Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Practice of positivity

Sharinge my earlier post again for this new year as it is a deeply meaningful excercise in Gratitude and Positivity to me.

The Gift of Life …

“When I was a little girl I often have witnessed my dear father see and give great value and acknowledge every little good that is or happens , however small they may seem to others. It could be a with a gentle word, a tiny appreciation or a little compliment. He taught me one of most important lesson for a lifetime… to notice, respect and reflect on the good in and around us… and to live positively and think of life always as Plus++++es .

Life is beautiful as it is and it is in us to see it so …”



Love Life Live

©Savvy Raj


Thoughts & Associations

Each of us have experiences that associate with any word.

What thoughts come to you in associations with the word Water.

Water brings forth many associations immediately but most of all of grace and strength.

In thoughts of fluidity in the flow…

In the ease of adaptability & lightness of being

As well as the strength of its perseverance in its path…

I associate with the rhthymic expression of waves.

Gratitude for Grace of this blessing of water to drink

And of the freedom of movement,while revelling in the water.

What thoughts and associations come immediately to you for the word ‘Water’?

©Savvy Raj


Happy hearts

A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.
Anne Roiphe

Nice quote. But it is one sided. For I think it’s likewise for any one. Man or woman. A happy spirit makes others happy.

Wonder why it’s assumed that only women need to smile, is it OK for men to be grumpy?

A smiling face no matter man woman, child or a pet makes way for a beautiful blessed day!

Let’s make it  more inclusive
Lets value the beauty of smiles and it’s corelation to happy relationships.

Seasons Greetings

©Savvy Raj


Getting things done?

The busier a person seems

The less the person works

The more they delegate

For they value of time

And getting things done on time.

They believe in themselves

And take themselves lightly.

How often have you wondered

How some people manage it all

People rushing between deadlines

People having meetings with them

Continously consistently

And yet they appear unruffled

With a great sense of humor

A smile playing on their faces

And steel in their nerves

It is all about their organisation

Of things that matter on priority

And the ability to delegate

That makes things happen.

One person cannot accomplish

As much as a team of people

Dedicated to a purpose

Built by a determined leader.

Who believes, ‘I can’

For then the quantity of work

Gets improved by the quality…

What are your thoughts? Do share.

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The Search

One of the greatest philosophers of India, Adi Shankaracharya founded the Advaita Vedanta, which is one of the sub-schools of Vedanta. Shankara travelled across the Indian subcontinent to propagate his philosophy through discourses and debates with other thinkers.

Sharing a lovely story which will give you valuable insight into the life of this great poet and philosopher and the wisdom of Adi Shankaracharya.

One night Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the great Advaita master, was desperately searching for something on the street outside his small hut. When his pupil returned from his errand, he saw this and curiously asked the Master, “Acharya, what are you looking for here on the street at this hour?”

Shankaracharya replied, “I lost my needle, I am looking for it.”

The pupil joined him in the search, but after searching for a while, he asked, “Can you try and recollect where you might have dropped it?”

Shankaracharya said, “Of course, I remember. I dropped it near the bed in the hut.”

The pupil, utterly astonished at the strange answer, said, “Aacharya, you say you lost it inside the house, then why are we looking for it outside?”

Shankaracharya innocently replied, “There is no oil left in the lamp, so it is pitch dark inside the house. Hence I thought of searching for it outside, since there is enough street light here.”

While holding back his laugh, the pupil said, “If you lost your needle inside the house, how could you even expect to find it outside?”

Shankaracharya simply smiled back at the pupil and the pupil got the message behind the acharya’s puzzling act.

Isn’t that what we do? We run to far away temples and walk up mountains to search for what we have lost inside ourselves. We are all seeking outside what we have lost inside us. Why? Just because it is pitch dark Inside.

Silly, aren’t we?!

Light the lamp inside you and find your lost treasure right therein.

A few more reflections :

Speaking of… ego,fear,sadness,pain,pleasure, doubt,procrastination,craving, desire,ambition, wants, needs, accumulations, all create mental clutter and stressful reactions.

Happiness, hope,courage, bravery,belief, faith, trust, confidence,perseverance, positivity, a sense of purpose and cultivating the ability to let go in understanding, all create a sense of balance in the responses.

All is within us and so is the choice of what we wish to bring to light.

Simplify the process to make it work in tandem with your being.

