Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Light of Change

Change & Creativity

Evolution happens in the changes that are a precussor to transformation.

As humans much of our creativity is often boxed in association of concepts and experiences and their correlation.

A conscious unshackling of patterns of thought brings forth new and different ways of seeing & thinking. Every now and then take a pause, acknowledge the diverse new associations for it breeds creativity.

A deliberate action that reaches out far and wide to step out of conventional thought patterns is never easy especially as humans like to feel safe and secure in comfort of knowing of a stability and at ease at rest.

Change can be unsettling and startling for most to accept, to digest & acclamatize in the new shifts.And yet to create new spaces for light is to step up in the gamut of creativity there need to be, a dare into the unknown that explores dimensions beyond.



On Conflicts Management

Tips to manage arising workplace conflicts.

Listen keen
Show interest
Show care
Have patience
For a new perspective
As another speaks.

Find space & time
To empathize
Understanding more
Beyond what is said
Therein lies answers
That helps resolve conflicts.

©Savvy Raj



Sometimes life makes you teach yourself many things…

Giving the benefit of doubt

There are many crossroads in life be it in a career with any  organisation or in partnerships, or even personally between people or teams, where point of views are different and clash of  perspectives on decisions are bound to occur.

Can you agree to disagree?

For most, it is challenging as its not always easy to come to terms with what affects you or  makes you emotional. Yet learning ways to give the benefit of doubt, calls for development of strategic skills.

It is important to process any conflict of interest, you may have with others , first with your own self.

Check if you can find the root of your disagreement with a particular decision.

What is it that you are not aligned with?

Why are you feeling this way?

Empathic Perspectives

Then begin to imagine if you are able to bring empathy by setting aside your feelings on what you are yet unable to accept and think from the other persons perspective, does the view alter then? Does it change your thoughts a bit?

If you can alternatively, also think if you choose to agree, in the larger interest, does it benefit or can it make your team bond together.

Let’s also not discount the possibility of you having less  information about the reasons for any decision taken.

Ultimately, whatever way you chose to think or act is your choice to take. But sometimes when it may seem impossible to make sense of things do remember, there is always more than what meets the eye!

Savvy Raj

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Circle of life

Circle of life

Creation is the reason for evolution

To evolve is to be inspired

To create some more…

One man’s creativity is another man’s inspiration

One mans inspiration is another man’s creativity

Each an expression of the uniqueness of the creator.

Such is the circle of life & living.



Keep refilling

You can never give from an
empty cup.
So keep refreshing
knowledge and understanding
Make sure to breathe easy so
that you are not getting
engulfed in trying to find
solutions for another.
Exercise equanimity and trust
yourself to deliver.
Most importantly take care of
Enjoy the work you do!
And give your very best.
It will certainly bring results.

How to keep refilling your cup…to stay updated.

Many ways.

. Be open to possibilities and perspectives

. Stay humble and sense your foot on the ground… Remember anyone can be a teacher.

. Choose to balance work and play. Respect your time and use it wisely.

. Stay curious. Keep your inner child alive

. Pause to rest and recover when you feel overwhelmed.

. Choose health and happiness.

Keep your self nourished.Self care isn’t selfish.

Do share what ways you keep updating yourself.

© Savvy Raj


A free flow…

An experimental poem

Yesterday evening, I asked my mother sitting besides me and sipping her tea, to share a few random words that came to her mind.

These are what she shared in the same order as she shared.

Time, Eternal, Free, Freedom, Connection, Heart, Destiny, Love, Emerging, Twinkle, Abundance, Garnering, Gather, Depth, Stardust, Voyage Spirit

Here is what I imagined in the dance of these words…

When Love is Destiny

Emerging in eternal time
Destiny twinkles on stardust
Garnering connections of  hearts
Voyaging free in the spirit of freedom.
Gathering abundance in the
depth of love.

©Savvy Raj


Sensing Divinity

My friend Destiny highlighted a comment of mine on her comment on my yesterdays post Sensing

It felt as if we exchanged a moment of poignant connection that jumped time. For in that one moment words touched heartsfields. where feelings are relatable. In empathy or synchrony…

It is certainly not something new, for it is something we all undergo as writers and readers. A connection, through mere words but that which feels you know… the spirit, and soul of the hand that pens the verses or the heart that emotes in the reading.

