Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Reaching beyond …

Often the difference

Between mediocrity

And excellence

Is in the ability

In reaching beyond

To go the extra mile

For a cause, a passion

In dedicated perseverance

Towards a larger purpose

That is where life feels most alive.


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Beauty of innocence

Some Very Beautiful Examples of Innocence, which will touch your heart…

1. Author and lecturer, Leo Buscaglia, once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.
The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.
The winner was:

A four-year-old child, whose next door neighbour was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old man’s yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbour, the little boy just said: ‘Nothing, I just
helped him cry.’

2. Students, of class one in a school, were discussing a student’s family picture. One little boy in the picture had a hair colour, different from the other family members.
One of the other students suggested that he was adopted.

A little girl said: ‘I know all about
adoption, bcoz I was adopted..’

‘What does it mean to be adopted ?’, asked another child.

‘It means’, said the girl, ‘that you grew in your mommy’s heart, instead of her tummy.!’

3. Whenever I’m disappointed with my life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott.
Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play.
His mother told me that he’d set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen..

On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school.
Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement.. ‘Guess what, Mom,’ he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me..: ‘I’ve been chosen to clap and cheer.’

4. An eye witness account from New York City , on a cold day in December.
A little boy, about 10-years-old, was standing before a shoe store on the road, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering
with cold.

A lady approached the young boy and said: ‘My, but you’re in such deep thought staring in that window!’
The boy replied:’I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes.’

The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy.
She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel.
He quickly brought them to her.

She took the little fellow to the back
part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel.

By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks.
Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she purchased him a pair of shoes..

She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, ‘No doubt, you will be more comfortable now..’

As she turned to go, the astonished kid caught her by the hand, and looking up into her face, with tears
in his eyes, asked her:

*’Are you God’s wife………?’*



On Letting Go

“To be truly happy and contented, you must let go of what it means to be happy or content.” – Confucius

What is so difficult about the letting go?

Is it the fear of not being able to have it again when you need it most?

Or is it about the holding on to memories that were?

Or is it the attachment to things that is most difficult to release?

When we realize how dispensable we are and how transient is our being…

We will begin to see the world with a fresh pair of eyes.

We will know, nothing is given

Neither our lives nor our nature

Every manifestation must evolve

To another state in the flow

Then we may perhaps be able

To accept letting go as part of the flow!



Live than just exist.

It’s often good to remember

You are born to live.

Not live because you are born.

Keep living than just existing.

Keep hope alive in your heart.



Laugh yourself happy

Laugh yourself happy

Laugh a little or laugh a lot,

Laughter elicits laughter

Laughter promotes health

Laughter builds community

Laughter fortifies the heart

Laughter bridges the gaps.

Watch this awesome video…

Laughter speaks one language

Laughter tides over barriers

Laughter steers over the despair

Laughter fights off loneliness.

Laughter is a dose of health

Laughter is the best remedy!

Develop a sense of humor

It is gift within you for you.

Find it for your own happiness

Laugh yourself happy!

In this train of life we are on ….

We as humans of the so called evolved societies with education and global experiences and connects on our sides are often the ones who take the most time to smile at one another as humans traveling in the same journey of life, let alone share a laugh in the open. I wonder why?

We live within boundaries for our own safety which is good for our protection and yet it robs us of our freedom to live life.

We are always so careful in looking to put our best foot forward that we lose the joy of spontaneity.

Our life is controlled by our own doings that we throw ourselves into little boxes every day and night and we forget what it feels to think feel and sense beyond the box literally.

And sadly those who do are ridiculed for being the odd one out.

True freedom is unshackling the self from these chains of false convictions…of how to be. And just be.


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Effortless grace

Effortless grace is visible in a dancer,

Who even in the dynamics of great extensions in flexibility

Can manifest great ease and subtlety.



Life is…

Life is both simple and sufficient
Simplicity is hidden
In the clutter and complexity
Sufficiency is hidden
In the grace of gratitude.

Life is strengthened in stability and flexibility.

Stability is hidden
In the chaos and confusion
Flexibility is hidden
In the flow of the structure.

Life is nourished in empathy and compassion.
Empathy is hidden
In the sensing and understanding
Compassion is hidden
In the actions from the heart.

Life is nurtured in Care

Caring is hidden
In love & in goodwill.

Life is a maze of the mysterious
Life is challenging yet resilient.

