Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Joy’s of Stretching

Reaching across just a little more
Every extension  is inclusive
To move beyond in space
To explore in a trustful  knowing

A dare into the unknown
To find a new space and be expansive
To forsee the connection with faith
In spaces beyond the limited.

Discover  your truths
Root the self and stretch

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You have it all!

You come into this world bearing gifts
To live the life you have.

Your soul your spirit, your energy
You have the power of thoughts

These gifts are yours
Use them well in life

You are blessed with uniqueness
You are ordained to manifest all you deeply intend.

Your soul is fired by your spirit
Your passion is fired by your purpose.

Simply trust your heart
It knows the way!



Embody Love

My personal mantra…

Live the life you love and love the life you live!

What happens when you embody love…

You reinforce the power of trust

You reiterate the value of life

You reinstate respect for life

Every life that is powered by love

Is tuned into deeper consciousness

Knowing there is always something more…

Than just the superficial nature.

Threaded interconnects that runs across

In this web of life and living.

Love connects us all

As we embody love

All roads leads home.

Such is the path of love.

Embody love!



5 Tips on Anger Management

A story share on Anger Management

There was a saint, who was never affected or angry at anyone, how much ever anyone ill treated or insulted him.

His disciple was intrigued by this nature and wanted to know the secret of his calmth.

When he asked the saint, the saint patiently explains how he conquered his anger.

“I had this long time habit of meditating while sitting in an empty boat on a lake. While doing so, once when I was in deep meditation suddenly another boat hit my boat . I was so angry to know who was so careless to disturb my meditation. But when I opened my eyes in anger I saw an empty boat which was moved by the blowing wind and hit my boat. I realised my anger was unaimed as it was an empty boat .

So when ever I get angry I remembered it n think this is an empty boat too and became quiet.

Our anger affects us in 3 ways.

1.It affects our wisdom
2.It affects our body
3.It affects our behavior.

Now you know the secret of my calm nature.”

The truly strong person is not the one who controls others by physical strength, but the one who can control himself from his anger.

This simple story elucidates  the necessity of  self reflection and awareness  of the negative effects of anger on oneself  as much as others.
Anger is often a result of frustration and feeling blocked . The reactions  can escalate out of control in time.

Uncontrolled Anger ruins life and living.

Anger is  damaging  and destructive.

It is important to  break free from its vicious cycle.

Here are 5 tips for breaking free of Anger cycle.

1. Taking some ‘ me time out ‘ everyday.

2.Thinking before Speaking 

3 Practicing Forgiveness & Letting go.

4 Using Humor to Diffuse Tension

5 Using Relaxation Methods for Calming

There is a need to acknowledge  anger patterns and work on the triggers that affect. So more than prevention by suppression it is better to understand  the loss of control  of words and actions and channelize it well.
Like a  little time out for self  could be about engaging  in physical exercise,  dancing , music  gardening, any hobby or reading a book,  regular meditation or simply witnessing nature .
All are very helpful in bringing back a sense of balance in our perspectives of thinking and creating  a space between  our steps.🙂

Always remember, it is important to know it is completely ok to seek professional help to manage anger when it is affecting our life and the lives around us.



5 steps to Self Care.

Feeling Enmeshed?

1Are you feeling enmeshed in life and living?

2 Do you feel you are often taken for granted?
3Are you feeling you are giving more than you are receiving?
4Are you trying to do more than you actually can?
5Are you feeling criticized for everything good you do?
6Are your kind and benevolent intentions disrespected by your loved ones?
7Are you feeling threatened into submission?
8Are you feeling tightened by your own net of people whom you love?
9Are you gasping to breathe free?
10 Are you feeling a loss of control and confidence in daily life?
If you have answered more yes than no then chances are you are truly enmeshed and need help.
You need to redefine boundaries and clarify your stance.
Often creating boundaries is confused with being unapproachable and seen to be controlling and limiting.
But often it is about creating a space for the self, as much as to draw a line for others so that they dont tread all over you.
Caring for the self matters and one can be empowering and empathetic at the same time.
So it is important to know your needs matters and that it is not necessary to say yes to every thing and every one. You need to to learn to take a stance and set your boundary that allows another to respect your being.
Only when you establish your stance you create healthy boundaries for others to take you seriously and not take advantage of your kindness.
It is important to know where you end and another begins.Then you learn to be in relationships and yet be yourself fully as you are and not full of yourself.
Expanding your sense of self can be challenging as well. Simply understand all of life is valuable in it’s own special way including you . In respecting life and living you convey the value and responsibility of mutual coexistence.
5 Steps to gaining control of your life begins with you.
1.Know you are alive and not simply existing.
2. Be assertive but not arrogant
3. Be confident and speak with clarity.
4. Remember your purpose in life and communicate.
5. Build on your strengths to thrive.



