Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Waltz In The Sky


Watch this magical murmuration

In divine interconnection

Countless birds in a dance of symphony

Creating patterns in rhythmic harmony.

An enthralling aerial display.

That moves you with its magical sway

Makes you wish and wonder why

These flock of feathers fly this way!

In the swing and the sway
And the rise and fall
The flight of these birds
Interweave a cohesive harmony.
A rare sight both elusive and enigmatic
Orchestrated with brilliance
Perhaps simply waltzing with abandon
Perhaps to ward off the predator
With such seemingly chaotic order
Every dancing heart will delight
In acknowledging with awe
This dance of sychrony!


Watch “European Birds at Baramati Pune” on YouTube

Here is a bit more on this beautiful phenomenon in the sky.

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On Managing Anger

One moment of anger

Can wreak havoc on your health

Take a moment to pause

When you sense anger

Make a habit to breathe

Out your anger

Inhale a breathe of peace

And exhale the anger away…

For both cannot coexist.

Make space for peace within.

“Anger is like a storm rising up from the bottom of your consciousness. When you feel it coming, turn your focus to your breath.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathe in peace

Exhale out anger

Inside you, let peace prevail

Over moments of anger…


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Life strings

We are strings of matter
Asserting ourselves in the giant spindle of time.

A string
Is meant to connect
It is also to be a bridge of bonding
Like a string of pearls
To string is to align with a purpose.

We are divinely connected in the subtler realms
To the infinite strings of matter.

Yet in the physical realm
We hold the strings to many
We pull these strings at times too lightly or forcefully
And what was meant to be for alignment ,  instead creates imbalances.

The strings we hold or latch onto
The strings that are passed into our hands
And the strings we want to control
All have a deep significance to the way we  were are,  we are and what our future will be…

Care to acknowledge our stringed existence in the interconnects.
Aspire to untangle the threads yet value the rootedness therein.

Aim to reach beyond the shackles of being
Unlearn to learn
Reach beyond knowing.

Life heals as its aligns and manifests the truth of its own potential.



Best medicine

A translation from a Tamil forward on social media

These are the best medicines which are not available in medical stores

1 Physical exercise is one of the best medicines
2 Fasting is an excellent medicine
3 Natural Satvic food is a simple medicine
4 Laughter is the best medicine
5 Sleep is a life saving medicine
6 Green vegetable is a useful medicine
7 Sunlight is power medicine for bones
8 Loving others , Gratitude and Forgiving are also super medicines
9 Meditation n prayer are a divine medicines
10 Equanimity and right thinking are also good medicines for mind
11 Being in good company ia a modern medicine.
If we start using these medicines, we may never need to buy medicines from a chemist.
By Dr. Gunasekaran M.D. ,DC.h,MSc (YHE)


Crack of dawn

Where light shines forth
There is always a crack
That has given way
An opening  that allows…
Light to shine through.

From darkness of night
Emerges a new dawn
In hope and deliverance.
With potential & possibilities.
Sense the cracking of dawn.



It sure is a long kiss to goodnight .


There are summers, full of fun

And more spring times, to come.

There is the beauty of mountains to envision

And snow times to chill…
Our days are yet to unravel

Countless sights of beautý to savour

Evenings to dance to some great country music.

And there is the beckonning of starry nights yet to behold …
While there will be days of thunder and lightning.

Till the storms pass on and the sun is shining

It is truly amazing when the simple love for life

And a lttle bit of hope pulls us through …

So its truly a long kiss to goodnight.


From my verses…Hope is here to stay!

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One heartfelt move

Power of one candle to light the darkness

Power of one tree to give shade

Power in one smile to change the mood

Power of one hand to feed the hungry

Power of one kind word to change hearts

Power of one heart to ignite hope in the world

Power of one touch to lift the soul

Just one heartfelt move… makes all the difference!


On Peace & Love

Peace matters

More than we know

For the heart is never at ease

In the wake of uncertainties & tensions

Allow love and peace to leads the way

Steer towards positive thoughts in this now

And sense your life thrive as you live.



 A Matter of Fine Tuning.


Your cells are intuitive and have memory bank of information that is stored both inately and experientially .

How they synthesize and process that information may depend on many factors, especially on how healthy they are and what kind of nutrition they continue to have.

However they are continously in communication with you. Your sense of intuition is a part of their communicative process.So is your gut feeling and even a deja vu.

