Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Illusions in the Reflections

Reflections in the stillness

On a patch of water

Reflections of sunlight

On a passing cloud

Reflecting colours

We humans have named…

The truth of clarity

Is the freedom in the uncertain

What seems to be, may not be

What is, may be not

What is apparent, may be invisible

What is assumption, may become a contradiction

Or simply delusions of our own imagination.

Or simply a clarity of illusions in the reflections.


Was watching the reflections of sunlight dancing on this patch of water on the window sill of my terrace one evening. I was mesmerized by the fleeting cloud it had captured and its amazing colours that held my fancy for a long while…

Savvy Raj


In this now

Imagine each moment in this now
Is brimming with possibilities
Each moment is in a choice you make
The way you feel, the attitude you carry
Its charts its course of how it impacts you.

You are immensely powerful
In making the most of the moment
Your intent to see and visualize
Can change the moment for you
For moments are as you see them.

Choose to see life with a love-filled heart

Choose to see hope beyond despair

Choose to see the joy reflecting through you

Choose to shape and sculpt the moment.

Choose to smile from the heart

Choose to channel the energy of this now

Choose to steer in positive thoughts

Choose gratitude for this now

For all that you are, were and can be.




Journey unto being!

A Digital Painting by Savvy Raj

In the farthest path without a trail

The soul might find its root of being

The heart and mind will set its sail

And stir the soul into its state of knowing

Beyond the path, that’s homeward bound

The journey is the test of the perseverance of will

To reach the home roots of many lifetimes that the soul has found.

Wise to persevere to reach the place unknown and known

The path is forgotten but will be forged on just fine.

When in faith the seeds have been sown

With a will to reach, crossing the trials beyond yours and mine … 🙂

Savvy Raj


Sing the song of approval!

Years of conditioning
May often bring the habit of self criticism
Avoid self sabotaging the self
Often times we try to be too self righteous for our own good!
This makes way for a certain self doubt and self denial that disrupts our growth.

We are human and truly let us be so
We have our foibles and our feats to own up to.
We can accept the applause with dignity of being in a simple thank you!
We have no necessity to act small, helpless or defensive in every moment.

We are best serving ourselves
When we begin to express the potential in our being
Often we cover down in fear of being judged or criticized
Know this world is large enough for us all and more
Each of us must play our part in living here

We are all entitled to a life of dignity and we need to sense that in our being.
So let us change our song
From criticism to approval
And watch the change this single act of deliberation
Can bring about in your own life as well as in others around you
Watch the positive transformations
Through these three simple acts
Approve Appreciate and Applaud!


To all the women out there… when you see yourself in good light,

Simply know you begin the shine some more!



Soul Signature

Creativity abounds
Artist delivers
Critiques interpret
Art flourishes.

Every piece of art is a creative signature
Of the soul of the artist
Artworks retain its interpretation within
As they leave the chamber of creation.

Once the art is set free and open
Making it visible and vulnerable
To reviews, critiques or applause
It is open to manifold interpretations.

The inference is never complete
Nor is it free of judgements in assumptions
For how can it be so?
It is nature of art to manifest counter views.

These very varied interpretations
Give life to the art
For as new meaning is born
The art flourishes in its wake.

Savvy Raj


Choice rests with you!

The power of choice rests with you … always .

Whatever irks you in the moment

Whatever seems too disappointing.

Whatever brings you down

Take a moment to think if its worth your energy and time…


And here is nice little message worth a read on anger management.

I once asked a very successful Man to share his secret with me. He smiled and said to me.. “I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me…I stopped fighting with my in laws…I stopped fighting for attention…I stopped fighting to meet public expectation of me…I stopped fighting for my rights with stupid people..I left such fights for those who have nothing else to do but fight…And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny. The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful.”

Some fights are not worth your time. Choose what you fight for wisely…..


On letting go…

We are often about holding on than letting go . We are able to hoard but find it difficult to let go . We try to control our lives a little too much that we often forget there is a power greater than us that cares for us all.

Letting go in faith and trust is an immensely gratifying experience. If you choose to let go of your unnecessary niggles of doubts and fears you will find the path of calm and peace that sustains you …

So what are the immediate things you can choose to let loose?

Here are a few that come immediately to mind…

Lose your excuses
You will find results

Lose your worry
You will find the will to do

Lose your negative thoughts
You will reflect positivity

Lose your doubts
You will find solutions

Lose your fears
You will find the way

Lose your inadequacies

You will find abundance





Living loving
Partners in life

Partners in a dance
Swinging swaying
Falling and rising

Blurring the lines
Reflecting the truth
Between life and art



What makes words flow?

