance of needs.

Hoard nothing and healing begins. 

Living intentionally is not about living selfishly.

She was privy to the clasping clutch that ambition brought.

She witnessed the sacrifice of lives barely lived.

She grew in the unfolding drama that power portrayed.

She was torched by emotional upheavals, but she rose in fortitude.

She amassed the wisdom in the power of silence.

As she knew and sensed the peace in the middle path.

Who is she?

What makes her who she is?

What guides and motivates her?

What brings her peace and contentment?

What makes her grateful?

To every evolving question, there is always a reason to be.

And to each their own path to be!



Every step in time matters

The first step

Often the toughest

Taken at times in trepidation

Or in full deliberation.

Every little step
Makes a difference
For in every little move
Is a power that can change the world.

Keep tiny steps if you must
But remember every step in time
Takes you closer to your intentions
Make sure to envision the best
And march forward
In the direction of your dreams
Step up!


A young writer friend from Africa had shared that she took a tiny leap of faith today in her own little way by sharing first video about her life.

Reading about it inspired me to write a message of hope and positivity to her. For her so called little step, truly will make a big difference to someone somewhere to take a step ahead in faith.

Success is a result of every bit of earnest endeavour in time.

And it all starts…

With the first step!



Middle path of peace

True peace flows

In the middle path.

In between the extremes

Of nature is the path.

Extreme states create vulnerability

For the very strength of rigidity

Is in its ability to structure into solidity.

But solidity may not quantify solidarity.

Shaping matter to form

Is prone to creating cracks

In the spaces between shapes,

And gaps are prone to fragility.

To thrive in the optimum

Is to value continuum,

Which brings adaptability

Along with acceptability.

Our beautiful world,

This ball of blue,

Has much at stake

In these times of vulnerability.

Our nations may play on

With tactics and goodwill,

Balancing acts in deliberation,

Taking much into consideration.

To reach out,

To stay put,

To align,

To withdraw

For extreme states

Are a weakness in itself.

Extreme power by itself

Is a very dangerous tool,

Denoting self-destruction

As much as calamity in chaos.

The solution is thus,

Steering into the middle path.

When a structure gets too rigid,

Allow spaces for destressing.

When situations become hostile,

Breathe in to empathize.

When a war of words ensues,

Consider the art of negotiation.

For it is never bullets that truly win;

It is the people who do.

Steer into the path of peace.

Allay fears and acknowledge the futility

Of living in the extremes.

Tread in awareness of the middle path.

Peace is not won in battles.

Peace reigns in the heart of man.

Make way for the inner light to step out.

Let peace and goodwill guide the way!


#peace #goodwill #globaloneness #middlepath #acceptance #adaptability #universalpeace #heartspeaks #