Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Gods Gift

Every moment  in time
Is a gift of God.
In both the so called
Good and bad

The easy and difficult times
There is always  a learning
To sense and understand
To evolve along the path.

Yet I am a lover of the mornings…

It gives me hope to look forward  to
No matter the darkness of the night.
One more chance  to make life better
To share and create
To heal and to help another
There is a beauty in every dawn
The way the sun rises every  day
The way the darkness gives in to light

I am more me in the mornings
I enjoy the waking moments unhurried
I revel in the  now in the  bliss of bless
I witness the dance of light at dawn
As the sun beams its rays across
As earth awakens itself from slumber

The chirping birds fill me with joy
Its not noise to me, its a song
Of  motivation and energy
To carry on through the day.
Mornings share hope for the day
Do give yourself  an early start
Make mornings work for you
Bask in the grace of light.

The Synergy of the sun is upon you!

Know the mornings after a rested night
Are specially conducive to invoke
Your creativity in the things you do
So write create draw paint sing & dance.

Sleep not the mornings away.
What a waste of life’s inspiration  it would  be
Every morning  is a gift to yourself
To unbox and release  hope some more.



On caring…

Life and living  can be both beautiful  and challenging beyond compare…

Touched by these heartfelt  words I came across so much that I just had to share..

“Take me out to the street, son, I still have good legs. If I walk with you, I won’t feel old …
Invite me to your home, son, Sunday morning; to share your good table and feel accompanied …
Talk to me with love, son, don’t challenge me or shake me; we old people are like children we like to be pampered, to smile without discomfort …
Celebrate my birthdays, don’t criticize my follies; I’ll try to be brave, even if bitterness arises …
Don’t push me away from you, don’t talk to me in anger; I still have my mind clear, the memories of the past …
Come visit me at home, my son, I will not ask you for anything; just your presence and contemplate your face …
Don’t leave me sad and alone, don’t put me to bed; the doctors are wrong, the pain is in the soul … ”

On Caring…

Care to give of yourself
Someday you may need it too!

Age is no bar
To create a value
For age is just a number.

Experience of living, matters.

Treat life with care
For life comes a full circle.

Life can at times be lonely
Make time to be present
In the life of those  who need you.

Just a bit of your time
A kind word or deed
Will make all the difference.

Express kindness
Your near and dear ones
Need to sense it.
Show empathy
Share the love.



Live life lovingly!

Love life
Intend well
To manifest
Your true potential in time.
It is the way of creation
You are a precious manifestation
Of this universe.

Trust the living you
Keep the faith
For without faith nothing is
Believe you can
For you are enough for you!

“Time moves on endlessly
In every moment  that moves into the  other
Care to keep the cheer and flow in faith seamlessly.”

Live life lovingly!



Simplicity of Complexity

Is at its best
In making sense
Of the complexity.

Think simple
To create clarity.
A countless ideas
May arrive at once.
Bounce them off.

Let your thoughts
Streamline itself
In the flow
Allow it to settle

Then make a choice
Pay attention
Pick the ones
That fits in

Work on them
To unclutter somemore
Until it makes perfect sense.
Simplicity is common sense.

Simplicity  resides
In the complexities

Let your creativity
Simplify life.



In The Lightness of being.

There are few gifts
Of life in the living
Like joy of laughter
Like the happiness of smiles
Like the sharing of loving kindness
Like sensing of gratitude

They add to your life
They heal your being
Body mind and Soul.
The more you have it
And live expressing it 
The better the health of your heart.

A good thought
A good deed
A good laugh
And all is well
In the lightness of being.

Sensing my share of these gifts.
Are you?




Music can be elusive yet effusive

Explosive and yet an epitome of blissfulness.

You may choose to dance and flow it with it

And know how blessed are those

Who can create music to tune into.

Yet you may not own its flow

You simply owe it your joy!



Make room

A simple reason to better the self
Is to evolve as you grow.
In living life
Is the wisdom garnered.

Your deeds create space
Making room for more.
Your thoughts manifest
All that you deeply intend.

Choose to add and subtract
With the power of choice
That rests with you
Add the good, minus the bad.

Choice rests with you
Choose well!



I see

A world beyond

I see

A borderless world
Overflowing abundance
In the kindness of being.
Beyond assumptions
Notions & judgments
In fear and confusion
Over man made division.
The beauty of creation
Survives the human frailties.

The world without borders
Is one of awe and intrigue
Of the alluring mystic
Of all pervading consciousness.