Poetry is a joy that cannot be contained
Poetry is in words that get themselves aligned
What makes words flow
So many things I say

The pull of the idea conveyed
The push of the underlying emotions
The interconnects in the thoughts
The interdependence in the choices made.
Some say verses flow only in rhyme and meter
Some like it structured to the tee
And some a bit undone.

But true poetry is a feeling created
A magnet for thoughts imagined
That move to synch in a symphony
In the most unique of ways.

Every poem is a dance of words
In rhythmic flow all its own ….
Touching hearts through those words
Conveying so much more than words can say!



Light of the Soul

A writers soul is found dancing in the letters as he writes.
A painters soul is found between the colours in the canvas
The potters soul is in his fingers shaping the clay passionately.

The singers soul is in the sounds created by the voice.
The dancers soul is flowing through in every movement made.
The Soul is a restless wanderer
It breathes free not in captivity,
But in every movement of creation.
It cannot be fathomed or even sensed
Other than in the light of passion in the being.

For then the soul shines in its own light
For it has found its purpose of being.



Celebrate Life… Live than just exist.

This note above has a true story that happened with me…. I have published it in my earlier article called the Magic of Movements.
This is one of those moments when writing and sharing stories from our lives bring us a deep sense of connection… with our readers and ourselves in gratitude for the learnings. And there is that sense of magic through words.
This is an old story but to me, but sharing it evokes the same poignant feeling of fond memories of the people that are attached to it

Here is the story if you would like to read.

The Magic of Movements

‘Life is a dance’….A painting by Savvy Raj

As a Dance Educator and a Creative MovementTrainer using Ballroom and Latin dances to improve health and well-being through various Dance for Wellness programs, it has been an enriching experience watching the learners revel in the simple joys of movement.

I have witnessed complete shifts in self esteem, confidence and agility among learners of all ages.But to cite a very recent instance …there is a small group of senior learners at one of my workshops who are gradually changing their mental makeup to being extremely enthusiastic about life and learning to dance. I still remember that Sunday morning about four years ago when I was almost through with teaching a Waltz class and I saw this slender, elderly elegant woman walking in and standing quietly, keenly watching the students who were practicing their steps from the sidelines. She was waiting to speak to me ….In that first moment of contact instinctively I knew there was an instant connection.. I gave her a listening ear and noticed she spoke softly and clearly . She said she was heading a group of Senior citizens she would like me to come over and meet the group and also teach them to dance . Her request seemed just right up my alley as I had been intending to conduct some workshops for seniors myself but hadn’t had the opportunity yet . This seemed as if my intentions were slowly finding a way to fulfillment . We fixed up that I would come over and meet them the following Monday at the local church where they all meet up for their weekly meeting . This I came to know later,was the only activity they had together every week .

Soon enough in a week or so I got a call from the lady who initiated it all saying that they need some time for permissions to use the same space of the church for the dance lessons . And that was that … nothing happened . Meanwhile I continued with my Dance workshops , and facilitated training’s of corporate clients . I would remember that meeting once in a while but left it to time to decide the outcome of that meeting.

A few years passed and I was returning back after finishing a children’s workshop in Chennai when I received her call again . Her clear and determined voice was cheerful and hopeful . She said she had two things to say , the seniors have agreed to join in and the church had given them the space to go ahead with the classes . Fantastic …. I knew in my heart it was no coincidence that it happened at all . After all the connects that we established that day were just moving to affirming itself !Well I got Godspeed on my side this time around … things moved on smoothly and we were well into rolling out the first class of Swing Dancing and more .

When I had first met up with them, I remember them huddled in chairs, quite apprehensive and some of them unsure about their ability to learn dancing . But today they have a spring in their step , glint in their eyes and a smile on their lips as they Swing and Cha Cha to their hearts content . And guess what… they love to dance the Merengue and Bachata too and are waiting to learn some more.So happy to have had the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

The first time I met them they were a group with lots of concerns. They heard me patiently and asked a lot of questions , ranging from whether they would be able to learn at all as most of them were well over sixties and seventies or so .They also mentioned that though they have danced earlier in their lives, they don’t remember much. Some said they know all there is to know, a few others brought out their health issues which were bothering them so much that they cant possibly exercise let alone dance, some questioned what is the point of learning to dance …

Well to be frank I had an interesting and enjoyable time clearing their doubts and addressing their concerns . I knew most of their concerns were common to most people at their age in India.I spoke to them addressing each of their concerns and finally mentioning instances of my own intention of wanting to work with a group of Seniors.

