Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Choose well

Choose well
You are way better, way more,
Than what you think & understand of you.
There is much that only you can choose to do.
Choose to live your life lovingly!
Choose to be purposeful!
Choose empathy than criticism.
Choose self respect and freedom to be.

The faster you understand yourself And accept being who you truly are,
And choose to better yourself to be the best version of yourself…
The closer you are to being truly happy!

©Savvy Raj


Why I write…

I write when I am charged with an idea an inspiration. Or perhaps when there is nothing else to do.

I write to balance my emotions whenever it needs equilibrium.

I write to flow with the moment with a thought that aligns, as it calls on me and as I write, at times emerges into a pattern, in prose or verse.

I write to understand better when thoughts overpower…overstimulate the mind.

I write to let go and send out all that comes to my mind which I feel and hope can make a positive difference, somewhere to someone reading me.

I write at times in deliberation too to process and synthesise new understandings.

I write to unshackle from the many convictions I may unknowingly hold. As I write they break loose from restrictive spaces and help to align my thoughts in the sifting.

I write to express the bounties of life that I’m blessed to enjoy in gratitude.

I write to sense the bliss of being… with all of me in the moment.

I write to express myself my way.

What makes you write?

©Savvy Raj

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All of creation has a purpose to its being.

It charts its course towards it.

If we are able to understand the reason for life is to be…

As it is meant to be
We will be more tolerant and inclusive
We will think before we speak
We will choose to see the good and nurture the good.
What we choose to notice life presents itself in many ways
As the way we choose to see the world
The world mirrors itself to us.

See the world with wonder and awe
Choose to respect and be responsible
Cultivate a sense of respect gratitude.
For the infinite abundance called life!

©Savvy Raj


Eloquence of words

When words propose in a flow
That is persuading and all pervading
No matter the rhyme or form
It becomes poetry
Creating a zen like feeling
That makes you want to be
In that state of awareness
Inspite of knowing
Everything moves on…

Have you ever been enticed by the eloquence of words?

Personally I have many favorites

But these profound words by Gibran deeply impacted me…
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

Infact all the lines that follow are equally poignant as well as profound.

So much wisdom in those words for life and living.

Which is your favorite piece of poetry?
Do your remember those verses vividly ?

Do share. Would love to read!

©Savvy Raj


How can you improve Strategic thinking skills?

To improve thinking straight strategically as a leader, develop the ability to see the bigger picture, and probe on the details   looking out for possible risks so as to devise better planning to achieve set goals.

Here are 3 innovative addition  to your strategic thinking methods
1. Encourage diverse thinking  seek opinions  actively and listen to understand, from all levels of expertise at hand.

2 Add reflection time  to pause  including meditation or jotting thoughts down as they come and collect your thoughts & inspiration to comprehend for more structured debriefing  with teams .

3. Gathering perspectives and using it in scenario analysis helps in managing uncertainities better.

Do add your thoughts on this.

©Savvy Raj

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Thankful for Dance

To dance is to move with all of you.

To dance is to have hope in the living.

To dance is to feel the spirit of life in the movement.

To dance is to know the value of time.

To dance is to feel the rhythm in the beat.

To dance is to sense the subtlety of life.

To dance is to acknowledge the life in every moment.

I share a capture of one of the International Dance Research Congress, that I was honoured to have attended in Athens.

Today is celebrated as the International Day of Dance…

Yet everyday I am thankful… and deeply grateful to the art of dance in bringing positive difference to my life.

Thankful to dance in my life, & all the wonderful people I have been priveleged to meet, connect, learn & share my passion for dance… 🙏✨

©Savvy Raj


Balmy weather

It’s balmy weather
It’s early morning
The sun is moving
In and out of the trees
Traveling with me
As I am walking…
The chirping birds
Awakening the world
With hope fulness
The wind is resting
Perhaps still to awaken
The clouds are clearing
Heralding the light
In the mighty tree
A few yards from me
I see a beautiful vision… Cont’d

What is it that I see?

Would you like to continue from here…?

©Savvy Raj

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Light of Change

Change & Creativity

Evolution happens in the changes that are a precussor to transformation.

As humans much of our creativity is often boxed in association of concepts and experiences and their correlation.

