Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Thankful for Dance

To dance is to move with all of you.

To dance is to have hope in the living.

To dance is to feel the spirit of life in the movement.

To dance is to know the value of time.

To dance is to feel the rhythm in the beat.

To dance is to sense the subtlety of life.

To dance is to acknowledge the life in every moment.

I share a capture of one of the International Dance Research Congress, that I was honoured to have attended in Athens.

Today is celebrated as the International Day of Dance…

Yet everyday I am thankful… and deeply grateful to the art of dance in bringing positive difference to my life.

Thankful to dance in my life, & all the wonderful people I have been priveleged to meet, connect, learn & share my passion for dance… 🙏✨

©Savvy Raj


Every bit matters

According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest. All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction. The hummingbird flew towards the fire!
Whatever happened, he wouldn’t stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again, this time in the same direction as the jaguar was walking. He could observe this coming and going, until he decided to ask the bird about it, because it seemed very bizarre behavior.
“What are you doing, hummingbird?” he asked.
“I am going to the lake,” he answered, “I drink water with my beak and throw it on the fire to extinguish it.” The jaguar laughed. ‘Are you crazy? Do you really think that you can put out that big fire on your own with your very small beak?’
‘No,’ said the hummingbird, ‘I know I can’t. But the forest is my home. It feeds me, it shelters me and my family. I am very grateful for that. And I help the forest grow by pollinating its flowers. I am part of her and the forest is part of me. I know I can’t put out the fire, but I must do my part.’
At that moment, the forest spirits, who listened to the hummingbird, were moved by the bird and its devotion to the forest, miraculously they sent a torrential downpour, which put an end to the great fire.
The Native American grandmothers would occasionally tell this story to their grandchildren, then conclude with, “Do you want to attract miracles into your life? Do your part.”
“You have no responsibility to save the world or find the solutions to all problems—but to attend to your particular personal corner of the universe. As each person does that, the world saves itself.’”

If someone asks your help remember this story.

A lovely read I simply had to share. I am doing my bit…

Every bit matters!


Just Be You

When all of life
Lead to points of becoming
Someone, somewhere
Perhaps it’s time
To Just be…

And you will begin
To unbecome
Allowing space
For your soul
To be
All that you truly are!

©Savvy Raj


Infinite Abundance

Prosperity & Abundance

Allow life to manifest its infinite abundance.
Live life lovingly!
©Savvy Raj

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Image Credits : A Painting by ©Savvyraj

Power of thoughts stirs a creative force

Of patterns formed in the dynamics of fluidity .

As they move towards a vortex in space

Still malleable in their pliability.

Random impression in the expression

Until the next emanating thoughts give a shape unto itself .

Suspended in the Vortex in time, in their own circles of conviction.

The vortex is a whirl, never static, an energy unto itself.

In the vortex of life … care to witness the patterns that emanate

From that great artist consummate

Creations so unique, in no cell is design that is a duplicate.

The simplicity of the creative flow that is so hard to emulate.


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Somewhere somehow

In moments of loneliness

The tango of the mind & heart

May seem to overwhelm.

Choose to shift the narrative

Understand you can be alone

Without feeling lonely

Blame not your luck or fate

Find connects with your own self

Draw out the beauty of you.

Acknowledge your feelings

Allow your emotions to express

Draw your patterns of possibilities

Doodle, dance, sing or play

To express and let go.

The spirit of the soul revives.

Care to relish the moments

Of connects that you sense.

Remember you matter to you

Stop being hard on yourself

Start to discover your potential

Choose to know yourself

All of you body mind & spirit

Seek to sense the freedom to be

All that you want.

Do that which feels you

With or without company

Choose to carve your life

Choose to be in spaces

That makes you happy

Find ways to connect

Volunteer your time

For a cause that resonates

Sooner than later

You will find

Your kind of vibe

Somewhere somehow.

©Savvy Raj


On Creativity

Photo by cottonbro on

Creativity flourishes in the freedom
To do, to be, to voice, to express
Without fear or favour
And yet to create is a responsiblity.

To hold the pieces together.
To give meaning to expression
As it makes thoughts tangible
It holds answers to questions.

In hope for innovations in posterity
Of solutions in probability
In the knowing every facet of creativity
Is just as unique as its creator.

©Savvy Raj


Learnings from Bamboo Plant

Sharing a wise forward that came my way….

Lesson from Bamboo.

A bamboo plant is an example for patience.

Try growing a bamboo plant. Water it regularly. Seasons will come n go. It will stay adamant without even growing an inch taller. For four years it will stay the same. One has to have patience watering it for four years. Nothing will happen to make you happy.
On the fifth
year the magic will happen. On the next season it will start to grow. Not an ordinary growth. In one year it will reach a height of 80 feet

How a plant which remained dormant for the first 4 years could reach this magical height
in the fifth year.

There lies Nature’s secret.. The wonder of Creation.

The first four years the plant prepares a strong base inside the earth. For it’s astonishing growth in the fifth year it needs strong root base to hold it’s height . The patience it has is for the initial four years is for it’s sustenance in the following years.

That’s the reason when it reaches great heights in the fifth year it never collapses or fall down.

Patience is a virtue that creates great heights in success. Never be in haste to grow and expand until you create a strong foundation & groundwork for your growth. Then nothing can stop ur growth and success.

Nothing is impossible here.


Coaching tips

As a life coach my experiences over the years with my clients comes with many learnings. As each life is unique and so are their circumstances. To get any further into coaching it’s important to understand where they are and for them to acknowledge it

Creating a safe space is a prerequisite.

There is a simple yet
empowering and activity that
can be used… Its called ‘What
makes my heart sing?
It is a powerful exploration
into what brings them joy and
fulfilment, it helps create safe
and supportive and active
listening space by building
It’s quite simple to facilitate
Begin with introduction to
explain the activity. Ask them
to reflect on life moments, they
felt in a flow state or felt truly
alive_and iovful.

Then as a life coach you help
facilitate how these
experiences are interconnected
to their values and discuss
how they can begin to
incorporate more of this into
their lives
And finally also help them
create an action plan towards
the same.

©Savvy Raj

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3 tips to adapt to unexpected Career changes.

Thoughts, make an impactful
difference. Choosing to think
positively makes dealing with
transitions, and adapting to the
changes easier
If you experience unexpected
challenging changes in your
It’s good to acknowledge three
One, that it is a new
opportunity for new learnings
Welcome the possibilities.
Two, you can begin to apply
your unique combination of
skills and knowledge from your
previous experiences and bring
a fresh perspective wherever
you are. Explore your potential.

Three, that if things seem
difficult at first, you are paving
the road to resilience. Keep the
faith and stay patient .Times
change. Persevere
When you think of life in
plusses, every turn becomes a
beautiful path..



Nature is magnificence
Teaching great lessons in humility.
Nature is amazing grace
As she holds within
The truths of the universe
The secret of the stars
As well as the sounds of silence
She is a dance in the stillness
Nature is flow and flow is nature Nature is life. And life flows…

©Savvy Raj


On Courage

Every life in this world

Is born with courage to thrive

And the courage to survive

It is a matter of recognising

And awakening to your courage

Courage has many facets

In you exists so many kinds of courage…

And each of us have different degrees of it.

There is courage is a dare that speaks to your truth

A dare that makes you confront

With the truth of you.

When was the last time you sensed courage?

Or lack of it in a certain situation? .

Courage that dares through physical challenges.

Enduring discomfort hurt

Or pain and even possible danger.

Then comes the emotional courage

To be able to confront

Your deepest fears and doubts

Having the ability to seek help

Express your inner feelings

Takes a great deal of courage too.

Not everyone can share their truths easily.

Have you ever been tongue tied and socially awkward?

Perhaps you need to work on being socially courageous.

Speaking with self confidence means assertive communication.

Connecting with people from all walks of life with ease.

Work on your voice and poise which helps in speaking publicly.

Have you sensed the need to learn more?

To educate yourself every now and then?

It is about being courageous to develop your intellectual strengths.

An ability to say’ I don’t know’ or admit’ I was wrong. ‘

Breaking the ego build up and allowing space to understand more

This also require the development of humility in great measures.

Somewhere deeply inter linked with morality and conscience.

In the ability to admit to mistakes to stand up for values and fight for rights

Upholding the principles with conviction & braving opposition.

Not many people find it easy to fight the odds. They give in.

To understand beyond the self calls for another type of courage

The empathically courageous will go beyond biases to get into the others persons perspective.

Empathy is a courage to sense the trials and tribulations of others.

Along with this is another kind of profound courage

An exploration of your own Spiritual truths.

This calls for conscious connections, remembering to honour your life, in and around you in every form.

Courage is an inner reserve

That actions from all of you

Your nature and nurture

Is unique so is your courage

And the way you are…

Explore what facets of courage has naturally become your strength in time.

And what facets do you need to build and develop in yourself.

Now when you think back of the many situations that you exemplified your courageous self.

Every thing you need is already within you

Waiting for you to trust yourself enough to recognize it.

Remember your courage is one of your many gifts of strength.

Acknowledge and use it wisely.

©Savvy Raj


On Trust & Transperncy

How can any company worth its salt, create a culture of trust & transperency?

In finding the sweet spot
Between Talent & HR
Organization & Leadership.

It is important to note that in any top official company meetings,
discussions on Finance, Strategy, HR must happen in cohort…

For they interconnect deeply as there is no one function, without the other’s inputs. Likewise impacts too needs to be every one’s responsibility.  Profits or losses need shared accountability and responsibility across the organisations. An effective and efficient solution to  problems to scaling any startup  is not only about defining departmental  charts &  hierarchies and setting up processes early, but managing internal communication barriers.

Not an easy task at all for even with the best of leadership or  protocols there is always a room for improvement due to human slack at work or professional differences.

Human potential cannot be contained in water tight compartments. In today’s world with accurate data analysis being the reliable source of truth, more than ever communication must flow seamlessly between departments and between leaders.

Strategy can go for a toss, if information is withheld between departments. And often the actions taken, find no solution because there never was clarity in the first place.

Questions comes to HR for hiring the right person with the right attitude and skills for the job. And then ensuring employees are supported consistently with necessary information. Any lack of productivity, be flagged early on, prevent slacking and waste of investor’s money.

Today nothing that happens in offices behind closed doors remains in closed doors. Like a forest fire it  grows leaps and bounds adding different versions  of the truths as fuel to the fire.

Meetings of top leaderships with management need to be honest and transparent early on. And likewise the leaders need for transperent connects with their teams is equally important. This mitigates errors of judgement from the start up stage. 
Every policy or process change needs to be documented and its impacts on strategy needs to be well thought of and discussed.

Companies that take a transparent collaborative approach at decision making stand a greater chance at success. Simply because every decision is an informed one… So the margin of error is reduced significantly.

A lot of startups present a contorted version of the growth  early on, showing spikes  necessary for funding… The game somewhere is to create a truth  from the illusions for prospective investors and venture capitalists later on.

However they are so caught in the chase that without proper resources, as the company grows the integration of data of the various departments and it’s data synthesis becomes challenging in time.

When funding is raised, question is about hiring upwards, expanding  or creating systems for data analysis for  sustainable growth.

Systems create the necessary transperncy whereas strategic growth is about building trust in  and outside the company.
And HR & Finance play a responsibility and accountability, a significant role towards a culture of trust & transperncy.

Much of my article here is based on my observations as a Management Consultant over the years. Although every company is not the same, much of the situations faced by growing companies are similar…

What do you think?

How important is trust for creating transparency?

And how important is transparency in communication important to build trust?

More importantly what are the other ways of building trust and transparency?

Savvy Raj


Your thoughts?

Just when we are teaching the world Empathy for human life.
One human to another human.
We are moving rapidly to a world
Of AI.
Letting it almost lead our lives…
We are drawn hook line and sinker
We are getting enslaved by its use….
We are teaching Al many things. From Art to Design  our human needs are soon getting fulfilled by Al. It is alarming to note at times.
We are teaching it every moment
Training it to clone our voices and create our own Avatars.
And we are in awe and  appreciation of the dehumunization across most aspects of life.

May be we need to also teach it humanity. And not to mention Empathy Kindness Respect Compassion and most of all the values of Love!

Else very soon earth might not be inhabitable thanks to a new generation that grows with intelligence without heart.

Your thoughts?


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Circle of life

Circle of life

Creation is the reason for evolution

To evolve is to be inspired

To create some more…

One man’s creativity is another man’s inspiration

One mans inspiration is another man’s creativity

Each an expression of the uniqueness of the creator.

Such is the circle of life & living.
