Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Stay Blessed

When I change my conversations

To include words of gratitude

To become more positive

To have words to thankfulness

In deep appreciation and conscious awareness

Of possibilities in the infinite potential

I begin to influence myself

To see beyond my limited self

I became conscious supportive and allowing

Of the positive changes

In and around me

This is the point of influence

That I can sense, resonance

In the echoes from within

That I hear in all of my being

A reverberation of the bless



On Optimism


Musings on Positive Mindsetting and Optimism by my mother Anjana.

Love this piece by her.

Seeing the glass half full or half empty makes a lot of difference to your mind set. Positive thinking is not to ignore the negativities of
matters or situations. It is to see the options to overcome the obstacles in the best possible way. Seeing goodness and being positive reduces unnecessary stress and unwanted heaviness of heart. It lightens the mind, to a cheerful mood and to a healthy you.

Being positive does not erase the difficulties or seriousness of the problem. But when you look at the light out side the dark tunnel, finding ways to cross the darkness becomes easier. The severity of the dark cloud fades away when you have the bright Sun in your vision. A positive mind strengthens your will power to cope up in situations , reduces your stress level resulting in a healthier you, increases life span.

A positive mind can identify and filter the negative thoughts at its seed level and tries to steer away from it. Devoid of imaginary fears you can see problems at its reality with an optimistic mind. Approaching life, facing its realities with a positive attitude makes solutions easier. It gives you better resiliency over adversity, reduces depression, improves your immunity. When your mental strength is increased, it becomes easy to identify and manage challenges, to bring out best positive results.

A positive mind makes you more stronger, , more communicative, more people friendly, more humorous, & healthier. It makes you a better person to be with.
Always be positive, be happy, be healthy. Surround yourself with positive people.



It sure is a long kiss to goodnight .


There are summers, full of fun

And more spring times, to come.

There is the beauty of mountains to envision

And snow times to chill…
Our days are yet to unravel

Countless sights of beautý to savour

Evenings to dance to some great country music.

And there is the beckonning of starry nights yet to behold …
While there will be days of thunder and lightning.

Till the storms pass on and the sun is shining

It is truly amazing when the simple love for life

And a lttle bit of hope pulls us through …

So its truly a long kiss to goodnight.


From my verses…Hope is here to stay!



Sharing one from my series of Circular Artworks painting today and a very powerful poem by Rumi.

I feel somehow it connects with this poem…

Flow : Textured Artwork by Savvy Raj

“There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise.

Drink all your passion and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Open your hands if you want to be held.

Consider what you have been doing.
Why do you stay
with such a mean-spirited and dangerous partner?

For the security of having food. Admit it.
Here is a better arrangement.
Give up this life, and get a hundred new lives.

Sit down in this circle.

Quit acting like a wolf,
and feel the shepherd’s love filling you.

At night, your beloved wanders.
Do not take painkillers.

Tonight, no consolations.
And do not eat.

Close your mouth against food.
Taste the lover’s mouth in yours.

You moan, But she left me. He left me.
Twenty more will come.

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought.

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.

Flow down and down
in always widening rings of being.”
– Rumi



When you begin to see the good

Life begins to feel good

What seems difficult is easier to bear

The burden seems to ease

As the way you perceive

Changes the equation

Colours seems to shine better

Moments begin to matter

Life seems to be more enjoyable

And every day begins & end better.

Keep seeing and sharing the good

There is so much of it after all!



Tap Into The Inner Wisdom

Our guiding voice from within

Is always speaking to us

Signaling in a whisper or a sign

Conveying what is the’ Gut feel ‘

Our second brain is often ignored

But it operates nevertheless

Resonating or relegating

An advice to our being

If only we know to listen in

We draw from its bank of wisdom

And better manage our choices

In staying integrated in life & living.



Power of Great Intentions

In a world so self obsessed

In a world so often neglected

In a world where time is always priced.

