Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!



Being content…

A realization

Of all that you have

In this now.

Being happy…

An appreciation

Of what you have

In this now.

Being grateful…

An acknowledgement

Of the gifts of grace in and around us.




When you begin to see the good

Life begins to feel good

What seems difficult is easier to bear

The burden seems to ease

As the way you perceive

Changes the equation

Colours seems to shine better

Moments begin to matter

Life seems to be more enjoyable

And every day begins & end better.

Keep seeing and sharing the good

There is so much of it after all!



Waking Up To A New Day!

We are the thoughts we think,

We become believers of our ways

What we do today has always a reason.

But every dawn is full of hope

Awaken to sense its brightness

Care and accept the vividity

Allow space for light to enter.

Much changes in doing the above..

Wake up grateful for this new day!

Wake up hopeful of this new day!



Nurturing nature

Nurturing aspect of nature

Is deeply embedded in its ways

When leaves dry out and fall

They are meant to nurture the earth

Nourishing it to grow again

Such is the self-sustaining ways of nature.

Nothing is wasted all is fuel to growth of another

All in the strength of interconnections in  the interdependence.

To nourish and nurture

In the circle of creation & regeneration

So much to learn of its resourcefulness

Nature nourishes and how!



On Giving

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Mother Teresa

Love these words by Mother Teresa, a kind soul that showed the way of kindness in giving.

Every single selfless act in devotion leaves the world feeling a little better than before…

Yes there is much to do
To make our world better
There is so much left to improve
Sometimes we are full of doubts
About can we ever do enough
Is what we share  or do,  right at all?

No matter the doubts  simply share
With all your heart ❤
You are meant to do much, much more
Than what you can even imagine.
You will find yourself along the way.
Share your gifts with joy in giving.
And fulfil your purpose of being.




I listened  to my heart
Every day
As it shares from within
And I write them out as words
Sometimes as verses
At times its measured
In moderation.
Its a zen moment
For there is clarity
In just a few words shared.

Then there are times

They flow like a river
A torrent in a current
Patterning  itself
In its own making
Words come through me
As if it needs to be spoken
Sharing the sensitivity
Of the moments at hand.
I listen simply with rapt attention
For in the slightest flutter
In every movement in the moments
Or the depth of silence
There is wisdom in the stillness.



Art knows better

abstract art artist artistic

Art feels complete for the artist
When there is a contentment
From within that this is enough!
And that the expression is fulfilled

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While the artists feels contentment
For the viewer, it is a beginning
Of endless possibilities
For each thinking is unique

art artistic bright color

Juxtaposed between the artist and the admirer
Is the art which is created
Out of a thought and intention
In colours and hues
In texture and design
Unparalleled in its very uniqueness

photo of daisy flowers

Awaiting another interpretation
Another contemplation
Sharing inspiration for more creativity
Sharing perspectives in the envisioning

photo of acrylic paint

Art knows better,
To simply be as it evokes emotions
In its journey to fulfill itself
And that is how it completes itself.




The Young Ones

A Motivational message

To the Young Ones

In your 20s

Life is about to bloom for you
Youth is on your side today
If your goal is to make a difference
Know your road is a long one.

Just a word of caution in care
With thoughts from down the road
Every moment has potential
With possibilities unlimited.

Life is both beautiful and uncertain
It can summon the very best in you
It can challenge your deepest reserve
To stay on course, needs your sensibility.

Be brave for the strongest can tremble
Be stable for the steadiest can tumble
Be humble for pride never wins
Be mindful of the now and tread with care.

Many a person will sing your praises
There will many paths open to explore
There will be many discoveries awaiting
Succumb not to temptation of aiming small.

Choose to think expansive and yet focus
Every thing is on a fine thread of balance.
As you make your choices
You shift and alter your paths ahead.

Sharing a beautiful song by Cliff Richard The Young Ones

So many…

Mountains to climb and achieve
Oceans to cross and discover
Pathways to create your imprints
All this and so much more….

Intentions to manifest and more
Journey to make and understand
Life is just starting for you
Miles to go before you Settle!

Life is what you make of it
Success is in how you see it
Love is how you feel within
Laugh a lot! Live Life Lovingly!

Yes dreams do come alive
Stars will twinkle & sparkle on
Trust your path is in the making
All it needs is you!

God bless you.


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The Creative Flow

Curvy Road of Ideation to Solutions

When creativity is put to test…

The process of creation to finding targeted solutions in the world of products to services is a long and winding road in creativity. The general assumption is that of a direct and linear way to creativity. While one thing leads to another it is not always a straight linear road.

It is the very nature of creativity to retrace, rewind, edit and reframe until it makes sense.

Non judgmental understanding and
empathy is crucial to creating solutions.
It is important to set aside ones own assumptions to gain understanding of another’s perspectives and needs.

To brainstorm you need a direction so it is important to give a clear sense of flow and the perspectives gained in understanding and emphasizing with the needs, helps to streamline the flow of thoughts towards ideation.

