Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On usefulness

The search for meaning

Is never in vain

There is always a meaning

To life and living.

One or a million reflections

May be more

At times can lead

To a miracle in the making.

One or a million drafts

May lead us to a perfect design

One or a million words

May be more…

Can bring on the inner genius

One or a million works of art

May be more…

Delivers a masterstroke.

Each step is of value

And somehow significant

To some one somewhere

As much as…

To the utimate whole!.

If something seems to be useless to one person, there is always a possibility of so many who may find it useful.


Often profound meaning arrives from the most mundane and the so called ordinary moments in life and living. For the truth is out in the open but our overworked brain often misses these simple truths for it chooses to search for meaning in the complexities. But what is wonderful to know is that all is never lost… for every step makes a difference matters to the whole some how somwhere.


Walk the path of love

Walk on the path of love

A whiff of love
Roses strewn
The path of love
Beckons you

Tread softly
Gentle is the way
For love is fragile
Treasure a trust that
Beholds you!

Winding along
You feel its intensity
In its passion
Yet you persevere
Be unwavering!

Know love teases
And tests you
Beguiles you
To reveal
Yourself to you!
Be true!

For the journey
Is an eternal walk
Infinite is its path
Be yourself at best!
Be the real you!

For all else sheds itself
Like those petals strewn
To be, at best wayfarers
In the trysts of true lovers!

Savvy Raj


The other side


A Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world. He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.

He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little one came back within minutes with perfect map……When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, “Oh…. Dad, there is a man’s face on the other side of the paper….. I made the face perfect to get the map right.” She ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.

There is always the other side to whatever you experience in this world. Whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation, look at the other side…. You will be surprised to see an easy way to tackle the problem.

A few musings…

The difference between just looking and seeing is so much in the depth and dimension of expansions in our flow of thoughts .An expansion in our acceptability and flexibility changes the seemingly complex situations to simple solutions .:)



Each moment is a new me.

Change, the one that never changes
Is Nature’s way of continuing the Eternal cycle of life and death.

The Infinite Cosmic Energy, being the Eternal Centre
Changes keep on happening
In every atom, molecule, particle, and cell.
Thus widening the horizon,

From Invisible subtle to Visible gross.
Creation and destruction, a part of this change,
The various cycles of Life and seasons
Changing monotony to a variety
In mind and matter.

Colours and moods transient, every moment.
Wondering in awe to the moment next.
Dwell not in the past,
Fret not the Future,
Never to lose the Magic of the Present.
Each moment a new me is born.

Be present to cherish the Present.
Be aware n awake to witness

The blossom of bud to fragrant flower.


‘Your poems become my muse’. 😊.

This is what I received from my mother this morning after she read my yesterday’s post ‘ Glimmers of hope’.

‘Thank you, mom, for writing your reflections. It truly means much to me.’

Have simply added some pictures to go along with her words.


Glimmers of hope

Winter chills
Soft snow
Frosted faces
Warm woollies

Hot chocolate
Cups of cheer
Christmas Spirit
Jolly season

Giving and receiving
Autumn leaves
Barren trees
Icy peaks

Blizzards ring
Howling wind
Biting cold
Frozen river
Drifting snow
Spells of darkness

Awaiting the sun
After the snow
Melting glaciers
A glimmer of sun

Summer skies

Shining sun
Smiling faces
Warm welcome
Spring is here

Lush and abundant
Bounties harvest
Artists delight
Beautiful blossoms

Colours of spring
Arresting hues
Breathtaking scenery
Flourishing nature

Spring turns Summer
Rising temperature
Mango season
Tasty treats

Sweltering heat
Icy popsicles
Slurping icecreams
Lime and lemon

Iced teas cold drinks
Quenching thirst
Parched earth
Dried lands

Blazing sun
Scorching sands
Sizzling days
Humid nights

Awaiting relief
Summer to rain
First shower
Fragrant earth

Heavenly delight
Rainy holidays
Feeling cool
Corn on cobs.

