Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Positive Thinking

A Great Share

A young woman was sitting at her dining table, worried about taxes to be paid, house-work to be done and to top it all, her family was coming over for Thanksgiving the next day. She was not feeling very thankful at that time. As she turned her gaze sideways, she noticed her young daughter scribbling furiously into her notebook. “My teacher asked us to write a paragraph on “Negative Thanksgiving” for homework today.” said the daughter, “She asked us to write down things that we are thankful for, things that make us feel not so good in the beginning, but turn out to be good after all.”

With curiosity, the mother peeked into the book. This is what the daughter had written:
“I’m thankful for Final Exams, because that means school is almost over. I’m thankful for bad-tasting medicine, because it helps me feel better. I’m thankful for waking up to alarm clocks, because it means I’m still alive.” It then dawned on the mother, that she had a lot of things to be thankful for! She thought again… She had to pay taxes but that meant she was fortunate to be employed. She had house-work to do but that meant she had her own home to live in. She had to cook for her family for Thanksgiving but that meant she had a family with whom she could celebrate.

Moral:We generally complain about the negative things in life but we fail to look at the positive side of it. What is the positive in your negatives?
Look at the better part of life this day and make it a great day”


Too blessed to be stressed!

Stress we all have

Some days less or more

But how we see our stress

Makes all the difference

Let’s channel it to matter less

Find ways to ease the self

And create a positive vibe

That makes life and living

Worth it.

And stay too blessed

To be stressed.


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Shining through

Just having the courage to express ourselves, we open ourselves to a vulnerable and creative self that is the light in us shining through….:)


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A strange life

State of times we live in

We are connected to people across the world

But have no time to see what is going on above the screen

Our vision is narrowed although we boast of thousands of connections

Our immediate family and friends are all online

Our children are too busy with their smartphones…

Yes there is a screen in front of us , and we are getting oblivious

To what’s beyond it!

Life is truly stranger every day to us.

And we are becoming strangers to life!


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Be in this Now

Past is gone

Future is yet to arrive

One gone in time

Another in a distance

What is now

Is the reality to sense.

Let everything else just be

Live this now!



An Alphabetical Tribute

Sharing another from my mother’s writing today… it happens to be one of my favorite pieces from her.

Nataraja The Lord of Dance , represents the never ending cycle of evolution and dissolution.
The Master who has conquered the five elements , dancing to his tunes.
An Alphabetical tribute to the
The Divine Dancer condensing the essence of cosmic energy in his form n action.

Nataraja – The Cosmic Dancer

Absolute and ultimate dance of
‘Being in the Now’, where
Celestial Creation & Destruction
Dance hand in hand in
Energetic, enigmatic endless flow.
Formless blending into The Form.
Gift to Cosmos. Unfathomed
Happiness undermines the
In-depth, concealed caring of
Justice to prevail, in the
Knowing of the Unknown all.
Lasya ( dance of creation) and thandava (dance of destruction) both
Merging in and emerging from
Nataraja,The Cosmic Dancer.
Oneness personified in essence.
Purity and Power as its source.
Quietude emerging in the motion.
Rare culmination of creative
Subtlety of concealed infinity.
‘Thath thwam asi,’ , that’s the Truth.
Unknown, Unsaid and Unseen
Visions of Ultimate Reality.
Worlds far and beyond knowledge
Xceeds the human excellence.
Yearning _’To be with IT ‘ is all one can wish with the
Zeal of unwavering Faith


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Purpose of Art

Art is meant to align us.

The true purpose of an artform is found in the aligning with the universal consciousness . 

Savvy Raj


Paradox of Beauty

Arrested Development

Great things can come in little packages
Like a Bonsai perhaps
Standing majestic and magnificent
No matter the proportions

But what does it endure to be?
Life without freedom
Is a life of constraints & restraints
A life of arrested development

Is beauty winning over freedom to be
Is the desire for aesthetics and a taste of experimentation
more important than freedom for living life fully
Stunting growth is no way beautiful
Be it Shackles on feet with chains or tight shoes in the name of beauty
On the other end there are many examples of prejudices of beauty working itself in society.
Delibrate acts of elongating necks with chains of gold is considered a norm in some parts of the world
Why is life so brutal to life
In the name of beauty?


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Life lessons

Life lessons
( Translated by my mother from tamil forward)
The 9 laws of Karma

  1. Whatever we do in this Universe will come back to us.
  2. Nothing will come to us by itself. We have to work to get what we need.
    3 when we learn to accept certain things then only change will happen.
    4 when we change ourselves Life will also transform.
    5 We should realise that we only are responsible for whatever happens in our life.
  3. Past, Present and Future all are interconnected.
    7 We cannot think of two things at the same time.
  4. Our behaviour should reflect our thoughts and actions
  5. If we keep on thinking the past, the present will pass without living it.

Let there be peace and happiness everywhere. Let all prosper and live a fulfilling life.

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True learning happens when we realize we are the teacher and we are the student. And life teaches the greatest lessons without anyone uttering a word or at times in just the sheer presence of a good soul.

Likewise as we move from our hearts and open ourselves to realization and acceptance of new possibilities… true learnings happens!

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The Art of Slow.

Whoever thinks being slow is a weakness
Has not understood its power

In being able to slow down
The propensity to think carefully
To pay attention to detail
To be mindful & cautious
To work with precision
Steadiness and thoroughness
Increases manifold.

In slowing down, nature teaches
Great lessons in letting go
Like time cannot be contained
Moments are meant to flow
It’s own course
Yet the strength of the slow
Is in the ability to live the now
Recognizing the value of life.

There is an art of the slow
Where the senses activate
And creativity enhances
In thinking and reflecting
In careful consideration
Slow is challenging for some
Yet slow can be earnest practice of mindfulness
Slow begets a response than reaction
Slow can be about building up gradually
And exploring the possibilities
Of the potential in this now.

Slow can be a deliberation
In patience & perseverance
With  an effortless grace
Such is the art of the slow.



Lightness of being

Life is full of challenges
Along the way
For each and every being
In their own unique ways…

Am reminded  of the saying…
It’s never about the weight
But the way you carry it.

Lightness of being
Is knowing how to steer
Through the hurdles
In effortless grace.

Beautiful to witness

The ways of nature

Sometimes maneuvering

At times adjusting.

But mostly thriving.

No matter the odds.


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On Kindness

To combat terrorism we must start thinking globally not just locally and realise how much our world is hurting all over from all forms of violence .We must realise how unpredictable these attacks can be unfortunately. But beyond feeling terrorized and create further knee jerk reactions, due to negative thoughts…

It is time to respond with empathy, and show unity through kindness and compassionate deeds.




On Prayer

Profound truth of Prayer

A prayer is a resonance to  the self.
Often misunderstood are the recitations and stories of God

As offerings in prayers.
Oft repeated to children in their growing years
Or often in communion of like minded souls.
It’s never about  reaching out to distant God
But about connection with the God  within 
Invoking the divinity  in you.

Praising the lord
Hymns or chants
Slokas or mantras

Is about healing & transformation of  the self
In consistent practice
It generates positivism
Purifying  the energy
And creating goodwill
In thoughts and deeds.

Like exercises for the body

They exercise the mind

To think & evolve for the better.



River of time

If time were a river

You will understand

There is a flow to things

Across the manifestations

Everything  in time

Has a reason & season to be.

Wonder and amazement  too has its own plan

To create curiousity  to explore  more

To understand  there is always more

What’s is to hold on to
Or to give away

Will reveal  itself in time

To discard is at times let go in trust  and hope

To make space for better to  manifest in time.
