Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Light of Change

Change & Creativity

Evolution happens in the changes that are a precussor to transformation.

As humans much of our creativity is often boxed in association of concepts and experiences and their correlation.

A conscious unshackling of patterns of thought brings forth new and different ways of seeing & thinking. Every now and then take a pause, acknowledge the diverse new associations for it breeds creativity.

A deliberate action that reaches out far and wide to step out of conventional thought patterns is never easy especially as humans like to feel safe and secure in comfort of knowing of a stability and at ease at rest.

Change can be unsettling and startling for most to accept, to digest & acclamatize in the new shifts.And yet to create new spaces for light is to step up in the gamut of creativity there need to be, a dare into the unknown that explores dimensions beyond.