Cheap thrills
Small puddles
Splashing water
Rain coats and caps

Unfolding umbrellas
River on streets
Muddy water
Flooding roads

Chaotic confusion
Delayed trains
Traffic stops
People stranded

Rainy days turn dreary
All wet and weary
Hoping for relief
From incessant downpours

Awaiting a change
Of the Season in question
Life is circle
Of seasons in cycles

Each births and gives way
For another, on its way.
Amidst it all
Are those little glimmers of hope

Understated and unsaid
Unseen and unspoken
Little joys of being
That makes you make it…

Through yet another day.

These glimmers of hope
Though seasons may change
Hope is here to stay!


Well, this one turned out to be a really long walk through the seasons!🙂 But seriously, as I started thinking of the changing seasons, with winter knocking our welcome door, I realised how much harsh winter could get for someone far away as well. So it goes for the other seasons…

Yet every season is a magical gift, and leaves us with glimmers of hope!

We do need our seasons to come and go like they always do, one after the other for then, all is well with our world. 🙂


Beautiful flower

Beautiful flower
Tell me your secret
How unassuming of you
To show up with so much beauty
All for a single day in the sun?

Beautiful flower
You paint a lovely picture
Of hope and positivity
Of endearing tenderness
That speaks much without a word.

Beautiful flower
Your colour makes my day better
Having seen you blossom in full glory.
You awaken a sense of purpose
In one and all relentlessly every day.

Beautiful flower
Your sight brings joy
Your touch gentleness
Your being fragrance
You are a sight to behold!

Beautiful flower
My heartfelt gratitude to you.
For bestowing us all, your grace of being.
Today and every day!


A few pictures that I clicked this morning in my terrace garden. I don’t know the names of these beauties but I do know they made me reflect with a certain gladness, simply partaking in a vision of their tender presence.


A little more…

A want of more
Than what one has
A little more of everything
And then some more

The stakes keep rising
For fame, name and wealth
For success must be achieved
No matter the consequence.

Such is the nature of life
Of curiosity wonder and awe.
Without wisdom of moderation
Wants continue to grow.

Greed and avarice
Raises its hood
Life turns material
And ripples of chaos reigns.

When ripples turn still
There is union in the being
From desire to contentment
Fulfillment in the realisation.

When wanting evolves to knowing
In understanding, all is within
Both the wants and the knowing.
Seeking sublimes in silent awareness.


When I shared my verses on Life and living …

There was a message from one of the readers that made me reflect and write on the very nature of ripples in life and living. From the chaos of change to the stillness of sublimity.


On Perspectives

What seems to be, may not be

What is, maybe not.

What is an assumption, may become a contradiction.

What seems factual, may not be actual.

All is a matter of shifting perspectives.


The above image was shared by a friend on social media… it is not a video but simply a still image.

The question is do our perspectives shape our experiences

Or do our unique experiences shape our perspectives….

Just thinking aloud.


Life comes a full circle

Who has not felt ripples

At some point or another?

Life comes a full circle,

With its curves of ups and downs.

In the course of living,

There will be many ups,

Where the ego is boosted

And the spirit seems to soar.

And in the same breath,

There will be many downs

Of grief, despair, and loss,

Sometimes beyond compare.

As life continues on its path

Between nowhere and somewhere,

Between pain and pleasure,

Know there is an art to living.

Call it the wisdom of moderation

To stay clear of tilting to the extremes

Of emotions that manifest

In life and living.

Sense it all, both pain and pleasure,

For what is life after all.

Laugh a little to fill your hearts,

And let your tears flow, if they must.

Just don’t dwell on it for too long.

Move on, learning to flow with life.

You are no mountain to stand unmoved,

Or a stagnant pond collecting debris.

You are filled with the wonders of life.

Just like trees, shed your pain.

Like dried autumn leaves,

Let go of your worries.

Allow yourself to flourish again.



You are meant to flow

Like a stream in the river of time.

You are meant to grow

And evolve along the way.

