Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!




These three words prompted 3 questions…

How important is the timing of your life?
Do you believe it favours enterprise and action?
What happens  if by chance you happen to miss out?

There is always time
But there is something more
In the prime time

In the prime of life
There is enterprise
To create ‘Winners Success’

For actions speak louder than words ✨

Then, there is always hope
For hope blooms
For you and for me

©Savvy Raj

My post today is inspiration from the above three words. I thank for the inspiring post #3TC

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All of creation has a purpose to its being.

It charts its course towards it.

If we are able to understand the reason for life is to be…

As it is meant to be
We will be more tolerant and inclusive
We will think before we speak
We will choose to see the good and nurture the good.
What we choose to notice life presents itself in many ways
As the way we choose to see the world
The world mirrors itself to us.

See the world with wonder and awe
Choose to respect and be responsible
Cultivate a sense of respect gratitude.
For the infinite abundance called life!

©Savvy Raj

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Action Matters

A simple kind act matters more than you can imagine. Sending ripples of kindness in the very deed…

Here are few ways to do something about it today

Share a heartfelt smile 😊

Speak kindly all through the day

Give something with all of your heart without any expectation of return

Let go and forgive an issue you held in your heart.

Teach something you know very well, to someone who needs it.

Donate a book, toy to a child.

Volunteer to help,someone today out of turn.

And last but not the least, remember to be kind to your own self.

Your one gesture may start a springwell of kind acts….

Very few contemplate on kindness as in having & sharing kindness. The truth is… there is much Wisdom in Kindness.

©Savvy Raj


Creative Expression

Creative Expression:

The passion at play

Infinite inspirations

Of profound manifestations

Limitless in awareness

Boundless in possibilities

Rooted in self belief.

©Savvy Raj

Image Credits Social Media forward


Wisdom of the flow 2

On channeling the flow


In between the pressure of momentum

In between the dance of forces

Occurs the buoyancy of being

A self adjusted neutrality

A Flow in harmony.

Steer away from impulsive resistance

Whatever you resist persists

Yes while resistance is natural in life

Resistance may create tension

Yet it can be a signal of change

In channelling this very resistance.

In allowing to let go completely

Soon tension eases in the flow

In perseverance & patience.

In response than reaction

Creating positive transmutation.

In thoughts words and deeds

Sifting & sailing through your perspectives

Till harmony becomes you.


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Dream on

Dare to imagine

Your dreams

As the speak to you

Paint on the blank canvas

From the colours on your pallete

Surrender to the arising flow

Taking your cue as the hand moves

On the canvas, homing you in…

Dream on and dare to manifest.



Every Woman Knows

Spirit of a woman




Strength of a woman




Soul of a woman




Savvy Raj

©Savvy Raj

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Good Reminder

Sharing a social media forward

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you, And making you
Spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You spilled the coffee because there
was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. The point is
whatever is inside the cup, is what will spill out. Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which will happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it, until you get rattled. So, we have to ask ourselves, “What’s
my cup?”

When life gets tough, what spills out? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Or does
anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions come out?

You choose! Today let’s work
towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, kindness
gentleness and love for others.

Good Reminder for one and all.
In making conscious choices.
Filling my cup with gratitude
Sensing joy and love
Choosing forgiveness
Expressions in gentleness
And affirming in kindness
For my choices matter...
To me & the world around me.


Conduits of Divinity

We are beings of light

The light of the divine

Interconnects us all

Exchanging energy

Of the Universe in the flow

In our body our hands

Play a part in the exchange

Reaching out to help heal

They are Conduits of Divinity

In the fluidity of the flow

Helping heal and align

And manifest in prayer.

In the realms of spirit and soul

Divinity channels itself

Through portals of our being

In the awareness of Oneness.

©Savvy Raj


Your thoughts?

Just when we are teaching the world Empathy for human life.
One human to another human.
We are moving rapidly to a world
Of AI.
Letting it almost lead our lives…
We are drawn hook line and sinker
We are getting enslaved by its use….
We are teaching Al many things. From Art to Design  our human needs are soon getting fulfilled by Al. It is alarming to note at times.
We are teaching it every moment
Training it to clone our voices and create our own Avatars.
And we are in awe and  appreciation of the dehumunization across most aspects of life.

May be we need to also teach it humanity. And not to mention Empathy Kindness Respect Compassion and most of all the values of Love!

Else very soon earth might not be inhabitable thanks to a new generation that grows with intelligence without heart.

Your thoughts?



On Actions & Awareness

‘The silence between our actions or movements becomes the bridge to our conscious experiences. The greater our awareness, the greater the creative potency of the action itself.


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Putting things in Perspective

Any time I catch myself complain about life…there is a beautiful line by Abraham Lincoln to put things back in perspective ..

“We can complain that the rose bushes have thorns. Or we can rejoice that thorn bushes have roses.”

Life is in the way you see it!

© Savvy Raj


Trust in you

You come into this world bearing gifts
To live the life you have.

Your soul your spirit, your energy
And You have the power of thoughts

These gifts are yours
Use them well in life

You are blessed with uniqueness
You are ordained to manifest all you deeply intend.

Your soul is fired by your spirit
Your passion is fired by your purpose.

Simply trust your heart
It knows the way!

©Savvy Raj

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Soul knows

Souls know the truth of their being

Embedded in the journey of life

Soul connection has the power

To heal and life regenerates

A body and spirit is given

So the soul can move…

Movements that flow

Towards its purpose of being.


18thFeb Pune


Make friends with time

Value your life value your time

Remember your uniqueness
Takes its own time to show up.

All happens at the right time
For time knows you..

Make time your friend
Meet it with all of you

Make your life worthwhile
Make friends with time
