Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Habitually Angry?

When was the last time you got really angry?

Just a while ago, yesterday, few days ago, a week a few months or can’t remember the last time you were really angry?

There are many causes of anger and often, the root is in irritation, frustration neglect or abuse or even unfairness.

Often anger comes and goes…

But when you are unable
To let go of habitual anger
It’s a path of distress
That leads to self destruction
Anger poisons the  mind & body
Leading to rage when out of control.
Yet, its part of being human.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

When anger has an emotional attachment and it gets difficult to let go easily. Mindfulness then is the path to emotional freedom.

Seneca the ancient Roman philosopher had a very relevant remedy for anger… He said, the greatest remedy for anger is delay.

How you choose to channel your thoughts
And effectively manage anger
Is what makes all the difference.

How do you express anger?
Are you assertive or aggressive?
This is what matters more
More importantly when angry
Can you say what’s on your mind
Can you even speak in a clear way?
Or are you emotions clouding you?

Perhaps you are suppressing anger
Then chances are it may surge
And unexpectedly so.
So instead, can you channelize your anger?
For then you control your anger
Before it controls you.


8:49am 6th July Pune India

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Dedicated to Batchmates.

It doesn’t matter if its the Army Navy or Airforce once in the forces you are always ready with a Salute!

You can take a man out of the army

But can not take the army out of him!

Humour in Uniform indeed!


Sharing a fun forward that came my way!

One day a Colonel from the Army, fell into a well. The soldiers would throw a rope into the well and pull the Colonel out. The moment the Colonel would come up, the soldiers would leave the rope snap to attention and salute. The Colonel would fall back into the well. This happened many times.

Someone suggested that a Brigadier be requested for help-because HE wouldn’t have to salute the Colonel. So one Brigadier arrived. He threw the rope into the well and the Colonel grabbed it. The Brigadier began pulling the rope. As soon as the Colonel reached the top of the well, he spotted the Brigadier. He immediately left the rope and saluted. And he fell back once more, into the well.
There was total silence. Then everyone heard the desperate Colonel’s voice from down below
*”You idiots – get hold of a batch mate !!”*
MORAL OF THE STORY: Batchmates ARE important ! They can save your life!
(Dedicated to all batchmates)



I see

A world beyond

I see

A borderless world
Overflowing abundance
In the kindness of being.
Beyond assumptions
Notions & judgments
In fear and confusion
Over man made division.
The beauty of creation
Survives the human frailties.

The world without borders
Is one of awe and intrigue
Of the alluring mystic
Of all pervading consciousness.

Of manifestations beyond compare
Of artistry beyond words
All strewn for us to sense
In the tapestry of life.

Interweaved interconnects
Unraveled in interdependence
Such is the true nature of elements
Of Creation at its best!


1 Comment

On Constant Anger

Constant anger
Is but a telltale sign
Of never feeling good enough
About things and the self or others.
It is a way of shielding wounds
That simply have yet to heal.
Anger patterns itself
Quickly into unhealthy ways
Of abusing the self & others
Rooted in fear
In feelings of lack
Of love and worth.

A deeply seated emotion
Of feeling love is only conditional
Striving for a need…
A need for perfection
A need for invulnerability
A need to be right all the time
A need to never be wrong
Such a state of mind is exhausting
Families and friends
Pay the price of such a behaviour
Wounding the self and others.

Yes Anger too is a part of you
It comes from you
It is expressing
Itself seeking help
As it feels quite helpless
Though you may support not the anger
But suppress it never!
But try to hear the inner voice
Its saying something perhaps
About fear,hurt, loss & lack of love.

Numbing it down
With food and drinks
Is never the answer
Healing is a journey
In understanding
With empathy
Unearth the roots
By Self supportable
Sustainable ways
To recover from the pain
Once for all.

Reclaim the joy in your life’s journey
U owe it to yourself
For this is your one life
Choose to live it well!



Why this Prejudice?

Why this Prejudice…
Of running life down
Of praising one gender
Of shaming one another

Why these violations…
Of human life
Of dignity?
Of personal freedom

Why these exploitations…
Of weak by strong?
Of bullying
And aggressions.

Life is meant to live
To express itself
For itself!
Its not born to be at mercy!

What makes one life
Assume superiority
And think it has power
Over the other?

Let practice respect for one another
Then teach children
To respect the differences
And acknowledge the diversities.

Our pride and prejudices
Have only caused war and illwill
Let us share empathy & goodwill
And let go our hatred and malices

Let us not discriminate
Every colour is beautiful to see
Every life has a reason  to be
Just as you and me.



Art of People Management

Whether at work or in family or socially we all may have encountered people who are extremely difficult in behavior to the point of putting people down, having arguments and fights in every interaction.

