Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Who is your life partner?

Husband /wife…?
Best friend..?

Or someone else… ????

Your real life partner
is Your *Body*

You and your body
stay together from
the beginning of your
life till your last

You enjoy each
relationship in this
world that you feel
is good for you..
But you also play an
important role with
your body.

What you do to your
body is your
responsibility and
that will come back
to You.
The more you care
for your body, the
more your body will
care for You.

What you eat,
What you do for being fit,
How u deal with
stress (physical/mental/emotional),
How much rest you
give to it..
Will decide how your body gonna respond
in your day to day

Remember your
body is the only
permanent address
where You live.

What your body
wants is…,

Your body is your
You are Your real
life partner.

Sharing this above message as they certainly are words to remember!

The Body has always been at the receiving end.
Then there are always issues with the body we have , too thin too fat too muscular too lean too angular too buffed to wiry … sad for we are what we feed ourselves .

Instead of gratitude for the gift of life that gives us our body we focus on actual nonissues, without being able to be content and add to our stress levels ourselves.

Nurture your body.Value the residing space of our living spirit.

Respect the body

Our body is not a machine it needs more than regular fuel in the form of food .
Because we are a web of interconnected cells we thrive in the integration and interdependence of the body mind and spirit .
We need to think well to feel well
We need to eat well to be well
We need to choose well to live well
We need to behave well to thrive in wellness
This is the strength of the interdependence that keeps us going.

Feed the body with love:
Take care to eat right and respect its state of being
Be polite and honest in your ways. Every body can be listening . You are responsible for you can be influencing the apace around you. You are emitting your intentions and thoughts outwards subconsciously
You must remember to rest and care for your body whenever needed.

For whatever way and however you can, it is certainly like turning back the clock into a more productive you!



In Striking A Balance!

Ego matters!

Ego is a sense of self-identity

Between being an asset and liability the ego drives our being.

Unmindful and ungrateful often times as such is its way!

It can interfere just as much as it can be indifferent to the being

It can alter goodwill and stall humility from expressing itself

It can change the words we were meaning to speak

It can halt a chance to commune with others

It can steer a dialogue to a monologue

It can become a bone of contention

It can rob us of cooperation and collaboration

And yet all this while a sense of ego can be a source of self-esteem

It can help a person from crumbling in a crisis

It can create a curiosity to know and acquire

It can be a strength of support in times of dire need

It can propel us to do more & achieve more

Your Ego can be your trusted aide

For it knows you more than you ever can.

It is born with you from your first breath

And plays on its course till your very last.

So the question is not about banishing but of balancing.

In striking a chord of balance between the states of being.

Mindful words from a heart full of grace,

Can be a precursor of changing ways.

A respect and regard for another’s perspective

Appreciation and value for others much as one’s own!

A few reflections on striking a balance

Accept that your ego is like your shadow

It follows where ever you go

It creates hurdles in your deeds

It can doubt and induce fear

Simply trust with your loving self

For it’s your internal guide

That leads from the heart

To let you see and know

Who you truly are!

Let your love meet your fears

It will understand the power of love

Choose to be loving and considerate

Change your track to being compassionate

Choose to avoid loose talk

Choose the virtue of generosity

Choose to be inclusive and expansive

Choose to admit your mistakes

Choose to see the world beyond the self

Choose to take your self lightly

Choose the freedom of laughter

It unshackles the chains of self-restraint

Let the self, express and entertain itself!

So allow the ego to a little space but make sure it knows its space.

Allow it to be a part of you but don’t allow it take the whole of you.

Transcending the Ego is the aspiration,

For every religion speaks of this very transcendence…

From trivial and baseline pursuits to higher consciousness.

Ego can be a tool for survival but it can be a weapon of mass destruction!

Transform it into self-improvement manoeuvre it to reconstruction.

In every deed of Giving the ego cannot be far behind for, to give itself seems so full of itself. The Giving means there is something to give an upper hand a stake a superiority if nothing else a contentment of a fulfilment. So to give seems a little egotistical in all its glorious ways.