Finding a friend…

Do you work yourself too hard, Searching for a friend
Fear not, for there are many sailing in the same boat.
Finding a friend in another
Is seeing a mutual joy of being
With one another whatever the interest
In seeing not necessarily eye to eye
But sensing the heart to heart in life and living.

Blessed are you to receive a true friendship
And the onus is on you to truly appreciate it.
For no matter the years, friendship never die
If there is value for the friendship

Treasure the blessing of a good friend.
Nurture the relationship the best you can.
Have spaces in your togetherness
So that you gather life experiences to muse upon.

A good friend listens and speaks from the heart and mind.
A true friendship is often blatant to the point of being brutally honest.
All for the sake of evolving for the better
And such are the friendships that withstand the test of time.

Finding friends is wonderful

But staying friends makes all the difference.


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Secrets of Living Well!

Secrets of living life well are no secrets at all.

Healthy mind, heart and body is about thinking well, eating well and  being active in life.
Good health is all also about being able to live happy with cheer enthusiasm  and zest for life.
A life lived lovingly without feeling shackled, exhausted and fearful is well lived.
A life is best lived that feels every now matters enough to help make a positive difference. 



Making Your Soul Smile

What is it that makes your soul smile?
What is it that gets you going in a jiffy?
What is it that makes your heart race?
What is it that feels like a divine plan?

What is it that connects ‘you to your core?

What is it that resonates to you?

What is it that feels just right to you?
You will know it all at the right time.
And once you do, just follow your path.
You will make your soul smile😇


Joy Of Writing

Today I touched a milestone on WordPress.

Have completed more than 365 days of writing a post every single day.

WordPress reminds me I have written a post every day for 365 days in a row.
Here I reminisce about my experience of writing a post every day on WordPress.

What is it to write 365 days consecutively?
A lot of passion patience and perseverance.
But above all is the joy of writing…

Looking back I realise the amount of contentment in the personal fulfilment of a promise I made to myself to write every day for a year.

The 365 days have certainly had their share of relocation, health issues medical emergencies, and ensuing operations and recovery phase, marriages and demise in the family and a host of all those sudden changes of both the personal and professional kind that is prone to occur in the span of an entire year’s time.

But the whole idea for me was to see how committed I was to my writing and if writing every day would make me short of ideas ever.

What was the purpose? Simply to see if I can truly sustain in making time to do something I love and enjoy every bit of it for a long period of time.

The only clause I set for my self is to never write with a pressure to publish but to write with a passion for self-expression and send out positively charged messages through these words into space… hoping it will make a difference!

My heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful readers and followers for your support and insights that sparked much of the creativity.

Some would take time to share relevant quotes and resources, some beautiful thoughts that were truly inspiring and some would send emails sharing their personal stories and experiences and even express a desire to connect and collaborate on artistic endeavours.

So this year of committed and consistent writing on varied topics has had its rewards too inspite of the grind. Like an offer for conducting my dance workshops. an opportunity to speak on motivation and womens empowement, invitations to judge local school competitions, write and compile a book of these blogs and two enquiries to ghostwrite their books. More importantly to have come across some truly amazing people and their writings many of who have turned into great friends here in these interactions.

Good start I would say! There is, after all, no writer without a reader. Thank you all for your generous words and comments that kept pouring in motivation required to continue in those challenging times.

Looking back at the posts published, I found my life experiences of the day moving like imagery through these words and I am truly happy to have written and published my positive reflections in time.

