Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Caged Birds 



I stand here by my window looking outwards

In a house across the street are pairs of newly caged birds

Parrots , sparrows and some fancy exotic birds all in a single cage

I knew in that tiny contraption, they were filled with ultimate rage

Maybe their wings were cropped and space scarce

I have seen their movements change in due course

They’re a restless lot , their struggles relentless

But their desire to fly is boundless

To the owners, they are just beautiful pets

A sense of ownership , something to possess I guess

But to these birds, this is sheer hell

How in happiness would they possibly dwell?

Birds are natural dancers

And they are such graceful prancers

In fact everything alive is meant to move

To be nourished in frredom for it to grow

it was never meant to be still and stuck in tiny places

That is why God made this world so huge with expansive spaces

It was meant to fly free

It was meant to be.

It seeks fulfillment as it flies

Across the sky and watch the world go by

I hear their songs of sadness as they chirp everyday

They aren’t singing tunes of hope, life for them is bleak and grey

Its more a woeful cacophony than a melody

Perhaps as the time goes by, they will learn to live by

And accept their new surroundings

But alas what a waste of wings

If only they hear the plight of these hapless birds

And sense the sounds of silence, what a waste of life’s joy in flight

Cos their clipped wings can never flap in delight…

Whose loss is it anyway?

Is what the world might indifferently say

And perhaps justify as karmic cycle being repaid

Alas! Isn’t another vicious cycle being relaid?

Savvy Raj

Sharing these reflections written a year ago when I was living in the city of Mumbai where hearts are big but living spaces small like any other bustling city. I have moved on to a much greener city and today it is truly a blessing that my terrace opens out to a protected patch of forestland and I often find myself refreshingly awakened early morning, hearing the cheer of the chirping birds .

 On a rainy day I  can often find a peacock perched happily on the branch of the nearby trees.  Seeing the joy in the flight of these birds and at  times getting lucky to catch a sight of delightful murmuring of birds in the horizon  definitely makes my evenings truly enthralling. Savvy 


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Wonder of You!

       Wonder of You! A Visual Verse By Savvy Raj


Have you ever wondered about the divinity of the Creator?

In the blade of grass as much as the man.

The atoms arranged to efficiency

With a difference of the sheath but with a life essentially.

Designer Magnifique! Beyond knowledge beyond wisdom.

Source code of life itself … Creator who created you?

Dawn to dusk…Desire to deliverance

Attribution to Retribution

Beyond time… beyond Eternal

Tireless and Relentless,

Of Passion at play!

Simple and Sublime, patience so humbling.

Ultimate Designer and Creator of Souls

Root to Pinnacle

Salutes of Gratitude!

Bows in Reverence,

Of the ubiquitous omnipresence!!!



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A Waltz with Nature


Image Courtesy Google Search

An invitation to dance
with nature in all its glory…
Connect to its abundance
And reveal its many a untold story!

Embrace its enchanting greenery
Relate to its healing ways
Regale in the beauty of the scenery
Rejoice in every swing and sway…

In these blissful  interconnects
Realising its infinite wealth
Acknowledging the pure energy that emnates
Through every conscious breath!

Savvy Raj

P.S The above picture speaks to me to treasure and respect  the beauty of nature  in all its glorious hues…

And in the crispness of  morning and the warmth of sun kissed light

In a garden so charming a dancing heart takes flight…’Savvy

Disclaimer : The above image belongs to :


Energy in the Synergy!


A Sense of it all!

I am because you are & we are because they are ...

Let us  all care to value the strength of the interconnects in the interdependence.

Savvy Raj


Sense of Infinity


Image credits Google Search


I stand here amidst the stillness of trees,

Gazing up at the enchanting evening sky.

I watch the crimson sky fade into oblivion,

Hail the twinkling stars sparkling like diamonds in array,

Enshrouded in the misty cape of pink and blue sky.

Even as these autumn trees play their part

In bringing the vision closer home,

Captured in their silhouettes

Is magic in the sky

And the mystique of the forest

Amidst it all there is delight that dumbfounds.

Of awe and amazement and of wonder in the whimsical

But most of all is the connect to this now

In just sensing the beauty of this, one moment in infinity.

