Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Soul Enrichers

Soul Enrichers…

I do believe the journey of life, broadens the mind and brightens the spirit if we are ready to acknowledge the unfolding gifts of connections. along the way.

In my journeys across the world earlier, as a Dance Educator teaching and speaking about dance applications and approaches there have been some amazing people both in the dance circuits and otherwise,who I have had very fascinating conversations with…

I want to share a bit here about some of these beautiful people from across the world who I had a chance connect with, nothing planned,yet meeting them was truly soul enriching to say the least.

Would like to begin the first in these series of posts with Emily Berry who is now a dear friend.

Emily, the beautiful intelligent woman with an Indian Soul all the way from New York … who dances with all her heart and soul 🙂

Emily Berry is the Artistic Director of B3W Performance Group, which has performed in the US, England, Greece, and Mexico...

We met in 2014 Greece, while we were representing our own countries at the World Dance Research Congress.

In her own words…

“I strive to create a safe space for students to learn, explore, question, and become independent thinkers and movers. In technique courses, I address each individual student’s unique body in order to help them develop their technique through muscle re-patterning. Students learn anatomical awareness and tools to help them move past road blocks.

In theory, improvisation and composition courses my main goal is to help student’s find their own voice. Creating a judgment free space is essential so students are not afraid to explore new movement possibilities.”

Professor Aviva Geismar

Berry’s choreography has been tackling such issues as race, the glass ceiling, domestic violence, women in prison, and war since 1995.

Today, brought in a beautiful memory of a time when I had an amazing afternoon walk with her, while at the Acropolis museum Athens.

I remember how a shared a common love for all things dance… got us interacting post our dance workshops and rest just fell in place!

We conversed like we have known each other from years ago…

‘Beautiful places… Beautiful memories ‘đź’™



Being all that you can be!

The way we begin to see the world

Our world shapes itself accordingly

Lets choose to be all that we can be

Cause we can be definitely more

Than what choose to believe…

Lets never feel…

Stuck in the moment

Let care to reach beyond knowing

To consciously expand and align

Our deepest intentions in goodwill.

Lets begin to see the good we have

As well as share that good with others…

Life will begin to become lighter

And we will get wings to fly!

Lets reach our dreams

And create some more…

Remember, all of this can be done

By nobody else but us!

Be all that you can be.





Breathe in calm

Sharing my artwork that resonates with  these reflections.

In this masked world

So full of fear

Awaiting the ability to breath

And move without restrictions

It is imperative  in spite of the chaos

To breathe in calm in spite of the storm

When Peace Becomes a Priority!

Breathe in stillness

Breathe in tranquility

Breathe in some inner calm.

It sets things in order 

To flow in harmony once again.





When life imitates Art

The path of art is open to interpretation. Creativity per se is a birthing process. It can be extremely exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

The creator is bearing the brunt of creativity just as much as the beauty of it all.
Creativity is challenging and comforting.
It can box then unbox you as an artist.

When creativity churns out art it opens itself to perspectives and dimensions of reflections.
Art appears in all its magnificence from the
seemingly endearing and enchanting…
It has its influences on the heart and mind of the audience as much as the artist.
Art may then touch upon the purpose of artistry.
Or it may completely stay undermined and undiscovered.

Yet the truth is Art has far-reaching potential and the artist is capable of inspiring or influencing through his creation. And the same art can transform or trick the mind.

Every creation has a time frame that goes along,
Sometimes the creation is self-destructive.
Or at times creation may become redundant in time and fade away
Yet there are cases of creative expression where interpretations leave imprints in the human consciousness forever.

Art has a unique capacity to transform the psyche of understanding.
Art reflects the life and at times life reflects art.



The Creative Touch

The Creative touchIs in the hands of the artistA simple stroke here a drag thereCreates a whole new meaning.Bringing life to the art.While embellishments adorn the art in the artistryThe message conveyed well, even in the simplest formAdds the depth of authenticity to the story telling.The genius is in the ingenuityIn the portrayal of the abstractsWith an intuitive intellect of insightsAll in the astute acumen of innovation.Art can be both joyful and painstaking in the process…To cast and carve, chiselling awayTowards the finesse of the elusive perfection.All is but a masterstroke of the creative touch.An ode to artistry I must thank this unknown artist in the clip who created this beautiful depiction of the festival of Pongal celebration in South India.Watching this video clip made me write a few dedicated verses on the art and flair of the creative touch.Savvy



Love is a gift of life
Our life is full of love
We are born of love
Love brings meaning to living

True Love is a beyond words and action
It is in the sensing of hearts and soul
The spirit of love shines through us
Whenever Love finds its way in us.

When Love speaks listen well
As it is meant to bring harmony
And peace to your being
For without love there is discord.

Love is powerful
It changes the course of destiny
Love makes the world go around.
Be faithful to love.

