Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Be open to receive

Be open to receive.

Sharing a Tamil story translation by my mother Anjana.

I found this piece written by her today morning and shared as I felt many times we are ourselves in the way of our blessings. There is so much abundance, we are yet not ready to hear, take, care to see, that we miss partaking the joy of having them, often because our own ignorance, ego or lack of awareness comes in the way. All the abundance mean nothing if we are not ready to receive it.

Let’s be open ready to receive…

It was raining heavily. Grand mother was sitting in the verandah and her little granddaughter was playing nearby… So the grandmother told her granddaughter so much water is going waste,so keep a big vessel to fill clean water.

The girl who was playing refused to listen. So the grandmother noticed it and said sternly, Is just keeping the big vessel in the rain a big job? Go and keep it in the open. Grandma ordered. The girl went with half mind.

After some time when it stopped raining, Grandma got up to happily bring the vessel full of water.
She was shocked to see ,not a drop of water was collected.
The girl has kept the vessel upside down , just as it was kept inside!

Of course there was plenty of rain, but the vessel was not ready to collect a single drop.

Same like the Universe is filled with Divine blessings. But our hearts are not open to receive it. If we are ready with open heart the Cosmic Abundance will be in harmony with us.

Tamil Story translation by my mother Anjana.

Your thoughts & interpretations are welcome.

8.36 am Chennai India


The truth of you

A world is writ on your face

Your life plays in every cell

Your body is listening

And receiving in every now

Actively engaging with the changes…

Being one with the truth of you



On Children

A child can teach us to love life

A child can remind us to be present in this now.

Nurturing a child is a learning

In resilience and responsibility.

Of our strengths & vulnerability.

Children are our teachers of tommorow.




There are signs that seem to appear

Out of nowhere

That make us hope, have faith

That help retain our trust

That shows the way

In our darkest hours.

There is a communion

Of our senses with our soul

A beautiful serendipitous wave

That washes through us

To bring clarity along the way.

The truth is always with you…

Guiding us to believe

To see the bigger picture.

To know nothing is accidental

There is always something more.



In Synchrony

Today I am happy to be sharing both my vision and my verses in synching with the flow… Have enjoyed this process of many learnings in blending my art to merge and emerge along the way… 

I would love to have your feedback on both my painting and poetry.  


Presenting My Artwork  Synchrony.
 Music Credits: Lara’s Theme  Song Dr. Zhivago  

In Synchrony

What is it that powers and energizes our movements?
What calms and eases us in.
All is, in the flow…
Of our breath in this now.

And how it can flow enveloping  and encompassing,
Connecting and complementing each other like an elegant dance!In the inhale and exhale

All is in the learning
To flow and dance with life!
In Synchrony!





The virtue of patience is trust
The virtue of trust is faith
The virtue of faith is a belief
The virtue of belief is knowing
The virtue of knowing is awareness
The virtue of awareness is awakening
The virtue of awakening is consciousness
The virtue of consciousness is wisdom
The virtue of wisdom is life
The virtue of life is in being
The virtue of being is in living
The virtue of living is in experiencing
The virtue of experiencing is in sensing
The virtue of sensing is in feeling
The virtue of feeling is in learning
The virtue of learning is in letting go
The virtue of letting go is in giving
The virtue of giving is in sharing
The virtue of sharing is in abundance
The virtue of abundance is in love
Love is unconditional, & all-pervading
Where love is, virtue is
And so is all.

Today having reached a tiny milestone of writing and publishing 250 continuous posts I share the joys of the journey in passion, perseverance and most of all in love and patience.

Contemplating on the virtue of patience set me thinking of all the interweaving of virtues. Everything connects and has a reason to be.💙🙏💙



The truth of it all!

Sifting through layers of life

To arrive at the truth of it all.

You have to pass through many stages.

There will be the lure of enticements

There will be the spell of bewitchments

There will be beguiling colours

That seem to hold your senses in rapture.

But if you truly wish to witness

The truth amidst the facades

You will notice the simplest clues

That were always there right before you

Just that you never noticed

Like as often truth is taken for granted

In the arresting sights that enthrall.

Choose to see beyond the facades

You will touch base with the truth of it all.


Interestingly the thoughts that resulted in this post came from mangoes actually. As my thoughts were on how we as consumers are sold chemically ripened fruits like mangoes and bananas rampantly.

Here is simple way I came across to test chemically ripened mangoes which I also tried at home … Just take a large bowl of water and try to immerse the mangoes in it. Watch what happens…

Apparently only the chemically ripened mangoes float in water and the others rest at the bottom .

The bigger mango is floating and the smaller one is resting at the bottom.

Trying to understand a little more I chanced upon this clip below.

This is a great link share on the same subject. Of sifting through the fakes!!!

Watch “How to find out- Organic Mangoes vs chemical treated Mangoes” on YouTube

We are sadly in a world without ethical practices in businesses. We need to find ways to sustain our world . It begins with each of us. As each step to change for better and find solutions starts with understanding the issues up close.

