Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Art of Movement

Personally speaking, I have a deep interest in the art of movements, especially the ones that elucidate the flow… perhaps that is why I love dancing but on the other hand I have been equally captivated by the beauty of Tai chi and more so Qi Gong.

The healing energy of movement has often been a subject of deep passion, respect and research for me.

Likewise I am especially fond of the flowing Waltz as well. Since childhood, dancing comes naturally to me but have always found myself grappling to understand why martial art is even necessary.Until much later I started exploring the potency of energy in each of us…through a little introduction into Tai chi as well by conscious choice.

Allow me to present my reflections on this subject in a flow….

In a dance
There is an interconnect
Of emotion and movement
As to emote is to sense
The feeling in the flow…

In dance there is an awareness
Of moving in response
Without anticipation.
As in one step less,
The music moves on
And you are left to improvise
On how to match the steps in rhythm.

Yes, truly to dance is to enjoy the life in the moves.

In martial arts
There is flow too
But a flow that is ever in alertness,
In strategic moves and self defense
The speed and swiftness
In reaction and response.

Martial arts often feels like dance… t
But often the difference
Is between life and death.

Both are connected in the deepest sense and yet distinctive like chalk and cheese.

The intention to dance and to fight…is what differentiates.

We dance to let go, to enjoy this now and celebrate it.
In awareness is a flow that merges in harmony to synch in with now in artistry of the moves

The warrior is fighting for peace for survival against all odds
Not knowing what is the next move but yielding to the now to decipher the countermove and strike.
Here too there is often a display of extreme artistry of motion in accuracy of time.

To learn both, takes dedication and practice in patience.
But most of all is the need for relentless will & passion to persevere .

Yes, there is a dancer in a warrior

And a warrior in the dancer.

Choice rests within you.

Just remember, to dance is to live the moments and explore its most aesthetic potential in the flow… choose not to make dance a fight.

Stay joyful in peace.

To learn martial arts is to get into the arena and survive.
Attack or in self defense with least possible harm to get out of harms way to stay in peace.

Both may have their own relevance in purpose
To negate one is to look at only one half of the circle
Just as much as joy is part of life
Safekeeping the freedom to be
Is equally important in every now…

Do you want to dance in peace
Do you want to fight for peace.
Choice is yours to make
Peace or war!




Is the beguiling beauty of nature
Meant to have its own purpose
Afterall,everything is connected
Nothing is accidental.

However free in abandon we may feel
In this moment, we are bound
By the laws of nature
And its in these tangible connects
In being part of nature
We are deeply disturbed
By the imbalances of nature.

All of animaldom chooses harmonious
Coexistence with natures laws.
Unlike humans who try to outsmart nature and its ways.
Yet nature nourishes and nurtures itself in every now.
Such is the truth of life and living in nature.

High time to evolve with the lessons
nature shares.
Know that there is always a reason
To the way things are…

What we cannot see with our eyes
Nature of nature, emotes through our senses
Leaving the heart imprints,

Of wisdom in impressions for all of posterity…



Nature’s Wisdom

Wisdom is in the Wind

In the breeze so cool

Wisdom gently rests

Buzzing like the bee

And blows off again…

Singing the song of freedom

Hear it whistling through the rustling leaves…

Showing the vulnerability

Of the moment, now and then.

Wisdom of water is legendary

In its flow is the secret of letting go

Of peace and forgiveness

Of ease and acceptance.

Water is flexible and agile

To adapt itself along the way

Yet strong enough to persevere

And smoothen the stones

Into pebbles in the flow.

To be able to imbibe the profound

Wisdom of the wind & water

Is to know the wisdom of the flow

In knowing that you are not in the flow

But you are the flow!



Hope blooms in my heart …

As I awaken to the bright blue sky
There is a sight for me behold across the window
Of swaying daffodils in the gentle morning breeze…

Glistening in the new morning
Are the dew crystals on its hopeful golden petals…
Drinking in the energies of dawn.

I partake the joy of this dancing flower
And my feelings take a turn
When I truly begin to believe
Hope blooms in my heart...


This above poem came from my little attempt at Magnetic poetry based on a pre set list of words from Rahuls post that served to inspire.

Here are a few words that I realized I have left from this above list… for someone else to  include in a couplet or two…

Never, Keep, belong

Feel free to add a verse or two!

Thank you Rahul.🙏

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All Is A Matter Of Attitude

All is a matter of attitude

We create our lives in every now

As we choose to think and be

Our lifes moment aligns itself.

As each individual life begins to see

The value of self awareness and hopefulness.

Life evolves for one and all

Better communities to nations…

We as a world, are more powerful

Than what we choose to believe …

For we are our own changemakers

War or peace is a choice we have with us.



Spectacular Trees

Recently I came across this picture
Of a truly unique tree called the Tibetan Cherry…

Mesmerized by its brilliant red hues
I was drawn to research a bit more…

The more I read about it
The more I was drawn to sharing this…

I dedicate these following couplets
To this fascinating vision of a tree.

One of the myriad expressions
Of nature’s majestic manifestation.

Alluring copper coloured tree
That creates awe and wonder.

Also known as the Paperbark Cherry
This is a tall tree, growing to around thirty feet in height.

Known to be a native Chinese tree with glossy trunk.
And bumpy bands of lines around it.

Resplendent with red berries, during autumn
Its foliage turns into golden yellow…

And by spring emerges a bloom
Of tiny white flower clusters.

Such a spectacular ornamental shrub
That I would love to meet someday!



On Trustfulness

Between belief and trust
There is a fine line
That makes all the difference
For to believe, is one thing
But to trust, is to let go.

In this trustfulness
Is where all the magic happens
And where the wonder comes alive
And beliefs finds meaning

In the ability to trust
Comes along the surrender
And the ability to accept the let go
In knowing there is always hope.

To trust, is to know there is
Always Something more
Than you or I
That will have our back

In complete trust
Life manifests and flourishes
Beyond the niggling doubts
And the unfounded insecurities

Trust is the power that creates possibilities
So important to trust and be trustworthy.
Trust and allow yourself to realize its potential.
To acknowledge trust, is a step ahead in faith.



Power of Perseverance

First comes passion

That emanates from loving

Whatever you do!

Then comes patience

To do what you need to do

No matter the time or effort!

And then comes perseverance

To keep going tirelessly

In focus & dedication…

The power of perseverance

Brings forth extraordinary results

Manifestating miracles in the making.



The fine line.

A person started to walk on a rope tied between two tall towers. He was walking slowly, balancing a long stick in his hands. He had his son sitting on his shoulders.

Every one on the ground were watching him in bated breath and were very tense. When he slowly reached the second tower, every one clapped, whistled and welcomed him. They shook hands and took selfies.

He asked the crowd “do you all think I can walk back on the same rope now from this side to that side?”

Crowed shouted in one voice “Yes, Yes, you can..”

Do you trust me, he asked? They said yes, yes, we are ready to bet on you.

He said okay, can any one of you give your child to sit on my shoulder; I will take the child to the other side safely..

There was stunned silence. Every one became quiet.

Belief is different. Trust is different. For Trust you need to surrender totally.

This is often the relationship towards our Creator, the omnipresence, God …

We believe in Almighty . But do we trust in this power?

This is a very profound message that makes us ponder…

Such a fine line indeed!


Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a beautiful attitude.

Both in the giver and receiver.

There is certain change of heart

Life evolves for the better.

Yes how beautiful it is

When we begin and end the day

With the grace of heartfelt gratitude!



As Simple As That!

To care to feed your soul

Is to know what your soul truly needs.

Soul is subtlety, that is ever evolving

The soul knows the truths of being.

And yet the soul never commands

Feed your soul with peace

In the heart and mind.

Steer thoughts to think well!

Take care of the body that houses it.

All is transient and yet…

Every now in life can be better.

Feed the soul with love & hope.

Let go of hate and negativity.

Learn the power of subtlety.

There is no secret to evolved souls

Except letting go, without ego.

The ego has no place in the soul

Let go the spurious

You will be happy!

As simple as that.



Take nothing for granted

Take nothing for granted

There is always a reason

For things to be, where they are

As they are, however they are…

Let your heart be ever grateful

For things that you have in this now.

And for that which passed you by…

All is well …in this now.

Stay thankful

And take nothing for granted!


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Harmony of Synchrony

Evolving with time

Evolving with time

In the warp and weft of time.

As the clock ticks on its own tune,

The harmony moves in tandem

To the beats of the marching song.

Time and tide waits for none, they say,

But to accept the changes,

Exactly where you are, is to adapt

To the nature of seasonal shifts.

To begin to understand the dots

Is to connect to the bigger picture,

Is to know there is more to every frame.

Time to unravel the ununderstood —

Take the path of the envisioning,

The construction, than destruction;

Choose to decipher the genius plan

And trust the evolving patterns of life and living.

Growth creates changes along with opportunities galore

That can go out of hand, easily.

For in the space of unprecedented growth,

One needs checks and balances

To grow and evolve

Without losing control.

The evolving world is no longer linear

But more viscerally attuned

To a multi-dimensional phase,

To sync in harmony,

Tuning towards an evolutionary pathway.




Dreams to Action

Beyond the passion

The road to your life’s purpose

Is all about perseverance & patience.

When you choose to trust your dreams

To persevere with sincere intention

And believe with all of you

You are definitely closer to your chosen destination.



Heartprints Matter

True meaning of St Valentine Day!

Celebrate life and living

Leave heart prints

Wherever you go

Today and every day!