Often in the first meeting with another, within seconds our brain is gathering information creating its impressions on them and we seem to be convinced somehow on many things about the person. Our intuitive instincts comes to play .That is where our system involuntarily associates pieces of information and puts it all together. We may be right or wrong but that’s another story.

But the truth is we know how we feel about the person. Most importantly.
when we are put in a situation, we simply know, we cannot see eye to eye with the person at all and feel we just cannot handle them.

Our body often gets into a flight or fight mode . Our stress hormones increase and our nervous system is on an overdrive. This can be often a cause for major health issues in the long run.

Clearly we feel we are not equipped to handle such a person’s energy and we may come away angry or depressed in every meeting with such people.
It is time then to read more into the equation.In such moments of frustration one thing is very clear no matter what we say or do we cannot change the other person.

They could exhibit any of this range of behavior from being non cooperative, uninterested, dominating & aggressive dismissive, prejudiced, overpowering, controlling, overwhelming, angry , and even too powerful.

There is one thing however that is still within our abilities. If we cant change them then take a look at how we can change the way we perceive them as a threat to us. And why would we want to do that?
Well we owe it to ourselves. It is our body and it is the one that is getting affected in every such situation.

So what do we do when we have to deal with such difficult people?And what can we do to reset our system.

The truth is that it is not easy facing and encountering such an environment on a regular basis. Every thing said or done seems to backfire and there is unreasonable behavior and even simple communication seems to get difficult by the day.

An immediate countermeasure is that we start with taking deep breaths.
This shifts the bodily reactions and resets it from fear to relaxation. It actually works on calming our frayed nerves and easing the body inside out by reducing the state of panic and pressure on the body to react in such circumstances. Simply put, it distracts the mind and body to channelling the rhythm and flow of energy.

Secondly we take a moment to pause and rethink how we are addressing situations ourselves.
At times we are not very inclusive.
And perhaps may have unknowingly hurt someone by our own assumptions and actions.

We need to start with using, more of ‘us’ and less of’ you ‘ when we speak.
That way we show we are in it together.

Thirdly we need to disengage and keep healthy distance if possible with people that are negative and volatile. They are simply not worth the effort or time.
Choose to see if the situation is even worth engaging and indulging in.

Counting slowly to ten still works when situations are reactive, as it would give you time off to respond mindfully and space to assess the circumstances.

And lastly ensure we give the benefit of doubt and try seeing things from their perspective and check if perhaps we could be more reasonable.

Our abilities to observe us as part of process, will help in minimizing any misinterpretation on our part. That way we become more proactive than being negative about communicating with the person.

However,there are extreme scenarios at times, when we are faced with bullies who actually are very insecure within and may also perhaps have been victims at one point of time. We then need to adopt measures that ensure personal safety and that there are witnesses before interacting with them.

So let us always remember… we are the ones who need to take the necessary steps to change for ourselves because we are the ones who are getting affected.
For ultimately we owe it to ourselves and our health is most important to us.



Empathy Matters

Today’s ever changing corporate environment calls for new kinds of people management skills.
From managing teams to peoples problems and handling customer service,an empathetic approach helps create a positive difference and transform work culture.

So what is empathy after all?
Empathy is about being able to perceive and understand another’s point of view using their frame of reference.

To sense the flow of the moment with another.
To communicate with & be able to understand another’s perspectives insecurities and pain points.

Empathy is a positive approach aimed at improving teamwork and building teams , bridges gaps of communication implementing changes through appreciation, support & encouragement than unnerving others with negativity & criticism that can be rather demoralizing.

Empathy can create and build trust and rapport that you can tap into. In using empathic responses, problems can find meaningful and lasting solutions.

In using empathy with skill, you show respect & value for another.

There is a huge wave of empathy oriented approaches in businesses across the world. This is truly valuable and must be encouraged.

After all empathy is a main contender in a list of skills that show emotional intelligence quotient of an individual.



Master or mastered

Why mind.
Who is the master?
Who is the mastered?

When mind masters you follow

When the mind is mastered you lead.

Want to lead or follow…
The choice rests with you.





Art of Management

Dancing and Management

What’s dancing got to do with management
Oh, she is a dance teacher!
What will she know about managing a business?

This is the common perception of people in business setups. They have a dismissive attitude towards anyone who comes from a non-aligned field like arts for example.

Personally speaking, as a dance professional for more than two decades, I can certainly say that the experience trains you into a lot more than dancing. It helps develop & cultivate people skills, culture and mindsets, and the ability to empathetically understand attitudes that can be observed in life and living.