Savvy Raj


 Simplicity Paradox


Are we actually simplifying complexities or complicating simplicity?

Simplicity dwells in complexity,

And complexity is just tangled simplicity

In the designer’s intelligence.

Both dance hand in hand.


The meaning we choose to perceive,

The connect we choose to establish,

The intention we choose to deduce,

At a point in time

Can make it irrefutably simple

Or irrefutably complex to understand.


The simple truth holds all the complex potential

In an untangled arrangement.

The very arrangement is fodder for imagination

For continuity in ingenuity.

In the momentum of thoughts,

The complex gives birth

To new pathways in the patterns,

Promoting in the propelling

A curiosity in exploration

Of simplifying the confounding complexities.

History is replete with stories

Of complicating the simple truth

Of the being… in the boggling for answers

In refuting and relegating

Our beautiful ball of blue.

This Circle of nature was assumed

Once as square in shifting perspectives.

Meaning perceived in perspective dimensions, 

Unfolding with the understanding of that era,

Moving on in time to deconstruct the construction

Of breaking down codes of assumption,

Of restructuring in the resurrection,

Of recognition and the refuting

To understanding the circles of yin and yang,

The dance of polarity,

The duality of nature,

Death and birth

As part of the circle of oneness

Of life and living.


The simple resides in the complex.

The complex is just simple turned upside down.

Perhaps as the humankind increased in numbers,

The simple was too profound

To answer the multitude of mulling thoughts.

In different directions

Due to the innate nature of man

To wonder in awe

And thus, the simple no longer seemed simple.

To solve the emerging enigmas,

Delving into the simple,

Intelligent design was questioned

In scientific temperament,

In philosophical propositions,

Until creativity created connections

And new expressions in the exploration

To deduce, deduct and denote

Infinite patterns of potential,

Making sense of uniqueness in the self-similarity

As the irrefutable simplicity of it all.


In the search for answers

To simplify the complex

Or to complicate the simple,

Many paths present themselves.

Every path is infinite in possibilities.

The question is are we ready to walk the path,

And what we evolve into while walking the path of choice.


In search of simple truths, we encounter the magnitude of complexities underlying simplicity. Simplicity elegantly serves itself, but the paradox of simplicity is in the complexities of finding meaning and accepting such simplicity as the ultimate truth of being. 


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Every time I dance 

I glanced at these words in the post I chanced upon this morning. I sensed that peculiar feeling of passion for dancing stirring within me. It has been a while since I conducted my last workshop and a few days since I last danced. Yet…every sentence meant a lot to me and I know if you share a passion or simply love to dance, you would perhaps resonate with these thoughts as well. So here goes…

I don’t just dance…I perform

Witnessing the world as my stage
I dance my part in this game of life…

I breathe 

Witness to the dance of my breath
In every breath inhaled,  a gratitude of the receiving.

In every aware moment of pauses between the inhale and exhale

Invoking the divinity in the connectedness

Between the silence of sounds and soundlessness.

Every gesture a conscious acknowledgement of this dance of the breath.

The gaps in the journey as pauses in the silence know its purpose of being.

Spaced out in rhythm divine all a part to greater awakenings in every moment of time.

I watch the world disappear

To sense the world fleeting by, just care to waltz

To embrace the souls longing to move and flow along in graceful time… just dance…

To sense the subtlety of change in every dance of your breath.

To dance is to witness the ebb and flow of the tides of life and pass it on.

To dance is to feel fulfilment and contentment in nothingness all in one breath.

To dance is to enjoy the being as much as accept its fleeting nature.

I release my feelings

Feelings come and go and change is the only constant.

In the strength of release of feelings exists the freedom to transcend beyond and acknowledge the life in our being.

To release the feelings and not succumb to it is an art of living well.

To unlock the self from the prison of thoughts.

To be not a slave to feelings but learn to master it, to let it flow its course naturally.

I lead with my heart

Dancing from the heart,

Being grateful for the conscious awareness of the divinity of motion.

To move from the heart in all that one endeavours.

Breathing in the intention of the eternal awareness

towards collective consciousness of oneness is what leading and sensing grace is all about.

I tear down my walls …

Dance has taught me to liberate myself from the confines of limited existence.