Of manifestations beyond compare
Of artistry beyond words
All strewn for us to sense
In the tapestry of life.

Interweaved interconnects
Unraveled in interdependence
Such is the true nature of elements
Of Creation at its best!



Sail through life

Sail through life
Steering away from density
Be in the moment.
Live fully.

Rest easy sleep well
Be generous be mindful
Let your moves be wise
Choose well.
Be safe than sorry!

Let your boat of life be light
Burden it not by overloading
For it gets difficult to carry
The weight of your burdens
Be light and sail on
In the lightness of being.



This too shall pass

As you walk through

The sands of time

You will come across

Stories of truth and dare

Of pain and pleasure

Of life and living

That makes you wonder…

Why do some lives go through
Soul stirring moments of awakenings
And some soul numbing pain?

Why do some lives, dominate the weak
And some are broken and shattered in despair beyond repair.
Why do some lives live to experience
luxurious lifestyles.
And some are born to slavery or traded

Why do some lives matter more?
Why lives lived are discriminated for its diversity of nature and differently treated?
Why day and night stops making sense for some.

We truly have no answers
But what we do now is the truth of this moment changes in the next!
That is solace enough to weather the storms.

For life is transitory and everything changes
For nothing stays the same.
This too shall pass.



Why search for joy
When you have it all
You have power to create it
It rests with you.
Sense it in your heart
Express it with your smile.

If you ever feel unhappy
If ever you sense worry
If ever your sense of smell
Derails you and you feel lost
In a maze of confusion.

Relax and just put a hand on your heart
Know you have it all within.
For the way of heart is love
It will guide you back to joy!

A gentle reminder
To me and you
To smile from the heart.
And Live life lovingly!




Grasp nothing
That you cannot reflect
Take nothing
That you cannot  give
Covet nothing
That you cannot share.

Expect nothing
That you cannot let go
Become like a mirror
Reflect the light!
Shine your truth!



A Matter of Attitude

Between the ‘will do’ and the ‘might do’

With a ‘will do’ attitude
A lot can happen
With a ‘might do’ attitude
Lies the difference
Between the done thing
And the may be done.

Perhaps it is the certainty
That emnates from confidence.
That makes things happen
It is all, in the way
You perceive as you project.

Keep the faith going strong
For people trust your words
Your belief in yourself
Shows, in the way you carry your self

Attitude makes all the difference
Life will evolve for the better
Until then, what truly matters
Is your positive attitude!


1 Comment

Life and living

The Isha Upanishad (ईशोपनिषद्, ‘īśopaniṣad’) is one of the shortest of the Upanishads, in form more like a brief poem than a philosophical treatise, consisting of 17 or 18 verses in total. The Upanishad constitutes the final chapter (adhyāya) of the Shukla Yajurveda and survives in two versions, called Kanva (VSK) and Madhyandina (VSM).

The Isha Upanishad is significant for its description of the nature of the “Supreme Being”, exhibiting monism or a form of monotheism, referred to as Isha “Lord”. It describes this being as “unembodied, omniscient, beyond reproach, without veins, pure and uncontaminated” (verse 8), one who “moves and does not move’, who is ‘far away, but very near as well'” and who “although fixed in abode is swifter than the mind” (verses 4 & 5).

The first verse of the text has been cited as of particular importance to Vedanta or to Hinduism as a whole.

The first verse reads:

īśā vāsyam idaṃ sarvaṃ ¦ yat kiñca jagatyāṃ jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā ¦ mā gṛdhaḥ kasya sviddhanam ||

literal translation (Ralph T.H. Griffith, 1899):

“Enveloped by the Lord must be This All — each thing that moves on earth.
With that renounced enjoy thyself. Covet no wealth of anyone

Simply  profound verses.

All The Truths of  living  life in this ephemeral world  is contained  in those lines.

Sharing a few more musings by my mother on the same lines.

Whatever is available to you in this world, learn to enjoy without the feeling of possession.

You are one among the many in line. Take care while it is with you without owning it.


Boomerang Effect

Love boomerangs
It is the very nature of love.
For love generates more love
In the sharing is creating
In the creation is the spreading
Of this heartfelt expansion called love.

Love is meant to flow
For life to be sustained.
Love flows its course
In its own time.
Such is the power of love
Love when channeled
In goodwill transforms the world.

In this love, life is lived
In this love writers write
Dancers dance,  artists  create
Poetry flows, Singers sing
All in the resonance of love.

Love envelopes the whole spirit
Without fear or favor
For love boomerangs
Such is nature of love.
Sweet Love!💙💜💙
