Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Somewhere somehow

In moments of loneliness

The tango of the mind & heart

May seem to overwhelm.

Choose to shift the narrative

Understand you can be alone

Without feeling lonely

Blame not your luck or fate

Find connects with your own self

Draw out the beauty of you.

Acknowledge your feelings

Allow your emotions to express

Draw your patterns of possibilities

Doodle, dance, sing or play

To express and let go.

The spirit of the soul revives.

Care to relish the moments

Of connects that you sense.

Remember you matter to you

Stop being hard on yourself

Start to discover your potential

Choose to know yourself

All of you body mind & spirit

Seek to sense the freedom to be

All that you want.

Do that which feels you

With or without company

Choose to carve your life

Choose to be in spaces

That makes you happy

Find ways to connect

Volunteer your time

For a cause that resonates

Sooner than later

You will find

Your kind of vibe

Somewhere somehow.

©Savvy Raj


Conduits of Divinity

We are beings of light

The light of the divine

Interconnects us all

Exchanging energy

Of the Universe in the flow

In our body our hands

Play a part in the exchange

Reaching out to help heal

They are Conduits of Divinity

In the fluidity of the flow

Helping heal and align

And manifest in prayer.

In the realms of spirit and soul

Divinity channels itself

Through portals of our being

In the awareness of Oneness.

©Savvy Raj


Power of Sounds

There is something about sound
That the world again is waking up to these days…

Wherever you go
You hear the sounds of music

Healing through harmony
And the magic in the melodies.

Reviving and regenerating us
All is in the energy of the sounds.

Sounds that move us within & beyond
All effects of resonance in our cells

Sensing the sounds in stillness
Sensing in the movements too…

Music heals the spirit & soul.
Such is the power of sound.

© Savvy Raj


Finding You

When you lose your sense of Self

You find yourself

©Savvy Raj


Part of something bigger

Every time you connect
With nature in any form
You realize…
You are part of something bigger
That there is so much more
Of spaces between the steps
You acknowledge…
The light of  life and living
The strength of the interconnects.

You become aware
In feeling & sensing the mystical in you…
And the potential of you in the universe
How much you matter…
You are part of something bigger!

©Savvy Raj

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Bloom in Resilience

Moving beyond….bloom again

Did something happen? 
Did you get hurt?
Are you in pain?
Do you keep hurting
Time and time again
Still thinking of it
Is it the circumstances
That repeat itself?
Or is it you who has to change?

Are you ready?
To work on your own self?

Cultivate your inner strength
Release let go pain
Let go  slights & insults
Step by step
Bit by bit
Acknowledge the hurt
But overcome it
In practice learn to flow over it
And once you do
You move over it
Care to ask yourself
What is the hurt all about?
Where is it hurting the most?
Whatever your answer
Release it consciously
Let it go…
For the now is meant to change
Such is the truth of nature.

Its your life
You are responsible
To create a garden of your life
Make sure you strengthen
The walls with gratitude for life
Value the life in every now
Bloom some more
Be the best you can be!

©Savvy Raj


What is Spiritual Growth to me?

Someone asked me what spiritual growth means to me …

Here is what I spoke about in a nutshell

Harmony in mind body & spirit Integration in Self awareness
Developing greater understanding & Empathy
Humility & Kindness
Humanity & Compassion.

Living in the lightness of being
Acknowledging Grace in Gratitude
Sensing true freedom to be…for the self and others.
To flow with life in serenity. Sensing the joy in the ordinary.

It’s about acknowledging & sensing the space in around me

It’s about giving in the receiving and receiving in the giving

Witnessing the evolving patterns and freeing the self from limitations of the mind.

Evolving in the learnings, valuing the connection built in time.
A mindful & heartful practice in conscious awareness.
Letting go of unnecessary things
Understanding the value
Of the gift of life
Making life meaningful.
Living life lovingly!

And in knowing it’s so much more….

Please feel free to add what spiritual growth means to you?

©Savvy Raj


A world of difference

A thought in kindness
A word of kindness
A deed in kindness
Count up much more
Than you realise
Imagine the wealth of joy
You will have created
In a lifetime.

Leaving imprints of kindness

In thoughts words and deeds

Makes a world of difference


Way of water

Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does. ~Margaret Atwood

Loved reading this quote share on water. Being able to imbibe the nature of water speaks much of the person you are.

To be like water as Bruce Lee famously suggested, calls for flexibility, adaptability, persistence and most importantly humility.

Water is soft yet powerful in its ways. Overcoming rigidity with gentleness of yielding in the flow.

To be able to take on the mightiest rocks of resistance with the power of persistence in the flow.

And yet be able to take shape and mold along the vagaries of existence.

Water never competes for it is secure and complete in itself.

Giving in the flowing through Strengthened in the harmony of the very flow.

Water is what water does. Such is the way of water.



A matter of approach

Creativity: A matter of approach.

What makes a job well done ?
What makes excellence a standard?
What makes one stand out a cut above the rest ?
What is aesthetics after all?
What differentiates the good better and the best?

All is a matter of approach in every field of life. A shift in the perspectives brings home the amazing solutions. An approach that is creatively expansive than confounding, opens a box of possibilities .

We are all equipped to reach out into our own creative potential by just empowering ourselves with techniques of approaching a situation at hand.

Every one of us is endowed with the potential to develop our artistic abilities and approach with a creative eye.

It’s a matter of putting the principles into practise and taking that giant leap of faith.

What is your attitude & approach to life today?

What are you going to create for yourself in this now?



Every beat of heart…

There comes a time


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The power of choice, rests with us
Yet in conscious choices
We acknowledge
The space between the steps…

Of the inexplicable emotions at play
In mindfulness of the heart intelligence
The so called second brain.

In listening to our body mind & spirit
For the body never lies
We tune in to our truths
To make an informed and integrated choice..



Life & Living

Sharing this read of an impressive story of an Indian entrepreneur Dr Reddy and his dedicated pathways to success.

Any Success is a result of passion that makes you show up no matter what , patience in observing, listening, exploring and understanding. And perseverance to dedicatedly continue what you do as well think of how to sustain it forward.

Life lived well

In passion & purpose

Is a successful life!


On determination

To the truly determined

Opportunity unfolds

In the sustained effort.

To learn anything new

Needs dedicated determination

To understand beyond exploring.

In the will and perseverance

Arrives the point of knowing

And learning continues…

For the truly determined

Nothing can stop the learning.
