Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


When the truth tumbles…

Life as a couple

Has its own challenges

Yet what matters is trust

In a loving relationship.

Trust that makes you feel safe

That makes you sense security

And value for being you.

To be heard, & loved as you are.

Often expectations from one partner

To toe the line and accept everything

Brings in uncomfortable silences

Or unwanted arguments and conflicts

Breaking a relationship gradually.

Perhaps it is about negligence

Or lack of consideration & care

Perhaps it’s about lack of empathy

Or even inequality that creates a gap

That widens in time and cracks

The strongest of partners.

Compromise or need

May keep them staying together

Just existing not living a life.

The show goes on…

Until it one day becomes unbearable.

And the inevitable truth tumbles.

These words above are deeply interlinked in the flow of thoughts that arose after I read a translation by my mother from a Tamil quote forwarded on Social media.

Interesting to note it is from a divorced husband after 10 years of realization.

‘Don’t show your pride before your wife.
She came to you just believing in you
Not your relatives.

My property
My earnings
My will
Then who is she?
What is the meaning of her life with you?

Can’t she have her dreams, her  desires, to be fulfilled with you?

On reading this message

Something more rankled my mind

The question of expectations

To be fulfilled by the partner.

It’s never about needs

Being fulfilled by the other

But with one another.

In todays world

It’s about finding time

To be present in the now

With one another.

How many agree?




A flower 

When we see a flower

What emotions are evoked?

The sight of blooms

Freshens up the mood

Heavenly fragrance wafting in

Delicate beauty enthralls

Visual treat delights our senses

Joy & enthusiasm abounds

What are your thoughts

On the sight of a flower 🌼



Power of Hands

Hands can create nurture

Construct and destruct

Such is the power of Hands

And the choice is our hands

Hands that care to nurture life

Is a blessing for nature. 🙌

The Caring Hand – Sculpture in Glarus, Switzerland by Eva Oertli and Beat Huber. Photos and about:


On Teamwork

Our world is not so perfect

Yet it must go on

And Ants know it best

They work as a team to solve their own set of problems.

All fingers of a hand are different

All are meant to be for a purpose that is not yet visible.

Yet much can happen in coordination & collaboration.

When one that is weak is supported by the stronger.

There is a semblance of balance

In this ball of blue.



3 Reasons To Keep The Mask On!

A thoughtful share with the right attitude

That takes ownership and accountability

Right where it belongs.

To ourselves!

3 Reasons to keep the mask on!

For nowhere is too safe after all…

Perhaps it’s best to stay safe

If all it takes to keep it safe is a simple mask

Care to move around with a mask today.

And keep your self and others safe this way.



You Are Enough

When you care

To do your best

When you love

What you do

You will know

In your heart

You are enough

For you!



Passion & Perseverance

Have you ever wondered

What is it on your path

That makes you persevere

Like no tommorow

To keep giving all of you…

Something that is on the fringes

Something tangible and yet intangible

It is that which sparks you up

Nothing feels unbearable

Its as if your mind body & soul

Is finally integrated in the sensing

Of the brilliance at work

Beyond yourself.

You will know that when you meet

The purpose of your being

At some point in your life perhaps

In the most unexpected of ways

You will find in yourself

An energy summoned from within

To reckon with to persevere on.

Such is the dance of abundance

Of creation at play

Making life resonate to its cosmic ways…



Heartprints Matter

True meaning of St Valentine Day!

Celebrate life and living

Leave heart prints

Wherever you go

Today and every day!


Just be

Be anchored be balanced.

Life has a way of arranging itself.

Trust your path is meant to be

Just be…



Are you too busy?

The art of giving time and attention…

Is worth mastering to have any

successful relationship.

Nothing worth having can ever be rushed.

What do you think?



What is the Spirit of Christmas

Spirit of Christmas is the glow of warmth enveloping us all.
No matter how the year has been
No matter how life challenges us all
The spirit of Christmas has power
To change the perspective
Of what truly matters for one & all.

There is joy of seeing in hope
There is abundance in goodwill
There is cheer of smiles and laughter
There is most of all a thanksgiving.

With an attitude of gratitude
For all that is in this now.
Spirit of Christmas is alive & kicking
In the heart of the humankind
Kindling kindness & spreading smiles.


Gods Gift

Every moment  in time
Is a gift of God.
In both the so called
Good and bad

The easy and difficult times
There is always  a learning
To sense and understand
To evolve along the path.

Yet I am a lover of the mornings…

It gives me hope to look forward  to
No matter the darkness of the night.
One more chance  to make life better
To share and create
To heal and to help another
There is a beauty in every dawn
The way the sun rises every  day
The way the darkness gives in to light

I am more me in the mornings
I enjoy the waking moments unhurried
I revel in the  now in the  bliss of bless
I witness the dance of light at dawn
As the sun beams its rays across
As earth awakens itself from slumber

The chirping birds fill me with joy
Its not noise to me, its a song
Of  motivation and energy
To carry on through the day.
Mornings share hope for the day
Do give yourself  an early start
Make mornings work for you
Bask in the grace of light.

The Synergy of the sun is upon you!

Know the mornings after a rested night
Are specially conducive to invoke
Your creativity in the things you do
So write create draw paint sing & dance.

Sleep not the mornings away.
What a waste of life’s inspiration  it would  be
Every morning  is a gift to yourself
To unbox and release  hope some more.




The way of the Waves
Nature teaches us in every way
We learn the way of being…

One of the biggest learning
From the waves is knowing 
How to let yourself go…

Being free of baggage
And accumulation.
Not withholding.

In learning to let go
You find yourself at ease

In the lightness of being.




Definition of protocol

1: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction

Setting up protocols is a tedious process
But once set, it makes things much easier.

When a team shares the same language they communicate effectively so protocols aid in communication.When rules procedures are set as the protocol to follow, workflow improves without hitches With protocols laid down like a step-by-step process every employee can have clarity on ways to address conflicts if any, and how to seek resolution.

Why is there a need and necessity of creating rules systems and follow protocols?

In the workplace, it can be a guideline for proper behavior at work and also can help prevent conflicts or protect from harassment.

With changing times and situations as they are, whether it’s a ‘Work from home or office’, netiquettes and manners can make a huge difference in the way businesses are run.

Every small exchange of interaction can make or mar the communication levels.
Setting up protocols and training modules can increase productivity and improve professionalism in conducting business.

Communication for Implementation

For protocols to be successfully implemented It has to be relevant and easy to understand. Often the rules can seem too confusing so communication is very crucial in getting protocols in place in any organization understood. And even more so in this changing world.

Standards and protocols when defined properly, can certainly help increase productivity at work. And as expectations are set and there is clarity for what methods are for the deliverables and the timeframes, there is greater ownership, attention and accountability in the organization to follow the procedures.

As a Consultant I have enabled teams across departments setup their systems in place as well as improvising on the set procedures , while making the required changes such that the process can work efficiently. Ensuring the protocols are followed is just as challenging as setting it up. However, it becomes easier when they are followed as a practice with checks and balances in all teams without too many exceptions to the rule, to support new employees to ease in to the system.

How important have Protocols been for your organization’s efficiency?

Have your teams been following through the set norms and have they been effective?

I would love to know. Do share.



Peace is the way!

Inner peace eventually, leads to external peace.
Peace is the way.
