Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Spools from Spills

Some positive takes in an accidental spill…

To keep calm and address the lesson in the spill.

To turnover a spill to evolve for better
To sense a pattern of possibilities in a spill.

To challenge the statuesque through a spill.

To test skillsets learned from a spill
To move beyond in a dare with a spill

To spill some more and align the pattern formations

To envision hope beyond the accidental spill.

To create artworks from the potential in a spillover

To empathize with the spiller across the learning curve…

Spills become art and art spills over.


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Soul Enrichers

Soul Enrichers…

I do believe the journey of life, broadens the mind and brightens the spirit if we are ready to acknowledge the unfolding gifts of connections. along the way.

In my journeys across the world earlier, as a Dance Educator teaching and speaking about dance applications and approaches there have been some amazing people both in the dance circuits and otherwise,who I have had very fascinating conversations with…

I want to share a bit here about some of these beautiful people from across the world who I had a chance connect with, nothing planned,yet meeting them was truly soul enriching to say the least.

Would like to begin the first in these series of posts with Emily Berry who is now a dear friend.

Emily, the beautiful intelligent woman with an Indian Soul all the way from New York … who dances with all her heart and soul 🙂

Emily Berry is the Artistic Director of B3W Performance Group, which has performed in the US, England, Greece, and Mexico...

We met in 2014 Greece, while we were representing our own countries at the World Dance Research Congress.

In her own words…

“I strive to create a safe space for students to learn, explore, question, and become independent thinkers and movers. In technique courses, I address each individual student’s unique body in order to help them develop their technique through muscle re-patterning. Students learn anatomical awareness and tools to help them move past road blocks.

In theory, improvisation and composition courses my main goal is to help student’s find their own voice. Creating a judgment free space is essential so students are not afraid to explore new movement possibilities.”

Professor Aviva Geismar

Berry’s choreography has been tackling such issues as race, the glass ceiling, domestic violence, women in prison, and war since 1995.

Today, brought in a beautiful memory of a time when I had an amazing afternoon walk with her, while at the Acropolis museum Athens.

I remember how a shared a common love for all things dance… got us interacting post our dance workshops and rest just fell in place!

We conversed like we have known each other from years ago…

‘Beautiful places… Beautiful memories ‘💙



Take A Step

Take a Step..

To start is is most difficult
The first step is often a challenge
And then some more
Follows through
And suddenly it appears
A pathway
A breakthrough
A perspective to aspire
And a renewed focus develops
Towards a goal.

So take the step
The first step
Start even if its a single step
Keep it simple
And in no time
You will have started on a journey
Towards your purpose of being.

After all
Success too is a series of steps
That starts with taking a step.



On Trust

On Trustfulness

The Way of the Universe is Abundance
It is the way of nature.
We come from it and we are nature.
Our deepest intentions
Find its way to fulfillment in time.

What is important is trustfulness
In faith of the flow
In belief and hope
For as you ensivision
The truth manifests itself.

Stay patient
Trust life
To unravel itself
And deliver in time.



Be you, its simpler.

Value the life you have in this now

You are powerful in your uniqueness

You are your best friend

Make friends with yourself.

Trust yourself to know the way.

You will find your truth

Most importantly

There is no one else like you

Like who you are

Choose to be you

As you are

It’s simpler.

Be you.



Choice is yours!

To all the ‘Crazy Busy’ Bossy kind of People, who say and feel they don’t have time…

For anything or anyone anymore!

If you don’t have time for your near and dear ones
You are perhaps indifferent and are taking people for granted.
Be cautious…Patience runs out of time!

If you are always dominant and intimidating by nature
People will follow you only by force and not from their hearts.
Be careful for soon they will become indifferent to your rants.

If you speak cutting people off mid-sentence.
You may be showing you are the boss
But people never appreciate not being listened to.
They will never turn up to you with suggestions.
All you will be harboring will be
The ‘Yes men ‘… think about it!.

If you have never walked along with your partner or your child or a pet dog…

Perhaps you should rethink if you have truly appreciated life’s moments you have had.

The joy of walking with another is a beautiful blessing only known to the ones who take a walk.

If you have never had time in your life
To do the things you wanted
And you keep giving excuses that if I had it this way I would do that…

Perhaps, you must realize life is best lived, doing what you love.
No one told you to sit it out.
If you feel you have little time
You are the reason.

You are still alive!

Take a step.
You have the way to change its course the way you choose!


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Enhance in every now.

Purpose of life is to evolve for the better. Wherever we are, however we are, humanity always finds a way beyond the trials and tribulations.

We are meant to thrive beyond the adversity.

Enhance your self

Self isolation can be challenging but need not be as difficult as it seems.

A few things that can make isolation easier to bear and productive as well.


Creating a schedule. Writing down things to do or learn in a day is a great start.
Having a routine planned, help a great deal.

Keeping channels of communication open.

Speak to people , listen to others well.
Express yourself through arts , pick up a book to read or a hobby you can learn in this interim period.
Care for your self. It makes you feel good about yourself.
Arrange your wardrobe.
Do all the things that you feel you never had time for.


Listen to some soulful or foottapping music.
Start a conversation on the phone. Many are feeling lonely or overwhelmed and overburdened. Offer to listen and empathize. One of the important aspects of doing this exercise is it changes self perceptions and brings an understanding of the world beyond the limited self.


