Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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A price to pay!

Everything I want
Comes with a cost
So ring me up, Put it on my tab
Whatever the cost I’m good for it!!!

A recent series on Netflix Spinning Out starts with these above lines from the song In the water by Jay Downer.

In reflection perhaps it is something every one of us can identify with at one point or the other.

In times of chaos and changes
Where lines get blurred
Between the future and past
In the now that yesterday brings us to
And the moments that can design itself to be
All our intentions are the reason
That things begin to happen
And then when it does
All our truths start to matter.

Life stares at you before you blink
And you got to learn to keep your eyes open.

No more is it make believe
For when reality dawns
It is reciprocal arrangement all the way!
You pay for what you want,
It comes to you with a price to pay!



On Speaking & Hearing

When you speak, the words are yours and the thoughts are sent outwards, so choose your words…

When you hear, the words are others and thoughts are inwards, so think positively!



Celebration of Independence

May we always dance in independence and freedom.

May we tune ourselves to connect with joys in tandem 

May we always remember and value great souls lost in martyrdom 

May we acknowledge that the strength in the interdependence is never random 

May we always respect our roots and learn to follow our inner wisdom 🙂  

Happy Independence Day to all Indians all over the world!

Savvy Raj


You Can!

Painting & Artwork by Savvy Raj

You Can!

If you only could see the myriad patterns and colors of life you will live to create

If you could believe in the vividity of the moment

If you could only sense the magic that life is meant to be

You will…

Paint your life with joy in the flow!

Unwrap this gift of life lovingly!

Just believe you can.

You can!



One life

Just one heartfelt move… makes all the difference!

One who knows the worth of life cannot afford to waste even a single moment of life… Take a step towards a more meaningful life for you ….



Nature of nature

The nature of nature…

Nature is full of vibration.

Never truly silent

For it is alive with pure energy.

Always a wise companion.

In moments that you need

Some respite and understanding.

Its very nature shows the way.

Seek nature to energize your being.

Seek its freshness of spirit

When the world gets too weary

Every once in a while.

Nature never competes.

It is never in a hurry.

Nature never rushes you

It continues on its path

As it seems meant to!

Allow your own nature

to blend with the bliss of nature.

Sense its synchrony

Envision its endurance

Marvel its magnificence

Wonder at its wisdom

Connect with its composure

Understand its inate balance.

In itself by itself with itself .

In and around you.

Know you are nature

And nature is you.

Ultimate Oneness in the diversity

Such is the nature of nature.



Puzzles are meant to fit

We may not know how or when.

We may often question why.

We may feel ousted by fate.

Our sense of destiny is at play

But if only we could give

Trust a little chance.

For when the time is right,

Every piece of puzzle fits in perfectly.

For puzzles are meant to fit.



Subtlety & Grace of Transpersonal Love

Communion: A boundless bond An artwork by Savvy Raj

When one reaches a realm where every thought trangresses the personal self and senses are transmuted to infinity.

Where there are no boundaries of feeling bound, where every connection is a give and the sharing extends much beyond the taking with unconditional love and grace in every action.

Where being in touch with one’s most conscious self, there are no disappointments,failures, stress or pressure of approvals or disapproval.

Where the body mind and spirit feels alive to every moment that life has to offer…in a nonjudgmental space that is acknowledging of one another as they are…

There is an acknowledgement of Subtlety and Grace of Transpersonal Love.

Universally this stream of unconditional love is flowing in all beings and its just a matter of time and energy to bring this to conscious awareness.

Savvy Raj

Image Credits A painting by Savvy Raj

And I reshare this post thanks to the lovely quote share by my dear friend Ashok Subarao who thoughfully sends inspiring quotes and pictures for me to write and paint on .

This quote share by William Blake resonated deeply with what I had written on Transpersonal Love . So I simply had to incorporate it here and what was interesting to me to note was how the image colours of the quote you sent and matched so beautifully with my painting drawn back in time .

Thank you for your kind shares once again .


Towards Clarity

My artwork today!

Sharing an interpretation…sent by my dear mother.

Towards Clarity
Converging from all directions.
With unformed shapes, unlinked thoughts. Merging at the centre as a Guiding Star
The sign of hope, light and promise for a positive tomorrow, filled with joy n cheer.

Have a wonderful day!


Stay humble

On Humility

Stay humble and grounded
Remember your roots
For they are your strength
To know tough times move on
Leaving you solid in the rooting_
Yet flexible to flow and adapt
Knowing the wisdom of humility.



You are enough for you!

A few words of strength and support

to manage and motivate your self …

I wrote these words as a part of one of my lectures that I was invited to deliver at a MUN conference. But it has always been there with me as my personal affirmation .

Truly you are enough for you!




So much to understand…

In every learning is a realisation of how little we know

In every realisation is a knowing there is so much beyond

In every reach beyond knowing is a little more understanding

Of the dimensions beyond

This universe amidst the multiverse

So much to explore and discover

To understand and know…



A sensing in the tasting .

 I sip the tea in front of me . I sense the taste engulfing my mouth  proactively therefore the tea is to me a certainity  but the tea is simply a matter , an ingredient dissolved in a concotion passing on the many stages of creation to purpose to  dissolution and therefore so are we  like the tea ourselves to a more evolved species or beings, that we may yet in time encounter .. are we all not connected matter to matter energy to energy  as frequencies  in the finite and the infinite of the interbeing in form and purpose. 

And yet we think of  ourselves so absolutely,  so certain of our ingrained ways …and assume much significance through the mask of self importance.  Just perhaps we also must try to sense a bit more and consider in seeing ourselves and others just like beings at different stages like the tea , each special and relevant in its own way to the whole,  whatever the shape or form.  For like unbrewed to the brewed tea  from tender leaves that are easily blendable, and adaptable  to the mature leave strengthened of flavour of experience of life and living , each evolving in the spaces between the certainity and  uncertainity of life and living …. all in that one sip itself ! 

Just transitions of thoughts 

Of the tree of life 

Of leaves in the being 

From human to tea 

Leaving much to imagination 

In the sensing .

For nothing is insignificant 

When each evolves in time 

To fulfill  its purpose of being .


Haha! I know this is crazy… coming from a non tea drinker but just had to share as  …all came from just a sip of this fresh hot tea on a cold winters day!😊



 Lessons From Nature

Lessons from Nature…

The sand on the beach implores you to walk slow…

To watch the waves as the cool breeze blows.

To move with ease,  sensing the strength at bay

To see the precious gifts  nature has strewn across your way.




 I wish!


I wish 😊

To hold the mighty sun in a curl of my fingers 

To bask in the warmth of the early morning sun

 To delightfully witness the dancing rays of dawn😍

To sense the beauty of a brand new day!
