Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Making sense of it all!



Simplicity is hidden in complexity

Are we actually simplifying complexities or complicating simplicity?

Simplicity dwells in complexity,

And complexity is just tangled simplicity

In the designer’s intelligence.

Both dance hand in hand.

The meaning we choose to perceive,

The connect we choose to establish,

The intention we choose to deduce,

At a point in time

Can make it irrefutably simple

Or irrefutably complex to understand.

The simple truth holds all the complex potential

In an untangled arrangement.

The very arrangement is fodder for imagination

For continuity in ingenuity.

In the momentum of thoughts,

The complex gives birth

To new pathways in the patterns,

Promoting in the propelling

A curiosity in exploration

Of simplifying the confounding complexities.

History is replete with stories

Of complicating the simple truth

Of the being… in the boggling for answers

In refuting and relegating

Our beautiful ball of blue.

This Circle of nature was assumed

Once as square in shifting perspectives.

Meaning perceived in perspective dimensions, 

Unfolding with the understanding of that era,

Moving on in time to deconstruct the construction

Of breaking down codes of assumption,

Of restructuring in the resurrection,

Of recognition and the refuting

To understanding the circles of yin and yang,

The dance of polarity,

The duality of nature,

Death and birth

As part of the circle of oneness

Of life and living.

The simple resides in the complex.

The complex is just simple turned upside down.

Perhaps as the humankind increased in numbers,

The simple was too profound

To answer the multitude of mulling thoughts.

In different directions

Due to the innate nature of man

To wonder in awe

And thus, the simple no longer seemed simple.

To solve the emerging enigmas,

Delving into the simple,

Intelligent design was questioned

In scientific temperament,

In philosophical propositions,

Until creativity created connections

And new expressions in the exploration

To deduce, deduct and denote

Infinite patterns of potential,

Making sense of uniqueness in the self-similarity

As the irrefutable simplicity of it all.

In the search for answers

To simplify the complex

Or to complicate the simple,

Many paths present themselves.

Every path is infinite in possibilities.

The question is are we ready to walk the path,

And what we evolve into while walking the path of choice.

In search of simple truths, we encounter the magnitude of complexities underlying simplicity. Simplicity elegantly serves itself, but the paradox of simplicity is in the complexities of finding meaning and accepting such simplicity as the ultimate truth of being. 


Do watch


Simple tips to help you give a great speech

While you can use any of the latest AI Apps to enhance your presentation. And you may find it easier when you do the basic preparation of the speech.
A few things that are truly  important is keeping yourself hydrated before a speech. Having to deliver a long presentation and speech can be quite challenging with a dry mouth.
Secondly doing a technical check  if you also have a presentation to support, prior to your speech is equally necessary. As whatever be your presentation  if it does not synch with  your speech, it can be rather challenging.
Third make sure to take a deep breath before you start as it helps balance your mind &  body easing the nervous system, and enhancing present moment  awareness. This is truly helpful where you can easily improvise in case you forget a few lines which can happen to anyone Inspite of preparations.
Most of all having a good night sleep before an important speech keeps you looking fresh and in the now.

If you love what you do

And are lucky to do what you love

Speaking from your strengths is actually easy

For it flows from within

About that which you are passionate about.

Prepare well

But remember to flow…

©Savvy Raj


To share is to learn

Unconference, the word piqued my curiosity for a while until I checked it up on the internet, only to find that the idea has gained tremendous momentum across the globe.

The idea of un-structuring the ingrained structure seemed interesting to say the least, in creating spaces and possibilities to honour the learning.

Suffice to say recently, when I came across an Unconference event in the local newspaper I decided I must make a visit.

The venue of this Unconference was the well known Symbiosis School of Liberal Arts in Pune. I reached just in time for the proceedings to untold.

A customary registration ensued and I was greeted by a few volunteers with a relaxed warm and welcoming attitude. Clearly, the Unconference had started right there.

The word Conference kind of stiffens people up. There is a formal attitude, a thick air of competition to perform at their very best. There are fees and strict rules to adhere to. There are super busy organisers scurrying through and tension is writ large on their faces and their bodies as well are stressed out with expectations of the outcome of the event. Suited men and women whizz through looking super important. And yes there would be a Chief Guest of honour and a coterie of important people who need VIP handling… Adherence to their whims and fancies and most importantly their speeches which may or may not be of interest to any. But all must endure as to get up and leave is an offence to the speaker.

On the contrary here, there was a prevalent free-spirited feeling in the first place that all were in it together. The sense of community always takes time to build so I stood in that room with a small group of people waiting for the (informal introductory practice,) the opening circle.

The Opening Circle :

Someone from the group had taken an initiative to design a pretty pattern made of flowers in the centre of the space and light a lamp there.

A few introductory rounds later which turned out to be icebreakers with a few games to let loose and get into the flow.

There was a board set up with a mention of few rooms and a time slot to boot. The participants were encouraged to choose to attend or conduct workshops or just wander around and network.

