Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Channelizing anger

Anger is a burning coal

Destroying the one holding it

Choose to be less worked up

And let go of the little things.

Life makes things better

Anger is a powerful emotion

That is unpredictable by nature

Expression is the first step

To channelize anger issues

Secondly choosing to shift attention

To focus on something positive

Helps to channelize the anger within

This helps in converting anger

To constructive behavior.

Thirdly conscious deep breathing

Ensuring a sense of calm

Adapting to change is another way

By doing a bit of rethinking

To find a new sense of perspective

Helps to see the reasoning well.

Anger may stem from deep resentment, held unexpressed for a very long time. Often it may surface in memory associations quite unexpectedly. Or it may be come from bitterness or unfairness meted out.

When angry, it is difficult to breathe, forget think. As all the pent up frustrations get mixed up with emotions and feelings causing an outburst.

Management of anger is difficult as you do not know when you are going to get angry next.

But tapping into mindful awareness, of the signs of anger and dispassionately working towards steps that channelize the feeling of anger in practical ways to release the pent up frustrations begins to help manage anger gradually.

There are many therapies for anger management but it’s important to find one that is suitable to you.

When was the last time you got angry?

How did you express it?

Did you feel bad after the episode of anger?

Do you remember the emotions that you went through when you were angry?

More importantly did you do anything about your anger?

Who doesn’t get angry I wonder. As anger is necessary evil as it is meant to be a vent for any built up steam.

Management of anger starts with acknowledgement and awareness of the issue at hand.

Personally walking, dancing painting writing and solitude top my ways of channelizing anger. I find myself calmer and relaxed and in a happier state post a dance session or after writing or creating an artwork.

I also like to do work that requires organisation like folding clothes arranging things to get me back to equilibrium.

How do you channelize your anger?


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Journey On

This poem is truly special to me. For one it was written during my first solo trip to Greece.

I am thankful to for publishing my poem. presents: Journey On, poetry by Savvy Raj, who is currently based in the lively city of Pune, India. With a diverse …

Source: Journey On

Much of what I describe here, I felt while I was there, as if I had been there, and I deeply sensed it all in that journey.

Journey on… 🙏


Are you OK?

The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.
Pearl S. Buck

Nurture life nurture living
Care for one another
Each of us need one another
For we are not meant to be alone
We are meant to live and love
In this life we have.
This world is meant to coexist.

If each of us take a step
To reach out as humans
To nurture life and living
In love & compassion
In empathy & care
To be humane and inclusive
As simple as checking
With those closest to you.
Asking them a single question
Are you OK? And truly listen.
Our actions can be transformative
Sending a message of care.
Making the world around us
A whole lot better.

If you find someone lonely
Reach out with this message
In hope and trust in care.

Are you OK?


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On teamwork

The challenge in building a team is not just about ones performance, but about sustainability, about  how  best the team can work together.

Then not just about working together  but about how much trust care and respect they have for each other that stands the test of times.



Wisdom of Water

Wisdom of water

Shaping in the dance of fluidity

Emerging in the strength of flexibility

Moulding itself in the ability of adjustability

Emulating the power of adaptability.

If we truly choose to witness

The flowing wisdom of water

All life lessons are in the flow.


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Uplifting words

I find this quote empowering in days when energy feels blue…

Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits.
William Hazlitt

There is much power in words than we choose to acknowledge and accept

Often when our energies are imbalanced in one way or the other leading to stress, overthinking and despair. It helps to have uplifting words that motivate and inspire as well as balance our thoughts and deeds.

Sharing it with a smile and positivity it brings forth.✨😊✨

There comes a time


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The power of choice, rests with us
Yet in conscious choices
We acknowledge
The space between the steps…

Of the inexplicable emotions at play
In mindfulness of the heart intelligence
The so called second brain.

In listening to our body mind & spirit
For the body never lies
We tune in to our truths
To make an informed and integrated choice..


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Creative capability

Art of creativity emanates from self belief in the creative capabilities within.

Creating anything
Requires trustfulness
Needs effort and focus
And ability to adapt.
A willingness to attempt
Acceptance of errors
And perseverance to go on
To the shifting perspectives
In creative associations
Adding curiousity of a child
Of awe, wonder & joy.

To allow the self
Body mind & spirit
To think like a creator
Is to acknowledge
That within us rests
Possibilities in potential
Of creative capabilities.



A matter of speech

There is always a learning
From every conversation
For it is a dialogue
Not a monologue…

Once I was having a conversation
With a well read corporate lawyer
In the depth of discussion
I casually said,
‘Anyways it’s fine’
And quickly, although polietly he says,
” Mam don’t get me wrong,
It’s not, ‘Anyways but anyway’
I thanked him for sharing without hesitation but in confidence.

While in formal situations of writing or speaking this is the proper way, in casual use of language Anyways works alright as well.

After all its just a matter of speech.

The choice of when to use it so, is yours to know and take…

Anyway now, I stand corrected.

I share this so anyone who also says ‘anyways’ in slang can self correct, if they choose to… for there is always room for a little self improvement.

After all…
We are what we learn
We are what we imbibe
We are what we share.

To learn is to share and to share is to learn some more.


Artists of thoughts



The Dance of the Self Arranging Universe

How intriguing are the intersections in interconnects…

In synergy of the energy
Of the harmony in the synchrony
Of life and the living
Of spaces between the steps
The spectre of the spheres
The realms of the cosmos
From one to another dimensions
And what is beyond the known
The illusions in the making.

Yet to understand more
Is to acknowledge the dance
Of patterns of possibilities
Shape shifting formations
Arranging and rearranging
In the infinite potential.

Watch this spectre of the spheres, the dance of the planets Jupiter and Mars around the sun…


What sustains humanity?

Nature of humans
Nurtured in love
Seeding compassion
Watered in hope
Reared in kindness
Strengthened in trustfulness
Rooted in connectedness
Fortified in faith.
Sustains humanity.

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On life

Life is born
Thoughts arise
Creativity spurts
Dreams envisioned
Passions pursued
In hope of dawn.
Yet night falls
Beween the dawns
Some dreams shatter
In the darkness unknown
While some see
The light of day!
And Life is bettered
Such is the circle of life
Flowing in a rhythm
Of its own making!
Every Life chalks it’s path in time
Arrives its meaning for itself
The journey is unparalleled
And uniquely carved.
Such is the very nature of life
And at every moment
One can’t help
But wonder…
Such is the wonder of life!
