Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Words to live by…

Live with authenticity

Pretense falls flat some time or the other

Steer clear of dependency,

Dependency create inequality.

Prudence is being always on guard

It is a better form of defense.

Listen to understand

Without trying to prove anything

Avoid the attack mode of offense

Choose to communicate better

Converse calmly create peace

Wherever you are …



Celebrate Yourself

Happiness is a state of being

The simple act of acknowledgement

Even in our little wins…

With a heart felt smile , a self hug,

All can create a positive impact

On our state of being.

Remember to celebrate yourself

You can change the way you feel

Make yourself available to you

Your life is a precious gift

Acknowledge, & Celebrate yourself.


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Illusions in the Reflections

Reflections in the stillness

On a patch of water

Reflections of sunlight

On a passing cloud

Reflecting colours

We humans have named…

The truth of clarity

Is the freedom in the uncertain

What seems to be, may not be

What is, may be not

What is apparent, may be invisible

What is assumption, may become a contradiction

Or simply delusions of our own imagination.

Or simply a clarity of illusions in the reflections.


Was watching the reflections of sunlight dancing on this patch of water on the window sill of my terrace one evening. I was mesmerized by the fleeting cloud it had captured and its amazing colours that held my fancy for a long while…

Savvy Raj


Laugh yourself happy

Laugh yourself happy

Laugh a little or laugh a lot,

Laughter elicits laughter

Laughter promotes health

Laughter builds community

Laughter fortifies the heart

Laughter bridges the gaps.

Watch this awesome video…

Laughter speaks one language

Laughter tides over barriers

Laughter steers over the despair

Laughter fights off loneliness.

Laughter is a dose of health

Laughter is the best remedy!

Develop a sense of humor

It is gift within you for you.

Find it for your own happiness

Laugh yourself happy!

In this train of life we are on ….

We as humans of the so called evolved societies with education and global experiences and connects on our sides are often the ones who take the most time to smile at one another as humans traveling in the same journey of life, let alone share a laugh in the open. I wonder why?

We live within boundaries for our own safety which is good for our protection and yet it robs us of our freedom to live life.

We are always so careful in looking to put our best foot forward that we lose the joy of spontaneity.

Our life is controlled by our own doings that we throw ourselves into little boxes every day and night and we forget what it feels to think feel and sense beyond the box literally.

And sadly those who do are ridiculed for being the odd one out.

True freedom is unshackling the self from these chains of false convictions…of how to be. And just be.


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Effortless grace

Effortless grace is visible in a dancer,

Who even in the dynamics of great extensions in flexibility

Can manifest great ease and subtlety.



Positive Energy

Every move you make
Alters energy in space
Creating new patterns
Attracting vibrations
Shifting perspectives.

In conscious awareness
Our positive gestures
Begin to give and receive
Balancing subtle currents

Influencing  cosmic rhythms

Activating harmony fields

Increasing  love hope and joy
Spreading  peace and contentment.

Integrating elements

Imbuing divinity  in motion.



Love : A gift of grace

What is life if not sensed with the tenderness of the heart

What is life if not sacrificed at the altar of love,

What is life if not moved from the depth of the soul.

What is life if not loved beyond the shackles of time.

What is life if not consumed sublime by the arrow of the heart

What is love if not coached into nature of life by the nurture of love …

What is life if not cleansed through tears of yearning.

What is love if not set aglow through the embers of passion

What is life if not basked in the warmth of love

What is life if not pining in the patience awaiting

As love conquers you it blesses you in the knowing.

Make not a mockery of love

Serenade love and allow it to speak truth

Love surfaces from the depth of emotions

To mend you and this world to a better place.

As true love is eternal

Free as bird in flights of oblivion

Travelling in the abandon

Of the wilderness of the spirit

Yet bonded in the boundless infinity

Endless love a gift of grace

Acknowledge this treasure

Blending two souls in one.

As a life loved is well lived… such a rare sight!

What a blessing it truly is….A love like that!



