Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Connecting Dots

A child has the propensity

To connect the distant dots

In encouragement and support

A child’s curiousity is sparked

To embrace the yet known .

Children are creative innately and their childish curiosity often opens up the spaces yet unexplained and quite unexpectedly so. 

Speaking of a child’s imagination and an adult’s ability to retain a childlike mindset, it boosts the creative thinking with fresh and unbiased perspectives. Much is in the way we perceive the arising patterns.

Complex problems are also known to be solved with this kind of approach. In the very ability to allow the self to let go, one’s vision broadens.

Old school methods of education often restricted the divergent expansion of creativity so as to structure its flow to converge in rigidity.  But applying this agile & flexible approach can be an enriching experience for the mind and body. 

In allowing ourselves spaces for our thoughts to self pattern in free play, acknowledging open-ended questions, of what if, how, why so and dare to dream fearlessly, andwonder, we might discover a pattern that connects the unfamiliar or yet seemingly distant dots.

A child like enthusiasm

Awe and wonder

Curiosity coupled with imagination

That knows no bounds

Could perhaps be a great creative approach

To solve complex problems.

For ultimately it is a matter of connecting the dots.



A little story

Sharing a story with a beautiful message

U will love to read this ❤️

Every day early morning a little girl would come to the temple and stand before the idol, close her eyes and with folded hands, murmur something for a couple of minutes.
Then open her eyes, bow down, smile and go out running.This was a daily affair.
The temple Poojari was observing her and was curious about what she was doing.
He thought, she is too small to know the deeper meanings of religion, she would hardly know any prayers. But then what was she doing every morning in the temple?
Fifteen days passed and Poojari now couldn’t resist but to find out more about her behaviour.
One morning, the Poojari reached there before the girl and was waiting for her to complete her ritual.
He placed his hand on her head and said, “My child, I have seen since the last fifteen days that you come here regularly. What do you do?”
“I pray,” She said spontaneously.
“Do you know any prayers?” asked the Poojari with some suspicion in his voice.
“…No” Replied the girl.
“Then what are you doing closing your eyes, every day?” he smiled.
Very innocently the girl said:“I do not know any prayer, but I know “a,b,c,d….up to z.” ‘I recite it five times’ and tell God that, “I don’t know your prayer, but it cannot be outside of these alphabets.” Please arrange the alphabets as you wish and that is my prayer.”
And she ran, jumping on her way out.
The Poojari stood there dumbstruck, staring at her for a long time as she disappeared running in the wilderness.

This is THE UNCONDITIONAL belief in God that we pray.

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Team truths

To trust the team to do better,

Give them confidence that…

They can trust you
They can take the step
They can be creative
They can try options
They can make mistakes
They can get support
They can improvise
They can win!

A great team has a great leader who has their back!



Trust you.

Photo by Savvy Raj

I read these two lines by Stan Smith today…

Experience tells you what to do
Confidence allows  you to do it .

Will also add…

And patience paves the path.
For all that you need
Will reveal itself in time.
Trust yourself to deliver.

Sharing my photo of a beautiful bloom from my garden…for who better than a flower to express this truth of life.

Think well & trust you.



Thoughts Matter…

On thinking well

The way we think has much to do with the way we feel . In the interconnections and interlooping between the way we act and react and the way think feel ,there is much happening in our body mind and spirit.

We are unique in our thoughts as much as in the way we are nurtured and reared in life and living. Our experiences reflect in our ways of behaviour . Hence to impact any transformative change in our actions it is imperative to move beyond thoughts and feelings and try to understand our inner engineering and its significance in the stream of flow from reaction to response.

The energy within is dancing through every cell of our bodies . In sending and receiving impulses as signals of communication there are electrical mechanical and chemical changes occuring within us . The resultant reactions of our body is interconnected to whatever changes are occuring in our psyche and our overall health.

So to change the way we think and behave, we need to understand the interlink between our varied states of being in time.

Every conscious positive shift in our thoughts can help heal in a profound way.

Choose to think well.



On dreams

Your dreams holds the key to your purpose …dare to live it !