From learning to move in space through the art of dance

In releasing and revelling, while sensing the freedom of space within and around me.

I stop feeling sad

Yes indeed! Although I personally make it a point to balance my emotions before conducting any workshop or working on dance in any way, be it writing about it or sharing my skills or dancing any form… yet there have been circumstances beyond which have been helped by simply dancing it out.

I lose the pain 

The happy hormones released in the body has a lot to do to manage the release of pain and by changing our body’s perception and response to all kinds of existing pain.

To dance is to acknowledge the letting go…

Of pain and allow joy in great measures. Often a dull headache nagging back pain or  even a tightness in the body improves and disappears after dance class and we are left feeling  refreshed and rejuvenated.

I let go I smile 

I remember instances of students coming into the dance class forgetting a smile and walking out wearing it so beautifully.
Guess to smile from the heart one needs to just dance and let go.😊

I don’t just dance I do so much more …


Whatever I choose to do,  the way of dance is pure bliss of a bless in my path guiding and shining the light for me. 

I hope to always choose to dance with life  with all of me, grateful for its gifted presence in every moment of now.

 Savvy  Raj 


The Journey: Life & Living 

Artwork by Savvy Raj
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Consciousness Connects


Consciousness Connects by Savvy Raj


Silence Speaks Heart listens Soul shines Spirit evolves….

Consciousness connects
Mind activates
Thoughts begin
Confusion erupts
Chaos reigns
Noise torments
Disorder disturbs
Movement stills
Sound muffles
Silence speaks
Heart listens
Soul shines
Spirit evolves …

Silence speaks when the heart listens . As awareness builds and spirit regenerates the being moves to another cycle of progression in eternal time.                Savvy Raj 

Artwork by Savvy Raj

#SoulCycles #conscious awareness



Circle of thoughts: 9

Circle of thoughts 9

A vision a verse by Savvy Raj 

A task that calls for dedicated discipline

Art of thought  is in the making

To connect itself to its highest potential

To trust the thoughts in the sensing.

Savvy Raj

 This above  digital artwork  Titled ‘Circles of thoughts:9 is a creative interpretation of encircling thoughts, The verses that follow is the ninth  part of my series of micro poems on interconnecting thoughts.  Savvy 

To be contd … 

Related links to read more…



Also published on

#Micropoetry 1#tetrastich #visual verses

Circleoflife #wisdom of change#A sense of it all#subtlety of consciousness #inside outside

Artwork by Savvy Raj

About the Author:


My father and I

(Photo Credits : A picture with my father … taken by my daughter after a bit of Sunday dancing.😊)

Sharing a few life lessons from my father

Life is to live in every moment.

Keep it simple.

Be honest in your dealings.

Being enthusiastic.

Take pleasure in the ordinary things.

Take time to be warm and loving.

Express love but love yourself as well.

Self discipline and moderation and wellness.

Be humble and kind.

Work with dedication tirelesly.

Value leisure time.

Have a hobby.

Give selflessly.

Be courageous to dare.

Dance to life, share joyfully.

Be presentable it matters!

All is well just keep the faith.

Make time to be with family.

Play with your children.

Have a funny bone.

Share joys and laugh much.

Walk lots with your children.

Care for your health.

Love more and worry less.

And so much more…

But most of all

To believe in yourself to be the best you can!

Because you can!


Musings on the man who taught me not only to dance to life but also everything above by being all this and more, by practising rather than preaching.

A very’ Happy Fathers Day to Dad’ and in celebration of the ‘Spirit of Fatherhood’  to all the wonderful ‘Fathers’ across the world.



Circle of thoughts : 8

Circle of thoughts 8


Every  thought fulfills

The purpose of its being

Every thought courses through

In completing a full circle.
Savvy Raj

 This above  digital artwork  Titled ‘Circles of thoughts:8 is a creative interpretation of encircling thoughts, The verses that follow is the eighth part of my series of micro poems on interconnecting thoughts.  Savvy 

To be contd … 

Related links to read more…



Also published on

#Micropoetry 1#tetrastich #visual verses

Circleoflife #wisdom of change#A sense of it all#subtlety of consciousness #inside outside

Artwork by Savvy Raj

About the Author: