Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


It sure is a long kiss to goodnight .


There are summers, full of fun

And more spring times, to come.

There is the beauty of mountains to envision

And snow times to chill…
Our days are yet to unravel

Countless sights of beautĂ˝ to savour

Evenings to dance to some great country music.

And there is the beckonning of starry nights yet to behold …
While there will be days of thunder and lightning.

Till the storms pass on and the sun is shining

It is truly amazing when the simple love for life

And a lttle bit of hope pulls us through …

So its truly a long kiss to goodnight.


From my verses…Hope is here to stay!


Life & living

"In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived How well we have loved How well we have learned to let go” Jack Kornfield


Power of Perseverance

First comes passion

That emanates from loving

Whatever you do!

Then comes patience

To do what you need to do

No matter the time or effort!

And then comes perseverance

To keep going tirelessly

In focus & dedication…

The power of perseverance

Brings forth extraordinary results

Manifestating miracles in the making.


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Mysterious Manuscript

 The Voynich manuscript is a famous medieval text of about 240 pages written in a mysterious language that so far has proven to be undecipherable. Some of the pages are missing, with around 240 remaining. The text is written from left to right, and most of the pages have illustrations or diagrams. Some pages are foldable sheets.
Although there are many attempts to decode the script it has been stumping cryptologists so far.
Some claims through algorithmic decoding have analyzed the language has similarities to Hebrew and even Mazatec. But there are no conclusive pieces of evidence.
 The content has reference to many subjects including herbal medicine, botany, astronomical, biological, cosmological and pharmaceutical sections including a section with recipes.

The manuscript has been kept at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University since 1969. It’s named after Wilfrid Michael Voynich, the Polish book dealer who purchased it from a Jesuit library in Italy in 1912. The vellum on which it is written has been carbon-dated to the early 15th century, and it may have been composed in Italy during the Italian Renaissance.

Like its contents, the history of ownership of the Voynich manuscript is contested and filled with some gaps. The codex belonged to Emperor Rudolph II of Germany (Holy Roman Emperor, 1576-1612), who purchased it for 600 gold ducats and believed that it was the work of Roger Bacon.
 (Source Wikipedia)

Likewise to this manuscript…
There are many mystical truths
That exists around us undecoded
Some lost in translations, undeciphered
Some beyond our understandings still.
The truth is right here
For us to figure out in time.



Wisdom has no age

Have been growing vegetables in my terrace garden
Every potted plant has a story to tell
A lesson to share in the growing…

Take this tomato plant for instance
So much growth but not many fruits
Perhaps they were densely planted
And hence contained in their pot

A few tomatoes have showed up
Others have yet to see the light of the day
Amongst these few, the tiniest tomato
Is very visible to the eye, having ripened the earliest.

The rest are as yet awaiting
Patiently for their evolution
Like they say
Wisdom hath no age!

Perhaps this tiny one at best
Received the rays of sunshine
Nourished in the nurture.
Matured well before it’s time.


Photography by Savvy Raj

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On Spaces (Part 2)

So much for spaces
Gained and lost
Conquered and abdicated
Sensed and enjoyed
Or relinquished in the letting go!

In mindless efforts & attempts at attention one loses track of what truly matters!
Sanity of being and most importantly sensing of life’s moments!




Touch a button and everything is downloaded or uploaded. Isn’t that the trend everywhere now whatever the field, this push button convenience seems to be taking over, whether it’s publishing, the kitchen, home front luxuries or travel or communications entertainment etc? This is convenience at its best where there is
minimal or no effort and the result is plain to see. Whatever happened to no pain no gain? Anyway I am not complaining here, hi techno gizmos you are most welcome.

The thing that is a cause for concern is that with all this easy way of living that technology brings forth there is a paradigm shift in the thinking of this new generation of hi tech users who are so hooked up to these gadgets of convenience that they expect it to be so in all others areas of life too… The emotional ,physical ,personal aspects of life cannot somehow become machine like and that’s how it is seeming to be.

Many are aware of their growing sense of inadequacies in mutual relationships. The lack of care and concern due to time, and work pressure is somehow seen to be adjusted and neutralized by hi tech gadgets in our households. So much that the person lets the products of convenience make up for his personal presence or absence in family situations and experiences.

Similarly if one notices most students are averse to listening to another and taking in information from another as their attention span for personal communication is overridden by convenience of Internet, chats and social networks and group calls so why bother.

What happened to good old teaching? Actually the educationists to prefer going tech savvy as they feel that they would be lagging behind otherwise.
The issue for concern is larger than all these little details, slowly machines have replaced humans in most spheres of life. The advent of machines is real and right there in front of us.

Every house in the city and even villages are connected with Internets, so there is a network of telecommunications system without any hazard control measure in place.

In most of the developing countries the health standards and safety for mobile towers, radiations hazards in private personal and public spaces are totally disregarded. People seem to be more interested in getting the job done quickly… with lack of time stress levels are on a all time high and no one seems to be bothered if there are reports published once in a while by some concerned individuals about the dangers of radiations from all these devices of modern technology. The page is turned over with not even a response as no one seems to have the time. ‘ Let someone else to do the job or let’s wait and see if it’s really that bad or so far I haven’t experienced anything. So why bother,’is the care a damn attitude prevalent across most sections of the thinking population.

Lack of empathetic responses makes us more and more mechanical in our approach and we seem to be losing the humane side of us. This is exactly what is happening on a large scale. People are growing indifferent and unapproachable, shrewd and over efficient for a purpose. There is no genuineness left in most relationships as well, everything is for what can I make from this.

So whether its education or otherwise the trend is to conveniently download information and present your work as done instead of contemplative thought and deep understanding. There are very few individuals who are not caught in this web of technology and their numbers is dwindling…

It’s time we wake up to core values or they would be lost forever. An e-card will wish you on your birthday and a cake and roses will be sent to you by post but there will be no one to eat it with. Just you and your gadgets how about it?
Savvy Raj


Walk the path…

My reflections on this beautiful picture….
Sun kissed leaves shine like gold
Majestic tall trees lined with wisdom untold
A winding woody path so green
emerges in between …
It beckons you onto a journey to the unknown
Yet with the radiant light of the sun leading you on
You know for sure you will never lose your way
Basking in the beautiful morning suns ray ….
Walk the path … befriend nature and dare
To accept the experiences, it’s ready to share
Live this moment, do not leave it for another day
awaiting when the sun shall shine this glorious way …
Cos Life is so much like this unknown path my friend
Make the journey as the sunshine around the bend
Trust yourself to be all you can be
And perhaps, its awaiting you … that which you wish to see!


#motivational #poetry #awareness #life


A Sight to Behold!

Blooms and blossoms Photos by Savvy Raj

My photo of the day! Blooming in my terrace garden…

Roses have a beauty of their own

Colours contrasting with the green leaves

They blossom and capture hearts

Arrestingly captivating

To look at , enticingly fragrant

So delicate and fragile

But in all their vulnerability

Their charm flows in abundance

Always a sight to behold

Amazingly significant

For a Life so short lived!

Such is the wonder of life and living!


Amazing nature! Amazing beauty!

Teaching us it is not the length of time we live , but in how best we can live the time we have!


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The Gift of Family & Friends

Your true source strength in every living moment!
Friends and families are your circles of protection

What is family?
Relationships that bond through a lifetime
Through the winds of changes
In hopes and hurt
In challenges and conflicts
In confusion and chaos
In the circumstances and consequences…

Healing and helping
Caring and consoling
Being there throw the thick and thin
In support and encouragement
Amidst the pain and pleasures
Of life and living

Families and friends are strength giving
Value and nourish them
Through attention and time.
For only they will stand the test of time
In moments of despair desperation.

And after all what use is happiness With no one to partake the joy?

Keep your friend and families close to your heart.



Light of the Soul

A writers soul is found dancing in the letters as he writes.
A painters soul is found between the colours in the canvas
The potters soul is in his fingers shaping the clay passionately.

The singers soul is in the sounds created by the voice.
The dancers soul is flowing through in every movement made.
The Soul is a restless wanderer
It breathes free not in captivity,
But in every movement of creation.
It cannot be fathomed or even sensed
Other than in the light of passion in the being.

For then the soul shines in its own light
For it has found its purpose of being.


Touching Peace in the Middle path.



Her likes were not blatant and loud —

Not the one to shout out.

Her kind of songs were of melody and rhythm,

In sync with her heartbeat.

Her type of books were all of an understanding,

The soothing and sagacious kind,

Of healing and harmony.

Her friends were far and few.

Not much would escape her lips;

Her speech was guarded.

None had really stepped into her inner world.

In fact, her family too knew little about her.

Her words were simple, not stormy.

In fact, she chose the middle path in life —

A road safe and steady.

Not for her the bane of fame and fortune;

Not for her the choppy waters of high tides.

She preferred smooth sailing in serenity.

She was a lover of grace in simple things.

She never was the seeking kind.

Neither love nor laurels, pleasures nor pain,

She lived a life of content. 

She never craved too much.

She knew the price of desire only too well.

Awakening the self, the way bearer in the wisdom of living.

Want of wealth never brings balance of needs.

Hoard nothing and healing begins. 

Living intentionally is not about living selfishly.

She was privy to the clasping clutch that ambition brought.

She witnessed the sacrifice of lives barely lived.

She grew in the unfolding drama that power portrayed.

She was torched by emotional upheavals, but she rose in fortitude.

She amassed the wisdom in the power of silence.

As she knew and sensed the peace in the middle path.

Who is she?

What makes her who she is?

What guides and motivates her?

What brings her peace and contentment?

What makes her grateful?

To every evolving question, there is always a reason to be.

And to each their own path to be!



Be this alive!

A great piece of choreography and cinematography from the movie Shall we Dance.

Watch the sensous swivels and the tantalising twirls of tango and be mesmerized by the lead pair of Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.

I love the line she says to him…

‘Be this alive!’…




On Success

Believe in your abilities,

Trust your instincts

Give your best shot,

Success is sure to follow…