Ask the question to the self and your thoughts will find the way .

We are wired to find solutions within us… scientifically neuroplasticity speaks of the ability of our cells to stretch and acknowledge new awareness into our being .

Seek the answer in ways that are holistic and in tandem with universal truths of being.

Life is a cycle and this circle of life will manifest solutions in time.

©Savvy Raj


Life finds a way…

Life is strange
Strange is life
Just like that
Life turns around
Difficult becomes easy
Miseries come to an end
Problems find a solution
Trust in a deliverance
Hope against hope
Keep the faith
Life finds a way



Force of nature

Every creative endeavour is rooted in a dance of the energy within and around us…

The dynamics of integration embodies the creative output.

A movement that is influenced in the tidal wave of both gravitational and centrifigual force of thoughts.

Creativity is a dance of the creator in the flow…

©Savvy Raj


On Giving

That best portion of a man’s life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.
William Wordsworth

On Giving

Give the good you have
Every time before the ask
Consciously consistently
Every time you do
You create space within
For more good to find its way in

In reality
Giving from all of you
Is much easier done than said
For all you need is to be you
Giving with all your heart
Making it a regular practice
Sensing true freedom in spirit
Aligning you with the Universe
A little more in every deed.

©Savvy Raj


Memorable moments

There are always special moments in every one’s life
Making life meaningful and memorable
Often it’s pure serendipity…
When your memory jogs you to remember such a moment.

What makes the memory strong?
What you are associating it with,
That is what makes the memory stronger.

Next time pay attention to whatever you want to remember.
What emotions and feelings can you associate with it?
As your visualisation gets stronger
Your memory gets better and will  fade lesser in time.

Now remember to visualise with vibrance.
Choose as you please,
Scents & fragrances of places
Nature & friendships
Colours of Emotions
In all its vividity &feelings.

Soon you will build on all the happy times.
Keep adding your treasure chest of memorable moments.

Someday you will be thankful for it.

©Savvy Raj


What is it to be Spiritual?

To be spiritual is to embrace the exploration of experiences called life

To be on the path of Spirituality is the path of oneness.

To be spiritual is to acknowledge the uniqueness of every life.

And sense the connectedness therein

As much as embody the freedom of the spirit.

In the independence is the interdependence

In the interdependence is the interbeing

Sensing the divinity within and around you.

©Savvy Raj


What does Creativity require?

Creating anything
Requires trustfulness
Needs effort and focus
And ability to adapt
A willingness to attempt
Acceptance of errors
And perseverance to go on
To the shifting perspectives
In creative associations
Adding curiousity of a child
Of awe, wonder & joy.

©Savvy Raj


The dancing dew

Dancing dew… Photo by Savvy Raj

The sun is shining…
And yet the weather is so cool & nice. A gentle breeze is blowing every now & then, it’s so very refreshing!

As I was finishing my yoga practice with some balancing exercises… Standing with one foot on my mat and staring straight ahead, I spotted it.

The dance of this single dew drop balancing precariously on the branch of my lemon tree. Swaying in the wind.
I kept witnessing it’s beauty & while I winded my practice, it kept me rooted in rapture. I just had to capture it for eternity…😊
As the dew drop danced with gravity and the wind. I hoped it would still be right there when I went to get my phone.

I fiddled around to adjust my camera hoping to catch its glory sooner than later… 💙

This is my first photo of a dew drop…

What a beautiful morning! 💕 Hope you too find extraordinary joy in the little things of life… ❤️
Wishing you a blessed day!

©Savvy Raj

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Bloom in Resilience

Moving beyond….bloom again

Did something happen? 
Did you get hurt?
Are you in pain?
Do you keep hurting
Time and time again
Still thinking of it
Is it the circumstances
That repeat itself?
Or is it you who has to change?

Are you ready?
To work on your own self?

Cultivate your inner strength
Release let go pain
Let go  slights & insults
Step by step
Bit by bit
Acknowledge the hurt
But overcome it
In practice learn to flow over it
And once you do
You move over it
Care to ask yourself
What is the hurt all about?
Where is it hurting the most?
Whatever your answer
Release it consciously
Let it go…
For the now is meant to change
Such is the truth of nature.

Its your life
You are responsible
To create a garden of your life
Make sure you strengthen
The walls with gratitude for life
Value the life in every now
Bloom some more
Be the best you can be!

©Savvy Raj