Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Balmy weather

It’s balmy weather
It’s early morning
The sun is moving
In and out of the trees
Traveling with me
As I am walking…
The chirping birds
Awakening the world
With hope fulness
The wind is resting
Perhaps still to awaken
The clouds are clearing
Heralding the light
In the mighty tree
A few yards from me
I see a beautiful vision… Cont’d

What is it that I see?

Would you like to continue from here…?

©Savvy Raj



Time evolves one and all,come what may

Yesterday’s mountains have become paths today

Love of life will show the way

As you keep building bridges not walls I say.

Savvy Raj


Love Life Live

©Savvy Raj


On Spirituality

You can’t talk Spirituality
You got to live it.
Often when life takes you far
Far away from it…

You got to know
The divine that you seek
Is with you in every moment
Your actions thoughts and words
Decides the distance between
You and your spiritual self.

©Savvy Raj


On Poetry

Poetry is often an emotional journey
of feeling sensing and sharing
through the words
There is a lot of inextricable emotions
embedded along these lines
on the way of life and living.



Heal as you write

Poetry is a brilliant trickster
As much a true friend
For it masks the truth cleverly in words
As much as it heals away in the expressions.

In the letting go of  dense emotions
Is the channeling towards balance
To the lightness of being
Where there is space created
In between thoughts and actions
For more cathartic connections.

Poetry revives the spirit of the soul
Through soulful words that flow
Out of nowhere explicable
For it has a purpose of its own
In trust know, that it finds itself
The path its meant to be.

Be it poetry or prose, fiction or non fiction, words can be the gamechanger.

How many of you writers agree?




The virtue of patience is trust
The virtue of trust is faith
The virtue of faith is a belief
The virtue of belief is knowing
The virtue of knowing is awareness
The virtue of awareness is awakening
The virtue of awakening is consciousness
The virtue of consciousness is wisdom
The virtue of wisdom is life
The virtue of life is in being
The virtue of being is in living
The virtue of living is in experiencing
The virtue of experiencing is in sensing
The virtue of sensing is in feeling
The virtue of feeling is in learning
The virtue of learning is in letting go
The virtue of letting go is in giving
The virtue of giving is in sharing
The virtue of sharing is in abundance
The virtue of abundance is in love
Love is unconditional, & all-pervading
Where love is, virtue is
And so is all.

Today having reached a tiny milestone of writing and publishing 250 continuous posts I share the joys of the journey in passion, perseverance and most of all in love and patience.

Contemplating on the virtue of patience set me thinking of all the interweaving of virtues. Everything connects and has a reason to be.💙🙏💙



On Healing

Blessings in prayers.

Artwork by Savvy Raj

A Prayer Answered

A Prayer Answered

In the bowing is a prayer answered

In the kneeling to the cosmic connects

Acknowledge the grace that’s revered

And the blessing that protects…

Sense the touch of the angels around

Feel the flow of divinity in the haloed healing light abound…

Embrace the moments in silence and serenity.


Our body & mind knows what we need, if only we slow down and take the time to listen in. Moving in conscious connectedness increases mind-body awareness. As a spiritual or healing practice…there is great potential in it to play a vital role in health and well-being. which is a result of moving as one unit; body and mind.

It’s also quite possible to heal ones aches away. A headache, muscle soreness, joint pain often melts away in oblivion by bringing one’s attention and focus on that particular body part and moving mindfully with the awareness of our breath and channelling the energy of the breath.

Likewise, it’s also possible to become aware of actions which aggravate your conditions and back off and instead work on movements which make you feel better.

The same is also true for emotional pain. By bringing one’s attention to what is emotionally hurting and moving slowly through space, allowing the body to lead the way, one often finds emotional pain reduces to a considerable extent. Layers of emotional blockages and disconnects can be peeled away with this awareness about one’s movements in the moments. Centring oneself consciously involves understanding one’s place in space and being comfortable enough where one is and stable enough to be aware of one’s edges and the surroundings.

Healing happens as a consequence of certain specific actions in time. At the same breath a word of cautionary suggestion Taking an example here …, just as it’s very challenging to overcome an unwanted habit but quite easy to succumb to it again. Once you have moved in space and healed yourself off your problems do give a little thought to actions done without reflection as you wouldn’t want to be in the same tight spot which you have wrangled yourself out of with so much effort… right?

So leave a mark of poised, beautiful actions in the monument of time in thoughts words and deeds and you will be consistently feeling twice blessed for sure.

Savvy Raj


The shape of things 

SHAPING ….Artwork by Savvy Raj

There is in the shape of things

A reason why,

Like the night and the day,

white and black moon with black skies and body of water photography during night time


They say nothing is accidental.