Choose to care and share

With your fellow travellers

For each life matters, somehow, somewhere,

To one and all, along the way!


This poem is dedicated to anyone who is going through a rough patch.

Hoping for the best and sending in loads of goodwill.



Titled: Unshackled…An Artwork By Savvy Raj

Born free we truly are, but we learn to evolve, to move beyond the soul cages of our own being!

When we learn to appreciate the freedom that is ours for the taking, we realize its value in deep gratitude!

“Do not do this… Do not do that…” often these are the words that are entrenched in our brains in the name of effective and good rearing.

We are told for goodness sake to avoid disappointments at all costs and to stay away from failure. Often our programming is tracked for success without a doubt. 

Superb indeed! A mindful way of being that acknowledges the good and disregards the bad.

Great, then where is the issue? There should be none at all! However, the reverse is the case, and often as well!

For example, a child very lovingly brought up has to experience and grow in a world of dualities. 

There are all kinds of people that make up this world and varied experiences to be had in this journey of life. Preparation of exigencies is thus a necessity after all.

Acceptance and Adaptability

This is the key that we mould from within as we evolve towards unlocking the secrets to a successful life.

Dealing with what must be dealt

Bending in the flow where it is necessary

Standing up for something or someone you care

Steering through a crisis that shows up without notice

All these take nerves of steel and resilience. And never forget to smile from the heart and all of your being. 

Life is like that — a taste of bitter and sweet, all spiced with the nicest surprises yet tinged with necessary learnings along the way.

Freedom is being who you are

Everything alive has a right to be all that they manifest with the uniqueness of their thoughts. There is always room for expansion while accepting another as they choose to be.

Self-imposed restrictions may be a discipline necessary for one to learn, while for another it may stifle them if forced in even small measures. Caged by its own thoughts, the soul of the being needs to set itself free from limiting self-reflections to a spectrum of colours beyond.

 Break free from the soul cages of convictions that hold you in chains of restrictions and evolve with your resurrection.

Remember, the world is as free as you want it to be. Just take care that along the way, another’s joy you do not steal.

In the acceptance of the free-spiritedness of another being, there is the unshackled lightness of your own being!

Remember you are born free

To be all that you choose to be!



Rhythm and Rhyme

Rhyme gets you going every time

Indeed there is no need for a reason to rhyme

But as the words wax an eloquent jostle

It kindles the heart and fires the memory muscle

When the pen frees up to move with ease

And is done with arranging words, as you please

It feels suddenly the most liberating thing

Like setting free the tune that you are ready to sing

And in the joy of the spirit, its’s no wonder …

A song is born, in all this heartfelt endeavor

As the rhyme connects with rhythm by chance

Those who move the easiest have learned to sing and dance….:)



Journey on…

Journey on until you meet yourself
For embedded along the path
Of many echelons of time
Life leaves imprints in the living

There will be many experiences
That makes your soul cry
Out in pain and pleasures
Of sensing connections
Beyond this lifetime.

Journey on nevertheless
For in meeting the many
Moments that seem enmeshed with you
You are closer to yourself

In the travelling along

Comes moments that seems
To speak straight to the heart
Of the truth of your being

All is familiar, there is deja vu

And you know the scenario only too well

For you know you have been right here.

All else is immaterial and immaculate.

You won’t need any guide
Then as you partake the joy
Of this meeting with this being
You know you have found your self.


#journey #soulspeaks #creativity #awareness #connection #consciousness


On Success

You create the state of success

And you never rest on your success

Success is in the courage to continue

Your perseverance, your passion and purpose.

Success is consistently inconsiderate

Success demands much focus

as it supplies momentum

Beyond self limitations and doubts.

True success is the knowing

In your heart of contentment

Of a life well lived and loved

Success is who we are

Success is in each of us

Awaiting a discovery

An unearthing of potential

To sense life’s possibilities

If you believe ur abilities,

trust your instincts and

give it your best shot,

Success is sure to follow…



Dance of the Trees

Have you witnessed the trees dance?