A lack of love creates disease
When love flows between hearts
There is abundance and joy
And true sense of well being

Be in love with the world
Beyond Around and within
For love is the answer
To every human problem


Every step in time matters

The first step

Often the toughest

Taken at times in trepidation

Or in full deliberation.

Every little step
Makes a difference
For in every little move
Is a power that can change the world.

Keep tiny steps if you must
But remember every step in time
Takes you closer to your intentions
Make sure to envision the best
And march forward
In the direction of your dreams
Step up!


A young writer friend from Africa had shared that she took a tiny leap of faith today in her own little way by sharing first video about her life.

Reading about it inspired me to write a message of hope and positivity to her. For her so called little step, truly will make a big difference to someone somewhere to take a step ahead in faith.

Success is a result of every bit of earnest endeavour in time.

And it all starts…

With the first step!



Subtlety & Grace of Transpersonal Love

Communion: A boundless bond An artwork by Savvy Raj

When one reaches a realm where every thought trangresses the personal self and senses are transmuted to infinity.

Where there are no boundaries of feeling bound, where every connection is a give and the sharing extends much beyond the taking with unconditional love and grace in every action.

Where being in touch with one’s most conscious self, there are no disappointments,failures, stress or pressure of approvals or disapproval.

Where the body mind and spirit feels alive to every moment that life has to offer…in a nonjudgmental space that is acknowledging of one another as they are…

There is an acknowledgement of Subtlety and Grace of Transpersonal Love.

Universally this stream of unconditional love is flowing in all beings and its just a matter of time and energy to bring this to conscious awareness.

Savvy Raj

Image Credits A painting by Savvy Raj

And I reshare this post thanks to the lovely quote share by my dear friend Ashok Subarao who thoughfully sends inspiring quotes and pictures for me to write and paint on .

This quote share by William Blake resonated deeply with what I had written on Transpersonal Love . So I simply had to incorporate it here and what was interesting to me to note was how the image colours of the quote you sent and matched so beautifully with my painting drawn back in time .

Thank you for your kind shares once again .

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Enigma & Elegance

On Black and White Artistry

Black and white may be excluded

From the family of colours.

But the tints, tones & shades

Find a family of their own….

In the enigmatic monochrome

And the elegance they exude

Borders on sheer simplicity

And dares on the utter sophistication.

In a world of colours that we may see

Using tonal contrast creates drama

Using light to capture textures.

Form and shape makes a difference.

Devoid of distractions of colours

Evocative captures, quality of lighting

Shifts focus on the ethereal elements

And accentuates the light and shadows.

Black and white photography

Flatters in a timeless way

At times it elevates, the subjects beauty

Creating an enigmatic dimension.

Presenting my artwork above

Titled : Chakra (Wheel ) above that felt right to me

Only in monochromatic elegance

Of Black & White shades and tones.


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Art of presentation

Presentation is about a sense of aesthetics that makes the difference between a job done and job well done.
Often the drive to succeed in an increasingly complex world leaves little time for the aesthetic endeavour, as it is often about rushing through to deliver than about commitment, care and connection to the work we do beyond the delivery.

Creativityis enhanced with a passion for artistry in any field of work.
In life, there are many ways to live…
To live fully and deeply, a richer life that is inspiring and empowering to follow.
Or to live drifting along to whatever comes your way.

To each their own!
But if one wishes to leave a footprint, make a mark that is felt, then the idea is to be present to every moment that presents itself.

Value life and consider living every moment artfully.
That will change our present and future to degrees we may not even have imagined.

All is in the consistency of presentation
Consider the self for a moment…

Look closely at how we are sitting at this moment.

What is our posture like… can we work on bettering it. And try to be more aligned?

How is the breathing? Rushed? Or have we held our breath in any way …

Breathe in and exhale deeply and lovingly.

Consider the clothes one wears
Our clothes tend to reflect our own state of mind .

Dressing well is a form of good manners.

Tom Ford

Caring to dress neatly and looking and feeling comfortable at all times shows in the way we carry our self.

It is also wise to check our sense of grooming and hygiene. It matters.

After all we are presenting ourself…. every day to the world.

It is would be good to make sure we feel like getting introduced to ourselves,
and be presentable as we would want someone else to be with us.

In paying attention to where we are in this moment to our surroundings and
seeing if we could make any positive difference always matters.

If we can get ourselves to make even tiny changes step by step, we evolve in time.



Faith is…

Faith is all there is

For without faith nothing is!


A few more reflections…

When faith speaks it helps to listen
For faith conveys the depth of knowing
In simplest of ways.

Call it a belief in trust
Call it a feeling in the gut!
Call it a sense of intuition.
All a certain knowing in the sensing!

Savvy Raj

#micropoetry #life&living #inspirational

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Live Love & Laugh

Be you
For to be yourself is much simpler!

Do Good
For you are only doing, what you are meant for!

Have fun
Along the way, live, love & laugh heartily !


Manifesting Creativity