Ideation is a result of many thoughts, many questions, in analysis, synthesis and deductions.There are so many paths in the process of creative ideation like for instance…

Brainstorming : This is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
BrainWriting : Another collaborative creativity concept at work. Here the ideas are all recorded by the creator and then passed on to the next person who can use it as a trigger for their own set of ideas..

The Worst Possible Idea : This is a creative design thinking technique where team members seek the worst solutions in ideation sessions. This eases the pressure and boosts the confidence of the team to challenge assumptions and find better and better ideas

SCAMPER : This is an acronym and each letter stands for a thinking technique: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse.

It is important to know what to focus and what to let go as there will be many plenty of ideas that may come up in the process of ideation. Hence keeping focus on what the actual problem is, helps in finding solutions to address and resolving it.

Then comes the part of checking out whether the ideas are actually a perfect solution by examining the quality checks, fault testing and cross questioning so that the idea can be then accepted or rejected as a solution.

New issues can come up that can challenge the process flow. There would also be new opinions and opportunities to explore and refine more.

So however curvy or zig zag the truth is, the road is full of potential and myriad possibilities in the making. Such is the truth of the creative flow.

Sounds like a good idea?



Tall trees…

A photograph by Savvy Raj @France

Umpteen number of years gone by
Though I lost the count,
Nature got it etched on my trunk.
I can’t remember when I was a seed or sapling.
Today I stand tall being a witness to the passing seasons.
I wither and flourish,
With each passing year
My branches multiply tall and wide.
Though my hands try to reach the passing clouds…

My roots stand firmly grounded on the earth.
My secret of longevity
I adapt to Nature
Withering in Autumn
Clad in the snow in Winter
Rising to be alive with Rains
Flourishing in Spring.
Though I may look barren at times
My creeper friends cloth me in green
Till my canopy is filled with greens.
To nurture and nourish withstanding Time.


I am truly happy to share the above verses for this is one of my mother’s impromptu poems written in a flow, just a while ago, after I shared the above photo of a tree that I was drawn to capture with her.

Tall trees that seem to touch the sky …
devoid of leaves and blue skies with silver puffs of clouds floating by…

I am currently in France and while sitting in a bus stand admiring a tree at a distance, I decided to take this photo as I found myself drawn to capturing the vision of the sky from the ground below through the branches as a canopy of sorts.

Every manifestation of life is beautiful and significant in its own way. We often assume that a tree devoid of leaves is barren and ignore it. Yet there is so much to see and learn, respect & reflect from it.

I loved the above poem by her for many reasons one of which is because, it reflects the wisdom of nature, that flows through us all maintaining balance and sustaining us in life and living.


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Effortless grace

Effortless grace is visible in a dancer,

Who even in the dynamics of great extensions in flexibility

Can manifest great ease and subtlety.



Reach beyond knowing.

Artwork  by  Russian  Surrealist Painter Vladimir Kush

How are you going to reach the tree of knowing?
The climb is not a cake walk
It is tough to balance  on the way up or down.
You are at the base.
And yet you are not grounded.
In the knowing that sets you free.
At times you climb almost all the way.
But think twice about entering  its core
For it is demanding.

Life never comes with a planbook
All happens in the living.
All is meant to flow along the way.
Things refine or distort
To change or transform 
Into new paths of purpose.
All, a leap of faith
To reach beyond knowing.



Life is how you live it.

Live fully

No half measures.

Live in the moment

& make it so beautiful

It will be worth remembering.



Cute Cat Antics

The feline kind

Think themselves

As one of the special kind!

Here are some cute cat antics for you today!

‘Cats stretch’!🐱

Look ma ‘I’m innocent’ look!🐱

Feeling cozy… just wanna cuddle!🐱

At bliss🐱🙂

Hey! I am no showpiece!🐱

Please… I am a nice kitty!🐱

Woah! How did you find me?🐱

You are disturbing my sleep!🐱

Now what happened?🐱

What’s that? Let me see!🐱

Purr! Please go on! I like it!🐱👍

Cats dream too! Dont you know that?🐱

Let me explore just a little bit!🐱

I am begging you only because I need you now!🐱

I did nothing!!!Please believe me!🐱

Cos I am beautiful just the way I am!🐱

Curiosity kills the cat! But…what is that?🐱

Can’t I have my peaceful moment?🐱

Although today is being celebrated as the ‘World Animals Day’

Every day is animals day!
World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4, the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

Leaving you with a beautiful quote share here….

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.


Celebration of Independence

May we always dance in independence and freedom.

May we tune ourselves to connect with joys in tandem 

May we always remember and value great souls lost in martyrdom 

May we acknowledge that the strength in the interdependence is never random 

May we always respect our roots and learn to follow our inner wisdom 🙂  

Happy Independence Day to all Indians all over the world!

Savvy Raj