Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Leave footprints if you must .
On the sands of time in trust
Just remember ….
No footprint is permanent

All is a game
like the tides that tame
even the strongest surfer.
Eternal to all is time and nothing else
And sparking in the cosmos we are all just wayfarers.

Tread softly
Love authentically
Live lovingly
Behave empathically
Speak truthfully
Move consciously
Grow gratefully!

©Savvy Raj

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All of creation has a purpose to its being.

It charts its course towards it.

If we are able to understand the reason for life is to be…

As it is meant to be
We will be more tolerant and inclusive
We will think before we speak
We will choose to see the good and nurture the good.
What we choose to notice life presents itself in many ways
As the way we choose to see the world
The world mirrors itself to us.

See the world with wonder and awe
Choose to respect and be responsible
Cultivate a sense of respect gratitude.
For the infinite abundance called life!

©Savvy Raj

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On Attitude

If milk gets bad, it becomes yoghurt. Yoghurt is more valuable than milk. If it gets even worse, it turns to cheese. Cheese is more valuable than both yoghurt and milk.

And if grape juice turns sour, it transforms into wine, which is even more expensive than grape juice.

You are not bad because you made mistakes. Mistakes are the experiences that make you more valuable as a person.

Christopher Columbus made a navigational error that made him discover America.

Alexander Fleming’s mistake led him to invent Penicillin.

Don’t let your mistakes get you down. It is not practice that makes perfect. It is mistakes we learn from that makes perfect!

Loved this forward I received this morning, just had to share… So motivational. Our attitude turns circumstances around…

Stay hopeful and turn the misses around…

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Cultivate Happiness

If only happiness can be summed up…

How easy it would seem!

But happiness can be elusive

When summoned it is often fleeting

But being able to take stock of your being

Will keep you aware

Of how much happiness is an inside job…

©Savvy Raj


Capture of Whispers

As the brush strokes the canvas

It captures the artists essence

From the whispers of the heart

To the directions of the mind

Different strokes may appear

With the same thoughts

Different thoughts may arise

From the same strokes.

What whispers will art capture today?

©Savvy Raj


Every Woman Knows

Spirit of a woman




Strength of a woman




Soul of a woman




Savvy Raj

©Savvy Raj

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Good Reminder

Sharing a social media forward

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you, And making you
Spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You spilled the coffee because there
was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. The point is
whatever is inside the cup, is what will spill out. Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which will happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it, until you get rattled. So, we have to ask ourselves, “What’s
my cup?”

When life gets tough, what spills out? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Or does
anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions come out?

You choose! Today let’s work
towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, kindness
gentleness and love for others.

Good Reminder for one and all.
In making conscious choices.
Filling my cup with gratitude
Sensing joy and love
Choosing forgiveness
Expressions in gentleness
And affirming in kindness
For my choices matter...
To me & the world around me.


Keep refilling

You can never give from an
empty cup.
So keep refreshing
knowledge and understanding
Make sure to breathe easy so
that you are not getting
engulfed in trying to find
solutions for another.
Exercise equanimity and trust
yourself to deliver.
Most importantly take care of
Enjoy the work you do!
And give your very best.
It will certainly bring results.

How to keep refilling your cup…to stay updated.

Many ways.

. Be open to possibilities and perspectives

. Stay humble and sense your foot on the ground… Remember anyone can be a teacher.

. Choose to balance work and play. Respect your time and use it wisely.

. Stay curious. Keep your inner child alive

. Pause to rest and recover when you feel overwhelmed.

. Choose health and happiness.

Keep your self nourished.Self care isn’t selfish.

Do share what ways you keep updating yourself.

© Savvy Raj

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Soul knows

Souls know the truth of their being

Embedded in the journey of life

Soul connection has the power

To heal and life regenerates

A body and spirit is given

So the soul can move…

Movements that flow

Towards its purpose of being.


18thFeb Pune



Time evolves one and all,come what may

Yesterday’s mountains have become paths today

Love of life will show the way

As you keep building bridges not walls I say.

Savvy Raj


Make friends with time

Value your life value your time

Remember your uniqueness
Takes its own time to show up.

All happens at the right time
For time knows you..

Make time your friend
Meet it with all of you

Make your life worthwhile
Make friends with time



Way of Seeing



You See?

© Savvy Raj


Choose Well

You always have the choice

Choose well in every now…

It is a conscious choice in awareness to be in this now…

It’s about being intentional about what you choose to do.

It is said we are the product of five people we surround ourselves with.

So choose to surround yourself with those who lift your spirits.

Choose to be intentional on being with people who you appreciate and who you enjoy being with.

People who you feel bring out the best in you

And choose to truly care and cherish these people.

Focus on discovering your joyful paths in life

You can make your life a joyful journey whenever you choose to honour & enjoy the moment at hand.

Be in this now!

© Savvy Raj

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On Self Worth

Do you sense love for yourself
Do you feel respect for yourself
Do you feel your sense of self esteem

Do you feel a sense of self worth

What is your self worth tied to?
Is  it your education
Your fancy degrees
Your knowledge
Your partner?
Or your beauty?
Your abilities?
Is it to your achievements?
Your skills?
Your bank balance?
Or is it to your designation
Your children
Your home?
Your cars?
Your phone?

If  you have answered yes honestly to any of the above  please think again
Work on your independence
Free your mind free your heart
Free yourself from chains
Practice unshackling 
Try to detach your self worth 
From material  things.
Others cannot always be around
We are born as unique beings
We  are complete in every way
No one can latch on to us
Nor should we latch on to another
Self awareness is crucial
For true self confidence
Self Confidence creates self esteem
Self esteem develops self worth
Value the life you have
Understand your truth
Explore your potential
You are worthy.

©Savvy Raj


Take the right step…

A GREAT YEAR ahead to us all!
Choose well…

The power rests with you!

A new day. A new way.

Pave the path and carve your niche.

Take the step and get in touch
with the You -ness in You

©Savvy Raj