The initially reluctant let their defenses down and an interactive session followed, where I got some understanding of them and they of me . It was one of those fulfilling days a wonderful memory now which I hold close to my heart .Though at the end all they said was that they will get back to me in some time…. somehow as I drove back home that evening I knew in my heart we were all certainly going to meet again in time .

Today as I write this its been six months and more.Dancing together they say they have realized the values of the human connection and the strength of community . They mention to me how they eagerly wait for their dance workshops .They speak of how dance steps into their lives , in moments of loneliness and makes them positive and alive again. They know dancing now is so much more about valuing that equal partnership between the leader and the follower and that the bonds of the dance floor leaves lasting and empowering impressions in their hearts and lives .

This experience as well as many similar incidents has left me even more confident about my beliefs …C ultivate Patience. Dream selflessly. Positive things are waiting to unfold if only we continue to dream our unique dream and believe in it ! All you need is the strength of intention and the dreams realizes itself , just trust in the process! Do what you do with all your heart ! Like minded people will arrive somehow and help you actualize it !

In this endeavor I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of appreciation to some of my dear students who assisted me at the workshops who took time out to be with me at these sessions and I know they shared with me equally the joys of making a positive difference in people’s lives.



Karmic connects

Someone asked me about karma and destiny today

Does karma affect destiny?
And whether we can change our destiny?

What are your thoughts I would love to hear… also as the meaning, the interconnects and interpretation of karma and destiny can be manifold. To each their own.

Our paths are preordained
But we create our karma in every moment.

I simply believe that there is always more than we know and can even begin to fathom
And yet things occur for our own evolution.

While the laws of nature
Take its course
The karmic cycles and destiny
Are juxtaposed in their own way.

The question a life may ask
In deepest turmoils
Is how are we to overcome karma
Or can destiny be changed at all.

Then intelligent life may ascertain
In search and knowing
Of the power of will and choice
To overcome the thorns of agony

It may project positivity
It may sense equanimity
It may become non judgemental
It may learn to value moments.

Yet can it change what is to be endured?
Can it prevent pain altogether?
Karma is linked into past present and future…
Through cause and effects, action and reaction.

And well, destiny is the way it was meant to be
You may transform your karmic status in every response.
And Destiny is not necessarily changed
Yet it can be transcended.

Simple ways to transform karma
To bring about a space between the steps
To respond than react.
Simple ways to transcend destiny
To choose goodwill in and around you.
To ask but less for the self and more for the good of others around you.
To practice thinking beyond ones limited self.
To remember to let go, to give more than you receive.

For only if what we are ready to give can transcend limitations, can we see abundance within and around us.
Such is the way of life and living.



Every woman…

In 1997, Pamela Redmond Satran wrote a list for Glamour Magazine. Having already passed her thirtieth birthday, her goal was to tell younger women about “the things I really wished I’d had and known by that important milestone.” It not only resonated, it became a phenomenon. To this day, the now bestselling author’s list continues to make its way across the web, via sites, inboxes, and social feeds, experiencing recurring surges of viral popularity. Yet, up until very recently, in typical not-giving-credit-where-credit-is-due internet form, it was most often shared with either no attribution to Pamela or tagged as someone else’s work, including “Maya Angelou’s Best Poem Ever.”

Here are 15 interesting points from that list …

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to…
a youth she’s content to leave behind….

a past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to
retelling it in her old age….

one friend who always makes her laugh… and one who lets her cry…
a feeling of control over her destiny…

how to fall in love without losing herself..

how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship…

when to try harder… and WHEN TO WALK AWAY…

that she can’t change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect..but its over…

what she would and wouldn’t do for love or more…

how to live alone… even if she doesn’t like it…

whom she can trust,
whom she can’t,
and why she shouldn’t take it personally…

where to go…
be it to her best friend’s kitchen table…
or a charming inn in the woods…
when her soul needs soothing…

what she can and can’t accomplish in a day…
a month…and a year…

So much for the creativity passed on without credit.

And here is a dedication to Every Woman out there…Enjoy 💖👍💖


Something Beyond

An interesting article for those who believe that all we see is all that exists.

It stimulates our lateral thinking :
To something that is beyond!!

This lovely parable is from “Your Sacred Self” by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”

*May be this is one of the best explanations to the concept of ‘GOD/Source’!*


Circle of life

We are not here alone

We are interweaved in this tapestry of life

Times bygone to the yet to arrive

We create our selves with our deepest intentions

Though we are housed in different bodies

Which is an expression of our uniqueness.

We are connected in the core

Strengthened in the interconnects.

The further we seem to be in our exploration

We are simply reaching out and finding ourselves again

Amidst the many dimensions of life and living

In this wondrous circle of life.
