Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Joy Of Writing

Today I touched a milestone on WordPress.

Have completed more than 365 days of writing a post every single day.

WordPress reminds me I have written a post every day for 365 days in a row.
Here I reminisce about my experience of writing a post every day on WordPress.

What is it to write 365 days consecutively?
A lot of passion patience and perseverance.
But above all is the joy of writing…

Looking back I realise the amount of contentment in the personal fulfilment of a promise I made to myself to write every day for a year.

The 365 days have certainly had their share of relocation, health issues medical emergencies, and ensuing operations and recovery phase, marriages and demise in the family and a host of all those sudden changes of both the personal and professional kind that is prone to occur in the span of an entire year’s time.

But the whole idea for me was to see how committed I was to my writing and if writing every day would make me short of ideas ever.

What was the purpose? Simply to see if I can truly sustain in making time to do something I love and enjoy every bit of it for a long period of time.

The only clause I set for my self is to never write with a pressure to publish but to write with a passion for self-expression and send out positively charged messages through these words into space… hoping it will make a difference!

My heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful readers and followers for your support and insights that sparked much of the creativity.

Some would take time to share relevant quotes and resources, some beautiful thoughts that were truly inspiring and some would send emails sharing their personal stories and experiences and even express a desire to connect and collaborate on artistic endeavours.

So this year of committed and consistent writing on varied topics has had its rewards too inspite of the grind. Like an offer for conducting my dance workshops. an opportunity to speak on motivation and womens empowement, invitations to judge local school competitions, write and compile a book of these blogs and two enquiries to ghostwrite their books. More importantly to have come across some truly amazing people and their writings many of who have turned into great friends here in these interactions.

Good start I would say! There is, after all, no writer without a reader. Thank you all for your generous words and comments that kept pouring in motivation required to continue in those challenging times.

Looking back at the posts published, I found my life experiences of the day moving like imagery through these words and I am truly happy to have written and published my positive reflections in time.

Sharing my thoughts on what writing truly is to me in verses…

The Joy Of Writing

Never force the words out
For then there is no joy.
In fact, let your words flow from you
And remember you are just a channel.

The giving vessel will pour the words
Water this gift of creativity.
Your innate sense of understanding
Will summarize and summon the words for you.

Be proactive and prepared.
Provide time for reflections.
Reference from life and experiences.
Contemplate and convey.

The joy of writing is in the trust
Of allowing and accepting
The endless possibilities
Of creativity in the flow.

Know your thoughts are unique
In the way, they arrive and arrange
In the flow is the magic
That is playing out through you.

Enjoy witnessing the tumble through
Of words in their own arrangement.
Trust in yourself and your maker
For all is pre ordained in time.

Savvy Raj


On Love

As love conquers you it blesses you in the knowing.

Make not a mockery of love

Serenade love and allow it to speak truth

Love surfaces from the depth of emotions

To mend you and this world to a better place.

As true love is eternal

Free as bird in flights of oblivion

Travelling in the abandon

Of the wilderness of the spirit

Yet bonded in the boundless infinity

Endless love a gift of grace

Acknowledge this treasure

Blending two souls in one

As a life loved is well lived… such a rare sight!

What a blessing it truly is….A love like that!

In realising the many miracles of life is knowing a love that can move the soul of our being. We can consider ourselves lucky to even have been touched by a love like that!


Happy Valentine’s Day to all my friends and readers!!!


On Dancing…

To dance is to be able to glide as if you are as light as the air and soar in grace, as you feel the wind enveloping yet beckoning you to scale new heights of harmonious effusion’.



Trust to let go!

When you dance with another, what matters most is the trust you place in yourself and your partner to dance as one unit, moving in synchrony and feeling the harmony of your beating hearts. This is the ideal connection that makes dance come alive in the moment.

Yet as much as trust is a much-needed trait in dancing as a couple, often trust takes time to build and is subjective amongst dancers.

To trust is to let go of doubt.

To trust is to allow space for growth.

