Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Happiness

You have it in you

To choose happiness

As the path is open

For you to sense it.

The key to happiness

Stays with you always

To use it as you wish

All is in the choice you take.



On Belief

Positive thoughts make all the difference

When the moments in life are so sweet that…

the little voice in your head says …

‘it cant last,

Just care enough to tell yourself,

‘Maybe its about to get better.’:)




Engagement is an involvement

It involves committment.

Engagement is an action

It involves doing in action

Engagement is a focused interest

Engagement can be a moral obligation.

To do whatever is possible.

And be genuinely involved.

What are your daily engagements?

What keeps you engaged in them?




To life …. in all its dancing glory 🙂

To being all that one can be!

To changing & evolving for the better

To creating hope & possibilities

To exploring the seemingly impossible

To envisioning the capabilities

For life is best lived in expression

Of all that one can be!

So yes to life and living!



Passion & Perseverance

Have you ever wondered

What is it on your path

That makes you persevere

Like no tommorow

To keep giving all of you…

Something that is on the fringes

Something tangible and yet intangible

It is that which sparks you up

Nothing feels unbearable

Its as if your mind body & soul

Is finally integrated in the sensing

Of the brilliance at work

Beyond yourself.

You will know that when you meet

The purpose of your being

At some point in your life perhaps

In the most unexpected of ways

You will find in yourself

An energy summoned from within

To reckon with to persevere on.

Such is the dance of abundance

Of creation at play

Making life resonate to its cosmic ways…



Reality Bites

Acknowledgement is a step towards improvement.

Realizing the effects and the cause is relevant to change.

Our world is a gift we have in life

We are interweaved in this tapestry of life and living.

And we are strengthened in the interconnects in between.

Yet we have distanced ourselves

The advancements create gadgets of convenience

But humane care and connection is distanced

We behave as if we are entities self centric without consideration

Humanity in humans is deeply affected

But we are yet to understand

The consequences our actions

Truth is reality bites.

Yet hope is here to stay.


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On Mentoring

None can tell you what is the truth
As much as you yourself can!
Often a mentor , a guide a teacher
Can take you near your truth
But  its all up to you to own yours

Every truth is colored by perspectives
Of its own creation.
Every person has a truth
That needs to be reckoned with
As the perspectives converge
There is an emergence
Of the truth of one’s being.



Other side of Darknesss is Light

Darkness and Light are part of the same universe.
They come and go as if on contract
Light appears when the night unveils itself
Night appears when the light is overshadowed by the dark.

But in utter darkness comes the necessity of light
In burning light of the sun arises the need for cooling shade.
Both are cyclical in nature
Each a playing their part in the circle of life.



Keep the faith!

Every moment can bring
Its own share of challenges
Sometimes in situations beyond hope.
And you are left with decisions to make.

When unfairness is met
With hope and faith
Life turns around
Yes everyone is challenged

In one way or another
But the wisdom in the challenge
Is to use these challenges
As stepping stones
To your success.

Life is changing
Every minute
Life is never the same
Its ok to wait and lie a little low

You need to trust nature
To move and shift things
What was lost is gained again
What was your deepest pain
Becomes a point of pleasure

Change is the only constant
My friend
Move beyond these limitations
Of this now
There is so much more to envision
So much more to accomplish.

Life is meant to flow!



On Understanding

What you see and I see
May seem different  to the both of us
What you feel and I feel
May feel different  to the both of us
We all see and sense things
In our own unique ways
That is how we are wired.
But when we make a move
Take a step and exchange perspectives
We see, what we missed along the way
Every view is limited in its scope

Every feeling is in the sensing
Change your perspectives
And you will see so much more
Your sensing and feeling will expand
Eventually you will  make a shift
In your attitudes and alter your actions
That is what true understanding  is all about. 

Today the world needs to understand
More than ever before
What it is like  for everyone  else
What makes the world tick
What brought  us to a standstill
What we need to do from now
What can each of us change  from this now
To understand is half the battle won.



Empathy Matters

Today’s ever changing corporate environment calls for new kinds of people management skills.
From managing teams to peoples problems and handling customer service,an empathetic approach helps create a positive difference and transform work culture.

So what is empathy after all?
Empathy is about being able to perceive and understand another’s point of view using their frame of reference.

To sense the flow of the moment with another.
To communicate with & be able to understand another’s perspectives insecurities and pain points.

Empathy is a positive approach aimed at improving teamwork and building teams , bridges gaps of communication implementing changes through appreciation, support & encouragement than unnerving others with negativity & criticism that can be rather demoralizing.

Empathy can create and build trust and rapport that you can tap into. In using empathic responses, problems can find meaningful and lasting solutions.

In using empathy with skill, you show respect & value for another.

There is a huge wave of empathy oriented approaches in businesses across the world. This is truly valuable and must be encouraged.

After all empathy is a main contender in a list of skills that show emotional intelligence quotient of an individual.



Heaven knows

Came across this beautiful picture share

And couldn’t help take a second glance

Credits go to the photographer fully for this amazing photograph.

Leaving me to question in awe

Is this a piece of heaven on earth?

Leading me to another question

Is heaven in a piece of your soul

Sought to be sighted in some faraway land?

Perhaps it’s nearer home.

Not milky ways away.

Heaven is the gasp of breath you take.

Heaven is in the tree of life.

Heaven is full of hope and wonder.

Heaven grounds you home or leaves you awestruck.

Heaven speaks from the heart.

For heaven knows …

Have you found your piece of heaven?

Trust yourself you will know it.


Image credits to the unknown photographers

Art of Patience & Calm

Commune with the very depth of your being
Connect with your own breath
Combine with your inate sense of calm
Coexist with nature as it truly is
Cohabit with the element of balance.
Counter the imbalance with patience.

Time settles it all
The key is in waiting
For the perfect moment
Allowing the winds to blow
Chaos plays precursor to stillness
It is the nature of the circle of life.
Sounds reign before silence
Movements arise before stillness

Remember all is in flow
Equilibrium is in the equanimity
Maintaining is the art of sustenance
Let go the expectations
Things fall into place
As they are meant to .

The art of stacking or stone piling is a gift of patience and a grace of thankfulness. Every stone stacked can signify a greater intention, giving into a larger purpose. Although I personally feel we must be careful about this art by not leaving any trail marks in nature, forests as these imprints may confuse or can alter signals for many animals living there. But having said that this art is peaceful and the practice of it can be healing as well.

Creativity is challenged by patience in waiting, giving way to balance in the flow.

Have a look at these amazing artworks by this very famous stone stacking genius.

Stone Stacking Genius

One thing is very certain, it surely can teach us much about creating calm.



We can…

There is always something we can learn to do…

We can learn to be more understanding and empathetic.

We can learn to be caring and not controlling.

We can learn to love than be lackadaisical of another’s needs.

We can learn to be trustful.

We can learn to believe in evolving together.

We can learn to see the wisdom in the challenges.

We can learn to trade our fears for faith.

We can learn to stop those bullying another into submission.

We can learn to live and let live.

No one owns us and we certainly do not own another.



Making it matter

Saw this the other day… I don’t know who originally wrote it but it’s brilliant

”Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
We are all in “the line” without knowing it.
We never know how many people are before us.
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line –

Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready.”