Sharing my thoughts on what writing truly is to me in verses…

The Joy Of Writing

Never force the words out
For then there is no joy.
In fact, let your words flow from you
And remember you are just a channel.

The giving vessel will pour the words
Water this gift of creativity.
Your innate sense of understanding
Will summarize and summon the words for you.

Be proactive and prepared.
Provide time for reflections.
Reference from life and experiences.
Contemplate and convey.

The joy of writing is in the trust
Of allowing and accepting
The endless possibilities
Of creativity in the flow.

Know your thoughts are unique
In the way, they arrive and arrange
In the flow is the magic
That is playing out through you.

Enjoy witnessing the tumble through
Of words in their own arrangement.
Trust in yourself and your maker
For all is pre ordained in time.

Savvy Raj



Smile no matter what
As you are truly meant to
Everything aligns in time
As it is meant to!

Smile and keep the cheer on
For it gives you strength
To face your fears head on
And you know you can beat the odds

Smile but make sure…
To smile from the heart
For it keeps your heart happy
Your body is at ease

Smile touching base with authenticity
Allow your eyes show its crinkles
Let your words express yourself
Sense the joy of a simple smile.

Keep  smiling  keep living
Live life lovingly
Smile whenever you can
Your smile will lighten
Up the moment for sure.

Remember smiling is  easy
It’s not too hard to put out a smile
Even in your darkest  days
When you smile you feel good

And create a positive impact.

Make sure to think well and be nice
For thoughts change with just a smile
So curve your lips upwards right now
And send out a smile to the world. 🙂



The Essence Of The Art of Dance

The Essence of the Art of Dance

To dance is to honour your body in every move.

To dance is to sense the freedom of the spirit.

To dance is being human to value all that you love.

To dance is to breathe in the soulful connects.

To dance is to tune in to every new moment.

To dance is to inspire another to unleash their shackles.

To dance is to meditate with creative intent.

To dance is to breathe in the wisdom of the creative spirit.

Ms. Savvy Raj
Member International  Dance Council


The path of the heart!

Dance the path of the heart

You are an energy field and possess unique energy. What is learning to dance going to do to you?

Dancing regularly opens blockages that were and channelizes your energy and brings your rational emotional and physical self to alignment gradually. Nothing is ever achieved in a hurry similarly the effects and impact movements can have to our mental makeup is a gradual process. Change albeit a certainty, it remains to be experienced, how focused learning and shifts of perspectives through training happen, and where and what the positive changes evolve into.

Often learning to dance is looked at very superficially as a means to entertainment. It depends on the individual desire for fulfilment, as much as the wants and needs to steer and shift the energy to focus.

An artistic expression of movements has the power to engage audiences as much as empower them with feelings from excitement to ecstasy bringing the emotions to surface and evolve the spirit.

There is then a greater responsibility in imparting holistic education in art. There is the need to clarify the content and channelize art with care as it has the capacity to mould the impressionable, pliable adaptable, receptive, flexible mind and body of an interested and eager learner.

The path of traversing through the heart of movements unfolds lessons to reach the connectedness between the spirit and soul. A journey in patience, with passionate perseverance.

Dance is truly a path of the heart.

Savvy Raj


Dance of the Sky

Came across my earlier painting capturing the dance of the Northern lights Aura Borealis at night from the seashore and it lead me to pen a few reflections on the dance of the sky…

Dance of the sky

What is it about the Polar lights
That compels me to travel some day
To take a chance and brave the cold?

Aurora Borealis
The dance of lights
Up in the sky.

Ethereal to behold
Waltzing colors
Enchanting vision

Of  fluctuating solar winds
In the magnetosphere
That pull you to witness

The thrilling spectacle.
Of Optical emissions
Stirring magical emotions!



Live life lovingly!

Shape life ❤fully!

Life is lived in every moment
For life is unpredictable
And so full of surprises and wonder

Life is best lived
In valuing the now
Respecting life
For what it is
As then you discover
The magic that life truly is.

Shape life heartfully❤
Live mindfully
Be present and be engaged
Live life lovingly.


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The Journey

In every moment of time…

Care to be rooted to the stillness in your movements .
Acknowledge gratefully this strength in the rootedness.’
