Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Value Of Mistakes

When we mix little curd, the whole milk become curd which increases its value . We take butter by churning ,which is costlier than milk n curd. When we heat the butter it becomes Ghee (Clarified Butter) which is expensive than milk & curd.

The ordinary milk when curdled, churned n heated, its value increases as Ghee.

Grape juice is not expensive. When fermented it becomes the more expensive wine.

If u make a mistake it doesn’t mean you are bad or useless. Pressures and mistakes make a man better & more experienced.

Colombus made a mistake on his voyage. He lost his way which resulted in the discovery of America.
Alexander Fleming’s mistake resulted in the invention of life saving Penicilin.

Never let ur mistakes make u fall. Your failures will polish you. It helps you identify where you went wrong, which plan failed, which approach becomes wrong.

What we learn from our mistakes, will lead us to the right path, to success.

Translated from tamil by my mother Anjana.

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All of creation has a purpose to its being.

It charts its course towards it.

If we are able to understand the reason for life is to be…

As it is meant to be
We will be more tolerant and inclusive
We will think before we speak
We will choose to see the good and nurture the good.
What we choose to notice life presents itself in many ways
As the way we choose to see the world
The world mirrors itself to us.

See the world with wonder and awe
Choose to respect and be responsible
Cultivate a sense of respect gratitude.
For the infinite abundance called life!

©Savvy Raj


Eyes of Faith

All is never lost

Until you stop

Seeing the world

With eyes of faith

For faith is in you

To build and sustain

For a lifetime

So trust yourself

Witness the miracle

And keep the faith

All is well

©Savvy Raj


Little things in life

Sharing my mother’s musings today…

Sitting in the garden,
Sipping a cup of hot brew,
Embracing the morning rays,
Swaying trees with chirping birds,
Being around with beloved.
It is the little things in life.

Happy faces, helping hands,
To hold u back when in need.
Encouraging words to bring u back.
With a smile to renew energy.
It is the little things in life.

A good night’s sleep, after a hard day’s work,
A content mind, that never asks for more,
Sharing joys with children’s laughter around,
Having gratitude without solitude.
It is the little things in life.

Simple joys of life
Nothing extra-ordinary;
But aren’t these exquisite?


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Light of Change

Change & Creativity

Evolution happens in the changes that are a precussor to transformation.

As humans much of our creativity is often boxed in association of concepts and experiences and their correlation.

A conscious unshackling of patterns of thought brings forth new and different ways of seeing & thinking. Every now and then take a pause, acknowledge the diverse new associations for it breeds creativity.

A deliberate action that reaches out far and wide to step out of conventional thought patterns is never easy especially as humans like to feel safe and secure in comfort of knowing of a stability and at ease at rest.

Change can be unsettling and startling for most to accept, to digest & acclamatize in the new shifts.And yet to create new spaces for light is to step up in the gamut of creativity there need to be, a dare into the unknown that explores dimensions beyond.


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Wisdom of the Way

Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all.Learn The Way, then find your own way.

The silent monk from the Forbidden kingdom

I love this wisdom of The Way

In trying to control

You realize in time

You never can have it all

In fact the more you try to do

You realize how unbalanced you are.

To find balance

You meet stillness in the listening

For it vibrates it’s own music.

Hear in silence and you sense it.

You don’t need to try too hard

What is meant to be found appears.

You don’t need to overstretch

You simply need to ease in to connect deeply.

©Savvy Raj

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A Great Idea

In thinking through
No idea is too small
Or no idea too big

Many small sparks
Come together
To ignite a great idea
In effort & execution
The ideas find a foothold
And steers on to success

An idea is as good
As the executors
As much as the values
And purpose behind it.
So that it sustains
As without follow ups
No idea evolves itself.

To claim anothers idea
As ones own.
To belittle anothers ideas
Is a mark of insecurity
And fear of losing out

Different intelligences
And respect for diversity
Grows ideas by leaps & bounds

What every founder
Must remember
Beyond funding
Nurturing the idea
Takes many minds
And many hearts

Treat people well
Stay humble & polite
And allow space
To communicate
And collaborate
And find transperency
Will work it’s magic.