In a world where love comes with clauses

In a world of vulnerability of human frailties

It is so very important to awaken

In hope of transcending

With possibilities of good intentions

A prayer in hope of health and peace for the good of all!


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In your difficult moments

That seem to take a toll on you

Trust there is a reason to living

There is purpose to your being

While your faith seems to shake

Understand there is only one you

You are power, undefinable & limitless

Your story has a shape and form

All your own that you are meant to share

Your experiences have made you who you are.

There is a power of infinite expression in every living cell you are.

Have you truly explored the power of you?



I see

A world beyond

I see

A borderless world
Overflowing abundance
In the kindness of being.
Beyond assumptions
Notions & judgments
In fear and confusion
Over man made division.
The beauty of creation
Survives the human frailties.

The world without borders
Is one of awe and intrigue
Of the alluring mystic
Of all pervading consciousness.

Of manifestations beyond compare
Of artistry beyond words
All strewn for us to sense
In the tapestry of life.

Interweaved interconnects
Unraveled in interdependence
Such is the true nature of elements
Of Creation at its best!


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Verses in flow Day 6

I have started an experimental journey and would like to invite you to be a part of it. Everyday through this week I have been writing and sharing a few verses in flow that you can choose to continue as well.

Would love to explore the connection in what evolves through the week and see the interweaves in the interconnects.

Verses in Flow
DAY 1 Truth

DAY 2 : Roots Day3 : Reason

Day 4 : Live

Day 5 : Life

Day 6 : Connect

Yes you have come far
You may have a new reality.
You may sense some disconnect.
In parts of your journey.

Yet care to remember
There is a night before the dawn.
Your present always has a past
Like with everybody else, all connects.


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On Interconnectedness

The strength of the interconnects run deeper than we can fathom.

We are much more interweaved and interdependent than we realise.

And the sooner we realize how much we need to coexist, the better we will be.



On Giving

Have written and dedicated a couple of posts earlier on the topic of Giving.

But here is my dear mother’s philosophical perspectives where she focuses on the the spiritual mindset in giving.


There is a saying in Tamil.” What ur right hand gives, the left hand should not know”. True. While giving, unknowingly a little superiority, seeps in. To counter our ego secrecy n humility is needed. Giving is called Dhaanam .

There are various types of giving. It can be of anything. Money used unwanted items like clothes or other durables, food items, even sharing your knowledge is a form of giving.

Rules of Dhaanam

Giving new unused things of good quality is the best Dhaanam. This is followed in ritualistic or religious dhaanam.
Always give with humility. Never show attitude.
Give to worthy persons. Donate to needy ones. Giving shoes to a legless person is useless . It will hurt the person reminding his disability. There is a saying ‘pathiram arindhu pichai idu. ‘

While donating unwanted used items see that it can be useful for at least six months or further. Never give throw away things.

Give happily, with a full heart. Anything given with a prayer in mind and lots of goodwill at heart will bring prosperity and happiness to both the giver and receiver.

Another important aspect of giving is never to boast or keep on reminding them. Once given it ceases to be yours… The recipient has all the freedom to use it the way they want. Do not expect a life long gratitude.

Taittriya Upanishad says

Give with faith
Give with sensitivity
Give with abundance
Give with understanding

In Bhagavat Gita, Shri Krishna talks about 3 types of Dhaanam
namely Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.

Satvic is the one which is given to worthy persons with full humility and without expecting returns in any form.

Rajasic is the one which is given to show supremacy or expecting some favour in return.

Tamasic is the one where one gives with attitude, without respect to place n time to undeserving persons.

Vedas describes dhaanam of 4 categories.
1. Nitya dhaanam which is given daily as part of our routine without expectation.
2 Nymithika dhaanam is giving with the intention to wash away our sins.
3 Kamya dhaanam is giving with a desire to achieve some special favours.
4. Vimala dhaanam is giving with humility, devotion and without expectation of any returns.