There is always much listening in to do if you wish to decode these flashes of thoughts and feelings. In fact they are your inbuilt guide and gifts of life. Acknowledge them for what they are.

That familiar feeling of knowing someone or something before even meeting them.

The rush of emotions amidst certain memories may be your intuitive sense of your cellular being getting a higher intensity of messages.

Here it is important to differentiate between fear and intuition… most often fear as a reaction is driven by attachment and led by insecurity, whereas intuition is a calm knowing from an inner voice of guidance and an almost unattached feeling although at times they may overlap in certain situations .

The tense feeling before a certain situation or place person or thing. Can be, you are getting a message across from your survival mechanism .

Your clenched fist or the butterflies in your stomach, the knotted feeling deep within at times, or even a voice screaming from within of lurking danger ahead are all perhaps are a forewarning to be more present in this now that you actually are.

Your intuition sense comes from both the heart and the gut brain. While the gut feeling comes forth to protect you, the heart is expansive in nature for it is known to radiate an aura around you. So no matter how the intuitions come from you can learn to make it work for you as you begin to develop your understanding of it.

The trick is in discernment of what comes from the place of fear and why or from the space of love and why.

A few tips on developing and harnessing your intuition.

1.Acknowledge your sense abilities for they are more powerful than we understand them to be

2.Try an pay attention to the first feeling you get in situations. There may be more to the vibes you get.

3.Work and develop your creative skills it helps to strengthen your intuitive sense of awareness starting with your own breathing patterns.

4 Try to work on being grateful of the gift of life and trust it to be your guide along the way. .

5. Most importantly avoid over thinking simply, be alert and yet receptive as it is always a work in progress.


How much do you value your intuition?

How much do you allow it to manifest itself?

Do you care to nurture it ?

Do you care to listen when your intuitive sense talks to you ?

Or do you choose to ignore it and move on .

Do you recall any instance of how you listened to your intuitive self.

Do share your thoughts…



Magic of New Beginnings…

One of my favorite quotes:

“Tomorrow I’ll think of some way… after all, tomorrow is another day.

Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind

This post is a dedication to a hopeful spirit.

No matter the calamities

No matter the challenges that come along…

In moments of deep despair

Know there is light around the corner

When the night turns dark

Know the dawn awaits full of light

Keep the faith & trust there is always more

In the infinite abundance

When one door closes

Another opens they say!

Keep the hope alive in your heart

And trust the magic of new beginnings💙



Discount not your self doubt

Many a times
We find doubts
Are getting in the way
Of our reaching for success

We feel stressed & strained
By uncertainty & doubts
We fear our own strengths
We think we will cave in

Discount  not your self doubt

For it helps you grow
It makes you open up to new learnings
It encourages you to seek insights
It keeps you from complacency.

Your self doubt is an internal switch
That ignites intuitively from within
To rebalance  your running mind.
It helps you revise your strategies

When ego threatens, to trip you over
Your self doubt levels the playing field
It implores you to listen more
Learn more and share more.

Your self doubt can be your ally
In moments which need humility
In moments needing a rethinking
Care to give yourself the benefit of doubt.



Waltz Of Lights


Dancing lights

Shimmering Christmas lights play on water ever so gently creating a moment worth a capture.
Waltz of lights on the water….



Journey on


Journey on until you meet yourself

For embedded along the path

Of many echelons of time,

Life leaves imprints on the living.


There will be many experiences

That would make your soul cry

Out in pain and pleasure,

Sensing connections

Beyond this lifetime.


Journey on, nevertheless,

For in meeting the many

Moments that may seem enmeshed with you,

You will be closer to yourself.


In travelling along

Come moments that seem

To speak straight to the heart

Of the truth of your being.


All is familiar, there is déjà vu.

You know the scenario only too well

For you know you have been right here.

All else is immaterial and immaculate.


You won’t need any guide

Then as you partake in the joy

Of this meeting with this being

You know you have found yourself.


#journey #life #creativity #awareness #connection #consciousness



Your Energy speaks before you do

In every move there is energy

In the space that you occupy

In every step, your energy leads the way

Your thoughts your feelings & your action

Are interweaved and deeply interconnected

Acknowledge the energy of your being.



The secret to thriving 

The secret to thriving 
Is in nurturing  the qualities
That creates wellbeing
In ourselves and around  us
Generating goodwill & interconnections
Helping create a more resilient world
Empowered in empathetic humanity
Than just the survival of the fittest.
