Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Envisioning Beyond Labels

In every experience there is always learning
To move beyond the apparent
Every concept is potential  in possibilities
Such is life and creativity
It is the way of nature in abundance…

To be able to see the bigger picture
To see beyond the niggling bits
And envision the larger good
Is the need of the hour. 

So much of time, earth has borne
The onslaught of man and his needs
But its time to think beyond the self
And move beyond  being bound by labels.

Find ways together and seek
Solutions than problems.
For truly we are so much more
Than the way we label ourselves…



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Art of Management

Team Management

Management calls for special skillsets but with changing times the skills have much to do with empathy in people management. Every head of department faces different sets of difficult situations but most common to all is getting the work done by the team effectively increasing productivity with the available resources.

You are improving your team every time you incorporate the following ways

1. When you talk less, and are listening more.

2 . When you begin to delegate work to the right team members and increase the sense of responsibility in them.

3.When you are able to speak assertively with confidence and empathy than simply ordering people around.

4. When you are able to analyze and share appraisals to resolve and find solutions in a non judgmental manner.

5. When you are able to steer and guide them in their endeavors without overtaking the joy of effort.

6. When you practising collaborating with your team instead of trying to be the controlling one.

Every team is unique as the people in it and this makes it uniquely interesting to manage as well.



Are you You?

We all have our good and bad days.

We can seem totally confident and be raring to go one day and feel completely strained and stressed out on another day.

We are only human and its perfectly ok to feel so.

We don’t have to prove anything to anyone.

It’s our life and we have just this life and this moment with us, if we are not living with joy in our heart then perhaps we have some questions we need to answer for ourselves.

Ask yourself these questions honestly…

Do you dare to be as you are?

Do you express yourself without doubts and fears?

Do you mince words, avoid stepping forward, play too safe

That you hardly dare to live your life?

Do you wear what you like?

Feel comfortable with what you wear

Or choose to conform to fashion trends or what’s expected of you?

Do you eat with all your heart?

Do you binge or fast in guilt or insecurity?

Or do you care to nourish and nurture yourself with food?

Do you check your weight?

To be sure you are in a healthy range.

Or do you find yourself too often on the scales, almost every day?

Do you dare to speak your mind,

To voice what’s in your heart.

Or shut up in fear of ridicule, of what others will say?

Do you measure your words to talk

In fear of being judged or criticized.

Or…to be the best version of you.

Are you happy in your skin

Do you care about your appearance

To the extent that it ruins your day

Or to feel good for yourself.

Remember you are most beautiful when you wholeheartedly accept the way you are.

Do you wake up because you have to?

Or do you have the joy of waking up…

To a new dawn in the hope of possibilities.

Make this moment special the best you can as you are.

Remember every moment in every day is a challenge

It sometimes gets easier or even tougher in the ups and downs.

It’s all in your journey and the way you take.

You have the power to choose your path

The choice is with you

To groan or be grateful

To make it bitter or better

It’s all up to you now!

Choose well!


The Strength of the Circle .

Moving in circles

The power of the circle is encapsulated in the very formation of pattern, speaking of integrity that is rooted to the center. Movements matter much more than we know or imagine…

In the energy of creation of a circle there is a changing movement is constant continuous and consistent yet structured in a pattern.

There is great learning in the flow that is enhanced in creating a deeply meditative motion steeped in dedication leads to the development of patience and perseverance. For circles are both complete and yet connected. In the strength of the circle and its reiteration lies the art of self-development.

In its spiralling form, there is inclusivity and expansivity.
In its cohesiveness is its stability and rootedness to its core.

In the evolution of the Circle is a collection of energy altering dimensions in space. This shift creates changes that can be felt and directed toward greater causes.

There is a depth of artistry and scientific understanding in exploring the potential in the circular formations.

Art by Savvy Raj

There is a spiritual connection in the drawing of mandala art or the whirling dervishes that awakens the inward journeys.

Every movement has a reason to be…

In the revolving universe the circular motion creates vortices, evokes energies that is altered in space dimensions and balanced in the flow.

There are many internal healing practices interconnecting and integrating the circulation of the breath and movement from yoga to martial arts that can awaken the dormant energy and bring it into a higher plane of consciousness, in the depth of awareness.

The strength of the circle
is in the fluidity of form as well as the stability of the structure.

In a circle is flexibility of flow
In a circle is the continuity of connection
In a circle is an integration complete and whole.

The understanding of the power of circle manifests with the awakening of the wisdom of change and of change is the eternal constant.

In knowing there is no change at all in the within and the without. All is in a flow in the river of time. Every life connects to everyone else.

All is in the alignment and such is the story of us as much as the sun moon and the stars and the spaces between, betwixt and beyond.

Using the power of the circle to create health and harmony in thoughts words and deeds brings forth goodwill and betterment of life.



A journey of awakenings

No two lives can be compared
For they are not the same
Not even at birth, although they are humans
The life experiences along lifetimes
Decide the nature of the being
And nurture then interpolates itself
And love makes way for itself
To flow into the being.

In the web of complexities of life
The being starts and courses its journey
In the dance of the elements
The being senses the truth of life in the living.

In searching and seeking
In awe and wonder
In beauty and grace
In the chaos and challenges
In the success and failures
It finds its bearings and builds resilience

Every life aligns towards its calling in time
Seeking decreases accepting increases
To refine the process of awareness
In the journey of conscious awakenings.



Hopefilled Now!

Every moment is full of potential
While in thinking about this moment
It may move on to the next moment
That is full of hope again!

No moment is empty
It holds the truth of the creation.
Every moment is precious
Enough to never to take it for granted.



Bring out the dancer in you!

Happy International Dance Day!

A true incident in dedication!

Just a casual conversation with a dear friend on Facebook threw open a facet of her innate personality, she loves to watch others dance and probably would love to learn too, but may be a complex of how it might be perceived, or so has kept her from trying. She also believes she has two left feet…

Well this is a notion held by many people, who may be basically shy or introverted by nature, or even perfectionists , or perhaps have some conditional experiences that makes them uncomfortable in daring to dance.

We went about talking as to how this can be helped.

Some simple yet profound movements that can help as starters.

A few things to remember:
It’s important to give yourself permission to begin movements, in whatever way you think best… a bow in prayer, a call out to yourself, or simply start with watching the dance of your breath in passive awareness and feel energized, with your in-breath and with every out-breath sense the release of that which needs to go …respect begins at home!

Sense, observe and feel one with any movement that you make, accepting the strange and the beautiful, the harmonious and the shaky moves … as part of the same source and believe there is a reason why they are what they are .

Take your time! There is no rush to prove anything so go with what works for you.


Allocate a time and place for yourself in the day at home. Clear the space and rearrange some furniture so that you have some moving space, without any obstructions. Option to have a mirror in front is totally yours as and when you want to allow it to happen. Mirrors reflect our actions so it helps to have one as a silent guide.

Make sure to remove jewellery, watches that may obstruct movement & avoid chewing gum as it is distracting.

As you begin moving on your feet it’s better to wear cotton socks for ease and flow of movement and preferably wear stretchable or loose clothes that don’t restrict body movements.

Remember the first time need not be the last time, just don’t give up! As with everything else, practise dancing from the heart and soul and be open to the changes in the flow.

With every movement we create energy in the room or space we are practicing. Each session is different. Sometimes exhausting, energizing, calming, stimulating, etc depending on a number of factors . Try to be receptive and accepting of that energy.


To find yourself as you dance, accepting yourself as you create expressions through movements. Sensing the power of letting go & the power of Dancing as you move.

Take yourself a little less seriously. Enjoy Yourself!

My friend questioned me about how to actually start dancing. Having shared endless conversations completely whimsical or tremendously uplifting with her over the years I know her, I simply wanted to reach out to her and remind her, how much she has already moved with her unique experiences, dancing through the tunes of life. How many movements she already has explored in silent rapture and conscious presence. And how many times she has been supportive, constructive, connective ,caring, loving, giving, tender, gentle & corrective in her movements towards the ones she cared. People like me! Well it was time to gently remind her of her own innate creative flows…

Dance to your own tunes.

Depending on what suits your mood at the moment, let yourself hear some tune, that vibrates with the inner you. Knowing her soft and gentle nature, I suggested some soothing music to be played in the background without it being too overbearing. Since she was wondering how to begin… I suggested her to sit down and allow just her fingers, then her hand and then the arms to begin to move with the music, just yielding, flowing as she felt like from the depth of her soul.

Neutralizing the rest of the body allows the ease of tension of perceptions. With just the hands in front of the person as they move, one could draw a circle with each individual hand. trace a simple pattern, write their names in cursive , using the pace and flow that seems right for them. Many who don’t physically dance much in the open are self- conscious of their physical body. So its important to be gradual in the movements. Once the hands start getting comfortable to move from an inner calling of the rhythm, it’s time to allow the sway of the shoulders or even allow the foot to take a step ahead.

Soon the rest of body joins the dance gradually as you allow and acknowledge the presence of the creative dancer in you.

Movements may seem shaky and erratic at first and as you persevere you begin to see the changes.The movement starts getting connected with the inner you and you begin to merge with the tune and the movement.

After all there is a teacher in you for the disciple in you!

Savvy Raj

Member International Dance Council



Nature is listening!

Yes… the reality is stark
Deforestation everywhere
Forest fires and climate changes
Disappearing rain forests

Global warming, polar vortex
Extinction of rare species
Food and medicine adulteration
Air water and noise pollution

Materialism leading to corruption
Repercussions of rising terrorism
Mismanagement and misconduct
Leading to apathy and war

Exposure from radiation
Indifference on an all time high
Alarming toll from disasters
Both natural and man made.

Is this what we have done with our life?
Time is slipping by, to make a difference
In being concerned, to save our world
To become a responsible world citizen.

Making some changes to our lifestyle
Supporting and sustaining green living
Volunteering our lifeskills
For our environment needs us now.

In taking time out to help out
Much can be done by each of us!
Manage available resources
Reduce recycle and reuse.

Learn to sustain and support it
Plant trees and reduce emissions
Nurture the world with care
For nature is listening!