Besides, there are common skills that go beyond business management and enter life skills that one needs to navigate life effectively.
Here are a few skills that come to mind immediately…

  • Time Management
  • Code of conduct
  • Space management
  • Body language awareness
  • Self Expression
  • Discernment
  • Discipline and Focus
  • Alertness
  • Respect
  • Collaboration
  • Teamwork
  • Mindfulness
  • Authenticity
  • Precision
  • Adaptability
  • Planning
  • Creativity

Dancing movements can open channels of flow which translates into greater energy optimization.

And each dancer may have explored the art of dancing in different forms and its application would have the potential to create a greater depth of understandings.

The value of art may be high, yet the possibilities and the potential application of art are yet undervalued and undermined.

There is so much scope in the art of movement that we can realize. It’s high time to accept that dance education and application has much to offer the world beyond just a stage performance. Great to see radical shifts in the way dance is being perceived across certain parts of the world. But it has to percolate to where all it can matter.

Time to think beyond and open up to these yet underutilized but valuable life management skills.


Creativity then and now.

It is amazing how creativity is enhanced by leaps and bounds in the age of the internet . Especially with an app ready for every possibility.

Before the internet, drawing was a skill that was an innate gift or had to be honed by years of practical training. Back then artistry was challenging and time-consuming and most of all needed patience and dedication.

Having developed a bit of interest in artistic pursuits I remember enrolling in courses to learn the art of embossing and decorating pots, learning the intricate art of henna on the hand as well as joining a fabric designing course at a very famous and leading fashion institute of those times which I truly enjoyed and excelled in. And I remember using the understanding to create and sell my artworks and being rewarded not only monetarily but also emotionally through the contentment of creativity becoming tangible. The course of learning and experiencing it all was truly very fascinating indeed.

Today I draw a parallel on how one has to know how at the touch of a phone, the apps take you through the course at the speed you want, you can erase the art you create and redo at will, as often as you fancy. And most of all your drawings get texture, special effects and animation and you can even create a live 3d model for you to touch and sense!

Technology can charm the living daylights of you indeed!

Yet there are certain senses that are not touched upon…

The feel of holding a brush of colour, it flowing on the paper, and at times may be in error and you working around it creatively.

The sense of proportion in actually mixing medium and paints and getting the right shade.

The touch of canvas or other mediums and the way it feels after the painting.

The simple satisfaction of being able to feel connected to your artwork right through it all. It creates an intimate relationship between the art and the artist.

To be fair Art today has evolved along the way, there is computer precision and ease of use through applications that take artmaking to infinite possibilities.

The potential of an artist can increase leaps and bounds and endless pieces and options of colour choices can be churned out at the touch of a few keys. Everything is customisable giving the advantage to both the artist as much as the customer.

The scope and reach of creativity through Art is definitely increasing and that is a development worth noting. Everyone can create amazing art now unlike before. And that is quite an interesting phenomenon. Knowledge is openly accessible for the user.

In spite of the amazing advantages of technology, human emotional and creative connect is yet a challenge.

But nevertheless, I have chanced upon apps that give a great sense & feel of creating art.

Sharing a few of my earlier artworks.

Savvy Raj


5 Tips on Anger Management

A story share on Anger Management

There was a saint, who was never affected or angry at anyone, how much ever anyone ill treated or insulted him.

His disciple was intrigued by this nature and wanted to know the secret of his calmth.

When he asked the saint, the saint patiently explains how he conquered his anger.

“I had this long time habit of meditating while sitting in an empty boat on a lake. While doing so, once when I was in deep meditation suddenly another boat hit my boat . I was so angry to know who was so careless to disturb my meditation. But when I opened my eyes in anger I saw an empty boat which was moved by the blowing wind and hit my boat. I realised my anger was unaimed as it was an empty boat .

So when ever I get angry I remembered it n think this is an empty boat too and became quiet.

Our anger affects us in 3 ways.

1.It affects our wisdom
2.It affects our body
3.It affects our behavior.

Now you know the secret of my calm nature.”

The truly strong person is not the one who controls others by physical strength, but the one who can control himself from his anger.

This simple story elucidates  the necessity of  self reflection and awareness  of the negative effects of anger on oneself  as much as others.
Anger is often a result of frustration and feeling blocked . The reactions  can escalate out of control in time.

Uncontrolled Anger ruins life and living.

Anger is  damaging  and destructive.

It is important to  break free from its vicious cycle.

Here are 5 tips for breaking free of Anger cycle.

