Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Laughter

Laugh as much as you breathe

For laughter is a great healer

Laughter strengthens and protects you

For laughter is a stress buster.

Laughter can diminish & relieve pain

And renews the spirit with energy.

Laugh to lighten the day’s worries

Laugh to relax the muscles.

Laugh to infuse good energies

Laugh as much as you can….

For laughter can shift perspective

Make the moods lighter

When you laugh you brighten this now.

So keep smiling ,find your inner child

Every breath every day!




To life …. in all its dancing glory 🙂

To being all that one can be!

To changing & evolving for the better

To creating hope & possibilities

To exploring the seemingly impossible

To envisioning the capabilities

For life is best lived in expression

Of all that one can be!

So yes to life and living!



Choice rests with you!

Every now presents you with a choice

To be & do what you can

Every moment is full of potential

To engage with possibilities

Truly there is much more beyond

To know and understand

Every thing begins with a choice

And the choice rests with you.



Life in the living

Life is

Inexplicable Uncertainty in the now

Undefinable Strength in the moment

Unimaginable challenges that arise

Infinite possibilities in the potential

Unstoppable hope in the living

Be it in Strength or weakness

Threats to opportunities

Life shapes and moulds in experience

Be it desires, wants or needs

Life is a journey unto itself

Life is a circle in the living.



Creative Ingenuity

Wonderful vocabulary and ingenious indeed!

The human genius behind the pen, has an eloquence in expressing thoughts as much as a methodically structured brain to have attempted this.

Yet I wonder about the creativity of writers….

What makes every writer so very unique?

Simply saying the uniqueness of thoughts is just one part of the equation

There is always more than what meets the eye, there are some life experiences, the books that are read, the nature of nurture, the kind that leaves a certain impression, all that perhaps leaves a diversity of imprints, interespersing the imagination with potent possibilities in the musings.

Every writing has a certain uniqueness of manifestation that unfolds the magic of thought patterns in the structuring and presenting.

From simple to compound to complexity of sentence structures, the choice and arrangement of words and phrases penned, can be both, subtle and stark indicators of the spirit and soul behind the words.

Every writing leaves a soul print.

And every writing can be a journey back home unto the self!



Life and Living

Very nice article by Late Khushwant Singh. Preserve this . 😊

How To Live & Die

I’ve often thought about what it is that makes people happy—what one has to do in order to achieve happiness.

1- First and foremost is good health. If you do not enjoy good health, you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct something from your happiness.

2- Second, a healthy bank balance. It need not run into crores, but it should be enough to provide for comforts, and there should be something to spare for recreation—eating out, going to the movies, travel and holidays in the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be demoralising. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one’s own eyes.

3- Third, your own home. Rented places can never give you the comfort or security of a home that is yours for keeps. If it has garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, and cultivate a sense of kinship with them.

4- Fourth, an understanding companion, be it your spouse or a best friend. If you have too many misunderstandings, it robs you of your peace of mind. It is better to accept the differences than to be quarrelling all the time.

5- Fifth, stop envying those who have done better than you in life—risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.

6- Sixth, do not allow people to descend on you for gossip. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.

7- Seventh, cultivate a hobby or two that will fulfill you—gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks, or to meet celebrities, is a criminal waste of time. It’s important to concentrate on something that keeps you occupied meaningfully.

8- Eighth, every morning and evening devote 20 minutes to meditation or introspection. In the mornings, 10 minutes should be spent in keeping the mind absolutely still, and for listing the things you have to do that day. In the evenings, five minutes should be set aside to keep the mind still and 10 to go over the tasks you had intended to do.

9- Ninth, don’t lose your temper. Try not to be short-tempered, or vengeful. Even when a friend has been rude, just move on.

10- Above all, when the time comes to go, one should go like a Person without any regret or grievance against anyone.

How to live & die: Khushwant Singh’s 10 rules



Discipline may come from education.

But the ability to stay on path is a habit

Education may steer us to discipline.

But discipline takes dedication.

To adhere to the path on you own.

What do you think?



A Sufi Tale

A Sufi Tale:
A merchant from Baghdad entered a Sufi’s shop, which had essence jars on the shelves.
Marveling at the beauty of the place, he asked, “Sir, what is sold here?”
The Sufi replied, “The gifts of God”.