Life is full of wisdom in the challenges
But wisdom is hidden
In the very truth of life and living.

Life is a puzzle that awaits solution. The solution is found in simply living it.



Chiseling Along The Way…

Evolution is a matter of chiseling

Of discarding the unnecessary.

Chiselling towards perfection

Weeding out the unwanted.

Until there is clarity of purpose.

Chiselling goes on cutting through

The edges of existence

To arrive at the core of the being.

That stays true to its form

The rest fall off unbound

Leaving the essence to come alive

Breathing life into the being.

Such is the act of chiselling

To reach the purpose of the being.

Each of us helps the other

Uncover the truth of our soul.

For life shapes up

As matter takes form

Igniting the spark of energy

To mould the spirit of the being.

And spirit willing we can keep on

Sculpting… the process of evolving

For the better of the world, we belong.

Revealing the meaning of life and living.

Came across this interesting picture on social media and these were my immediate thoughts.

Do care to share your thoughts.


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Secrets of Living Well!

Secrets of living life well are no secrets at all.

Healthy mind, heart and body is about thinking well, eating well and  being active in life.
Good health is all also about being able to live happy with cheer enthusiasm  and zest for life.
A life lived lovingly without feeling shackled, exhausted and fearful is well lived.
A life is best lived that feels every now matters enough to help make a positive difference. 



Live life lovingly!

Shape life ❤fully!

Life is lived in every moment
For life is unpredictable
And so full of surprises and wonder

Life is best lived
In valuing the now
Respecting life
For what it is
As then you discover
The magic that life truly is.

Shape life heartfully❤
Live mindfully
Be present and be engaged
Live life lovingly.


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Choose a cause

Choose to make a positive difference

Choose to give from your heart

Be a supporter in life for a cause

Choose to stand for something

Greater than your immediate self

Always be grateful & stay humble.

Not only will you be using your time well

You will begin to feel thankful

In the lightness of love

For the contented heart you will carry.

Will make your days feel at ease

Your burdens will lift and

You will feel like dancing in the breeze.

You will smile from the heart.

Choose a cause.



An Affirmation For One & All!

I come from light
Born with the infinite in me
Learning through it all
To move from deepest insecurities to dare
To rise like a phoenix beyond fear.

To see the world in a heartbeat
To turn the tide of pain to pleasure
To awaken the dormant awareness
To hope beyond despair
To give hope to the hopeless.

And when the mood strikes
To take flights of fancy in the light of imagination
Into the world of creativity and dream on
In surrealistic idealism.

To revel, celebrate and enthuse
In the creativity of thoughts words & deeds
To be conscious of my glorious truths
To feel free and yet deeply interwoven

To the fabric of conscious intentions
To denote the goodwill in the endowment
To mark the fleeting time with grace.

To leave footprints in benevolence.
In joyous acceptance of the potential within
Of endless beginning in possibilities
Of Infinity expressing itself through me.

©Savvy Raj

A Hug Is A Magic Circle!


A hug is a magic circle …
A power within your reach
To embrace the good
And let out the unwanted.

Celebrate yourself be joyful.
The warmth of a hug
Flows like a river of joy
Healing with hopefulness.

Of love and tenderness
There is no special time
Every moment is willing
And waiting to be hugged.

Reach out with care
And spread the love today
To all your special ones
Share the magic you possess.

It has the potential to bring peace
To aching hearts and warring souls
Give a gift of tenderness
Give a hug today!



In this now

Imagine each moment in this now
Is brimming with possibilities
Each moment is in a choice you make
The way you feel, the attitude you carry
Its charts its course of how it impacts you.

You are immensely powerful
In making the most of the moment
Your intent to see and visualize
Can change the moment for you
For moments are as you see them.

Choose to see life with a love-filled heart

Choose to see hope beyond despair

Choose to see the joy reflecting through you

Choose to shape and sculpt the moment.

Choose to smile from the heart

Choose to channel the energy of this now

Choose to steer in positive thoughts

Choose gratitude for this now

For all that you are, were and can be.



A Beckoning Sight!



A beckoning sight indeed!

The awesomeness of pink delights
A tree, a path, a bench in the sunlight.

Lovely sight with a spark of romance
A breath of freshness, a hint of fragrance

How unassuming is this place
For a bit of peace, a perfect space.

To cherish this view with care
All I need is a moment to spare!

Savvy Raj