Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Cultivate Happiness

If only happiness can be summed up…

How easy it would seem!

But happiness can be elusive

When summoned it is often fleeting

But being able to take stock of your being

Will keep you aware

Of how much happiness is an inside job…

©Savvy Raj


Every Woman Knows

Spirit of a woman




Strength of a woman




Soul of a woman




Savvy Raj

©Savvy Raj


Sensing Light

Light is meant to be the light
Care to sense the light in you.



Power of Sounds

There is something about sound
That the world again is waking up to these days…

Wherever you go
You hear the sounds of music

Healing through harmony
And the magic in the melodies.

Reviving and regenerating us
All is in the energy of the sounds.

Sounds that move us within & beyond
All effects of resonance in our cells

Sensing the sounds in stillness
Sensing in the movements too…

Music heals the spirit & soul.
Such is the power of sound.

© Savvy Raj


Keep refilling

You can never give from an
empty cup.
So keep refreshing
knowledge and understanding
Make sure to breathe easy so
that you are not getting
engulfed in trying to find
solutions for another.
Exercise equanimity and trust
yourself to deliver.
Most importantly take care of
Enjoy the work you do!
And give your very best.
It will certainly bring results.

How to keep refilling your cup…to stay updated.

Many ways.

. Be open to possibilities and perspectives

. Stay humble and sense your foot on the ground… Remember anyone can be a teacher.

. Choose to balance work and play. Respect your time and use it wisely.

. Stay curious. Keep your inner child alive

. Pause to rest and recover when you feel overwhelmed.

. Choose health and happiness.

Keep your self nourished.Self care isn’t selfish.

Do share what ways you keep updating yourself.

© Savvy Raj

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Soul knows

Souls know the truth of their being

Embedded in the journey of life

Soul connection has the power

To heal and life regenerates

A body and spirit is given

So the soul can move…

Movements that flow

Towards its purpose of being.


18thFeb Pune


It’s all in the breath

Anger is like a storm rising up from the bottom of your consciousness. When you feel it coming, turn your focus to your breath.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Healing through breathing…

Here is one of the many techniques that can be practiced in awareness.

Box breathing

A Breathing technique to destress an agitated and tense mind to calm state and improve the mood.

A good practice for all and especially for those with depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD managing pains and insomnia.

The technique is simple and very effective.

1. Sit upright & Start with exhaling air out of your mouth slowly counting 1to 4.

2. Hold for four counts

3. Inhale deeply filling air section by section till it reaches the lungs & abdomen for four counts through your nose.

4.Again hold for four counts

5. Exhale for four counts from the abdomen and lungs slowly.

As a beginner choose a quiet place to begin this mindful practice. You can start by repeating for four times in one setting. Initially it is advisable to gradually take it up. In case you feel a little dizzy go back to your regular breathing and build it again.

The slow breathing and holding is the most important aspect which activates the para sympathetic system and thus helps reduce stress.

You can practice box breathing couple of sets in a day as needed to calm down.

Breathe away the stress

And breathe in ease.

Savvy Raj



Sharing light & love…

Speaking of intentions, I intended to find some time to try something new today. I created this digital art using an app. It’s truly amazing! So many ways to express your creativity! 

What do you think of it?

Adapting to the changing world requires keeping up with the times,  doing the things you love and loving what you do… And most of all living life lovingly!

Every beat of the
heart matters
Every heartfelt
intention makes a
Every moment of time
is precious.
Every blissful heart

© Savvy Raj

#inspirations #intention #love #harmony #bliss #joy #abundance #heartspeaks #creativewriting


Finding You

When you lose your sense of Self

You find yourself

©Savvy Raj


Choose Well

You always have the choice

Choose well in every now…

It is a conscious choice in awareness to be in this now…

It’s about being intentional about what you choose to do.

It is said we are the product of five people we surround ourselves with.

So choose to surround yourself with those who lift your spirits.

Choose to be intentional on being with people who you appreciate and who you enjoy being with.

People who you feel bring out the best in you

And choose to truly care and cherish these people.

Focus on discovering your joyful paths in life

You can make your life a joyful journey whenever you choose to honour & enjoy the moment at hand.

Be in this now!

© Savvy Raj


Part of something bigger

Every time you connect
With nature in any form
You realize…
You are part of something bigger
That there is so much more
Of spaces between the steps
You acknowledge…
The light of  life and living
The strength of the interconnects.

You become aware
In feeling & sensing the mystical in you…
And the potential of you in the universe
How much you matter…
You are part of something bigger!

©Savvy Raj


Strengthen your feet

Sitting for long hours at work can be rather stressful for those who have sedentary work. In such cases taking good care of your feet health is very important for your heart and overall health.

What can you do besides wearing comfortable shoes, soaking your feet in warm salt water after work,
massaging your feet from time to time.

However when at work you can
incorporate a simple practice of taking a short walk every one hour to break monotony and reduce the impact of long hours of sitting in a chair.

As a Ballroom dance teacher I used some simple props for my students to help strengthen their feet.

Elevating your feet when ever possible, can reduce pressure on the blood vessels, lowering fatigue and release stress.

One is simply rolling a tennis ball under your feet for a few times in a day to release the strain and

Another easy way is to
have a small terry towel under
your feet and to try to lift it by
scrunching your helps
tone, stretch & ease your feet

They are both easy to carry and can help you do a feet workout as you work.

Do try and let me know if it helps.

©Savvy Raj

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On breath

Our breath…

An ignition to life and living
this world
No matter what form or species
And its the breath that is left
Behind that signifies the exit.

How important is this breath.
That we all take for granted
Gratitude and thankfulness
To this driving force of life
To nature for the air we breathe.

How important is this breath
For in the way of the breath
Lies the way of our health.
For in the depth of breathing
We can integrate our body, mind & spirit
We can sense the synergy of being
We can awaken our true potential.
We can become aware of the infinite potential.
For the truths of life, is in the inhale and exhale.



Music & moods

Play on…

When you are in the mood for music, play on

When you are feeling low, play on

When you are exhausted and tired and you want to revive your mood play on

Music is therapeutic and the healing
nature of sound energy can be tuned
into to change your mood & manage
emotions and lift your spirits.

Take some time to create an upbeat
playlist that perks you up and
engerizes you and get up from your
chair to move arounda bit.

Take a short walk every once in a while. with some great music for company..It will
bring a spring in your step and smile
in your heart.

In fact for every part of
the day, you can have a playlist of
your own choice. Take time to create
yours… if you haven’t already and do
listen… The right music makes a
powerful difference.

Play on…



A Prayer Answered


In the bowing is a prayer answered
In the kneeling to the cosmic connects
Acknowledge the grace that’s revered
And the blessings that protects

Sense the touch of the angels around
Feel the flow of divinity in the haloed healing light abound…
Embrace the moments in silence and serenity.


Artwork Titled- ‘Blessings’ Painting by Savvy Raj

My painting ‘Blessings’, came to me almost as a flow… It spoke much to me as I brushed in serenity-of-silence with the colours it was as if it was meant to manifest itself and all along I sensed I was simply a channel.

Savvy Raj