Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Way of the heart!



Heart knows! By Savvy Raj 

Walk the path of the heart,

Where action emanates from empathy,

Where sight envisions noble deeds,

Where one senses the calm of compassion, ears listen to sounds of silence.

In the chaos that may reign around,

The way of the heart finds its home

And roots itself deep within the core of the being.

Where peace and love abide side by side,

Where everything that matters is let to be,

Where talking is less and listening is more,

Where strength is not measured by power alone,

Where kindness of heart is the true wealth of being

In these eternal truths, contentment reigns,

Always in realization of what is than what was or might be.

And every heart knows the way. 

Such is the way of the heart!


About the Author:

Ms Savvy Raj is a  Member of the International Dance Council UNESCO the official world wide organization for all forms of dance. As a Dance Educator and Corporate Wellness Trainer she conducts workshop in Social Dances, Holistic Well Being as well as Personal Effectiveness. She is a certified adult trainer who uses the creative medium of dance towards bringing empathetic consciousness in her students. Using International Social dance forms and a variety of improvisational techniques as well as creative movement exercises she brings forth the human connect in it all. Working towards the development of an individual through dance applications and nurturing in the learners an enthusiasm to see and live life positively and empathetically.

Savvy is also certified Graphologist who pursues this as a hobby in her spare time along with a passion for writing, painting, poetry, drawing, sketching and designing.

Image Credits: ‘Heart knows ‘Artwork by Savvy Raj


Circle of Life 

 My artwork Title : CIRCLE OF LIFE

# Unending Hope in Humanity 


Life gives unto itself

Such is the eternal circle of life

Humanity is the eternal truth in art

Deeds of compassion are matters of the heart

Touched by gratitude in the living

Appeased by simple love in the sensing

Moved beyond the self in the feeling

Humanity thrives on in the being

Art moves the heart of man

Like an artist who creates with a elan

Marking his life dedicated to artistry

Life flows through another creativity…

Regenerating in every stroke

Reviving in every florish

Patterns form in the shaping

Poetry emotes in the flowing

Such is the circle of life

Drawing us to hope beyond the strife

It matters not if ..

Art propels the healing through the hope of humanity

And life draws the meaning delving in the sheer artistry.

Circle moves on …

And life replenishes the soul of the artistry

And art bequeathes hope in humanity.

Savvy Raj 

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The Search

One of the greatest philosophers of India, Adi Shankaracharya founded the Advaita Vedanta, which is one of the sub-schools of Vedanta. Shankara travelled across the Indian subcontinent to propagate his philosophy through discourses and debates with other thinkers.

Sharing a lovely story which will give you valuable insight into the life of this great poet and philosopher and the wisdom of Adi Shankaracharya.

One night Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the great Advaita master, was desperately searching for something on the street outside his small hut. When his pupil returned from his errand, he saw this and curiously asked the Master, “Acharya, what are you looking for here on the street at this hour?”

Shankaracharya replied, “I lost my needle, I am looking for it.”

The pupil joined him in the search, but after searching for a while, he asked, “Can you try and recollect where you might have dropped it?”

Shankaracharya said, “Of course, I remember. I dropped it near the bed in the hut.”

The pupil, utterly astonished at the strange answer, said, “Acharya, you say you lost it inside the house, then why are we looking for it outside?”

Shankaracharya innocently replied, “There is no oil left in the lamp, so it is pitch dark inside the house. Hence I thought of searching for it outside since there is enough street light here.”

While holding back his laugh, the pupil said, “If you lost your needle inside the house, how could you even expect to find it outside?”

Shankaracharya simply smiled back at the pupil and the pupil got the message behind the acharya’s puzzling act.

Isn’t that what we do? We run to far away, temples and walk up mountains to search for what we have lost inside ourselves. We are all seeking outside what we have lost inside us. Why? Just because it is pitch dark Inside.

Silly, aren’t we?!

Light the lamp inside you and find your lost treasure right therein.

Speaking of, ego,fear,sadness,pain, pleasure, doubt, procrastination, craving, desire, ambition, wants, needs, accumulation…. all create mental clutter and stressful reactions.

Happiness, hope, way .courage, bravery, belief, faith, trust, confidence, perseverance, positivity, a sense of purpose and cultivating the ability to let go in understanding all create a sense of balance in the responses.

All is within us and so is the choice of what we wish to bring to light.

Simplify the process to make it work in tandem with your being.

Ask the question to the self and your thoughts will find the way.

We are wired to find solutions within us ….scientifically neuroplasticity speaks of the ability of our cells to stretch and acknowledge new awareness into our being.

Seek the answer in ways that are holistic and in tandem with universal truths of being.

Life is a cycle and this circle of life will manifest solutions in time.

Savvy Raj

My Artwork Title:  Wheel of Life.


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Why is there a need to race against time?

To beat time in its own game of time.

Why don’t we realise the eternality of time?

And that we are just mortal souls living on graced time.

There is really no need to worry for every crease in time.

Cos even in the ravages of time

The proof of patience will manifest in time.

Instead, value the preciousness of time.

Adapt to it and make friends with time!

Respect another and strive to be on time!

Make that a habit of a lifetime.

Be aware enough to never be enslaved by time.

Know for everything there is always a time.

So work, play, laugh, sing, dance & add along a scoop of ‘me’ time!

Be alive to this moment in time.

Rest assured you will always stride gracefully every time!

Savvy Raj

Thoroughly enjoyed my ‘ me’ time

Simply Rhyming with ‘ time ‘ :-))


The Healing in the Giving.


Healing wounds of the heart and mind.

Time heals wounds and brings on wisdom as the pain settles in course. This helps in most cases when there are no answers for questions that have no end. Life is easier when time moves on and one lets things to settle without raising a storm.

Healing happens in accommodation and acceptance, in the understanding of an issue at hand as much as in acknowledgement and acquisition of a cure and the options available.
Intention begins the healing…
Actions takes the course
Cultivation of patience continues the healing
Dedication to the action ultimately heals.

So try to take care of any deviation disturbance and fluctuation from the path.

Healing the world through the art of giving 

 Give that which you may feel you have a lack for. Give of yourself more. And you will find giving the true nature of being.

There is an abundance of love within for you to realise. You just have to acknowledge its presence in your life. It is always in and around you waiting to envelop you for your own preservation.

It is the mental makeup that needs clarity amidst the reigning chaos. All the storms all the obstacles will be surmountable in the realisation of your potential to give more of yourself to yourself and then extending that to the world at large. The energy of love you help create has immense value to our world. Every vibration matters in space and giving positively manifesting with love and resonates the peace and goodwill across the dimensions. Such is the healing power of giving.

And our world needs this most in every moment … Care to give?

 Savvy  Raj


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Circles of bliss!

My  Artwork Title: Circles of Bliss:  Positive Intention for our World.

Come help make this world blissful

Envelop the world with your own goodwill

Connect into  these circles of  bliss at your pace

Care to uplift life with your light of grace

Choose to believe in a better future

Embrace nature even just to simply nurture

Every intent invokes in the aspiring

To fulfil the path of its own making!

Savvy Raj

About me:

“Art is a creative intention arising from deep rooted emotion that connects the inner and outer world and bridges the gaps in the  conscious awareness.” Savvy Raj

#CollectiveConsciousness, #conscious transformations,#Creativeconnects, #Artfor Peace #ArtConnects#vision&verse



There is a dignity in emergence

With understanding that arises

In patience tolerance and perseverance

Beyond an attitude of indifference

Emerge in trusting

Heart over mind

Or mind over heart

Is not the question at all …

Emerge in spirit and soul

With all of your being

In every conversation

Or crisis confrontation

Emerge with conscious awareness

Accepting the interconnects

Acknowledging the interdependence

Arising to evolve in life and living.

Emerge knowing truth is eternal

In Spirit, knowing it  is for you to kindle

In Empathy knowing you are because they are

In compassion sensing the suffering and pain

Emergence is not an on off act

It is a never ending journey

It is a lesson in  humility

It is a lifetime of learning.

Emergence is to arise to any occasion

In hope and goodwill

In strength  of positivity

In light beyond passions.

Emergence is an art of living

In bringing to light the hidden good

In surfacing with  dignity and grace

In knowing the infinite truth of being.

Emergence in the unfolding resurrection

In transpiring to regeneration

As in such a reviving emergence

Life begets the vital resurgence.

Savvy Raj

About Me:

Image Credits: Artwork by Savvy Raj  Title: Emergence.