Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


How can you improve Strategic thinking skills?

To improve thinking straight strategically as a leader, develop the ability to see the bigger picture, and probe on the details   looking out for possible risks so as to devise better planning to achieve set goals.

Here are 3 innovative addition  to your strategic thinking methods
1. Encourage diverse thinking  seek opinions  actively and listen to understand, from all levels of expertise at hand.

2 Add reflection time  to pause  including meditation or jotting thoughts down as they come and collect your thoughts & inspiration to comprehend for more structured debriefing  with teams .

3. Gathering perspectives and using it in scenario analysis helps in managing uncertainities better.

Do add your thoughts on this.

©Savvy Raj


On Leadership


 Here are my musings to support the

Qualities of a Leader mentioned by the esteemed and the honourable Dr Abdul Kalam Azad.
All these are valuable qualities in leadership.

A Visionary:

Without knowing where to lead the followers how can a leader execute his plan?


Without being able to be balanced in equanimity in both actions and attitude, how can a leader be able to ride the storms and manifest the changes in the challenges?


Without enabling the heart and mind to be transparent to each other, how can a leader be synched in the decisions taken?

An Explorer

Without being open to an explorer’s mindset how can the leadership survive in this cutthroat world?

A decision maker

Without a focused approach and timely decisions taken with courage  how can leadership  know what to do ahead?

Without a sense of honesty and morality  how can the leader lead others?

And I love the wisdom in these words. For this is what to me, is the sign of a great leader.


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ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Teams

Art of Collaboration and Team Spirit:


Team spirit is an Inspiration towards Integration.

To inculcate a positive temperament and boost morale, individually and communally any management must ensure team spirit to help enhance an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.
Collaboration is an art of management through team building activities that increases productivity and helps to finish more tasks on time.

Tip 5: Concurring to Collaborate

The spirit of Collaboration is in giving and sharing value to and with one another. And most of all respecting skills each have been uniquely endowed with and can bring with them.

How to Collaborate Better? A few tips :

  1. Work with respect for one another’s individuality.
  2. Aspire towards a team’s goal plan
  3. Set roles and norms in place.
  4. Value and incorporate accountability
  5. Recognize the uniqueness of creativity
  6. Understand and listen to perspectives
  7. Simplify communication protocols.
  8. Share the knowledge  and information
  9.  Be responsive and receptive to learning and co-working.
  10.  Learn to trust & build an atmosphere of trust.

The trust comes from encouraging one another. It builds team spirit! 


About the Author:


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Art of Management : Commitment

Art of Responsible Commitment.


Tip 5: Art of Management.

Don’t bite more than you can chew!

Years ago when I was in the university doing my masters, I have a distinct memory of our Head of the Department carrying a book which read. ‘Don’t bite more than you can chew ‘ written in bold on the cover. A diminutive bespectacled gentleman every day he would carry it along with him to his lectures. And habitually as he reached his table he would carefully place it towards him and then start to speak.

The words on the book always intrigued me for its significance in our life and living.

Today as we discuss the art of management I see how this applies so beautifully.  Commitment is an art of management.  To manage your ability, capacity and resources at hand optimally and sustain it successfully learning to avoid overcommitment is a necessary skill.

A few Tips On the Art of Responsible Commitment.

  • Avoid over-commitment. To fulfil any commitment, before committing, simply make sure to clarify and define your own abilities and capacities to yourself. And communicate that in your actions as it will steer you clear from falling short of expectation from others.
  •  Be wary of over-compensating Remember every time you are over-committing somewhere you are weakening the very relationships you are trying to strengthen either your family or with your self by trying to overcompensate.
  • Respect your need for well-being as over-commitment is stressful and creates opportunities for health issues gradually.
  • Strive to bring a sense of balance. You know your abilities best. If you wish to expand your horizons and venture beyond your comfort zone, trust your intuitive intellect it certainly will not let you down.
  • Inculcate integrity in your approach to commitment at home and work for a balanced life and living.

Savvy Raj

About me : 

Wellness Mentor, Dance Educator & Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Writer, Freelance Designer

A few related Links


ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Thoughts.

ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing People

ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Conflicts


ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Conflicts



Art of Conflict Management

To bring back a sense of compatibility between the factions is to resolve to find mutual ground.
Tip 4: Resolve to Reconcile

The idea of any kind of truce to see eye to eye is not easy, but then war is never the answer. In management, Conflict Resolution is an important skill in the arena towards issue settlements by finding the middle ground.

From the suggestion of mutual benefits to warring parties in a dispute by a shared positive interest of a goal and clarification of needs in the situation at hand and if need be coercing an influence goes a long way in securing a reconciliation and resolution of conflicts.

Savvy Raj



ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing People


Art of People Management  

 Tip 3: Take the lead! 

is a quality that is the backbone of  People Management skills. An ability to lead well is an asset to any organisation. To be able to take the lead and lead well there must a deeper understanding of people and their needs besides being a quick thinker and a whole lot of self-confidence. A positive inclination, an assertive approach, determination with a focused attitude to life can be a tool for a successful stint at sustained leadership.



ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Thoughts.

Art of Thought management.

Tip 2 : Choose to think well

Our thoughts can make or break us in every now.. and our life seems like a hell or a blessing in the way our thoughts unfold . Every life has a unique purpose and a perseveres on with the thoughts to fulfill its being .

A transition in thoughts is an expansive phenomenona. It courses on even in attempted conquering of thoughts through control or manipulation of its meanderings into an intentional channeling in consciousness.

Transcending thoughts is a choice as thoughts come and go ..the patterns we choose to create with, through and in them, makes one consciously or subconsciously a sculptor of one’s life. And through every exercise of such a choice we can leave a poised mark in time.

That said, yet, when we choose to make our presence felt and how we emerge will all figure out along the way in the strength of an interrelation of thoughts in interdependence. So truly choices we make matters a great deal . Think well!



Art of Self Management 

I am starting a short post series on Balancing Life & Work from today.. I invite your share of thoughts and  personal tips from  your life experiences here…

Life and work balance is truly important to ensure you are able to live better and lead meaningful lives.

Tip 1 Take a Break! :

Take short break off from your job to refocus.

Even if you are the most excited about a new project that you are working on, taking short breaks to revitalize regenerate and renew yourself will bring a huge difference to the way you work and live.

Only when you learn to unplug will you know what you have been missing all along .Our body needs timely rest to function its optimum best.  After all we are humans and not machines … so dont stretch it too far! Take a break!