To trust is to know patience in waiting.

To trust is to allow space for faith.

To trust another is not easy

For one and all.

To some, it may be very difficult.

But trust is certainly worth trying.

To trust takes effort, not assumptions.

It takes practice in time and space.

For trust can be on many levels

Emotional, mental, or physical.

Trust is built to evolve along

For in building the relationship

The foundation needs to endure

The winds of change.

Trust what trust does.

Try to pin it down.

Watch how it turns out to be

Confusing and elusive…

Before you trust, you will

Spend time sensing,

And witnessing the energy,

The tension in the transactions

Being ready for changes,

Being prepared to brave

Through disappointments and dissatisfactions

That may arise at any moment.

And yet…

Trust is not only about building

But about the ability to let go

Of worry and insecurities,

Fear and failures.

To trust is to reach out

Without any expectations

But in utter faith and belief

That you will be supported!

A dance between a couple is a blissful feeling only when there is trust in both the self and the other, just as much as the passion, as only when there is the letting go, can there be the flow manifesting itself through the movements.
Savvy Raj

Member International Dance Council



Once upon a time…

This beautiful story conveys the preciousness of every life.

We are born for a purpose

Many times we are so busy searching

That we fail to see our own worth

In being as we are

There is always a reason

Why we are as we are

Just because we dont know it

Does not mean life is not worth living.

We are only as good as we learn

To see ourselves in our hearts

Cheer up from your trials and errors

For there are many paths on our way

To nourish with our nature

To heal and help evolve.

There is much that requires our being

To do, to care, to share, to love and live

In our own special way…

The way only we can !



Power of Human Spirit.

Strength to defy & dare destiny in the face

Of danger destruction and devastation …

Comes from a deeper conviction that creates

Courage to rise beyond catastrophes …

The heart has the capacity to deal

with almost anything … as that is how our life is

wired to cope and heal.

Expressing through Arts is a power within us.

In empathy with care and compassion

It is an act of kindness in realization of the oneness.

That what hurts you is actually eventually hurting me …

Your pain is my pain

In conscious awareness

I can help you heal

Your troubles away in faith

And hope for a better tomorrow for us all.

Savvy Raj


The shape of things 

SHAPING ….Artwork by Savvy Raj

There is in the shape of things

A reason why,

Like the night and the day,

white and black moon with black skies and body of water photography during night time


They say nothing is accidental.

There is always a shape to things,

A reason for design,

A reason for pain and pleasure,

A reason for order and disorder,

A reason for imbalance

As much for equilibrium,

A reason for the confusion in chaos

As much for emergence of clarity.

black and white nature flowers close up view

Photo by Jack Hawley on

One thing leads to another.

Patterns develop out of nothing into something.

Those who are in the front

Become guides for those who follow.

action balls black and white illustration

Photo by Pixabay on

In the ensuing connections,

Forms take shape of things to come,

Matter combines to eloquently express

Succinctly amidst the brevity

Or in hyperboles of creation.

All is yet in symmetry.

grayscale photo of feather

Photo by Aman Bhatnagar on

Emotion emits acceleration.

Life destructs and creates in continuum

To evolve itself in the shape of things to come.

Savvy Raj



On usefulness

The search for meaning

Is never in vain

There is always a meaning

To life and living.

One or a million reflections

May be more

At times can lead

To a miracle in the making.

One or a million drafts

May lead us to a perfect design

One or a million words

May be more…

Can bring on the inner genius

One or a million works of art

May be more…

Delivers a masterstroke.

Each step is of value

And somehow significant

To some one somewhere

As much as…

To the utimate whole!.

If something seems to be useless to one person, there is always a possibility of so many who may find it useful.


Often profound meaning arrives from the most mundane and the so called ordinary moments in life and living. For the truth is out in the open but our overworked brain often misses these simple truths for it chooses to search for meaning in the complexities. But what is wonderful to know is that all is never lost… for every step makes a difference matters to the whole some how somwhere.


Each moment is a new me.