1. Taking some ‘ me time out ‘ everyday.

2.Thinking before Speaking 

3 Practicing Forgiveness & Letting go.

4 Using Humor to Diffuse Tension

5 Using Relaxation Methods for Calming

There is a need to acknowledge  anger patterns and work on the triggers that affect. So more than prevention by suppression it is better to understand  the loss of control  of words and actions and channelize it well.
Like a  little time out for self  could be about engaging  in physical exercise,  dancing , music  gardening, any hobby or reading a book,  regular meditation or simply witnessing nature .
All are very helpful in bringing back a sense of balance in our perspectives of thinking and creating  a space between  our steps.🙂

Always remember, it is important to know it is completely ok to seek professional help to manage anger when it is affecting our life and the lives around us.



Life is calling

Life is calling
Whatever we are meant to create, collaborate, to do or accomplish with our lives… we will.

All of us meet with different facets of envisioning.
And as we move on to connect we take in different aspects of understanding.

Our life is changed & continues to change
In every intersection of interaction
Sometimes it’s a feeling, a thought.
At times it’s a drive so full of intentions.

Life is meant to churn out the truth of it’s own existence
It is meant to evolve in the changes.

So important to know the value of every life.
The power of every contact
The force of nature in every connection
That leaves imprints for posterity.

Each exchange, every dialogue
Every word, every letter
Is energy unleashed with emotions
The intentions carry them through.

Value the intuition you sense
In every connection
The purpose clarifies itself to you.
Every life is meant to make a difference
To someone somewhere
It could be you.



Colour of emotions.

If emotions were tubes of colours
The way we paint every day
The way we live our lives
The way we think and express
Our own experiences in being.
Will be a riot on the canvas.

Envisioning in the seeing…
Flashes of brilliance in bright yellow
Of optimism and cheer
Sporadically surging joy and ecstasy.

Going green in connectedness
Contented lines flowing in trustful acceptance
Or moves markedly hesitant in fear and apprehension.
Arresting artistry of living life in loving kindness

Explosions of reds marking anger
Or in delusions of grandeur in aggression.
In ingenious masterstrokes in fits of rage
Of imagination running wild.

Colour of Purple in projecting pride.
Of passionate perseverance to detail
Or a certain aloofness in respectful reservation.
A sense of ascension and royalty.

Shades of blue in thoughtful flow and serenity
Or organic spaced out zenful zones
Of mindful movements in the making.

Yes there is an emotion in every colour
As colours are but tools of expression
Of the ever changing moods of man
How colorful is the spirit of our soul.

Every colour plays a significant role
Like in the wheel of colours
So are emotions that appear
In the wheel of life.
Each plays it’s part.
All matters to the whole.



Trusting the trysts with truth

As we dance through the apparition of appearances

Of assumptions in the amalgamation.

All that is real may be an illusion

All that we believe to be is perhaps real.

And our tryst with the truth…


Savvy Raj

Evey rememberance has it’s own take of perspectives…

Today reading another poem by a wonderful fellow blogger Didi, and I remembered this para from my earlier poem Tryst with the truth.


The Wisdom of Silence

The Silent Retreat

Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks.

They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day.

By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out.

The first monk blurted out, “Oh, no! The candle is out.”

The second monk said, “Hey! We are not supposed to speak!”

The third monk said in an irritated voice, “What is this? Why did you two break the silence?”

The fourth monk smiled and said, “Wow! I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken.”


Each monk broke the silence for a different reason, each of which is a common stumbling block in our inner journey: distraction, judgement, anger and pride.

The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important – the practice of witnessing without reacting.

The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than in actually practising himself. He was quick to judge without noticing that he himself was guilty of what he was criticizing.

The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him.
The singular burst of anger ruined the effort of the day.

The fourth monk lost his way because of pride. He was convinced he was superior to the others, proving his ignorance.

Why did the fourth monk speak at all? He could have simply maintained his silence and he would have been successful in his endeavour.
But if he had, chances are, the other three might have continued to argue and not even noticed his silence. Some people are like this.

Their motto is “If I am doing something good, but no one notices, I might as well not be doing it at all.” They believe that the reward is not in the effort, but in the recognition.

There is a beautiful quote, “It is the province of knowledge to speak; it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”

As we learn to truly listen, witness and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgement, anger and pride, then we understand the true meaning of silence.

The Wisdom of Silence

Silence has the strength of spaces in sublime consciousness…

Silence shows the way of patience

Silence activates our guiding spirit

Silence powers the strength of intuition

Silence moves towards deep contemplation

Silence evolves the spirit of understanding

Silence graces atmosphere with quietude

Silence defends without a word

Silence strengthens the soul.

Silence can be a knowing of the peace within .

Silence is painful in its struggles and valuable in itself. Silence is in utter desperation, deep contemplation with phases of meditative connectedness. Silence is never thoughtless or mindless.

Silence dwells in the spaces between the steps to access whenever. Silence leads and the path appears.

Trust the lessons learned in silence.

Savvy Raj