A few people got up to mention their workshops and claim their slot. On a moment’s impulse although I was not exactly in the right attire for a dance workshop I simply decided to go with the flow and offered a Dance connection workshop by me.

Encouraged by a decent number of participants I let the moment take the lead. As I began teaching I witnessed the flow of the energy in the exchange.

I spoke about the dance, hold, frame and positioning and started introducing them to partner dancing and some basic steps. Bit by bit people shed inhibitions as they were getting tuned into the moves.

The moment strangers began to hold hands and face one another… for many, there was harmony to be found in the mirror imaging. For after all the lead and follow were simply an extension of each other dancing as one unit.

The energy in the room turned up a notch with the Achy Breaky Heart country cha sounds of Billy Ray Cyrus for company.

All started sensing the tuning in to the rhthymic expression of music & movement with their partners at that moment.

After the dance workshop I asked what they felt in that moment and here is what they shared immediately…

Deeply grateful!

The Give and Take

Truly to immerse yourself in that which you love all you have to do is to take a step … for your own good as much as for the others.

Essentially the whole experience was to me simply about honouring life energy in all its uniqueness of expression.

Great experience being a part of this interesting initiative!

Hope to see more of such initiatives across the country and our world.🙏


#unconference #innovative #unconventional #life #positivity #appreciation #inspirations

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant


Strengthen your feet

Sitting for long hours at work can be rather stressful for those who have sedentary work. In such cases taking good care of your feet health is very important for your heart and overall health.

What can you do besides wearing comfortable shoes, soaking your feet in warm salt water after work,
massaging your feet from time to time.

However when at work you can
incorporate a simple practice of taking a short walk every one hour to break monotony and reduce the impact of long hours of sitting in a chair.

As a Ballroom dance teacher I used some simple props for my students to help strengthen their feet.

Elevating your feet when ever possible, can reduce pressure on the blood vessels, lowering fatigue and release stress.

One is simply rolling a tennis ball under your feet for a few times in a day to release the strain and

Another easy way is to
have a small terry towel under
your feet and to try to lift it by
scrunching your helps
tone, stretch & ease your feet

They are both easy to carry and can help you do a feet workout as you work.

Do try and let me know if it helps.

©Savvy Raj

The Way is Love

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Empathy Matters

12 signs that show up  an Empathic person.

1. Acknowledging another as they are
2.  Being  mindful of boundaries
2. Caring to confirm
3. Listening with Attention 
4. Having patience
5. Sharing in authenticity
6.  Allowing space for curiosity & growth
7. Behaving respectively
8. Being present & available
9. Respecting personal space
10.Valuing emotions in resonance
11.Holding space for perspectives
12. Showing care and offering  comfort to another.

You may find a few empathic faces coming up in front of you after reading this… People who have been showing some or almost all of these signs.

Hold on to them. Learn from them Respect their ways… They have understood much about life and living and valuing the strength of the interconnects.

©Savvy Raj

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When Simplicity Speaks

This week for me seems to be a traveling one, for work and pleasure and I am right now in a country where it is both common and fashionable to wear a lot of black. Can you guess which one?

And while you are at it, sharing this particular poem about black and white photography and I think I am co- relating to it literally here. Read on…

On black and white photography.

What is it about the black and the white

That evokes much emotion

In all its simplicity and elegance?

Monochrome has a surreal magic

That captures your attention

Strangely beguiling almost misleading

For it blurs the truths that appear

In the vividity of colour.

Yet it provides a stark definition

Devoid of any colour, yet not lifeless

It emotes through simplicity

Through the play of light and dark

Creating sensibilities and sustaining drama.

Both evocative and enigmatic in its elements

Inspite of the hidden hues.

Retaining charecter.

Reminiscent of old world charm

Of a translucent transparency.

A simplification of the complexity.

A composure of composition.

A completeness of capture.

©Savvy Raj

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On breath

Our breath…

An ignition to life and living
this world
No matter what form or species
And its the breath that is left
Behind that signifies the exit.

How important is this breath.
That we all take for granted
Gratitude and thankfulness
To this driving force of life
To nature for the air we breathe.

How important is this breath
For in the way of the breath
Lies the way of our health.
For in the depth of breathing
We can integrate our body, mind & spirit
We can sense the synergy of being
We can awaken our true potential.
We can become aware of the infinite potential.
For the truths of life, is in the inhale and exhale.



Music & moods

Play on…

When you are in the mood for music, play on

When you are feeling low, play on

When you are exhausted and tired and you want to revive your mood play on

Music is therapeutic and the healing
nature of sound energy can be tuned
into to change your mood & manage
emotions and lift your spirits.

Take some time to create an upbeat
playlist that perks you up and
engerizes you and get up from your
chair to move arounda bit.

Take a short walk every once in a while. with some great music for company..It will
bring a spring in your step and smile
in your heart.