Swaying in the winds with soaring spirits

Beckoning the sky to rain some more …

Even a seemingly barren tree

Is full of life and alive in every moment

Ready to spring with a freshness of spirit

Even the dry parched roots, shapes into a new life.

The branches may be dried but trust nature to grow some more

And fill the senses once more

With vibrant hues of leaves in all shades of green.


Being a tree is a mighty task

Sheltering and shading every passerby

Giving fruits is a labour of love

Receiving carbon and sharing oxygen


And standing rooted to the ground 

In all its natural abundance

For life to spring countless times

With nesting birds and the burrowing bees


The spirit of the tree is all heart

Sharing beyond compare

And watch as the world passes it by

In the echelons of time.



Trees stand the test of time

Of guts and glory upholding untold stories

Letting go the falling leaves in every day

Letting go the fright of loneliness and the pain of loss




Cos it knows the circle of life only too well…

What goes comes around

Like a breath of fresh air and a bud that is ready to spring.

Written by

Savvy Raj



To share is to learn

Unconference, the word piqued my curiosity for a while now.

I checked it up on the internet only to find that the idea has gained tremendous momentum across the globe.

The idea of un-structuring the ingrained structure seemed interesting to say the least, in creating spaces and possibilities to honour the learning.

Suffice to say recently, when I came across an Unconference event in the local newspaper I decided I must make a visit.

The venue of this Unconference was the well known Symbiosis School of Liberal Arts in Pune. I reached just in time for the proceedings to untold.

A customary registration ensued and I was greeted by a few volunteers with a relaxed warm and welcoming attitude. Clearly, the Unconference had started right there.

The word Conference kind of stiffens people up. There is a formal attitude, a thick air of competition to perform at their very best. There are fees and strict rules to adhere to. There are super busy organisers scurrying through and tension is writ large on their faces and their bodies as well are stressed out with expectations of the outcome of the event. Suited men and women whizz through looking super important. And yes there would be a Chief Guest of honour and a coterie of important people who need VIP handling… Adherence to their whims and fancies and most importantly their speeches which may or may not be of interest to any. But all must endure as to get up and leave is an offence to the speaker.

On the contrary here, there was a prevalent free-spirited feeling in the first place that all were in it together. The sense of community always takes time to build so I stood in that room with a small group of people waiting for the (informal introductory practice,) the opening circle.

The Opening Circle :

Someone from the group had taken an initiative to design a pretty pattern made of flowers in the centre of the space and light a lamp there.

A few introductory rounds later which turned out to be icebreakers with a few games to let loose and get into the flow.

There was a board set up with a mention of few rooms and a time slot to boot. The participants were encouraged to choose to attend or conduct workshops or just wander around and network.

A few people got up to mention their workshops and claim their slot. On a moment’s impulse although I was not exactly in the right attire for a dance workshop I simply decided to go with the flow and offered a Dance connection workshop by me.

Encouraged by a decent number of participants I let the moment take the lead. As I began teaching I witnessed the flow of the energy in the exchange.

I spoke about the dance, hold, frame and positioning and started introducing them to partner dancing and some basic steps. Bit by bit people shed inhibitions as they were getting tuned into the moves.

The moment strangers began to hold hands and face one another… for many, there was harmony to be found in the mirror imaging. For after all the lead and follow were simply an extension of each other dancing as one unit.

The energy in the room turned up a notch with the Achy Breaky Heart country cha sounds of Billy Ray Cyrus for company.

All started sensing the tuning in to the rhthymic expression of music & movement with their partners at that moment.

After the dance workshop I asked what they felt in that moment and here is what they shared immediately…

Deeply grateful!

The Give and Take

Truly to immerse yourself in that which you love all you have to do is to take a step … for your own good as much as for the others.

Essentially the whole experience was to me simply about honouring life energy in all its uniqueness of expression.

Great experience being a part of this interesting initiative!

Hope to see more of such initiatives across the country and our world.

