Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Attitude

Life at times can be both wondrous and mundane but contains joy,

And the attitude we choose to wear,

Decides if we wish to find the joy in the things we do.

And we become what we choose to be and see!

Have a wonderful day!


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The ground truths of any relationship in time..

Two ways of thinking….
Familiarity breeds contempt
While the absence makes the heart fonder.


All seems wonderful  in the beginning
As time goes by time takes its toll.
Straining the togetherness
Cracking apart at its seams
Creating distances and gaps that grow
Making the memories sustain in hope
Or seek a closure in forgetfulness.


In isolation and silence
Seeds of thoughts find time to germinate
In both exclusion or seclusion
The heart longs for companionship
The thoughts turn to fond remembrances
Of bygone memories  of the good times
Life tries to recall & recreate those times.
To salvage what is left and cherish
Knowing the priceless treasures it brings.
Hence the absence  makes the heart  grow fonder.

Life moves on and finds new beginnings
Yet in adaptability & flexibility
Nature continues its pathway
All comes a full circle.
Such is the circle of life.




Power Of Every Dawn

There is something beautiful

In every dawn🙏

Every dawn is full of possibilities

Brimming with hope.

And flowing with potential .

Imagine making the life of someone

A little better because of your action


Waking up everyday to a new dawn…

What can be more fulfilling

Than to know that you have utilized

Your life a little better yesterday.

So go ahead and try

Making a positive difference each day

To a life in some way or the other.

So before you go to sleep at night

Know a new dawn awaits you

To make a move, take a step,

To change attitude,shift perspectives

And leave a message of kindness

To motivate another …

And make it better.

By being a better version of oneself.



Live life lovingly!

Do you need something to happen

To be happy?

Does someone have to make you smile?

Do you need something to be done by another to feel joyous

Do you want others to impress upon you for you to be cheerful?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions …

Do you care to motivate another to be happy?

How many times have you smiled for another?

Motivation to be happy works best when its intrinsic.

Yes you have this life you are living

Make sure to make your moments happy 😊

Yes everyday is different

Life is not perhaps easy for any of us.

Sometimes the night is long

And light shines a little later than you may want it to

But know there is always a day after the night…

And light is meant to shine on your path once again.

Be happy with yourself first!

For your happiness is all around you!

Trust yourself and your life to live!

And live life lovingly!




I noticed a child monk—he can’t have been more than ten years old—teaching a group of five-year-olds. He had a great aura about him, the poise and confidence of an adult.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“We just taught their first class ever,” he said, then asked me, “What did you learn in your first day of school?”

“I started to learn the alphabet and numbers. What did they learn?”

“The first thing we teach them is how to breathe.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you’re born until the moment you die is your breath. All your friends, your family, the country you live in, all of that can change. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.”

This ten-year-old monk added, “When you get stressed—what changes? Your breath. When you get angry—what changes? Your breath. We experience every emotion with the change of the breath. When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.”

🌹Inhale the beauty….
Exhale with Gratitude 😇


What is the Spirit of Christmas

Spirit of Christmas is the glow of warmth enveloping us all.
No matter how the year has been
No matter how life challenges us all
The spirit of Christmas has power
To change the perspective
Of what truly matters for one & all.

There is joy of seeing in hope
There is abundance in goodwill
There is cheer of smiles and laughter
There is most of all a thanksgiving.

With an attitude of gratitude
For all that is in this now.
Spirit of Christmas is alive & kicking
In the heart of the humankind
Kindling kindness & spreading smiles.


Count your blessings!

Sharing a story that my mother came across in Tamil, the gist is translated from Tamil to English by my mother and me , it illustrates the value of contentment.

CONTENTMENT is the realization of what you have ….

Once a king asked his minister that in spite of having everything I want, still my mind is not at peace. My doorman though he has nothing, seems always happy. Sometimes I feel jealous of him!

The minister told ,why don’t you try the game of 99 with him.
The king asked what is the game of 99?

I never heard of such a game. Something new?

The Minister told him, just put 99 gold coins in a bag and keep it in front of your house with a note saying here is a gift of 100 gold coins for you . Then watch what happens!

The king did as mentioned. A servant of the king passed by and noticed it. Finding the note and gold coins the servant’s joy knew no bounds. He started counting the coins. Finding one short, he thought it must have fallen somewhere nearby.

He and his whole family started searching for the missing gold coin. Full night went in searching. By morning the frustration of not finding the single missing coin overtook the joy of getting 99 coins. He became angry and started shouting at them.

He came to work with a dejected look. He started cursing himself for his bad luck of loosing one gold coin.

The king who was watching all this understood the game of 99.

In life also we forget all the 99 blessings God has given us n start feeling sad or upset for the one thing we do not have!

In becoming mindful…

We become aware to realize all we have

We learn to count our blessings.



On Giving

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Mother Teresa

Love these words by Mother Teresa, a kind soul that showed the way of kindness in giving.

Every single selfless act in devotion leaves the world feeling a little better than before…

Yes there is much to do
To make our world better
There is so much left to improve
Sometimes we are full of doubts
About can we ever do enough
Is what we share  or do,  right at all?

No matter the doubts  simply share
With all your heart ❤
You are meant to do much, much more
Than what you can even imagine.
You will find yourself along the way.
Share your gifts with joy in giving.
And fulfil your purpose of being.



Do more

Reach a  little  beyond
Extend a little  more
Move a little  more
Add one more step

As you reach a bit more
Your vision expands
Your understanding improves
Looking back, notice lessons learned

Step up and walk some more
Reach out to help someone
Do more than you think possible
Be generous & grateful,without regrets.