Change, the one that never changes
Is Nature’s way of continuing the Eternal cycle of life and death.

The Infinite Cosmic Energy, being the Eternal Centre
Changes keep on happening
In every atom, molecule, particle, and cell.
Thus widening the horizon,

From Invisible subtle to Visible gross.
Creation and destruction, a part of this change,
The various cycles of Life and seasons
Changing monotony to a variety
In mind and matter.

Colours and moods transient, every moment.
Wondering in awe to the moment next.
Dwell not in the past,
Fret not the Future,
Never to lose the Magic of the Present.
Each moment a new me is born.

Be present to cherish the Present.
Be aware n awake to witness

The blossom of bud to fragrant flower.


‘Your poems become my muse’. 😊.

This is what I received from my mother this morning after she read my yesterday’s post ‘ Glimmers of hope’.

‘Thank you, mom, for writing your reflections. It truly means much to me.’

Have simply added some pictures to go along with her words.


On Success

You create the state of success

And you never rest on your success

Success is in the courage to continue

Your perseverance, your passion and purpose.

Success is consistently inconsiderate

Success demands much focus

as it supplies momentum

Beyond self limitations and doubts.

True success is the knowing

In your heart of contentment

Of a life well lived and loved

Success is who we are

Success is in each of us

Awaiting a discovery

An unearthing of potential

To sense life’s possibilities

If you believe ur abilities,

trust your instincts and

give it your best shot,

Success is sure to follow…



The Gift of Life

To dance is to acknowledge the living you at this moment
In every move, the heart and mind is looped in joyousness
In every flight is the beauty of lightness.

To dance is to realize

The sensation of living

And to energize the self

As well as the surroundings

With this gift of life!



Spectrums of Life Management

Life, in general, is receptive and open to transformation

But every stage of being has its own
Perspective in possibilities…

In the spectrums of managing life and living

In the chaos of uncertainty & insecurities…

Is a knowing, of the altering of behaviour

In empathy, understanding & support
In collaboration and consideration.

In envisioning the necessity in the possibilities

Of simplifying the solutions.
Of motivating the unmotivated
Of caring to notice the ignored
Propels engagement up a notch.

As in the such dedicated engagement
in passion &perseverance…

A purpose is born.

To manage is to understand

the vagaries of life and living

And work around it to evolve for the better.


#Lifemanagement #evolve #purpose #skills #transformation #life&living #resourcemanagement. #personaldevelopment #improvement #peoplemanagement.#humanresources


A Sense of Wonder

Life is full of awe and wonder
For wonder reveals the soul of the being.
As awe springs forth from the heart of the living.
Amazing are the insights in the keenness of wonder …

To delve deeper than what’s visible in contemplation
To care to discover the mystery in anticipation
To appreciate with discernment than discrimination
To witness the unfolding in patience of observation.
The intention creates the perspectives in the dimensions
The adaptation untangles the transition
Between the illusions & manifestations in creation .

Only a heart and mind that is willing to acknowledge beyond the strife.
Unearths the undiscovered gifts of life..

As the heart widens its gamut of being
The horizon uncovers the abundance.



Wisdom in the Moments

Artwork and verses by Savvy Raj

Wisdom is in the ordinary moments.

All the answers we seek, rests with us.

Life teaches as life plays on…

Allow life to live…through the changes.



Rhythm of nature

Dance with the rhythms of nature

Be like the sun and sky all aglow

Show up like the sky without absence

Always allowing the light to brighten the day.

Feel one with waves dancing with water

Flow like the gentle rain and let go your worries

Emerge refreshed having soaked in the energy of water.

Feel the breeze of the cool winds blow.

Sense the grounding from the mountains and trees

And stay firm, ensconced like the arresting mountains do!

Witness your thoughts that drift in like tidal waves

But rest yourself rooted like the tree that you sit below.

Feel one with nature and be blessed by its wisdom

Know that endless are the learnings from Nature …

Care then to adopt the rhythms of nature.