Go confidently
Play on your ideas
Until the ideas
Strike the chord in you
Trust your path
Oblivious of naysayers

There are always
Going to be
Opposers to the plan
Think of them
As a free perspectives
To sift through
And fine tune ideas.

Keep seeding and nurturing positive inspiration.

Savvy Raj


Infinite Abundance

Prosperity & Abundance

Allow life to manifest its infinite abundance.
Live life lovingly!
©Savvy Raj



I was drawn to watch this beautiful share this morning.

It is a capture of an every day phenomenon of Water drops merging into a water body.

So much beauty in the ordinary

The profound in the simple.

If we only took time

To notice and discover

We will know

How little we see

Of this dance of nature.


And watching it in slow motion video….

Pure Fascination.


Be Aware

Every day is new.
A day to celebrate.

Unlike many,
We are alive to see the sun, hale n healthy.
What more reason is needed to celebrate.

Let the bitterness of the past
Dissolve in the darkness of the night.
Like a new dawn,
new beginnings,
new hopes, new effort to make it
a day with positivities and possibilities.

Step forward,
With grit and gratitude.

Each moment is special .
Miracles can happen in any moment.

Be aware when it happens.


Count your blessings!


Purpose of learning

The learning is introduced

In the reading or telling

The learning is beginning

In the teaching & watching

The learning is supported

In the coaching & mentoring

But the learning actually happens

In the involving & engaging.

And the learning is reinforced

In its applications and sharing.

Learning is a dance

Of the heart & mind

But when the spirit & soul

Connect in the learning

The purpose finds its path…

Savvy Raj


Wisdom of the Stars

Every night sky

Infinite stars twinkle

There is wisdom in their light

To shine from wherever you are

Each star emits their own starlight

Together they fill up the night sky

With the wonders of a starry night.

©Savvy Raj



Nature is magnificence
Teaching great lessons in humility.
Nature is amazing grace
As she holds within
The truths of the universe
The secret of the stars
As well as the sounds of silence
She is a dance in the stillness
Nature is flow and flow is nature Nature is life. And life flows…

©Savvy Raj


On Courage

Every life in this world

Is born with courage to thrive

And the courage to survive

It is a matter of recognising

And awakening to your courage

Courage has many facets

In you exists so many kinds of courage…

And each of us have different degrees of it.

There is courage is a dare that speaks to your truth

A dare that makes you confront

With the truth of you.

When was the last time you sensed courage?

Or lack of it in a certain situation? .

Courage that dares through physical challenges.

Enduring discomfort hurt

Or pain and even possible danger.

Then comes the emotional courage

To be able to confront

Your deepest fears and doubts

Having the ability to seek help

Express your inner feelings

Takes a great deal of courage too.

Not everyone can share their truths easily.

Have you ever been tongue tied and socially awkward?

Perhaps you need to work on being socially courageous.

Speaking with self confidence means assertive communication.

Connecting with people from all walks of life with ease.

Work on your voice and poise which helps in speaking publicly.

Have you sensed the need to learn more?

To educate yourself every now and then?

It is about being courageous to develop your intellectual strengths.

An ability to say’ I don’t know’ or admit’ I was wrong. ‘

Breaking the ego build up and allowing space to understand more

This also require the development of humility in great measures.

Somewhere deeply inter linked with morality and conscience.

In the ability to admit to mistakes to stand up for values and fight for rights

Upholding the principles with conviction & braving opposition.

Not many people find it easy to fight the odds. They give in.

To understand beyond the self calls for another type of courage

The empathically courageous will go beyond biases to get into the others persons perspective.

Empathy is a courage to sense the trials and tribulations of others.

Along with this is another kind of profound courage

An exploration of your own Spiritual truths.

This calls for conscious connections, remembering to honour your life, in and around you in every form.

Courage is an inner reserve

That actions from all of you

Your nature and nurture

Is unique so is your courage

And the way you are…

Explore what facets of courage has naturally become your strength in time.

And what facets do you need to build and develop in yourself.

Now when you think back of the many situations that you exemplified your courageous self.

Every thing you need is already within you

Waiting for you to trust yourself enough to recognize it.

Remember your courage is one of your many gifts of strength.

Acknowledge and use it wisely.

©Savvy Raj


Every Woman Knows

Spirit of a woman




Strength of a woman




Soul of a woman




Savvy Raj

©Savvy Raj