There is always a shape to things,

A reason for design,

A reason for pain and pleasure,

A reason for order and disorder,

A reason for imbalance

As much for equilibrium,

A reason for the confusion in chaos

As much for emergence of clarity.

black and white nature flowers close up view

Photo by Jack Hawley on

One thing leads to another.

Patterns develop out of nothing into something.

Those who are in the front

Become guides for those who follow.

action balls black and white illustration

Photo by Pixabay on

In the ensuing connections,

Forms take shape of things to come,

Matter combines to eloquently express

Succinctly amidst the brevity

Or in hyperboles of creation.

All is yet in symmetry.

grayscale photo of feather

Photo by Aman Bhatnagar on

Emotion emits acceleration.

Life destructs and creates in continuum

To evolve itself in the shape of things to come.

Savvy Raj



Alone and yet not alone!

I am not alone

I am not alone
When I am walking at dawn
For I have the company
Of a waking sun.

I am not alone
When I am walking at dusk
For I witness the dance of heavenly lights.

For Twilights hold a special meaning
In the witnessing
Of transitions in transcendence.
Of day to night
And night to day…

In this world
You are not alone
In the dark of the night
With twinkling stars to show you the way.

You are only alone
When even in midst of the many
Your heart seeks a little
Respite from company!

A safe space to witness
Your emerging thoughts
A zone to turn into
A tranquil place to been in

To sense a balance
With your thoughtful self
Amidst the scurry hurry
Of life and living.

Often ‘ alone’ is equated with loneliness. Alone may also mean simply being a witness to, by and with your self. It may arise from a need to explore to discover the self as much as the world in mindful introspection and contemplation. Every now and then a little time spent quietly with your self can truly help expand and regain the much needed equanimity to handle the worldly issues.

Meditations are a positive wonderful way to recharge our system.

Do you like to find time to be alone

With your thoughts and nothing else?

Do share



Tryst with truth…

The Confusion


Making sense of it all

From maya to magic

From dream to reality

From action to inaction

From silence to chaos

From dissolution to a solution.

From closure again to disclosure

Is it all an appearance, a facade

This journey of searching reality

In the self-discovery.


The Contention… on Creativity


What a world we live in

All is in a word called Maya  …

The world is but an illusion…

A make-believe of our senses.

Then in such a make-believe world

All logic all reasoning all science all knowledge

maybe after all at best…

A search to understand the root of creation.

Of the illusion of you and me.

Of nothing and everything.



The connection… in the creativity


As in the unlearning and learning of knowledge through experiences in life and living every individual sparks new pathways of behaviour in association and application. We are enriched in the structuring which we can call as a stillness for comprehension, a pause for reflection a calmness in contemplation so that we are propelled to unique expression in the assimilation.

No two thoughts are exactly alike but there is always a field of energy we radiate and our thoughts carry the vibrational frequency of the energy in the movement. And that is what can be directed distilled denatured decimated dissolved and drawn from for health and healing.




Experience or lack of it can be a root cause of variations and alterations of behaviour. But while boundaries may be reminding of a journey having a destination, it is the openness that reflects the never-ending source of creativity and its possibility.


The Continuation…


So as we dance through the apparition of appearances

Of assumptions in the amalgamation.

All that is real may be an illusion

All that we believe to be is perhaps real.

And our tryst with the truth…



Savvy Raj

About The Author



On Faith




Flow in faith

Time evolves one and all,come what may

Yesterday’s mountains have become paths today

Love of life will show the way

As you keep building bridges not walls I say!



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Circle of thoughts 14


With care and consideration

Sometimes like coaxing a unwilling mule

Thoughts can be harnessed

For each has great potential…


This above digital artwork Titled ‘Circles of thoughts,14 is a creative interpretation of encircling thoughts, The verses that follow is the 14thpart of my series of micropoems on interconnecting thoughts.


To be contd …

Related links to read more…





#Micropoetry #PhotoFusion #Metaphysics

Artwork by Savvy Raj


Power of Possibilities


Explore the Immense Power of Possibilities!

At times we find our road has got rough

Many times we give up when the going gets tough

At such times if we muster the strength to persevere

The very perseverance leads us to new paths

Paths we may have never accessed in the fear of trying.

To try to forge ahead in spite of hopelessness

To try to discover the power of possibilities

To try to seek the connecting dots that may have faded in time

To try to find new pathways in the making

Such is the power of life in the living.

There is always a way

To make it happen

Often enshrouded in

All we need is to see beyond the looking

Envision the potential that rests within

Trust the options we have at hand,

And lo and behold!

There is so much more than what we thought was possible.

Come let us dare to explore the power of the possibilities!




Circle of thoughts



Thoughts may be boundless in content

A figment of imagination

Choosing  thoughts is a matter of intent

To lead the thoughts with contemplation



#Micropoetry #PhotoFusion #Metaphysics

Artwork by Savvy Raj