If any of you have experiences or tips on how to find out the artificially ripened fruits do care to share.

Hope it helps to spread awareness.



Alone and yet not alone!

I am not alone

I am not alone
When I am walking at dawn
For I have the company
Of a waking sun.

I am not alone
When I am walking at dusk
For I witness the dance of heavenly lights.

For Twilights hold a special meaning
In the witnessing
Of transitions in transcendence.
Of day to night
And night to day…

In this world
You are not alone
In the dark of the night
With twinkling stars to show you the way.

You are only alone
When even in midst of the many
Your heart seeks a little
Respite from company!

A safe space to witness
Your emerging thoughts
A zone to turn into
A tranquil place to been in

To sense a balance
With your thoughtful self
Amidst the scurry hurry
Of life and living.

Often ‘ alone’ is equated with loneliness. Alone may also mean simply being a witness to, by and with your self. It may arise from a need to explore to discover the self as much as the world in mindful introspection and contemplation. Every now and then a little time spent quietly with your self can truly help expand and regain the much needed equanimity to handle the worldly issues.

Meditations are a positive wonderful way to recharge our system.

Do you like to find time to be alone

With your thoughts and nothing else?

Do share



ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing People


Art of People Management  

 Tip 3: Take the lead! 

is a quality that is the backbone of  People Management skills. An ability to lead well is an asset to any organisation. To be able to take the lead and lead well there must a deeper understanding of people and their needs besides being a quick thinker and a whole lot of self-confidence. A positive inclination, an assertive approach, determination with a focused attitude to life can be a tool for a successful stint at sustained leadership.


Silence speaks



On Nurturing  2

Parenting: The learnings in the nurturing.

Parenting is a long term learning process. With the first born every parent is going through a variety of emotions and various stages of parenting. It is true as an infant it is entirely on the parents-  be its safety, its cleanliness, understanding its cries for various needs-  all done with so much love and care without prior experience.  As the child grows  so does its mode of expression, tantrums, seeking attention, and the parents learn to cope up with all of it  like experts. Cherubic angels with devilish moods. It’s a 24/ 7 job with full focus. The teacher in the child starts teaching valuable lessons, you may have not come across so far in any university.

You have to constantly learn new techniques with every child. One lesson will not work with the other as they are different individuals teaching you to handle the same issues with various means.

You will be learning new lessons with every stage of their growing up. Infants to toddlers to kids, youngsters to teen agers, Young adults to grown up,men and women, each stage teaches you different lessons.
You will be learning new lessons on changing generations, their changing values,  how to maintain the balance and be a bridge to keep up the tranquility and peace at home. Though every phase has its testing period, it is challenging period when they are in their teens with their  need to balance their inner and outer worlds.  Once you cross that successfully you can enjoy a momentary peace till the next one starts.

Coping up with the the new relations that springs up in their lives, and the need to understand their changing priorities, to accept gracefully  and take the back seat in their life though they remain as ur priority , without regrets. Ability to know the strength of the bond though invisible still remains strong and intact. The list of life lessons the child teaches goes on till the end.

That is the way life has to go on.

And all the while we pride ourselves as parents and that we teach and guide our children!
Who is the real teacher here?

These are a few reflections from my mothers perspectives on Parenting.

There may be many styles of parenting and the nurturing they instill  may be relative to  what they received. There is no foolproof way to successful parenting as success is itself subjective. However the idea of nurturing  abilities and giving space for evolving  helps the  holistic development of individual.On Nurturing

In a nutshell …can think of  5 A’s of Nurturing as parents… but the list never ends .

Acknowledge abilities as uniquely significant.

Appreciate the good qualities & its application.

Allow the potential of  personal expression.

Accept the challenges as part of life

Adapt to changing nature.

What are your views on Parenting and nurturing? Do share.


The Call of the Dunes.

Desert Trails :



The call of the dunes.

The desert has a way  with you.

Just sun and sand across and around you.

As much as your eyes can see in the yonder

The red tinged sands bears the patterns of movement.

Of many who walked in there in sheer amazement.

Of the eerie silence of nothingness around

Except the tunes, that the howling winds may sound.



The charm of the desert  springs on at night

At the camp with carpets spread out

Surrounded by the bedouins tents

And a sheesha to indulge if you wish

Traditional Arabic hospitality peeks

And the swaying hips of the belly dancer speaks

Flowing and swivelling like the swirls on  the dunes

Mesmerizing you in the alluring moves to the mystical tunes.

Bring it on you may yourself  say…

You must at least for once pass this way!




On Life Management.

Wisdom truly lies in the art of  management of two principles in life : one of never giving up and the other of letting go.

On one side is a dedication, discipline  and determination  and on  the other is the  dispassionate discernment and in learning to surrender to balance the ego within.  Every attempt at achieving such a state of balance can be a great tool for learning to evolve with the wisdom.
For life is to evolve and not simply dissolve

For life is to live and not simply exist.

Take the path of purpose in faith trust and belief

Flow along with the path of light in passion and dedication .