A conscious unshackling of patterns of thought brings forth new and different ways of seeing & thinking. Every now and then take a pause, acknowledge the diverse new associations for it breeds creativity.

A deliberate action that reaches out far and wide to step out of conventional thought patterns is never easy especially as humans like to feel safe and secure in comfort of knowing of a stability and at ease at rest.

Change can be unsettling and startling for most to accept, to digest & acclamatize in the new shifts.And yet to create new spaces for light is to step up in the gamut of creativity there need to be, a dare into the unknown that explores dimensions beyond.


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Wisdom of the flow

In difficult moments
Think of life
As ocean waves
Waltzing with the tides
Highs and lows
Are both part of the flow
Think of yourself
Realize you are
Not just in the flow
You are the flow!.

©Savvy Raj

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Wisdom of the Way

Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all.Learn The Way, then find your own way.

The silent monk from the Forbidden kingdom

I love this wisdom of The Way

In trying to control

You realize in time

You never can have it all

In fact the more you try to do

You realize how unbalanced you are.

To find balance

You meet stillness in the listening

For it vibrates it’s own music.

Hear in silence and you sense it.

You don’t need to try too hard

What is meant to be found appears.

You don’t need to overstretch

You simply need to ease in to connect deeply.

©Savvy Raj

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A Great Idea

In thinking through
No idea is too small
Or no idea too big

Many small sparks
Come together
To ignite a great idea
In effort & execution
The ideas find a foothold
And steers on to success

An idea is as good
As the executors
As much as the values
And purpose behind it.
So that it sustains
As without follow ups
No idea evolves itself.

To claim anothers idea
As ones own.
To belittle anothers ideas
Is a mark of insecurity
And fear of losing out

Different intelligences
And respect for diversity
Grows ideas by leaps & bounds

What every founder
Must remember
Beyond funding
Nurturing the idea
Takes many minds
And many hearts

Treat people well
Stay humble & polite
And allow space
To communicate
And collaborate
And find transperency
Will work it’s magic.

Go confidently
Play on your ideas
Until the ideas
Strike the chord in you
Trust your path
Oblivious of naysayers

There are always
Going to be
Opposers to the plan
Think of them
As a free perspectives
To sift through
And fine tune ideas.

Keep seeding and nurturing positive inspiration.

Savvy Raj


What is art called in your language?

Painting by Savvy Raj

This is one of my favorite pieces from my paintings

I like a few things specifically besides the colours…

The flow

The fluidity

And the feel

I feel movements in a flow in the fluidity

I sense harmony in the synchrony

I sense the synergy of colours in the flow

I enjoyed painting this piece in one go.

I connect with this art deeply

Art is something that speaks from your soul.

In my native language ‘Art ‘is called ‘Kalai”

Would love to know what art is called in your native language?

©Savvy Raj


Just Be You

When all of life
Lead to points of becoming
Someone, somewhere
Perhaps it’s time
To Just be…

And you will begin
To unbecome
Allowing space
For your soul
To be
All that you truly are!

©Savvy Raj


Light & Dark

Image Credits :
A Painting By Savvy Raj

Light is only light as long as you can see it.
Else there at most the   anticipation of light.
What you see as light
Is your choice
For it is your point of view

But if light is a sense
Of the tingling warmth
Or scorching heat
Or the tenderness of touch
Light is sensed in its glow
Then light is a feeling
In  the sensing
Of its so called attributes
Associated by you.
Then it’s your point of sense

What you see
What you feel
What you sense
Is a dance of illusions
Of the perception
All within you!

So is light light?
And is dark dark at all?
It is all in you!


©Savvy Raj

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Image Credits : A Painting by ©Savvyraj

Power of thoughts stirs a creative force

Of patterns formed in the dynamics of fluidity .

As they move towards a vortex in space

Still malleable in their pliability.

Random impression in the expression

Until the next emanating thoughts give a shape unto itself .

Suspended in the Vortex in time, in their own circles of conviction.

The vortex is a whirl, never static, an energy unto itself.

In the vortex of life … care to witness the patterns that emanate

From that great artist consummate

Creations so unique, in no cell is design that is a duplicate.

The simplicity of the creative flow that is so hard to emulate.