Wisdom has no age

Have been growing vegetables in my terrace garden
Every potted plant has a story to tell
A lesson to share in the growing…

Take this tomato plant for instance
So much growth but not many fruits
Perhaps they were densely planted
And hence contained in their pot

A few tomatoes have showed up
Others have yet to see the light of the day
Amongst these few, the tiniest tomato
Is very visible to the eye, having ripened the earliest.

The rest are as yet awaiting
Patiently for their evolution
Like they say
Wisdom hath no age!

Perhaps this tiny one at best
Received the rays of sunshine
Nourished in the nurture.
Matured well before it’s time.


Photography by Savvy Raj


Birthing Creativity

On chaos and order in birthing creativity!

Chaos is a precursor to order
It is the law of nature
Disorder and order are cyclical
All a matter of generation and regeneration.

Yet in all these complexities
There is a spark of simple brilliance
As in the flux of nature there is always
a stillness of consistency
Of interdependence in the interconnectedness

To accept change as a given
Creates an acceptance of a flow
Bringing forth new frontiers
In perspectives and ideas
Allowing ease of the flow.

The truth of creativity
Is that it is infinite and expansive
It is free flowing without fixation
It is boundless and unique.

Acknowledging the chaos as much as the order
As they are and meant to be….
Creates a conducive environment
For the birth of new creativity.



Walk the path…

My reflections on this beautiful picture….
Sun kissed leaves shine like gold
Majestic tall trees lined with wisdom untold
A winding woody path so green
emerges in between …
It beckons you onto a journey to the unknown
Yet with the radiant light of the sun leading you on
You know for sure you will never lose your way
Basking in the beautiful morning suns ray ….
Walk the path … befriend nature and dare
To accept the experiences, it’s ready to share
Live this moment, do not leave it for another day
awaiting when the sun shall shine this glorious way …
Cos Life is so much like this unknown path my friend
Make the journey as the sunshine around the bend
Trust yourself to be all you can be
And perhaps, its awaiting you … that which you wish to see!


#motivational #poetry #awareness #life


Infinity of Creativity

Creativity is innate potential.
Deeply entwined in humility
In every realisation of potential infinite.
Creation manifests itself time and again.


Power of Possibilities

Explore the Immense Power of Possibilities!

Hope lives on, in possibility

Joy is always a possibility

Love happens, its a possibility

Luck as well is a possibility

Try and try again in perseverance

When effort becomes a possibility

Success too becomes a possibility

Power to the arising possibilities.



Light of the Soul

A writers soul is found dancing in the letters as he writes.
A painters soul is found between the colours in the canvas
The potters soul is in his fingers shaping the clay passionately.

The singers soul is in the sounds created by the voice.
The dancers soul is flowing through in every movement made.
The Soul is a restless wanderer
It breathes free not in captivity,
But in every movement of creation.
It cannot be fathomed or even sensed
Other than in the light of passion in the being.

For then the soul shines in its own light
For it has found its purpose of being.



Be this alive!

A great piece of choreography and cinematography from the movie Shall we Dance.

Watch the sensous swivels and the tantalising twirls of tango and be mesmerized by the lead pair of Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.

I love the line she says to him…

‘Be this alive!’…




One moment in time…

Would you take a seat and join me

To behold the breathtaking brilliance

Of rejuvenating reflections.

Where the sky and land merge in the mystical lights

Just sit along blessed to be able to commune with nature

As it evokes its mesmerizing charms

Where each moment feels heavenly

As the winter sun blesses you with its enticing warmth.

Watching the pleasing patterns up in the sky!

What a treat to be able to sit by

And breathe in the refreshing view…

Of vast open spaces that seem so serene

Up above and all around as far as the eyes can see…

Letting go of all that’s spurious.

And just be able to sense the joy of this one moment…


The brilliance of this moment is captured so beautifully in this picture (hats off to the unknown photographer) that it seems to be a place to sit a while and reminisce over the simple joys of being… what say?

And speaking of One moment in time…

I cant help but remember the beautiful hit song by the same name. Here are two amazing versions of the song.

One Moment in Time