Touch a life,leave a kind word.
Reach out a helping hand,
Extend a heartfelt prayer for another
Share a smile & go make someone’s day!



Here is a beautiful story from India…

During one of his travels, Kalidasa (the Great Poet) felt very thirsty and looked around for water. He saw a woman drawing water from a well.

He went up to her and asked her for water. She agreed to give him water, but asked him, “Who are you? Introduce yourself.”

Now Kalidasa thought that an ordinary village woman was not worthy of knowing who Kalidasa was. So he said, “I am a traveller.”

But his lady replied, “In this world there are only 2 travellers – the Sun and the Moon. Both Rise and Set every day and keep travelling perpetually.”

Then Kalidasa said, “Alright then, I am a guest.” The lady promptly replied, “In this world there are only 2 guests – Youth and Wealth … both are temporary and hence can only be called as guests.”

Intrigued Kalidasa said, “I am a Tolerant person (sahansheel vyakti).” Now the lady replied, “In this world only 2 truly know the meaning of Tolerance – Bhoomi (Earth) and Tree. How much ever you stamp the earth or throw stones at the tree (for the fruits), both continue to nurture us.”

Now Kalidasa was completely perplexed. He said, “Fine. I am a stubborn person (hatavaadi).” The lady smiled and said, “There are only 2 truly stubborn personalities – our nails and our hair. We keep cutting them non-stop, but they continue to grow.”

Kalidasa had been patient so far, but now in anger he said, “I am a fool”. Now the lady gave a wide smile and said, “There are only 2 kinds of fools in this world – a King who rules without having any capability or knowledge & a Minister who is a sycophant to such a King and lavishes praises on such a useless king.”

Kalidasa realised that he had been outsmarted. He fell at the feet of the lady and when he touched her feet and then got up, whom did he see?

Mother Saraswati – the Goddess of Learning and Wisdom. She said, “Kalidasa, you are wise. But only if you know yourself do you become a Manushya (human being). A person without any awareness of self has not reached the pinnacle of being a Human.

The Guru who recounted this story in His Teachings said, “Children should become a Manushya & know themselves. More than teaching them how to earn more money and become rich, parents should teach them to become aware of themselves and become better Human beings.

Wouldn’t you agree?

What do you think of this ancient story and its relevance to our education today?

How far have we really come with the so called knowledge?

What legacy will we really be leaving behind for our children tomorrow?

When can we bridge this growing gap between learning for knowledge and learning for understanding?

How can we transform our methods of education where we educate not just the mind but also the human heart?

For the truth is that…

Humanity needs us all to be humane more than ever before to survive!



Carry light!

Good read:

Once, a Junior School teacher asked her students to bring some potatoes in a plastic bag to school. Each potato will be given a name of the person whom that child hates. Like this, the number of potatoes will be equal to the number of persons they hate.

On a decided day, the children brought their potatoes well addressed. Some had two, some had three and some had even five potatoes.

The teacher said they have to carry these potatoes with them everywhere they go for a week.

As the days passed the children started to complain about the spoiled smell that started coming from these potatoes. Also some students who had many potatoes complained that it was very heavy to carry them all around. The children got rid of this assignment after a week, when it got over.

The teacher asked, “How did you feel in this one week?”

The children discussed their problems about the smell and weight.

Then the teacher said, “This situation is very similar to what you carry in your heart when you don’t like some people. This hatred makes your heart unhealthy and you carry that hatred in your heart everywhere you go. If you can’t bear the smell of spoiled potatoes for a week, imagine the impact on your heart of this hatred that you carry throughout your life.”

Our heart is a beautiful garden that needs a regular cleaning of unwanted weeds. Forgive those who have not behaved with you as expected and forget the bad things.
This also makes room available for storing good things…

What an impactful way to mentor...

Stories that touch the inner recesses of our hearts can truly leave us positively inspired in the reflections.

This story means so much and is truly relevant to one and all. The world today needs compassion and love more than ever. It needs to get rid of unwanted accumulation of past years both material or our mental manifestations.

In the letting go is the healing

In the healing is the learning.



Kindness works

Kindness is a gift of the being.

Kindness alters the thoughts and deeds

Where kindness manifests life evolves for the better.

Kindness is another face of grace and gratitude.

Kindness powers the being positively.

Kindness serves life in all subtlety from the heart.

Be kind where ever you are and whenever you can…

And its totally possible.

Would you be a little kinder than necessary?

For kindness kindles the human spirit to be better.

Kindness works.


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Art of Acceptance

True learning happens when we realize we are the teacher and we are the student.

And life teaches the greatest lessons without anyone uttering a word or at times in just the sheer presence of a good soul.

Likewise, as we live from our heart and open ourselves to realization and acceptance of new possibilities… true living happens!



Reach beyond knowing.

Artwork  by  Russian  Surrealist Painter Vladimir Kush

How are you going to reach the tree of knowing?
The climb is not a cake walk
It is tough to balance  on the way up or down.
You are at the base.
And yet you are not grounded.
In the knowing that sets you free.
At times you climb almost all the way.
But think twice about entering  its core
For it is demanding.

Life never comes with a planbook
All happens in the living.
All is meant to flow along the way.
Things refine or distort
To change or transform 
Into new paths of purpose.
All, a leap of faith
To reach beyond knowing.


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You have it all!

You come into this world bearing gifts
To live the life you have.

Your soul your spirit, your energy
You have the power of thoughts

These gifts are yours
Use them well in life

You are blessed with uniqueness
You are ordained to manifest all you deeply intend.

Your soul is fired by your spirit
Your passion is fired by your purpose.

Simply trust your heart
It knows the way!