Yet there is a transformation in every act of giving, that finds its path in the journey towards transcendence .



On Learning Spaces

My reflections after a chance visit to Swadhaa A Waldorf School in Pune.
In my spare time as a hobby, I enjoy visiting offbeat places and interacting with people from all walks of life to broaden my perspectives. To envision the world through the eyes of another is always an insightful experience.
When I visited Auroville in Pondicherry last year amongst the many inspirational insights I came across a bit about how Waldorf Schools started by Rudolf Steiner who was inspired by Sir Aurobindo, stands for holistic education that speaks to the soul and strives for human goodwill and integrity and instilling a sense of creativity and wonder through its unconventional schooling methods.
Besides that, I also had come across words of praise for her schooling and education received from the well-known actress Jennifer Anniston an alumnus of a Waldorf School herself.

Jennifer Aniston, Actress, former Waldorf student:

“I was always fascinated by acting, but my experience at Rudolf Steiner [school] encouraged me to pursue it as a career.” “Steiner was a free-spirited school that encouraged creativity and individualism.”

As a dance educator myself I have always felt schooling at conventional schools can be rather stifling for it focuses more on procedure and protocol than allowing freedom to explore. The root of our individuality and personal expression is often stubbed in the process of conforming to the norms and practices unless it is balanced out when there is a gateway to open communication and positive support on the homefront.

Recently having shifted my residence in Pune City and in my foray into understanding what my area had on offer as a creative educator myself, I came across. SWADHA Learning Centre. My interest was piqued that it was based on the principles of a Waldorf school.
I decided to experience the place on my own. Luckily for me the day I visited the school it turned out to be their Annual Day and there were elaborate festivities planned out for the entire day by the school for one and all.

There were workshops galore… I attended a few out of curiosity and came away heartened by the immense enthusiasm and support from the parents and children alike for this schools annual activity. I took my time to interact with some of the parents.

What I was immediately drawn to was the amount of openness that was there reflected in so many ways from children who were learning life skills experientially to how parents were so beautifully integrated into the educational activities of the children.

The pictures speak for themselves I must say!
In an era of grades and marks that decides destinies of children as future adults,
the learning concepts observed here come as a breath of fresh air. Like the lack of grading systems and adding only an individual assessment by the educator annually to ensure that each child is addressed and understood for their unique potential. And the breakdown of hierarchy which makes everyone an involved collaborator working towards positive transformations. And I believe they also help and guide a child gradually, who wants to integrate into conventional schooling system if they wish or need to for whatever reasons. The question is would we want to?
Perhaps the varied schools under the Waldorf umbrella are as unique as the people collectively managing them, but the fact remains that there is a happier learning space we can co-create for our future children if we have the willingness to come together and contribute our time and resources.

” A space that’s open yet bounded with a focus can be conducive to learning as when the process of exploration begins it is helped by a structured approach. But while boundaries may be reminding of a journey having a destination, it is the openness that reflects the never-ending source of creative possibilities.”


An excerpt from my reflections on Learning spaces…. (read more )

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10 Tips to Body Confidence

In an age of self obsession bordering on extremes of behaviour from starving to binging, from wearing those uncomfortable hip breaking harmful high heels to choosing crazy outfits that fool you in the name of fashion, to wearing outrageous clothes without it actually suiting your personality, just to fit in and feel accepted I find a lot of people youngsters especially finding themselves at odds with their natural body and having issues with who they truly are. It reflects in the clothes they wear as much as in their attitude to the fast convenience food they choose to eat.

Here in this article I address this very insecurity and deep need to measure up to the so called dictates of trends and fashion in the name of modernity and suggest ways to work with yourself to help yourself shine your best inside out. For, a comfortable and relaxed confident body is the best outfit you can wear.
Savvy Raj

A positive body image brings optimism into your life and makes it easier to manage stress.

It also helps you cope the pressures of social situations with confidence. Below, I’ve listed 10 tips to help you in owning a more positive body image and relationship with yourself.

  • Be kind to yourself

Liking who you are and feeling good about being yourself begins with being good to yourself and showing yourself loving kindness.

  • Respect thy Self

Move beyond a need for validation from others. Your life and happiness must never be dictated by assuming what others may be thinking of you. Avoid seeking approval from others.

  • Think well and exercise the power of positivity

Keep a check on your own thoughts and steer clear of negative self-talk. See the positives in yourself and others and speak positively. See life transform for the better.

  • The company you keep matters

Surround yourself with kind and positive people. Avoid those who are self-obsessed and definitely stay away from bullies.

  • Cultivate a good attitude towards life

As you continue to work on your self-esteem remember body confidence is a matter of attitude and the way you carry yourself.

  • Cultivate good posture and poise

Work on your sense of poise, avoid slouching and fidgeting. This can help you tremendously in boosting your self-esteem in any social situation.

  • Speak well

Your body is always listening. So, speak well of yourself and others. Make it a habit to start and end the day on a positive note.

  • Embrace Self-value

Try to understand your weaknesses and accept them as challenges to work on. Treat yourself well. Make sure to eat well, exercise, or take a walk. Be healthy and groomed. Make it a part of daily life.

  • Take it easy

Over perfection is an obsession and can ruin your self-esteem and self-confidence. Ease up on yourself. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

  • Own yourself

Embrace the uniqueness that you are endowed with. Remember you matter. You are so much more than a title, a rank, or a dress size. Don’t be desperate to fit in. Most importantly, be interested in your life and actively participate in it. Own yourself.

As you practise working on all these aspects and envision the positives, you create a positive shift in your perspectives.

Because you can!

– Savvy


What choice would you make?


Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder

Help someone’s soul heal

Walk out of your house like a shepherd


Precious words from Rumi which are empowering, to say the least, awakening in us to respect the innate potential we all possess to reach out to help another …

To help is to empower the mind body and spirit of another.

Empowerment is a powerful factor in building lives. Given the choice of transforming lives with the abilities, you own…if you are ready to help another…
What would you choose to be?

Being a Lamp :

A lamp lights up itself to light the way for another It is selfless and expansive . The light of a lamp lets you envision the strengths within the self as much as the others For to enable sight is to allow the envisionment. Being a light enables and empowers, as it throws light without fear or favour.
It is simply the quality of light to shine graciously!

Being a lifeboat:

It is the very purpose of a lifeboat to help save lives to allow another to hold on, to never fail in protecting from drowning in the voyage of life.

The lifeboat is a survival tool and is built to weather the storms without giving way. It floats on relentlessly without giving up to reach to safety.
Being a life boat in an emergency is like a godsend!. To save a life is to value its preciousness of the being.

Being a ladder:

Allowing the self to be utilized for another is the very nature of a ladder. In fact to be a ladder is to allow another to reach and aim higher to develop and evolve further.
A ladder is constructive in its very core essence, to build up another towards a goal.

Being a builder of another’s dreams and helping propel another to a cause greater than the self is the sign and strength of being a ladder. Being unmindful of the treading over of another in their attempt to reach their aspirations is a tall order indeed. The ladder provides the way without any personal gain.

Here are 3 beautiful sayings worth remembering always…




Self-empowerment &healing :

To help transform lives is to empower from the heart and make a difference!

However, it is about healing the self-first enough to let light in that helps others to see!

A friend in need is a friend indeed! ;
Whatever is your way to reach out and help, what is truly significant is the one who helps in time and need. For such a help is a hand of God in divine grace.

So make a choice to reach out to the world in your own unique way for it needs all the help it can get!


Let go! 

Sharing a beautiful story that will make us sense and acknowledge our inner feelings and help channelize its expression in a more evolved way with deeper understanding.

*The Empty Boat -A Story of Anger.*

A monk decides to meditate alone, away from his monastery. He takes his boat out to the middle of the lake, moors it there, closes his eyes and begins his meditation. After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly feels the bump of another boat colliding with his own.
With his eyes still closed, he senses his anger rising, and by the time he opens his eyes, he is ready to scream at the boatman who dared disturb his meditation. But when he opens his eyes, he sees it is an empty boat that had probably got untethered and floated to the middle of the lake.
At that moment, the monk achieves self-realization, and understands that the anger is within him; it merely needs the bump of an external object to provoke it out of him.

From then on, whenever he came across someone who irritated him or provoked him to anger, he reminded himself: ”The other person is merely an empty boat. The anger is within me……”
In reality, we all have the anger within us, all the time, All it needs is someone, like the empty boat, to provoke it.


This story makes us think on many levels especially so on anger management.

Is our anger innate?How deep does it delve?

How much is our responsibility in acknowledging our true selves.


Acknowledgement is a step towards a response than reaction .

Acceptance leads to  greater self-awareness.



The question is not only why feel provoked with anger but how to manage it. How can it be circumvented? Is there a way to do so?

Every time we recognize where the anger resides we will learn to accept the source is the self than others. And then make an effort to not suppress or repress but channelize it in more productive ways.

In our wheel of human behaviour and emotions, Anger sits in the opposite spectrum of joyousness. It is a negative emotion that propels further negative thoughts. There arises the backlash of discontent and disorientation in various degrees depending on the level of anger that manifests.

Anger truly serves no purpose than destruction

For true peace, it can be a bone of  contention

So let go of all anger and false pretensions

And value the calm that you actually are.






On a lighter note here are a few reflections towards channelling arising negative emotions in awareness

and some amazing quotes from the great souls  to go with it !:))


Think Humorously:’ If red is the colour of anger it is the colour of love too!’

Think Happy: ‘For every minute of anger you are losing 60 seconds of happiness ..’.Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Think Creatively:’The Greatest remedy for anger is delay!’

Think  Practically: ‘He who angers you conquers you’.

Think Logically: ‘You will not be punished for your anger but by your anger…’ Buddha

Think Peacefully: ‘Anger is the ultimate destroyer of your own peace of mind’. Dalai Lama

Think Kindly: ‘Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you…’ Bible 

Think of changing the wavelengths:’ Anger  makes you smaller while forgiveness forces you to grow

 beyond what you are!’ 


Paying attention to your breath: Breath in the now…to  release resentment 

In the inhale and exhale.:  Pause to respond  and  delay a  reaction 

Express Positivism: Let your past make you better, not bitter

Express  Humility: ‘Angry people are not always wise…’ Jane Austen

Express Gratitude: ‘ Anger won’t make your problems easier but gratitude will make you stronger.’

Whenever you can …

Because you always can!



On Faith




Flow in faith

Time evolves one and all,come what may

Yesterday’s mountains have become paths today

Love of life will show the way

As you keep building bridges not walls I say!



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Bridge of Love

Bridge of love


As we stand on this bridge of love
Living life in this now by the river of time
That flows on in its own course.
How wonderful it would be to always remember …..
It’s the way of love to bridge the spaces in between
It’s the way of love to build a connection
It’s the way of love to show the way
It’s the way of love to linger in memories just as much as…
It’s the way of love to let go and move on
It’s the way of love to mend the broken
It’s the way of love to accept and allow
It’s the way of love to empower with hope
It’ss the way of love to sense pain and pleasure.
It’s the way of love to brings out words to share from the heart.
It is the way of love to shine through a smiling heart
For love is the gift of life
And its the way of love to be filled with gratitude for its beautiful ways.

Dedicated to ‘Love’ and the ones I deeply love 💙

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Circle of thoughts 14


With care and consideration

Sometimes like coaxing a unwilling mule

Thoughts can be harnessed

For each has great potential…


This above digital artwork Titled ‘Circles of thoughts,14 is a creative interpretation of encircling thoughts, The verses that follow is the 14thpart of my series of micropoems on interconnecting thoughts.


To be contd …

Related links to read more…





#Micropoetry #PhotoFusion #Metaphysics

Artwork by Savvy Raj


Mystery Blogger Award

It is always wonderful to be acknowledged and appreciated. For the power of appreciation creates positive intentions and further channelizes creativity to flow even more meaningfully for a larger purpose.
The reason is after the first wave of elation over having received an award nomination you start realizing the responsibility of every word you are putting out there and how it can actually carry the power to transform thoughts if you want it to! And that’s truly incredible!
I would like to specially thank stylethatright for nominating me for this award.
Truly grateful to receive this nomination from her .

Do check out the blog as she shares her engaging and empowering posts on styling, beauty among st other interesting things.

What is a Mystery Blogger Award?

The creator of this award, Okoto Enigma, says “It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.

The Rules

Here are the rules for the award which I have to mention:

Put the award logo/image on your blog.

List the rules.

Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

Answer the questions you were asked.

Nominate 10 – 20 people & notify.

Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).

3 things about myself:

I am a happy go lucky type of person.

I am a peoples person and enjoy meaningful conversations and always find time to actually listen.

I am an intuitive person. I believe it to be a gift and often trust my senses and am deeply grateful about it .

These are the questions which were asked to me:

1: What is your idea of a perfect life?

Will answer this question earnestly…being a dance educator, balance in the being tops my list so as much as activity and movement is important to me on a regular basis, I believe a perfect life would be about enjoying the balance of the rest and movement in our lives. For in those spaces between the steps is an opportunity to appreciate the life we have and replenish with gratitude and contentment.

2: Why you started blogging and what is your favourite genre?
I remember writing a lot of poems in my years at school which at times were even published in the school papers and college magazines that gave me a momentum and then I realized it would make sense to have them all in one place as a body of work in time, that’s when I started blogging.
Well, I do enjoy writing in any form but I find a great sense of connect, in writing my thoughts as poetry.

3:If you were to celebrate your birthday with five celebrities who would you like to celebrate with and why?

Have never had any craze for the company of celebrities of any kind. And birthdays are preferably spent amidst family friends and my students. Yet to answer the question without naming anyone, in particular, it would be nice to include for their entertainment value, one celebrity from each of these categories, a famous ballroom dancer a latin dancer, a singer a guitarist, a pianist and a drummer.
Well guess I am truly set then for my perfect party!:-))

4: What is the most funniest moment of your life?(funny)

A lot of funny moments happen every now that sometimes I feel my life is one laugh a riot…. and then some more, but to remember one funny incident. Well, I was in 8th grade and was the captain of my school’s volleyball team.I was truly passionate about the game and would regularly practice with great dedication and pretty much excelled at the game.So we were often chosen and sent to play in tournaments across the city. In one such selection process, I went to play in the tournament held in one of the city college campuses. I was passed off by my selectors as a member of a working women team. I played that game as their vice-captain. We won that match and I couldn’t help smiling to myself as I went up the dais to receive the certificate as they were all so much older than me …the whole team had a huge laugh after the match about it all! Till today I have no idea how I ended up playing that particular match in the first place!!

5: Your favourite pastime?

Besides writing poetry and drawing, dancing on one of my favourite songs.. and at times with it in my thoughts as I often find myself joyfully thinking of patterns and steps for a song when I hear music that I happen to like. So yes that tops the list of my favourite pastimes.

I would like to nominate these blogs for the Mystery Blogger Award: I wish them the best in their endeavours.

Here are a few questions for you…

1: What does your perfect day look like?

2: If you had only one match and entered a Cold and Dark room, and there was an oil heater, an oil lamp and a candle, which would you light first?

3: Can you adapt smoothly to changing realities and if so what is your biggest strength?

4: Are you someone who works well on a team, or prefer to work on your own?

5: What ridiculously fun thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

I would like to thank everyone who is reading following and visiting my blog. I am still learning how to be a good writer. Hope this year is wonderful for us all!!! 💙


Savvy Raj