Yet often dreams hold a vision

To some part of your life

Dreams speak to you

When you least expect it to

Do you have dreams that are vivid

That you just can’t forget

Maybe there is a reason

For it to be so , perhaps there is a learning

For you to understand more.

Have you had times where dreams have conveyed the truths which you perhaps know but have not acknowledged.

Dreams interpretation has more to say beyond the obvious.

Yet personally I have found my own interpretation for some of my vivid dreams

An in the knowing is the healing.


And The Way Appears

“Dare to do what you most love …
the universe paves the way and how…”.💙🙏💙



Sensing the Pause

Sensing the pause
Is in knowing its power
The potential in the pause
In reverberation & resonance
In the rest & recovery.

Sensing in the pause
The subtlety of energy
In the stillness between
Reaching beyond the betwixt
Paving the way for possibilities



Feel the pause

Feel the pause

Let it work for you

By itself ,in itself , for itself.

Breathe in trust

Let the moments unfold

Notice the now

Everything is was and will be

Moments are like a river in flow

Know the flow corrects itself

Such is the river of time.

So every now and then

Make way to feel the pause .



Walk in this now…

Walk in this now in time
Tune into its current frequency
Listen to it gratefully
And live it well and wholeheartedly.

Allow the worries to fade into the past
As you cannot worry for what is gone
Allow the future to manifest in course
As you cannot hurry time by force.

All is fine as it truly is
All is well as its meant to be
In the realm of times
Between the you and the me.

So as only time can truly tell
Walk with me
Not before and not after
Walk with me in this now.



Paradox of Power

Beyond the glitter and glory

Power has a parodoxical equation.

Power can be constructive and yet corruptive.

Those with the power know only too well…

Uneasy lies the head that wears the Crown
Tentacles of power
Seeping from within,
Surging of the webbed grasp
The unnerving truth of rigidity
The vicelike grip of conformity
The stronghold of absolute authority
The merciless and binding royalty.
Expectations of undivided loyalty.
The Crown bears the burden
Often silently withholding  expressions.

The choice rests with the wearer of the crown 👑

Yet …

When passion drives the power with a larger purpose beyond self in perseverance and patience

Power becomes a priceless responsibility

Such is the paradox of power


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This caption caught my eye. Sharing my thoughts…

Agreed finding the self is the key

In every moment of living.

For living it purposefully.

Yet the question remains…


To find yourself

And be alive to life in every now.

Simply be

Be present to the moment

Give it your full attention

Acknowledge what is in this now

Be open to possibilities

Allow space to accept

What is.

Know what is, is not all.

There is much potential in you

That is awaiting your awareness

Breathe in hope and let fear go

This way you consciously create

Space to grow.

To allow perspectives

To be inspired

To aspire in hope…

And be all that you can be.

Any other answers?

Do share your thoughts.



Take the step

Its the first step

That often feels

The most difficult

But do know

Every other step

Can only follow

This first step

Take the chance

Take the step.



Mastering Thoughts

Thinking is a gift of humanity

Beyond the primal instincts

Thoughts can be a complex maze

Self serving or otherwise

It is necessary to align thoughts

So that they don’t turn chaotic.

Channeling thoughts to align

Towards a higher purpose

Bridges the pathway to peace

So can we truly master our thoughts?
Often considered daunting in itself

For we are swayed by a zillion thoughts,
In every moment we are alive.
But if we begin to understand
That mastering is about integrations
It’s a connection of our senses.
In managing our mind moods & actions.

The simple act of choosing
One thought over the other
Is a choice we have with us.
We are our own masters
We are enslaved by own selves.

Our life is created in these choices
We choose to think and make.

Mastering thoughts is the challenge…

That decides how we choose to feel
Yet if we only let ourselves tap
Into our intuitive intelligence

We will find our inner guide
That is always on our side.


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Epic truths

Sharing a forward today that caught my eye…. it said translated from ‘Mahabharatha’

All time companion
Courage of mind

Heavier than earth
Mother’s mind

Taller than sky

Faster than wind

Grows faster than grass

Companion to one who leaves home
His education

What helps to earn wealth
One’s efforts

Greater than all wealth
Contented mind

Greater than all profits
A healthy body