And these are moments that make

Words come alive & speak

From a place of knowing

Far beyond mere words

Beyond the writer or reader.

As if it’s meant to be

As if it’s meant to connect.

These are moments…

Sparking the dance of divinity

Of the inexplicable serendipity

In Sensing Oneness in humanity.

© Savvy Raj


Dancing with Prompts

As a dancer, I often use my dance education and experiences by associating concepts and find it helps me understand and evolve in the many life challenges and relate to the changing world.

In a world where almost everyone is interfacing with ChatGPT and AI and finding new and improved ways of  prompting  for  application of technology for every day use, I find some relevant associations here with partner dancing and technology.

Dancing  & Prompting has a lot in common
A dance with a partner is an action and response
More than a reaction. Likewise in today’s world  every day is a dance  with AI and our prompts are nothing but inputs towards an intelligent response than just a reaction.
The better the input the better the output.
Here I want to share a few thoughts for starters
Dancing with a partner is about being in tandem, one leading the way and one following without anticipation
Likewise prompting is about giving clear directions without ambiguity.
To dance is to set and hold the frame
In a good prompt setting the context and format helps to streamline the output.

In a dance the music sets the movements of the dance…
And in a prompt sharing the example of what it feels like helps clearer and relevant  output.

In a dance a leader can evaluate as you go which steps will work with which partner. Assessing the dance space available helps in evaluating the flow. For there are no second moves… Whatever you do decides the dance flow…  And you are free to improvise your self as you go along

Likewise in prompts evaluation helps check what is working and tweaking it gives better quality output.

When a dancer is a professional Dancing a single step  may feel fluid but in breaking down the steps it’s easier to understand the flow.
In prompting dividing the steps well into multiple steps  connected  to a certain goal will give desired results.

Be it a dance with partner or with words for AI when you have a clear intention and purpose and are able to communicate what you want and where you want to reach,  in easily understable  and suitable way not only will  you reach your destination  You will enjoy the journey!

©Savvy Raj

Making sense of it all!


The Way is Love

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What is Resonance?

Simply put

Resonance is a response

A response creating a movement

A movement that is the effect

The effect that comes from a cause

A cause that creates a change

A change that occurs in listening

In listening to the source

A source that creates a resonance.

A resonance is a response

In repetitive patterns

Creates harmony in nature.

Here is the Dictionary meaning of Resonance:- The sound produced in an object by sound of a similar frequency from another object.

In the above poem , I have tried to begin every new line with the last word in resonance. And yet keep it simple and short.

I enjoyed creating this piece hope you resonate with it too…

Imagine the effect of resonance

To the source coder of life

And the harmony it creates.

© Savvy Raj


Thoughts matter

What do you think you deserve?
The answer paves the way
To bring it to your life
As you intend
You believe
As you believe
You intend
You manifest your intentions
The universe gives you,
As you think and intend,
Your thoughts matter
Believe well.
Think well intend well
For it matters more than you know.

©Savvy Raj


To my circle of connections

Dear Readers & writers

We are an ever growing circle
Emerging through our words
In the sharing we have grown
We have eased into each other’s hearts
We may not see one another ever
But we have connected in mutual respect
Of each others creativity.
Though the power of words
Comforted and understood
Accepted and appreciated
One another in our own little ways.
For we all know the power of words
That, one heartfelt word can change a day!

Thank you all for being here and hoping for a joyful journey ahead together for us all.

©Savvy Raj


Blessed be…

©Savvy Raj


Authentic Connection

People we happen to meet
Are perhaps meant to be met
And then there are people
We intend and choose to meet
It takes will and effort
Of commitment to a connection.
And when it comes to managing it
Care & connect from all of you!
For even a single moment of authentic connection
In thoughts words and deeds
Is enough to make a indelible heart print.
No matter your crazy schedules
You create a bond lasting a lifetime…