And allow life to manifest its infinite abundance.


There is an exemplary account of life lived in such a path of evolution and enlightenment

Sharing the great visionary  of India Swami Vivekananda’s  account of  life story in his  own words here  ….

 “When you travel on this path of shraddha, (faith) veerya, (courage ) smiriti, (that which is remembered) you have to go through three phases.  The first phase is Haasya (laughter/humour). People will make fun of you. Face them. Accept them. When you are taunted, reply in the same tone of haasya. Then slowly the inner consciousness starts evolving. Then comes the second stage ‘Virodha’.(opposition/ hostility) The same people will start opposing your stance – Accept all the opposition. Don’t fight with anybody. Don’t argue. The moment you get into the argument, then you are going to suffer. If you argue while you are going through lot of internal turmoil’s, conflicts and confusions, you will not be able to convince anybody. So, during the second part of sadhana, (dedicated practice)don’t argue with anybody. Convert the negativity into a positive fragrance and give this in return. Then comes the third stage of ‘Svekaara'(acceptance). The same people who laughed at you, the same people who threw stones, will do pranams ( respectful salutation)& accept you.

In my own life, I have experienced this but I had to pay heavily. Those who taught me became my students but only after I did tapas for 10 years continuously and silently. Understand one thing. Inner sadhana is not a revolution but an evolution. Revolution requires force, vengeance. Evolution requires love, humility and a great feeling of universal love. The consciousness has to evolve. This is an evolutionary process where the bud flowers. We have to allow time for the bud to flower. It will not flower in one day. It takes time. It has to receive proteins, vitamins and the necessary energy for all petals to open out. You have to have a great patience. You have to create an environment for the petals to bloom silently. This is Sadhana. “Swami Vivekananda


Any path of passionate dedication and discipline evolves you along in the strength of persevarance

To honor your path and vision is a task of a lifetime.

To steer clear of slack and sloth, lethargy and languidity  takes a  consistent mastering of the senses. 

To stay true to your chosen way and vision is a commitment  driven by your belief  and faith in your life’s purpose of being.

To know is to reach beyond the sensing of the  eternal truth of ones being . 

And  all the challenges happening along in the journey, will resolve in time on its own  as the intent and  focus remains unwavered.

 For life itself  is a spark of the divine consciousness.

Savvy Raj 

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On Philosophy & Science

Philosophy speaks from the core of consciousness of life, with a penchant for understanding the wisdom of being. And natural science was simply born of a philosophy that speaks of predictions and evidence. Of reasons and proofs. But science is limited as scientific reasoning cannot justify all the knowing in the sensing, and in the intuitivity.

One is a a matter of sensing and knowing
Another a matter of proof of the existing.

I believe there is much to draw and understand for both from each other as both are integral to opening the doors of awareness in receptivity with respect in the strength of their interconnects. 

Savvy Raj 




Life’s lessons.

Here is another share of my dear mother’s reflections on ‘Life and Living’ with hope and the value of ordinary things like the school subjects , the primary lessons we often take for granted as we study without  thinking too much about it. I am compelled to share this line of thought for its ingenuity and how it mentions the values of  lessons from nature which often is the most overlooked but actually so full of wisdom.

Don’t despair

Life is the real teacher. It’s teaching methods may sometimes be playful, sometimes  very harsh, and it may seem like there is truly no way of escaping them.


Profit and loss are not only money related,

They can be manifested in relations too.

The premium of love and care one invests,

Will return as interest manifold in days of need.
And certainly no scheme will tell it is too late to invest.

The more one adds smile and support

The less will be the worries and loneliness.

As they are inversely proportioned.
X and y denotes the unknown

Problems, that seem ready to pounce.

Don’t you  worry,

As you are taught to get them solved.
Every single point and  line

has a  measure and significance.

Geometry taught  us not to ignore any

and the value of boundary.
History gave the realisation,

Evil and greed perishes

How much ever strong they seem.

Always goodness stood in the victory stand in the end.
Geographic differences help too

To understand that variety is a way of life.

Your form and food is Nature’s decision.

Value the differences,  to be in harmony.

taught that all are one in the core after all.

Power of energies,

and laws of Nature gave the knowledge

To bow down and conquer.


taught the most valuable lesson.

The real enemies are the ones

that are nourished

as  ego, pride, vanity  greed, anger and hatred.

I reap what I sow.

So none is responsible,for my pain or pleasure.
Initial years are like blue prints.

But few read them correctly,

Even less understands,

Even fewer practice.
The primary lessons…

Are professors of Life.

Each subject taught

Are the preparations

For the life to be faced in essence.
Quantity of money to be possessed

Is not the measure of life.

The quality of love and respect

Is what distinguishes from the rest.


Never despair…

The variations  of Nature,

The constant changes

Makes every moment a new one.


And that can be the dawn.

New ray of  hope in the horizon.

Remember the lessons

And proceed further.


Never look back in despair.

Bring back the beam of smile

To fill the surroundings with joy and light.

As the world is truly vast to explore & delight!
