Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Music from mobiles

Almost every one today owns a mobile or two! People forget time when they are on them. It is so very addictive. But what happens when your mobile crashes or there is a new one with more features that is attractive … you move on to the next to stay updated.

Mobiles are certainly the most valuable addition to our lives when they are in working condition.But the moment they stop working they become trash and lie gathering dust somewhere until they are thrown away.

Watch this amazing creativity at work!

Now here is where this amazing creativity has come in and engineered an actual working guitar made out of old worn out mobiles.

Creativity knows no bounds!

What is trashed by one , can be music to the ears for another!

Goes to prove that anything can create music. And that every thing has value! Old or new is just a state of mind!

What matters is the perspective you have!



Matrix Of Matter

All life is a creation that matters
What engineers matter, designs.
Simplifying the complexities
Of the matrix of matter.

In the ultimum equilibrium
All exists in resonance
But as creativity unfolds
The matrices dance in its vibrations

The profoundness of it all
Leaves lasting impression
Impacting every life in every now
This is the eternal truth of creation

Every vibrancy is a dance in infinity
In its quantum state of being.
Life matters, as it acts and responds
In every moment there is.

Mind of the matter propels and distorts
Heart of the matter creates and vibrates
Conjoined the matrix of the matter
Stabilizes creation across dimensions.


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On Self Belief.

Flow in faith and self belief

When the two meet in trust

There is manifestation of intentions

Such is the quantum truth of life.



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Expansiveness of Inclusivity

On being inclusive & expansive

When being expansive
Is about being able to inhale
And being inclusive in approach
Expansions drive meaning and purpose.

What expansions can exhale
Is the need for confounding perfection.
It can let go overt authority and control.
It can delegate responsibility responsibly.

The purpose of an expansion ascertains the flow
For it creates trajectories as it carries on.

When expansiveness is inclusive
This inclusivity outreaches itself
In expansive circles of thought & deed
Then development than deterrence
Becomes the process of the progression.

So whether it is one individual mind
Or an organization of many minds
When the circle of thoughts are expansive
Their very intersections in inclusivity
Emerges new and exclusive patterns
In both unity and divergence,
Fuelling creativity to fulfill its purpose.


#inclusivity #respect #inclusiveculture ##workplaceettiqutes #dignity #skillssets#empathy #expansive

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Behind the Apparent

Story behind the photographs

Yesterday I posted a verse that came to me inspired by these captures. Here is the link

There is more to these photos…

While visiting Lourve Museum in France and while walking around those endless galleries of amazing artists and their creativity galore, my eyes turned to a glassdoor near the flight of steps.
I chanced upon this wonderful sculpture on the roof top of the facade, reaching out to the yonder as if to tell something… I filled in the blanks.

Sometimes we are so deeply caught in the maze of life around us.
But if we only care to look beyond it all, we are inspired to see so much more.

Art is in the way you see life.
Art is all around us and is but a perspective of the nuances.
All you need is the heart to appreciate.



Beautiful piece of sky!

Photo by Savvy Raj

@ Louvre Museum Paris.

Oh beautiful piece of sky!
Lighting our heart with liberty!

Forage in us the spirit of freedom.
Let us breath in the beauty of openness.
Let us witness the ethereal light across the horizon.
Let us rejoice in your dance of abundance.

May you bless us every day
Painting our hearts with hope.
And let us live in love.
In gratitude and good energies.



Your place in the sun

What does it take to live life well?

A whole lot of passion
To go after your dreams
A whole lot of perseverance
To achieve your intentions

A whole lot of patience
To wait out the storms.
A whole lot of common sense
To find your way around.

But most of all
A whole lot of thankfulness
And a whole lot of gratitude
To know your place in the sun.



As the Seasons Change

As the Seasons Change

Keep the Spring in your heart
Then no Winters are too harsh
Or Summers too hot to handle
As Seasons change around you
You sense it all from the hope of your heart.
And hope springs forth eternally…

Here is a beautiful video that came by , shared by my friend Ashok Subharao

Although it is in Tamil , the gist is relevant to keeping the Spring in our hearts.

Be in love
Be alive to life
For life moves in time
The Circle of life is a given
Only you can make this now matter well
Feed the soul, with all your heart.
Be in this moment ,feel light.
Think well live happy
Feel the love,
Love life

Another video clip that came by shared by my friend Christoph, while writing the above words in this format specifically, with an idea to use words symbolically to capture the essence of the circle of life, this also feels apt to share here.

It speaks of the circle of life and the essence of letting go.
This is so important for living life well.

The lesser the baggage you carry in your head and heart the lighter you feel and freer you are!

For what matters is what you make of the now…
Let the seasons change around you
As you engage with this moment.
Live life lovingly!


No room for I, Me & Myself

In a world that is literally shrinking globally,
In a world where respect for cultural diversity,
Is paramount to humanity.
In a world where inclusivity is a necessity,
In a world where businesses are adopting empathy driven approaches.
In a world where love, kindness and faith is needed much more than ever,
In a world that is changing states quo…

There is need for all of us to come together.
There is need to value connections.
There is need to understand each others vulnerabilities.
There is need to be inclusive in the diversity.

When we move beyond the I
And envision the Us
When we see the world as ours than mine.
When we care to collaborate together,
In mutual respect of the differences
When we acknowledge the strength of unity in the diversity.
When the, Me and Myself
Shifts to Us beyond the Mine.

Artic Circle Rovaniemi Santa Claus Village. Image Credits Deepa Rajesh

The world will evolve for the better of all.
Let’s know, how interweaved we are!
For that’s where our true strength lies
In this very interconnectedness.
No matter the distance of space or time.
So, in a world where it is right now
There is no room for the I, Me & Myself anymore.



You Matter.

A true story I came across which is worth reading…

“I boarded flight from Bangalore to Mumbai, economy class. I put my hand bag in overhead bin and took my aisle seat. There was an old person sitting next to me on the window seat.

I had a presentation in Mumbai, so took my documents and started going through them for the final time before the presentation. After 15–20 minutes I was done with my documents, so I put them away and started looking out of the window, and suddenly I looked at the face of this person sitting next to me. I thought I have seen him somewhere.

He was old, his face, the suit was not very expensive, and he was replying to some mails or going through some documents. I exactly don’t know. I noticed his shoes, they were average quality.

Something stuck me and I asked him:
*“Are you Mr. Narayana Murthy?”*

He looked at me, smiled and replied, *“Yes, I am.”*

I was shocked !
For one second I had no idea what to say next. I looked at him again. His shoes, his suit, his tie and his specs. Everything was average. This guy was worth $2.3 Billion and co-founded Infosys.

I always wanted to become super rich so that I can buy all the luxury and travel business class. He could buy the whole airlines and yet he was sitting next to me in economy class!

I again asked: *“Why are you travelling in economy class and not business class?”*

He replied:
*“Do Business class people reach early?”*

And then introduced myself, “Hello sir! My name is ***** and I am a freelance corporate trainer and I work with many MNCs PAN India.”

He then put his phone away and started listening to me, he also asked few questions and answered the questions I asked. We both went down deep into the conversation until I asked a question which was about to change my life entirely.

I questioned:
*Sir, You are so successful and have made so many good decisions in your life. Is there something you regret?”*

He got intense look on his face, thought for a while and answered,
*“Sometimes my knee hurts, I should have taken better care of my body. When I was young I was so busy working that I never got time to take care of myself and now even if I want to work more, I can’t. My body doesn’t permit.”*

*“You are young. You are smart and ambitious but don’t repeat the mistake I made. Take proper care of your body and take proper rest. This is the only body you have got!”*

That day I learned two things, one that he told me and another that he showed me!”

Being rich is not about owning things.
I had got what I needed.
What a great and down to earth human being he is, no doubt he is so successful!


Art of Management

Art of Giving Feedbacks

There are many types of feedbacks given and solicited in a typical corporate environment.
In the art of management the topic of critical appraisals and sharing feedbacks is a nerve wracking process on both sides. For the truth is feedbacks at work take not only a whole lot of in- depth analysis, but it takes courage and common sense deliver. And often they can be the toughest of conversations to have.

Are you feeling uncertain about how to confront a feedback session.At work there will be time where you might have faced a feedback session .

If you have been the one who is giving feedback to your team or a member of your team here are six tips that can help you master the art of giving feedbacks.


Keep the perspectives clear of what was expected and agreed upon earlier and the issues that is evident. Give a clear picture of what has been observed to the receiver. Remember you are addressing the work issues, dont get personal.

Proper time and place

Ensure you are slotting a feedback time that is mutually least distracting.
This will ensure there is the required focus and  necessary attention to the discussion at hand.

Ask and listen well

Contrary to what is understood about feedbacks time the reviewer needs to hear more and speak less often to deliver objective feedbacks to resolve issues.
Avoid letting your own ego from taking too much space. Instead Inquire more into why certain things are not going well. Speak less ask more open ended questions and let them speak and ask for feedbacks and own up to their mistakes. That way you will not be crushing egos but resolving issues you are facing as a team .Avoid bombarding. Be empathetic but assertive.


Choose your words and sentences well.Feedbacks and  critical analysis involves being mindful  of the words  you choose and conveying the criticism in a well meaning way so that you are not directly attacking the receiver. This will ensure they are able to digest and understand what is going wrong and not stagnate by becoming defensive.
Remember it is not a war of egos and ensure  you avoid making it one .

Be clear & concise

Vagueness is not going to resolve anything. Be objective in your feedback . If someone is a perpetual latecomer then mention specifically how many times they are late in the last month .
This will make them more accountable and lead to ownership  and better productivity  at work.

See the Bigger Picture

When you giving feedback address the issue and do not attack the person’s character. Try your best to see  things in  the larger frame . Avoid being petty and leave your own ego aside before you begin.Remind yourself always to envision the bigger picture. And remember that it is not personal.

Feedbacks in general can be  a very valuable tool for  companies.and there are many types of feedbacks.

Have you given or received  feedbacks recently.

What  are your expectations  and experiences on feedbacks?



The Art & The Artist

The above clip is my dedication to my dear mother. They are a compilation from her own set of artworks dated around 55 years back in time or more.

The reason I share this is to encourage people to see possibilities in creativity and how it can soulfully connect us all, through creative enrichments.

To give you the background…my mother had and still has a fine sense of design and her drawings always had an artistic flow. But unfortunately the daily grind of life and living took its toll and art and creativity was pushed into the background perhaps not realizing the innate talents. But the truth is, a lot happens in appreciation than in indifference.

So her skills were lying untapped and unrecognized. In time as I grew up and while on a visit to my maternal grandparents home in the village, I chanced upon her collection of drawings and paintings stacked in the attic gathering dust in complete ignorance.


The moment I saw them I knew they have to be brought out to see the light of the day… although sadly it was personally disheartening, to see many of the beautiful pieces made on paper, crackling and crumbling in time.


I brought them back with me to the city and took pictures of what was left of it and tried to salvage it piecing them together.

IMG_4189 - Copy

By then I was encouraged by friends and relatives who saw and deeply appreciated them too.

I hit upon the idea of creating a video clip using technology to enhance her original design sense. Yes, they are not as good as her original artworks, for technology is way too perfect to bring out the joy of uniqueness in the human hand.

Yet it is my humble attempt to value the time spent in creating by her own hand with the limitations of the resources available to her in those times.

There are far too many paintings, so I pieced them like a kaleidoscope of sorts to get a sense of her artistic endeavours.

Many times we fail to see the hidden talents in our loved ones. We relate with them for years and hardly know the depth of who they truly are.

Art has a way of bringing out the brilliance of the light within us by bridging gaps in our understandings but also opening new perspectives of thinking.

Today is the day I was born, and one of the ways I choose to celebrate it, is by dedicating this post to my dear mother Anjana.

Thank you, mom, for the beauty you create, being who you are! God bless.


The Joy Of Being Oneself

Choose well
You are way better way more,
Than what you think & understand of you.
There is much that only you can choose to do.
Choose to live your life lovingly!
Choose to be purposeful!
Choose empathy than criticism.
Choose self respect and freedom to be.

The faster you understand  yourself  And accept being who you truly are,
And choose to better  yourself  to be the best version of yourself…
The closer you are to being truly happy!



Synergy of energy

Have share this beautiful song earlier in another context.

But here the song emotes to me…

In these curated clips of tangos shown to time with this beautiful song I share my reflections…on the dance form Tango.

Born in the dark alleys of Argentina

The stark truth emerges of murky beginnings in the 18th century

Frequented mostly by slaves,immigrants in the ports of Buneos Aires and even Uruguay.

There were even bans on many of these tango musical gatherings.

The dance form began with countless influences of European and native culture.

Argentine Tango is both energetic and enigmatic

It has the strength and soul to show.

Equally exotic and evocative

Intriguing and beguiling

The lead and follow is beyond genders

For connection is beyond the physicality

For beside the passion play plain to see,

There is something quite alluring & attractive in the movements.

Two people apparently moving as one

The footwork entices and enthralls

The feet move with a mind all their own

But articulating a drama through the feet.

Slow, steady or sharp and staccato movements

Each pair of feet, teasing the other

Challenging into a seemingly deadly duel of the feet.

Hitting all the right notes

Never missing a beat

Never stepping unto another

Except for a flip a dip or a show stopping lift thrown in.

If you want to see the drama of life and living,

Watch the synergy of energy playing

In a soulful yet spirited tango of two dancers.

There is rivetting romance,

Yet strikingly serious and sombre in notion.

Depths of emotion & unbridled passion

Emanating in an artistry of motion.

Today there are so many versions of the Tango

Off shoots and diverse cultural interpretations.

That created new interpretations of the way the dance is danced.

In hold, in form, in stance and in steps. That it’s almost untraceable.

Tango today is alluring as ever with dark days remaining just a history.

Yet retaining the mystery and appeal, Captivating with its intensity.

The connects so rooted in the embrace and hold, that makes the fancy footwork so effortless.

Tango truly speaks eloquently more than ever before…



And refill as you go…

I start my day with a smile

Feeling thankful from my heart

For another day of being alive

And be a better version of me.

I start and end my day with hope

For a brand new beginning

Of things I can do & people I can meet

Of things I can learn from and share

And see the good that I can do

In my own little ways.

Life manifests itself

From our deepest intentions

Every moment can be made better.

Have a great start to every day!

How do you start your day?