Take care of your health, eat healthy.
Be engaged physically mentally emotionally & spiritually.
Look up at the stars at night.
Watch the blue expansive sky in the day.
Hear the sounds of waves, if you can.
Even in a recording…waves gives a repetitive, soothing rhythmical relaxation experience that can smooth out the creases on your brow.
Ease in, to time your breathing with the waves.

Try this one .

These are a few ways to create a personal space for yourself in your mind and heart spirit and soul no matter where and how you are.
Hopefully it may help in some way to ease through this phase we are in.

Every positive step matters a great deal in

Praying for the world to heal and recover.

Stay safe stay healthy where ever you are.


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Gift of Gentleness

A gift of gentleness

Could never go wrong

Such is the strength of sublimity.

When wrapped in the warmth of kindness

When sent as a gift in goodwill

And sealed with heartfelt love and gratitude.

Soft is the way of the gentle at hearts.

Soft is the strength of the soul within.

How gentle are you?



Master or mastered

Why mind.
Who is the master?
Who is the mastered?

When mind masters you follow

When the mind is mastered you lead.

Want to lead or follow…
The choice rests with you.





Beyond Judgments

Art of living 

Truth is
Life thrives 
In nature

All we need to do
Is to not stunt
But let it bloom.

Only remember
To Nurture life
Move beyond judgements

Without  discrimination
What emerges will be
The truth of the being.

As it was
As it was
As it is
Meant to be!


Rise Again

A few musings from my mother’s heart that I feel like sharing here today!

When we walk along the path of roses, thorns are unavoidable.
It doesn’t mean we stop walking. Remove the thorns from our way and proceed further
It may hurt. But It won’t last. Let’s keep going.

Life is like a seesaw
It keeps going and down.
The fall and climb are parts of the life. Fret not if our efforts don’t yield results.
The seed needs its own time
To grow into a tree,
The buds to blossom as fragrant flowers,
The fruits and grains, to ripe to nourish
Yet till then they need all the care and nurture
So do our dreams, take its own time n
our continuous effort to become reality.

Waves fall to rise again
Leaves fall to bring
spring again
Day falls to bring a new dawn again

Arere we not a part of Nature?
We may fall, be sure we will rise again
Our dreams are the seed.
Our patience is the time
Our hard work is the nurture
Our Faith and Hope, the nourishment.

Success is waiting to be reaped.

Creativity then and now.

It is amazing how creativity is enhanced by leaps and bounds in the age of the internet . Especially with an app ready for every possibility.

Before the internet, drawing was a skill that was an innate gift or had to be honed by years of practical training. Back then artistry was challenging and time-consuming and most of all needed patience and dedication.

Having developed a bit of interest in artistic pursuits I remember enrolling in courses to learn the art of embossing and decorating pots, learning the intricate art of henna on the hand as well as joining a fabric designing course at a very famous and leading fashion institute of those times which I truly enjoyed and excelled in. And I remember using the understanding to create and sell my artworks and being rewarded not only monetarily but also emotionally through the contentment of creativity becoming tangible. The course of learning and experiencing it all was truly very fascinating indeed.

Today I draw a parallel on how one has to know how at the touch of a phone, the apps take you through the course at the speed you want, you can erase the art you create and redo at will, as often as you fancy. And most of all your drawings get texture, special effects and animation and you can even create a live 3d model for you to touch and sense!

Technology can charm the living daylights of you indeed!

Yet there are certain senses that are not touched upon…

The feel of holding a brush of colour, it flowing on the paper, and at times may be in error and you working around it creatively.

The sense of proportion in actually mixing medium and paints and getting the right shade.

The touch of canvas or other mediums and the way it feels after the painting.

The simple satisfaction of being able to feel connected to your artwork right through it all. It creates an intimate relationship between the art and the artist.

To be fair Art today has evolved along the way, there is computer precision and ease of use through applications that take artmaking to infinite possibilities.

The potential of an artist can increase leaps and bounds and endless pieces and options of colour choices can be churned out at the touch of a few keys. Everything is customisable giving the advantage to both the artist as much as the customer.

The scope and reach of creativity through Art is definitely increasing and that is a development worth noting. Everyone can create amazing art now unlike before. And that is quite an interesting phenomenon. Knowledge is openly accessible for the user.

In spite of the amazing advantages of technology, human emotional and creative connect is yet a challenge.

But nevertheless, I have chanced upon apps that give a great sense & feel of creating art.

Sharing a few of my earlier artworks.

Savvy Raj


Be Comfortable With Being you!

When you arrive at being comfortable being yourself in front of others, your gifts will shine through and you begin to make a positive impact on this world on many levels.

All it takes is being the authentic you!


Passion Speaks

When passion speaks with positivity

Passion spreads the inspiration.

Along with patience and perseverance

Creating and sending goodwill all over.

How truly wonderful is that?

So as passion pulls the cart, patience and perseverance carries it through to its destination.




Smile no matter what
As you are truly meant to
Everything aligns in time
As it is meant to!

Smile and keep the cheer on
For it gives you strength
To face your fears head on
And you know you can beat the odds

Smile but make sure…
To smile from the heart
For it keeps your heart happy
Your body is at ease

Smile touching base with authenticity
Allow your eyes show its crinkles
Let your words express yourself
Sense the joy of a simple smile.

Keep  smiling  keep living
Live life lovingly
Smile whenever you can
Your smile will lighten
Up the moment for sure.

Remember smiling is  easy
It’s not too hard to put out a smile
Even in your darkest  days
When you smile you feel good

And create a positive impact.

Make sure to think well and be nice
For thoughts change with just a smile
So curve your lips upwards right now
And send out a smile to the world. 🙂