The best dhanams are
Anna dhaanam -. Feeding the poor( It satisfies)
Vidya dhaanam Sharing ur knowledge and skill. (It increases)
Kanya dhaanam – giving a daughter in marriage. (I think it’s about letting go of a child be it a son or daughter into their next phase of life)
Raktha dhaanam and organ dhanam-. Saving one’ s life.

Keep giving.
Give wholeheartedly.
Give with a smile.


I would simply also like to add that

True giving is when you don’t feel the weight of parting in the giving.

You never know how many lives you are unknowingly touching.



Finding a friend…

Do you work yourself too hard, Searching for a friend
Fear not, for there are many sailing in the same boat.
Finding a friend in another
Is seeing a mutual joy of being
With one another whatever the interest
In seeing not necessarily eye to eye
But sensing the heart to heart in life and living.

Blessed are you to receive a true friendship
And the onus is on you to truly appreciate it.
For no matter the years, friendship never die
If there is value for the friendship

Treasure the blessing of a good friend.
Nurture the relationship the best you can.
Have spaces in your togetherness
So that you gather life experiences to muse upon.

A good friend listens and speaks from the heart and mind.
A true friendship is often blatant to the point of being brutally honest.
All for the sake of evolving for the better
And such are the friendships that withstand the test of time.

Finding friends is wonderful

But staying friends makes all the difference.



Space Between The Steps

chords sheet on piano tiles

Photo by Pixabay on

Just like the sounds of music in the spaces between the notes, there is dancing in the spaces between the steps. It is only when we become aware of the value of the spaces between the thoughts that we can truly reflect, revel and live with ease through our lives.
The pinnacle of access to our realization of the creative entities at work would actually be in the silence, in the intentions, in an emotional journey of profound fulfilment. The trick is to find that point of the immense creative surge and be able to nurture it.
Rest and activity go together just as much as night and day… and like the yin and the yang, the pauses in between two breathes, inaction in between the action, brings forth the clarity, purity, and the intensity of that which is evolving.
It’s disheartening that our world has become so hyperactive. Multitasking has become the order of the day, people spend time having dinner in front of televisions, reading is done with music, and very often we have mobile phone calls that cut through a real conversation. So much has there been an abuse of our bodies and mind that we truly have forgotten the importance of non-activity and quietude.
The stillness between your actions or movements are the bridges to our conscious experiences and the greater your awareness the greater the creative potency of the action itself.
Dancing socially de-stresses the body mind and spirit holistically. Taking a momentto value the steps you dance together, valuing the music you are dancing to, appreciating this moment & appreciating the partner you have at this moment will only cultivate the value for oneself and will help in centring oneself deeper in the action with a joyful heart and soul.

When you dance, if you still your thoughts to simply learn to flow with the partner, the atmosphere, the music you will undoubtedly enliven yourself in the process and what you have is a beautiful dance of togetherness bridging the spaces between the steps with a conscious awareness …… And that is when dancing feels like a miracle that’s happening!

photo of a man sitting under the tree

Photo by Samuel Silitonga on

Few more thoughts in the flow….
  • Start the day with a few minutes of silence and observing the breath
  • Take time to pause and watch nature and try to be one with it . .. Maybe a sunrise, a sunset, a beach view watching the waves, the stars in the sky, the moon, the sky, or a rose or any flower or potted plant, or maybe a tree in your garden.
  • Make sure to have moments where you are free of your cellphone, tv, computer, or any electronic appliance.
  • Make a point of actually listening and understanding as others speak and allow the other to speak as much as yourself.
  • Accept every moment in the life you have now and cherish it for what it is…cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

A Hug Is A Magic Circle!


A hug is a magic circle …
A power within your reach
To embrace the good
And let out the unwanted.

Celebrate yourself be joyful.
The warmth of a hug
Flows like a river of joy
Healing with hopefulness.

Of love and tenderness
There is no special time
Every moment is willing
And waiting to be hugged.

Reach out with care
And spread the love today
To all your special ones
Share the magic you possess.

It has the potential to bring peace
To aching hearts and warring souls
Give a gift of tenderness
Give a hug today!