The merchant was surprised with the answer, & asked, “And how much do they cost?”
“Nothing, here all is for free”, said the Sufi, observing carefully, that the traveller could see the labels: “Jugs of Love”; “Jars of Faith”; “Packages of Hope”.

The merchant said, “A big jug of love, all the packages of hope & three jars of faith for me, my friends & my family”.

The Sufi carefully prepared the order & handed him a small box.
Surprised, the merchant exclaimed, “But, but…. how can everything I have asked for, be in this tiny box?”

Smiling, the Sufi replied, “In God’s store, we do not sell fruits, only seeds. You have to sow them.

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In synch

When what you say
And what you do
Are congruent
The effect of your words & deeds
Radiates all around you in resonance.

It’s no wonder then that
In a world that seems so dissonant
Words and deeds need to synch.
In harmony of such synchrony
Faith and trust meet belief
And that’s what makes all the difference.



Why save bees?

Image credits Social Media

Perfect pollinators
Supporting the ecosystems
From wild flowers to food crops

For Interconnections run deep
With the plant and animal kingdom
As much as with all of life and living.

Its said, if bees become extinct as a species
We humans will cease to be, in just four years

They not only produce the nectar of life
Bees sustain the delicate balance
Of the environment of our world.



Being Light

Dance you heart out

Walk your worries away

Talk to lighten the load

Breathe easy

Sleep well

Take on only what you can,

Have and appreciate good memories

Express love and love yourself

Take note of the good always.

Couldn’t agree more…

To be able to let go is to live life lightly.

What about you?

Do you have anything to add to this list



Life and Living

Whenever I come across a heart touching action, or a prose ,a poem or quote I will be sharing it here in this series…

Some people make the world a better place by their thoughts words and deeds...

When the sport turns to a dance…

When the feet move in a rhythm

All its own, in uniqueness

Artistry is acknowledged.

An Inspiring life

See, Brazil’s under 17 footbal coach Amadeu Carlos who is “just” 76 years old.
This is called Brazilian football magic…
He proves “Age is just number.”
Amazing skill, energy and stamina.

This above information is social media forward, yet when decided, I wanted to learn more about him. I found that his age is misconstrued.Yet whatever the age, age is just a number, his skill is clear to see and that’s what is beautiful to see.

Here is a (wiki ) snapshot of his life and living.

Carlos Amadeu Nascimento Lemos was a Brazilian footballer and manager who played as a left back. He represented Bahia as a player before injury curtailed his career. He went on to have a managerial career which spanned almost thirty years.

This is how he sums up his country and its relationship with their favorite sport….“In Brazil when a child is born, the first gift for him is a ball. Our relationship with football is huge. We are a footballing nation and we like that”



Art of Management

Part 2..

On Teams & Leadership

When teams align in purpose
Converging  energies by envisioning
Towards a a common mission.

Streamlining  the processes
Strengthening  the teams
With diversity &  inclusion

Acknowledge a natural fear that creeps in
With every  introduction or exit
Of a new or older member.

Allaying  their fears is allowing
Them to fuse and alloy together
In possibilities of their potential.

True mark  of leadership
Is in the evaluation and application
In guidance and course correcting

Leader paves the path ahead
Leading the way with trustfulness
Empathetic  of their vulnerabilities

Replacing fear with focus to forge ahead
Meeting doubts & insecurity with clarity
Taking decisions to ensure resolutions.

For Teams need empathy and respect
To survive the storms
Both in themselves  and their leader.


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Illusory Perceptions

Power of suggestions

Shapes our perceptions

Perspectives are formed

Associations are conjured

What is , is not all.

Such is the illusions in the perceptions



Pathway to Sanity

Life can challenge us in the living

Each moment can throw us into a maze

That we need to go figure for ourselves 

Personally speaking…

I turn to self reflection and solitude  walking in contemplative introspection, when I need to rebalance  and align myself , as in doing so I am able to understand and reconsider how difficult it has been, given the circumstances and I comfort myself by acknowledging that I have done my best.

I am grateful for this ability to write  and paint my heart away, and express myself through arts, just as much as being kinder and compassionate with myself.  For in every such moment,  I am learning  to be a better me.

I also find great solace in meditative movements and soulful dancing that help me bounce back to normalcy.

In difficult times what keeps you sane?