In fact for every part of
the day, you can have a playlist of
your own choice. Take time to create
yours… if you haven’t already and do
listen… The right music makes a
powerful difference.

Play on…



What is Resonance?

Simply put

Resonance is a response

A response creating a movement

A movement that is the effect

The effect that comes from a cause

A cause that creates a change

A change that occurs in listening

In listening to the source

A source that creates a resonance.

A resonance is a response

In repetitive patterns

Creates harmony in nature.

Here is the Dictionary meaning of Resonance:- The sound produced in an object by sound of a similar frequency from another object.

In the above poem , I have tried to begin every new line with the last word in resonance. And yet keep it simple and short.

I enjoyed creating this piece hope you resonate with it too…

Imagine the effect of resonance

To the source coder of life

And the harmony it creates.

© Savvy Raj


Flow in harmony

Let it flow…

In between the dance of forces

Is self adjusted neutrality

A flow in harmony.

In allowing to let go completely

Soon tension eases in the flow

In perseverance & patience.

In response than reaction

Creating positive transmutation.

In thoughts words and deeds

Till harmony becomes you.

©Savvy Raj


Speaking Pictures


Some pictures can speak a thousand words …

this one definitely fits that frame.

My friend Laura Bailey shared a very intriguing photo of trumpet player Joe and his wife May taken by Henri Cartier- Brenson

Henri Cartier-Bresson photographed throughout his life well-known personalities from the world of arts and science but, also many strangers.

I was captivated by it for a while as it arrested me in the moment. I went on to experience many fleeting thoughts most significant to that era of the Jazz and Blues music.

There were a number of comments below … One that got me interested immediately was

From Pam Diller ” What a picture! Pride, strength, defiance…this shows their souls, not just their faces. The way his hand rests so lightly on her shoulder–is it love or possession?”

Another was by, Shahrizan Amir Hamzah .

” With Bresson manning the lens and such gorgeous, confident subjects, you just can’t go wrong. This is a marvellous picture.”

Personally speaking …

I saw authenticity in that frame so well composed, the reality bites of the anguish of life lived in the throes of a certain creative fervour. I do not know much about Joe and his wife …other than what is perhaps evident in here to me. A photo that captures the spirit & soul of the subject.

In the face of May …

Her eyes..distant and dreamy

It speaks of pain and anguish

Of hard-hitting times

Her demeanour projects pride

Of a spirit braving against all odds.

Of inner demons as well as the outer.

Yet her face is a picture of composure in the chaos.

Of pride amidst the prejudice.

Joe speaks a different truth

There is focus and there is dare

There is a surging stillness.

That comes when rivers are a flow within

moving in the turbulence of a vortex called life.

Captured in all is the essence of brilliance

of a keen eye for that perfect moment

Stilled and canned for posterity

that speaks poignantly in the silence.

Portraying duels raging in the hearts.

Of trials and tribulations

Of hopes and aspirations

Of desires through unspoken dialogues.

No touch ups no tricks

Just a decisive moment captured with uncanny precision.

©Savvy Raj

PS: I created the Black & White artwork’ Speaking Pictures’for this posts featured image ‘Speaking Pictures’ back in 2017 without any AI help. I simply wanted an older movies screen effect reflecting the era of the photo.

Looking at it now, I am still happy with the results. What do you think?


Ocean of Oneness

In the journey of life
At one point or the other
In arriving to acknowledge
our truths
Comes a realization of our Oneness
Of how we are mere living fractals of life and longings
We are simply waves of light frequencies of resonance & dissonance
Dancing to the tunes
Of the Ocean of Oneness

© Savvy Raj


Art & Acceptance


Watch this video of modern art as it happens!

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain. And lived in France for most of his adult life. He is a prolific artist with varied interests, his early naturalistic painting gave way to his famous modern art in his adult years. He is known for his ‘Artistic Versatility’ and also for painting from imagination. He is renowned for his unconventional & radical life & art and is influential for his development of Cubist style.

A few musings…

On Art & Acceptance

If Picasso was born in the east
Perhaps he would have had it tougher to touch the height of success.
For he was best born in the west
And live in the heart of liberalism
Where his technique was acknowledged and given wings.
He passionately painted his spirits strokes in freedom.

The eastern world has always been more traditional
Conservative & restrained
in art and life
Somewhere it took a long time
Catching up with the possibilities of creativity
Where chaos becomes art.

In chaos there is disorder
But in disorder is the arising of new creative possibilities
Envisioning in the unconventional a restructuring in the flow
Every stroke of the brush or ink on paper
Is indicative of thoughts and emotions in the brain behind the brush.
Of the development of hand eye brain integration
That creates art out of simply anything and everything.
And then, there is the viewer critic and the art dealer who see hope & possibilities in both the artist & his art.

Art is born in the mind of the artist

Art channels itself in the flow

Art is honed in the perspectives of critique

But art is realised and enjoyed in the acceptance of a patron

For then the art finds itself.

And the artist evolves.

©Savvy Raj