Every step towards a more caring kinder world matters!
Each of us can do much from wherever we are

All it needs is awareness and action
In responsible ways
That helps and heals our world
Yes its truly hightime to nurture our mother nature!



Energy equilibrium

We are made of matter.
Matter is filled with energy
Our life is full of changes
Manifesting itself in so many ways.

Sometimes these very changes
In our lives bring out
Redistribution of our energy
Creating a lack or overflow of energy.

Our life patterns can cause a rift
Between thoughts and action
Between emotions and behavior
Emerging in imbalances

Yet we are each at our best
When we have our unique mix of energy
A concoction suitable to our nature
In proportions of sublime precision

As we give we receive
In receiving there is giving
To balance and counterbalance
The emerging inadequacies

All a matter of movements
That heal in the doing
That restore our spirit
And align with our soul.

This dance of chaos and order
Balance and imbalance
Are part of the same source
Maintaining our energy equilibrium



Miracles Happen

Miracles happen.

You see it around you

In willingness,

In the strength of faith,

In a shift of perspectives,

In envisioning beyond,

In refusing to give up,

In never losing hope,

In allowing to be guided,

In seeing possibilities in the impossible,

In keeping wonder alive,

In sensing the evolving miracles,

In knowing the fragility of every now,

In living life’s every moment

As if it is a miracle in itself.

Either there is a miracle for you

Waiting to happen,

Or you are the miracle for another

Waiting to unfold.

Both are inspiration for one or the other

For out of difficulties

Miracles are born!

Whenever and wherever, there is hope, faith and love, miracles happen.




We are so caught up in the external knowledge, that we at times fail to connect with our inner awareness.

Conscious awareness is immense power in one’s hands.

Our thoughts are intentions, inseparable from everything that exists. But very often it is blocked with unnecessary anxiety, discontent or other negative emotions. Intentions as energy fields can be powerful, but the collective consciousness of intentions towards a larger good can be even more so.

We have the choice to choose wisely and create the beauty of synchronized creative patterns. Look around us and we can observe nature which blesses us when in the harmony of synchrony.

Each of us is uniquely blessed with the power to choose thoughts that can transform the life within us and around us for the better. This is the first step to touching lives beyond dimensions with the synchronicity of good intentions.

A prayer towards general goodwill is a good example of synchronicity of intentions.

After all, intention too is a form of prayer. And more the attunement to an intention more the chance of manifesting the energy of synchrony.

In every moment the choice of any thought and creative enterprise is, was and will always be with us …

Let’s care to choose well!





Living loving
Partners in life

Partners in a dance
Swinging swaying
Falling and rising

Blurring the lines
Reflecting the truth
Between life and art



Truths of life

As Above So Below

As Within So without

As the Universe So the Soul…

Artwork by Savvy Raj

Truths of life.

Life manifests itself the way you see it.

Your words thoughts and attitudes

Are powerful beyond your understanding.

As you intend, you co-create the path

The truth of life is within around and beyond you .

Your choice in free will matters

Your integrity of spirit and soul evolves along the way.

Action creates reaction which needs to turn to response in awareness.

Hurry or worry is simply a state of the mind and emotions which needs understanding to let go.

All is a work in progress

A continuation in the evolution.



Compassion Connects

We are given the gift of life
In this gift are many gifts
That are necessary to thrive as humans.
Though we may not think much of them.

Each gift is interlinked to the other
We are meant to sense at different times
We are meant to share with one another
Our gifts are meant to refine our beings.

One such gift is an ability for compassion
Without it we cease to be humane
Deeply intertwined with loving kindness
A share of compassion can lift our spirits.

How beautiful a world we would be
When each life lives with compassion
For the world beyond around and within
Knowing the preciousness of life itself.

The beauty of compassion
Is in its flow
Emnating from the depth of ones soul
Reaching out in a boundless bond

Caring sharing
Helping healing
Sensing feeling
Loving and living
Compassion connects and how!

Extend a helping hand and bring the Gift of Compassion in life and living.




What makes a face interesting?

What makes a face interesting?

A Face is a canvas
For emotion to play upon
Providing and hiding the clues
To what is in the heart and mind.

A face creates the first impression
At times face can decide and seal the deal
Sometimes a face can charm you
And hold you in its sway.

Faces conjure an imaginary perspective
Of the nature of the entire person
Faces can at times convey
There is more than what meets the eye.

Some faces are arresting
No not just because of their beauty
But because there is an angle
To the structure so intriguing

Deep set eyes, an upturned mouth
Jovial smile , creases & laugh lines
Or a tense brow and wrinkled temple
Sqauare jawline or dimpled cheeks.

The list is endless like creation itself
But do know, there is always a story
Behind every face that we see
And that’s what makes it interesting.

Every face is unique by its own right
Faces can mask a million emotions
In a facade of appearances
But the body never lies, its movements gives it all away.

Lookout for all the subtle signs
A twitch here and a gaze there
A wide smile that never reaches the eyes
Or a vacant stare out in the yonder…

All said and done
There is much that intrigues in a face
For it takes you to that special place
In reflections of the truth in the illusions .
